267 research outputs found

    Ravintola Marttilan tallin ydinprosessikuvauksilla laadunhallintaan

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli ravintola Marttilan tallin lounasprosessin ja tilausravintolan asiakkaiden hankintaprosessin kuvaukset. Ravintolan kahden ydinprosessin kehittämisen ja uudistamisen päämääränä on parantaa suorituskykyä ja laadunhallintaa. Samalla pyritään tuottamaan asiakkaalle lisäarvoa tuottavaa sisältöä ja minimoimaan arvoa tuottamattomat työt. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli parantaa prosessien johtamista, lisätä asiakas- ja työtyytyväisyyttä sekä kustannustehokkuutta. Kehittämisprojektin laadullisena tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin strukturoitua kyselyä ja teemahaastattelua. Kyselyn ja teemahaastattelun lisäksi on käytetty piilohavainnointia ryhmän sisällä jo ennen tutkimusta. Osallistuva havainnointi on auttanut tutkimusaineiston keräämisessä tuomalla esille hiljaista tietoa. Tutkimukseen osallistui ravintolan kahdeksan työntekijää huhtikuussa 2011. Työn tuloksena saatiin kaksi ydinprosessikuvausta ravintolan toiminnan kehittämisen välineeksi. Ydinprosessikuvaukset sisältävät useita toiminnan kannalta kriittisiä tekijöitä ja toiminnan kehittäminen on selkiytynyt niiden avulla. Työn avulla saatiin siirrettyä ravintolan tärkeää hiljaista tietoa näkyväksi. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että ravintolapäällikkö sai lounasprosessin ja tilausravintolan asiakkaiden hankintaprosessin avulla paljon ideoita päätöksentekoon ja suunnitteluun. Ideoiden ja kehittämisen avulla tulee asiakaspalvelun laatu ja työtyytyväisyys paranemaan. Lounasprosessin johtamiseen ja ohjaukseen löytyi työvälineitä. Tilausravintolan asiakkaiden hankintaprosessin kuvaus toi esiin esimiehen oman tehtäväkentän kehittämisen tärkeysjärjestyksen. Lounasprosessi ja tilausravintolan asiakkaiden hankintaprosessi ovat vasta osa toiminnan kehittämistä. Kehittymisen tuloksia voidaan aidosti mitata vasta kaikkien yrityksen neljän erillisen prosessin ja niiden neljän ydinprosessin mallintamisen ja käyttöönoton jälkeen. Prosessikuvaus tulee jatkumaan ainakin tärkeimpien kilpailukykyä tuottavien prosessien osalta. Kehittämisessä tulee huomioida se, että keskittyminen ja satsaaminen yhden prosessin uudistamiseen, saattaa vastaavasti heikentää toisia prosesseja.The subject of the thesis was the description of lunch restaurant Marttilan Talli's lunch process and customer acquisition process. The aim of the development of the two core processes of the restaurant is to improve the performance and quality management. The aim is also to produce customer value added content and to minimize the amount of unproductive work. The aim of the thesis was to improve process management and to increase customer and employee satisfaction as well as cost effectiveness. The qualitative research method of the thesis was a structured enquiry and theme interview. In addition to the enquiry and the interview the researcher used hidden observation within the group before the study. Participatory observation has helped in collecting the research material by bringing up tacit knowledge. Eight restaurant employees participated in the study in April 2011. The result was two core process descriptions to use as a tool in the development of the restaurant operations. The core process descriptions contain a large number of critical factors and have clarified the operational development. Through the results the important tacit knowledge of the restaurant was made visible. It can be concluded, that the restaurant manager obtained many ideas for decision-making and planning through the study. These ideas will improve the quality of customer service and enhance job satisfaction. Also, tools for management and control of the lunch process were found. The description of the customer acquisition process brought up the priority order of the development of managers duties. The lunch process and customer acquisition process is only one part of the development work. The development results can truly be measured first after four separate processes and their core process modellings and implementation. The process description will continue at least for the major competitiveness producing processes. It should be taken into account in the development work, that focusing and investing in one process may weaken the other processes

    Enriching Everyday Experience with a Digital Service: Case Study in Rural Retail Store

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    A novel omnichannel service concept was developed and piloted in the context of everyday retail service environment. A starting point for the new service was a need to provide the customers of a small rural retail store with wider selection of goods through integrating web shopping interface to the store’s service processes. One of the driving design principles was to achieve a seamless service experience by a fusion of web and physical retail channels. The findings from the case study were analysed from the viewpoint of store customers and personnel. Over half of the interviewed customers stated they were likely to use the novel retail service in the future. Previous experience with online shopping appeared to have a direct, positive effect on the customers’ willingness to adopt the service into use. The hands-on demonstration was proved to be an advantageous way for introducing the novel service to potential users. Personnel’s attitudes towards the service concept were in general enthusiastic and positive; however the service also invoked some initial concerns mostly related to additional work load. The personnel also clearly appreciated the positive effects of the new service on the store and customers

    Long-Term Consequences of Puumala Hantavirus Infection

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    Several viral infections are associated with acute and long-term complications. During the past two years, there have been many reports on post-infectious symptoms of the patients suffering from COVID-19 disease. Serious complications occasionally occur during the acute phase of Puumala orthohantavirus caused nephropathia epidemica. Severe long-term consequences are rare. Fatigue for several weeks is quite common. Hormonal insufficiencies should be excluded if the patient does not recover normally.Peer reviewe

    Neutrophil Activation in Acute Hemorrhagic Fever With Renal Syndrome Is Mediated by Hantavirus-Infected Microvascular Endothelial Cells

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    Hantaviruses cause hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) in humans. Both diseases are considered to be immunologically mediated but the exact pathological mechanisms are still poorly understood. Neutrophils are considered the first line of defense against invading microbes but little is still known of their role in virus infections. We wanted to study the role of neutrophils in HFRS using blood and tissue samples obtained from Puumala hantavirus (PUUV)-infected patients. We found that neutrophil activation products myeloperoxidase and neutrophil elastase, together with interleukin-8 (the major neutrophil chemotactic factor in humans), are strongly elevated in blood of acute PUUV-HFRS and positively correlate with kidney dysfunction, the hallmark clinical finding of HFRS. These markers localized mainly in the tubulointerstitial space in the kidneys of PUUV-HFRS patients suggesting neutrophil activation to be a likely component of the general immune response toward hantaviruses. We also observed increased levels of circulating extracellular histones at the acute stage of the disease supporting previous findings of neutrophil extracellular trap formation in PUUV-HFRS. Mechanistically, we did not find evidence for direct PUUV-mediated activation of neutrophils but instead primary blood microvascular endothelial cells acquired a pro-inflammatory phenotype and promoted neutrophil degranulation in response to PUUV infection in vitro. These results suggest that neutrophils are activated by hantavirus-infected endothelial cells and may contribute to the kidney pathology which determines the severity of HFRS.Peer reviewe

    Long-Term Consequences of Puumala Hantavirus Infection

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    Several viral infections are associated with acute and long-term complications. During the past two years, there have been many reports on post-infectious symptoms of the patients suffering from COVID-19 disease. Serious complications occasionally occur during the acute phase of Puumala orthohantavirus caused nephropathia epidemica. Severe long-term consequences are rare. Fatigue for several weeks is quite common. Hormonal insufficiencies should be excluded if the patient does not recover normally

    Epidemic nephropathy

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