251 research outputs found

    Mi amigo Mutis

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    El cataclismo de Damocles

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    Hoy, 6 de agosto de 1986, existen en el mundo más de cincuenta mil ojivas nucleares emplazadas. En términos caseros, esto quiere decir que cada ser humano, sin excluir a los niños, está sentado en un barril con unas cuatro toneladas de dinamita, cuya explosión total pude eliminar doce veces todo rastro de vida en la Tierra. La potencia de aniquilación de esta amenaza colosal, que pende sobre nuestras cabezas como un cataclismo de Damocles, plantea la posibilidad teórica de inutilizar cuatro planetas más que los que giran alrededor del sol, y de influir en el equilibrio del sistema solar. Ninguna ciencia, ningún arte, ninguna industria se ha doblado a sí misma tantas veces como la industria nuclear desde su origen, hace 41 años, ni ninguna otra creación del ingenio humano ha tenido nunca tanto poder de determinación sobre el destino del mund

    Mensaje para la paz en Colombia 1998

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    No abstract available"La virtud magnífica de los colombianos es la creatividad. Nacemos y crecemos con ella pero la mayoría se muere sin haberla ejercido por culpa de una educación dogmática, conformista y represiva que parece concebida aposta para tirarse la felicidad. ¿Son estas las cuentas que vamos a rendir sobre el embrión de patria que nos legaron los fundadores? Creo que no. Redimir y privilegiar nuestro poder creativo como una riqueza natural, invaluable y despilfarrada, debe ser la llave maestra para rescatar a Colombia de su propio infierno...".Datos de la foto de contraportada:El balígrafo de la pazEl "balígrafo" que el Presidente de Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, le regaló a Timoleón Jiménez 'Timochenko', jefe de la FARC-EP, en plena ceremonia de la firma del acuerdo de paz en La Habana. Grabado con el siguiente mensaje: “Las balas marcaron nuestro pasado. La educación, nuestro futuro”

    La carga de Metadatos en OJS: una revisión práctica (16 de agosto 2023)

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    The loading of metadata into OJS is a very important process for proper indexing andretrieval. This test summary is designed to be used in training contexts and to illustratethe proper loading of metadata, a responsibility shared by the author, publisher, and allparticipants in the OJS publishing process.La carga de metadatos en OJS es un proceso muy importante paera la adecuada indexación y recuperación de los mismos. Este resumen de prueba está diseñado con el fin de que se pueda utilizar en los contextos de capacitación e ilustrar el correcto cargue de los metadatos, responsabilidad compartida entre autor, editor y todos los partícipes del proceso editorial en OJS

    Resistencia a los antihelmínticos en nematodos gastrointestinales de bovinos en municipios de Cundinamarca y Boyacá

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    A study was conducted in 36 farms of the Bogotá Savannah, Ubaté and Chiquinquirá Valleys and Tequendama Region (Cundinamarca), to determine via in vivo egg reduction count test (ERCT) antihelmintics resistance to bovine gastrointestinal nematodes. Resistance was determined in. 40 calves, three to 12 months of age, allotted to four groups of ten animals each one: 1) control (untreated); 2) albendazol 25% (5 mg/kg); 3) ivermectin 1% (0.2 mg/kg) and 4) levamisol 18.8% (1 mg/kg). By feces cultivation techniques, six genera were identified, Cooperia spp. being the predominant one. Resistance was determined when the ERCT was below 95% and the lowest 95% confidence interval limit was 90. Resistance was found in 25% of the farms: albendazol and ivermectin resistance was detected in 17% and 8% of the farms, respectively. Cooperia spp. was involved in both compounds. Average egg per gram (epg) of feces reduction after treatments with ivermectin, albendazol and levamisol, was 97.89% ± 6% (66% - 100%); 95.9% ± 9.3% (51% - 100%) and 99.4% ± 0.92% (97.6 - 100%), respectively. Resistance to levamisol was not detected. Risk factors associated with resistance were: worming of adult cattle, wrong dosage regarding body weight and use of the same active ingredient for more than four years.   En 36 fincas lecheras de la Sabana de Bogotá, los Valles de Ubaté y Chiquinquirá y la Región del Tequendama (Cundinamarca, Colombia) se determinó la resistencia a los antihelmínticos en nematodos gastrointestinales de bovinos mediante la prueba in vivo de la reducción del conteo de huevos (RCH). En cada finca se seleccionaron 40 bovinos de tres a 12 meses de edad, los cuales se distribuyeron en cuatro grupos de 10 animales: 1) control (no tratado), 2) albendazol 25% (dosis: 5 mg/kg peso vivo), 3) ivermectina 1% (0,2 mg/kg) y 4) levamisol 18,8% (1 mg/kg). En cada grupo se identificaron mediante coprocultivos seis géneros de parásitos siendo Cooperia spp. el predominante. La resistencia se declaró cuando el porcentaje de RCH fue menor de 95% y el límite inferior del intervalo de confianza (95%), menor a 90. El 25% de las fincas presentó resistencia: en 17% se detectó resistencia al albendazol y en 8% a la ivermectina; para estos dos antihelmínticos, Cooperia spp. fue el nematodo gastrointestinal involucrado. El promedio de reducción de huevos por gramo de heces (hpg), luego de los tratamientos con ivermectina, albendazol y levamisol, fue de 97,89% ± 6% (66% - 100%), 95,9% ± 9,3% (51% - 100%) y 99,4% ± 0,92% (97,6% - 100%), respectivamente. No se detectó resistencia al levamisol. Los factores de riesgo asociados con la resistencia fueron: vermifugación de bovinos adultos, dosificación no acorde con el peso de los animales y uso de un mismo principio activo por un tiempo mayor de cuatro años.  

    Parallel computing technologies in video stabilization for teaching purposes

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    [Abstract] In this paper, the development of a video-stabilization program is described as part of the training in the subject Parallel Architectures in the Degree in Computer Engineering of the University of Vigo. The purpose is to take advantage of the parallelism methodologies in processors to teach students about computer vision and use it in applications like vibration sensors for maintenance in Industry 4.0 or computer vision for the autonomous vehicle. The main tool to implement this program is the C programming language and the OpenCV libraryMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad; Project No 586035- EPP-1-2017-1-DZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JPMinisterio de Ciencia y Tecnología; DPI2016-79278-C2-2-

    Surprise-induced enhancements in the associability of Pavlovian cues facilitate learning across behavior systems

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    Surprising violations of outcome expectancies have long been known to enhance the associability of Pavlovian cues; that is, the rate at which the cue enters into further associations. The adaptive value of such enhancements resides in promoting new learning in the face of uncertainty. However, it is unclear whether associability enhancements reflect increased associative plasticity within a particular behavior system, or whether they can facilitate learning between a cue and any arbitrary outcome, as suggested by attentional models of conditioning. Here, we show evidence consistent with the latter hypothesis. Violating the outcome expectancies generated by a cue in an appetitive setting (feeding behavior system) facilitated subsequent learning about the cue in an aversive setting (defense behavior system). In addition to shedding light on the nature of associability enhancements, our findings offer the neuroscientist a behavioral tool to dissociate their neural substrates from those of other, behavior system- or valence-specific changes. Moreover, our results present an opportunity to utilize associability enhancements to the advantage of counterconditioning procedures in therapeutic contexts.National Institute on Drug Abuse 5R00DA036561National Institute on Drug Abuse 1R15DA051795Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN) PID2019-110739 GB-I0

    Between-session reliability of performance and asymmetry variables obtained during unilateral and bilateral countermovement jumps in basketball players

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    This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019- 110074GB-I00 / SRA (State Research Agency) /10.13039/501100011033).This study aimed to evaluate the between-session reliability of single-leg performance and asymmetry variables during unilateral and bilateral countermovement jumps (CMJ). Twenty-three basketball players completed two identical sessions which consisted of four unilateral CMJs (two with each leg) and two bilateral CMJs. Mean and peak values of force, velocity and power, impulse, and jump height were obtained separately for each leg using a dual force platform. All performance variables presented an acceptable reliability (CVrange = 4.05-9.98%) with the exceptions of jump height for the unilateral CMJs and mean power, peak velocity, peak power, and impulse for the left leg during the bilateral CMJ (CV >= 11.0%). Nine out of 14 variables were obtained with higher reliability during the unilateral CMJ (CVratio >= 1.16), and 4 out of 14 during the bilateral CMJ (CVratio >= 1.32). Asymmetry variables always showed an unacceptable reliability (ICCrange = 0.15-0.64) and poor/slight levels of agreement in direction (Kappa(range) = -0.10 to 0.15) for the unilateral CMJ, while an acceptable reliability (ICCrange = 0.74-0.77) and substantial levels of agreement in direction (Kappa(range) = 0.65 to 0.74) were generally obtained for the bilateral CMJ. These results suggest that single-leg performance can be obtained with higher reliability during the unilateral CMJ, while the bilateral CMJ provides more consistent measures of inter-limb asymmetries.Spanish Government PID2019110074GB-I00/SR

    Are You Prepared to Save a Life? Nursing Students’ Experience in Advanced Life Support Practice

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    The objective of this study was to explore the experiences and perceptions of nursing students after applying advanced life support techniques on a hospitalised patient in cardiac arrest in a simulated setting. A qualitative descriptive phenomenological study was conducted. Fifty-four nursing students from the University of Almería (Spain) participated. Three main themes and six subthemes were identified, which illustrate the experiences and perceptions of nursing students about performing advanced life support. The main themes were: (1) Analysing practice as part of the learning process, with the subthemes “working in an unknown environment” and “acquiring knowledge as the key to success”; (2) Facing reality: nursing students’ perceptions of an emergency situation, with the subthemes “facing stressful elements” and “emotional impact in emergency situations”; (3) Experience as a key element to integrating advanced life support into the healthcare setting, with the subthemes “discovering and facing the experience as a team” and “linking and transferring the situation to a real clinical setting”. The nursing students reported that the process of practising for an emergency situation through simulation was a fundamental part of their training, as it allowed them to acquire skills necessary for emergency situations and improve their clinical performance in advanced life support. In addition, they considered the experience a key element in integrating advanced life support into the healthcare setting. The results of this study highlight the need to develop and implement training programs focused on clinical and teamwork skills in nursing programs