6 research outputs found

    Parvovirus nonstructural protein 2 interacts with chromatin-regulating cellular proteins

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    Autonomous parvoviruses encode at least two nonstructural proteins, NS1 and NS2. While NS1 is linked to important nuclear processes required for viral replication, much less is known about the role of NS2. Specifically, the function of canine parvovirus (CPV) NS2 has remained undefined. Here we have used proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) to screen for nuclear proteins that associate with CPV NS2. Many of these associations were seen both in noninfected and infected cells, however, the major type of interacting proteins shifted from nuclear envelope proteins to chromatin-associated proteins in infected cells. BioID interactions revealed a potential role for NS2 in DNA remodeling and damage response. Studies of mutant viral genomes with truncated forms of the NS2 protein suggested a change in host chromatin accessibility. Moreover, further studies with NS2 mutants indicated that NS2 performs functions that affect the quantity and distribution of proteins linked to DNA damage response. Notably, mutation in the splice donor site of the NS2 led to a preferred formation of small viral replication center foci instead of the large coalescent centers seen in wild-type infection. Collectively, our results provide insights into potential roles of CPV NS2 in controlling chromatin remodeling and DNA damage response during parvoviral replication.Peer reviewe

    Bursiitit:diagnostiikka ja hoito

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    Tiivistelmä Syvät limapussit ovat synnynnäisiä rakenteita, kun taas pinnalliset bursat kehittyvät kuormituksen ­seurauksena. Pinnallisten infektiivisten bursiittien hoitona on ripeä antibioottihoidon aloitus limapussin punktion ja ­bakteeriviljelyn jälkeen. Pinnallisten inflammatoristen bursiittien hoitona on punktio ja lepo. Kuormitusperäisiin syviin bursiitteihin käytetyt kortikosteroidi-injektiot voivat lievittää oireita, ­mutta niistä ei ole pitkävaikutteista hyötyä. Syvissä bursiiteissa tulee huomioida usein taustalla vaikuttava lisääntynyt tai poikkeava epäsuora ­mekaaninen kuormitus, tarvittaessa kuntoutuksen avulla.English summary Diagnosis and treatment of bursitis A bursa is a structure that reduces friction between soft tissues and bony structures. Bursitis can be either aseptic or septic. Aseptic bursitis is more frequent. Septic bursitis occurs mainly in superficial bursae. Infection in deep bursae is less frequent. The diagnosis of superficial bursitis is fairly straightforward based on clinical examination, but imaging can be useful in some cases. Treatment consists of aspiration of the bursa and relative rest. The diagnosis of deep bursitis is more challenging and ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging can be helpful in reaching the diagnosis. Indirect mechanical loading is a common contributing factor in deep bursitis, and tendinopathy findings are frequent in adjacent tendons. The treatment in the acute phase consists of relative rest and medication. However, when aiming for long-term effects, improvement in the loading tolerance of the bursa and the loading capacity of the adjacent tendons should be targeted in rehabilitation. Corticosteroid injections can be useful in the short-term, but they do not have any long-term benefit and, thus, the use of injections should be considered carefully. Surgery is required infrequently

    ADHD symptoms and maladaptive achievement strategies : the reciprocal prediction of academic performance beyond the transition to middle school

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    This longitudinal study examined how two externalising behaviour problems, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and conduct disorder (CDs), are associated over time with low motivation (MAS), and how these problems effect academic performance. In our cross-lagged analysis, we found reciprocal effects between ADHD symptoms and MAS between Grades 5 and 6. Both domains also negatively predicted later academic performance. With CDs and MAS, no cross-lagged effects were found, although both were correlated and very stable over time, and negatively predicted later academic performance. These different kinds of externalising problem behaviours seem to differ in the way in which they interact with students’ MAS and academic performance in the long term. Students with ADHD symptoms are likely to be more vulnerable to negative learning experiences and the development of MAS than students with CDs.peerReviewe

    ADHD-symptoms and transition to middle school : the effects of academic and social adjustment

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    This longitudinal study examined the cross-lagged relationships of ADHD symptoms, school adjustment and academic performance during the transition from primary to middle school (Grades 6–7) in a Finnish community sample (N = 311). We found that the mechanisms were different for boys and girls: for boys (N = 149) the effect ADHD symptoms had on academic performance mediated via maladaptive achievement strategies, but for girls (N = 162) the effects on lowering Grade 7 academic performance were direct. In addition, ADHD symptoms were associated with SES and pedagogical support only among boys.peerReviewe

    EuReCa ONEâżż27 Nations, ONE Europe, ONE Registry

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