14 research outputs found


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    This paper attempts to discuss Harrod's growth model as an inspiration for the appearance of the first generafion post-keynesian growth and income distribution models (basically Robinson and Kaldor theories) and also study these models in the light of what was known in the literature as a Hanod's knife edge. After analyzing Harrod's model, in the following sections we study Robinson's and Kaldor's models, respectively. Both criticize Harrod's theory due to his failure in dealing explicitly with profit rate and income distribution. These criticisms are based on the rejection of the knife edge, i.e., that there was only one warranted rate. Robinson's and Kaldor's answer was that existed several saving rates related to diferent social classes. Thus, the problem of a single warranted rate vanished. In the final section, a short comparison of Robinson's and Kaldor's ideas is discussed.Este artigo procura discutir o modelo de crescimento de Harrod enquanto fonte de motivação para o aparecimento dos modelos de crescimento e distribuição pós-keynesianos de primeira geração (as teorias de Robinson e Kaldor), como também estudar estes modelos diante do que ficou conhecido na literatura como o fio da navalha de Harrod. Após analisarmos inicialmente o modelo de Harrod, nas seções seguintes, estudamos os modelos de Robinson e Kaldor, respectivamente. Ambos os autores atacam Harrod por sua falha em lidar explicitamente com a taxa de lucro e a distribuição de renda. O fundamento destas críticas baseia-se na rejeição do fio da navalha, ou seja, que há apenas uma única taxa garantida. A resposta dada por Robinson e Kaldor foi reconhecer que existem diferentes taxas de poupança associadas a diferentes classes sociais, flexibilizando a taxa de poupança agregada. O problema da taxa garantida, assim, desapareceria. Na seção final, fazemos uma apresentação concisa dos pontos comuns e divergentes das abordagens de Robinson e Kaldor

    Investimento Direto Externo, Acumulação de Capital Produtivo e Distribuição de Renda: uma Abordagem Pós-Keynesiana

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    It is developed a macrodynamic model in the post-keynesian tradition of political economy of the productive capital accumulation and income distribution to analyze some of the impacts of the (flow of) foreign direct investment and the (stock of) foreign productive capital on capital accumulation, economic growth and functional income distribution in a stylized economy. Alongside a usual demand effect, the impacts of such an internationalization of local capital through labor productivity and market concentration are taken into account as well.foreign direct investment, capital accumulation, income distribution

    Abertura Comercial, Utilização da Capacidade Produtiva e Crescimento Econômico: uma Macrodinâmica Pós-keynesiana

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    paper develops a post-keynesian dynamic model to analyze the impact of quantitative changes in import tariffs on capacity utilization and growth. It is shown that even in case a tariff reduction leads to a rise in labor produtivity and/or to a fall in markups, it may well have a negative impact on capacity utilization and/or growth.import tariffs, capacity utilization, economic growth

    Foreign direct investment, productive capital accumulation and income distribution: a post-keynesian approach

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    It is developed a macrodynamic model in the post-keynesian tradition of political economy of the productive capital accumulation and income distribution to analyze some of the impacts of the (flow of) foreign direct investment and the (stock of) foreign productive capital on capital accumulation, economic growth and functional income distribution in a stylized economy. Alongside a usual demand effect, the impacts of such an internationalization of local capital through labor productivity and market concentration are taken into account as well.749


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    This paper attempts to discuss Harrod's growth model as an inspiration for the appearance of the first generafion post-keynesian growth and income distribution models (basically Robinson and Kaldor theories) and also study these models in the light of what was known in the literature as a Hanod's knife edge. After analyzing Harrod's model, in the following sections we study Robinson's and Kaldor's models, respectively. Both criticize Harrod's theory due to his failure in dealing explicitly with profit rate and income distribution. These criticisms are based on the rejection of the knife edge, i.e., that there was only one warranted rate. Robinson's and Kaldor's answer was that existed several saving rates related to diferent social classes. Thus, the problem of a single warranted rate vanished. In the final section, a short comparison of Robinson's and Kaldor's ideas is discussed.Este artigo procura discutir o modelo de crescimento de Harrod enquanto fonte de motivação para o aparecimento dos modelos de crescimento e distribuição pós-keynesianos de primeira geração (as teorias de Robinson e Kaldor), como também estudar estes modelos diante do que ficou conhecido na literatura como o fio da navalha de Harrod. Após analisarmos inicialmente o modelo de Harrod, nas seções seguintes, estudamos os modelos de Robinson e Kaldor, respectivamente. Ambos os autores atacam Harrod por sua falha em lidar explicitamente com a taxa de lucro e a distribuição de renda. O fundamento destas críticas baseia-se na rejeição do fio da navalha, ou seja, que há apenas uma única taxa garantida. A resposta dada por Robinson e Kaldor foi reconhecer que existem diferentes taxas de poupança associadas a diferentes classes sociais, flexibilizando a taxa de poupança agregada. O problema da taxa garantida, assim, desapareceria. Na seção final, fazemos uma apresentação concisa dos pontos comuns e divergentes das abordagens de Robinson e Kaldor

    Modelos de crescimento kaleckianos: uma apreciação

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    The purpose of this article is to survey the main papers that founded a kaleckian approach of the economic growth. It presents a certain moment of the historical evolution of the non-neoclassical macrodynamics. This analysis can be understood under the political economy tradition in putting together social classes (capitalists and workers), distributive conflict and the relationship between distribution and accumulation