164 research outputs found

    Is there a relationship between the expression of β-catenin and Ki-67 in canine melanocytic neoplasms? Existe relação entre a expressão de β-catenina e Ki-67 em neoplasias melanocíticas caninas?

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    An immunohistochemical evaluation of 26 cutaneous and oral benign and malignant canine melanocytic neoplasms was performed to identify a possible relationship between the expression of the β-catenin molecule with cell proliferation using Ki-67 expression. This molecule is a component of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway, which causes a cascade of intracellular events that activate transduction genes and nuclear transcription. The microscopic evaluation was performed considering the β-catenin labelling site (cytoplasmic, nuclear or mixed). The mitotic index was evaluated by the expression of Ki-67 in 10 high power fields (HPF) (400x). Statistically significant difference was neither detected between the β-catenin labelling sites and the various neoplasms, nor a correlation between the β-catenin molecule and the cell proliferation marker Ki-67 in the oral or cutaneous, benign or malignant neoplasms. Our study brings interesting findings and points to future research on this topic, especially with established variables in the clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical fields

    Immunophenotypic characterization of lymphocytic infiltration in canine melanocytic tumors / Caracterização imunofenotípica da infiltração linfocítica em tumores melanocíticos caninos

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    Melanocytic tumors correspond to approximately for 4 to 7% of tumors in dogs and up to 7% of malignant tumours. Melanomas generally exhibit aggressive biological behavior. In humans, abundant tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) can be considered a good prognostic factor. Research on TIL in canine melanomas is scarce, and to date, there are no studies to verify its association with established prognostic factors. Our study aimed to evaluate the lymphocyte population in canine melanocytic tumors using immunohistochemical markers, and to relate this to pre-established clinicopathological prognostic variables and cell proliferation index (Ki-67). An exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted with 21 cases in 19 dogs, of which 71.5% were melanotic melanomas, 19% were melanocytomas and 9.5% were amelanotic melanomas. Ki-67 expression was elevated in amelanotic melanomas, indicating aggressive tumor behavior. We detected lymphocytes T and B through CD3 and CD20 markers, respectively, and found that 86.7% of the melanotic melanomas were positive for CD3, whereas 73.3% were negative for CD20. TIL showed a strong association with malignant tumors, as well as a correlation with other pre-established prognostic factors, such as necrosis, ulceration, and nuclear atypia. TIL need to be further investigated to verify its inclusion as a prognostic factor for canine melanomas

    A influência do Market Timing e do estágio do ciclo de vida na realização de oferta pública de ações

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    This study aimed to determine, by logistic regression, if the occurrence of market timing and the lifecycle stage influence the decision to carry out an equity public offering in Brazilian companies. The analysis focuses on whether the probability of a company making an equity public offering is negatively related to the BM index, future returns, number of years of life and size. The sample was composed by non-financial companies with stock traded on BMFBovespa. As main results, can be concluded that there is a inverse relationship between probability of equity public offering and the lifecycle stage. On the other hand, there were no evidence confirming the relationship between the BM index and the decision to carry out a equity public offering, as required by the market timing theory. Finally, no evidence was found that companies take advantage of market opportunities to issue stocks. However, evidence was found that the majority of equity public offerings was carried out by young and small companies.Este trabalho teve por objetivo averiguar, por meio da regressão logística, se a ocorrência do market timing e o estágio do ciclo de vida influenciam na decisão de realizar uma oferta pública de ações em empresas brasileiras. A análise centra-se em saber se a probabilidade de uma empresa realizar uma oferta pública de ações está negativamente relacionada com o índice book-to-market (B/M), retornos futuros, número de anos de vida e tamanho. A amostra foi composta pelas empresas não financeiras com ações negociadas na BM&FBovespa. Como resultados principais, pode-se concluir que existe relação inversa entre a probabilidade de realização de oferta pública de ações e o estágio do ciclo de vida. Por outro lado, não foram observadas evidências que confirmem a relação entre o índice B/M e a decisão de realizar uma oferta pública de ações, conforme prevê a teoria market timing. Por fim, não foram encontradas evidências, de curto prazo, que as empresas aproveitam as oportunidades de mercado para emitir ações. Entretanto, foram encontradas evidências que a maioria das ofertas públicas de ações foi realizada por empresas consideradas jovens e pequenas

    Conteúdo químico e energético do milho antes e após pré-limpeza

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    The poultry industry normally has little control over the raw material that arrives at the processing plant. This experiment aimed to evaluate chemical and energetic quality of corn obtained in a feed mill before and after pre-cleaning. Twenty samples of 30 kg of corn each were taken from trucks delivering corn to the mill. The trucks were then unloaded and the material passed through a pre-cleaning process when another sample was taken. Samples were graded and physical properties evaluated: density (g/L), grain percentages of foreign material, impurities, fragments, broken, soft, insect damaged, fire-burnt, fermented, damaged, cracked and fine particles, as well as chemical composition analysis: Apparent metabolizable energy for poultry (AME), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), starch (STA), water activity (WA), crude protein (CP), digestible and total lysine, methionine, cystine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, histidine and arginine. The experiment was a randomized design with two treatments (before and after pre-cleaning) and twenty replications. Data was analyzed using SAS ® and treatment differences obtained using F test. Correlations and principal components were calculated. There was a decrease in density after the pre-cleaning process, which was probably due to the removal of earth and stones rather than grain and its fractions. Significant increases were found for insect damage, fermented and damaged grain while fire-burn was significantly reduced after the pre-cleaning process Starch increased after pre-cleaning which is a result of contaminants that normally are poor in this carbohydrate, but fiber levels increased too. Apparent metabolizable energy, aminoacids, digestible (P<0.05) and total (P<0.05) histidine, total lysine and methionine (P<0.1) levels were reduced after pre-cleaning. Density was higher when there were fewer impurities such as straw, husk or small grains. Broken corn was positively correlated (P<0.05) with foreign material (0.63) and fragments (0.76), while proportion of damaged corn was positively correlated with foreign material (0.68), fragments (0.58) and broken corn (0.83). In this study, even in samples classified as excellent quality before pre-cleaning, the pre-cleaning process was effective in reducing humidity and water activity which helps control the growth of fungi or other microorganisms. Starch and fiber levels increased after pre-cleaning while apparent metabolizable energy levels was not improved by pre-cleaning.A indústria avícola normalmente tem pouco controle sobre a matéria-prima que chega à unidade de transformação. Este experimento teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade química e energética do milho obtida em uma fábrica de rações, antes e após a pré-limpeza. Vinte amostras de 30 kg de milho, foram retiradas de caminhões que entregavam milho para o moinho. Após os caminhões serem descarregados e o material passar por processo de pré-limpeza, outra amostra foi retirada. As amostras foram classificadas e as propriedades físicas foram avaliadas: densidade (g/L), percentagens de grãos de material estranho, impurezas, fragmentados, quebrados, chocho, danificados por insetos, queimados, fermentados, danificados,avariados e quirera, bem como análises de composição bromatológica: energia metabolizável aparente para aves (EMA), extrato etéreo (EE), fibra bruta (FB), amido (A), atividade de água (AA), proteína bruta (PB), lisina digestível e total, metionina, cistina, treonina, triptofano, valina, isoleucina, leucina, fenilalanina, histidina e arginina. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos (antes e após a pré-limpeza) e vinte repetições cada. Os dados foram analisados usando o programa SAS ® e as diferenças entre os tratamentos obtidos pelo teste F. Correlações e componentes principais foram calculados. Houve diminuição na densidade após o processo de pré-limpeza que foi provavelmente devido à remoção de terra e pedras em vez de grão e as suas fracções Aumentos significativos foram encontrados para danos causados por insetos, grãos fermentados e danificados, enquanto o nível de queimados foi significativamente reduzido após o processo de pré-limpeza. O amido aumentou após a pré-limpeza já que contaminantes normalmente são pobres neste componente, porém os níveis de fibra também aumentaram. Os níveis de energia metabolizável aparente, aminoácidos, digestibilidade aparente (P <0,05) e total (P <0,05) da histidina, de lisina total e metionina (P <0,05) foram reduzidos após a pré-limpeza. A densidade foi maior quando havia menos impurezas, como a casca de palha ou grãos pequenos. A presença de milho quebrado foi positivamente correlacionada (P <0,05) com material estranho (0,63) e fragmentos (0,76), enquanto que a proporção do milho danificado foi positivamente correlacionado com material estranho (0,68), os fragmentos (0,58) e milho quebrado (0,83). Neste estudo, mesmo as amostras sendo classificadas como de excelente qualidade antes da pré-limpeza, o processo de pré-limpeza foi eficaz em reduzir a umidade e atividade da água, que ajuda a controlar o crescimento de fungos ou outros microorganismos nas rações. Os níveis de amido e fibra aumentaram após a pré-limpeza, enquanto que os níveis de energia metabolizável aparente não foram melhorados pela pré-limpeza

    Delay of neuropathic pain sensitization after application of dexamethasone-loaded implant in sciatic nerve-injured rats

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    Neuroimmune interactions underlying the development of pain sensitization in models of neuropathic pain have been widely studied. In this study, we evaluated the development of allodynia and its reduction associated with peripheral antineuroinflammatory effects induced by a dexamethasone-loaded biodegradable implant. Chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve was performed in Wistar rats. The electronic von Frey test was applied to assess mechanical allodynia. The dexamethasone-loaded implant was placed perineurally at the moment of CCI or 12 days after surgery. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG; L4-L5) were harvested and nuclear extracts were assayed by Western blot for detection of nuclear factor (NF)-κB p65/RelA translocation. Dexamethasone delivered from the implant delayed the development of allodynia for approximately three weeks in CCI rats when the implantation was performed at day 0, but allodynia was not reversed when the implantation was performed at day 12. NF-κB was activated in CCI rat DRG compared with naïve or sham animals (day 15), and dexamethasone implant inhibited p65/ RelA translocation in CCI rats compared with control. This study demonstrated that the dexamethasoneloaded implant suppresses allodynia development and peripheral neuroinflammation. This device can reduce the potential side effects associated with oral anti-inflammatory drugs

    Renal macrophage infiltration is associated with a poor outcome in IgA nephropathy

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    OBJECTIVES: The objectives of our study were as follows: 1) to analyze the prognostic value of macrophage infiltration in primary IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and 2) to study the relationship between macrophages and other factors associated with the development of renal fibrosis, including mast cells, TGF-&#946;1, &#945;-SMA and NF-kB. METHODS: We analyzed 62 patients who had been diagnosed with IgAN between 1987 and 2003. Immunohistochemical staining was performed with monoclonal antibodies against CD68 and mast cell tryptase and polyclonal antibodies against TGF-&#946;1, &#945;-SMA and NF-kB p65. We also used Southwestern histochemistry for the in situ detection of activated NF-kB. RESULTS: The infiltration of macrophages into the tubulointerstitial compartment correlated with unfavorable clinical and histological parameters, and a worse clinical course of IgAN was significantly associated with the number of tubulointerstitial macrophages. Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrated that increased macrophage infiltration was associated with decreased renal survival. Moreover, the presence of macrophages was associated with mast cells, tubulointerstitial &#945;-SMA expression and NF-kB activation (IH and Southwestern histochemistry). In the multivariate analysis, the two parameters that correlated with macrophage infiltration, proteinuria and tubulointerstitial injury, were independently associated with an unfavorable clinical course. CONCLUSION: An increased number of macrophages in the tubulointerstitial area may serve as a predictive factor for poor prognosis in patients with IgAN, and these cells were also associated with the expression of pro-fibrotic factors

    Immobilizer Removable Articulate in Rehabilitation of Dogs Submitted to Tenorrhaphy Patellar

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    Background: In cases of patellar tendon ruptures, there is a need for primary repair by sutures aiming to restore the extensor mechanism of the knee and prevent degenerative sequelae. Even though the need for temporary immobilization of the joint reconstruction surgeries involving tendons and ligaments, seeks to avoid or minimize the undesirable effects of disuse without any interference at the surgical site. Thus, the objective of this research was to propose a model of joint immobilization adjustable in dogs undergoing patellar tenorrhaphy to allow, in the immediate postoperative period, the achievement of physical therapy modalities without interfering with the healing of the involved structures.Materials, Methods &amp; Results: The dogs were randomly divided into two groups called fixed immobilization or GF (6 dogs) and adjustable or GA (5 dogs) immobilization. Once on plane and restrained in dorsal decubitus, lateral incision was performed on the right knee in dogs GF and GA for total section of the patellar tendon at its insertion 10 mm at the tibial crest. Immediately, it was made with tenorrhaphy modified Kessler suture pattern using monofilament nylon wire nº 1, followed by a Wolff point involving modified Kessler suture with the same type of wire. In both groups, the joint was immobilized femorotibiopatelar percutaneous external fixation biplanar at an angle of 110° for 30 days. The groups differed by the material used to connect the percutaneous pins, being employed in the GF acrylic resin, and in GA dogs was made adjustable apparatus which consisted of two stainless steel plates with rounded ends with three equally spaced holes 2.5 mm between them in the central part of the plate and the edge of 6mm, which is joined with the other plate by a nut and bolt and allowing to adjust the desired angle of the device. Were utilized four Steinmann pins 2.5 mm, two in the femur and two tibia, introduced perpendicularly to the bone. The assembled apparatus was encased in percutaneous pins and stuck with stainless steel nuts and lock washers causing immobilization of the knee joint, however adjustable in the period of application of physiotherapy protocol. The results demonstrated a reduction in measures in the period of 30 days, indicating that there was muscle atrophy. At 60 days post-operative values demonstrating increased muscle mass gain probably the bearing of the affected limb to the ground. In this study, was possible to observe that the values at 60 days did not return to the same found preoperatively, and the dogs GF and GA were on average 92.19% of the initial values. As for gait analysis, all dogs GF and GA were grade 5, 1 and 3 of lameness in the preoperative period and after 30 and 60 days after surgery, respectively.Discussion: The joint immobilization in dogs submitted to tenorrhaphy is required, however, the member cannot be used properly, which can lead to sequelae such as muscle atrophy from disuse and especially joint blockage. Currently in human medicine assisted rehabilitation in the immediate post-operative recovery involving the reconstruction of tendons and ligaments, without the need for joint immobilization is required, because patients are instructed to restrict the movements postoperatively. In veterinary medicine, however, it becomes risky this type of conduct, especially the lack of control the movements made by animals, arousing interest in this research to propose joint that could be undone each day to allow implementation of a method of immobilization physiotherapy and at the end of the session, the joint was immobilized again. According to the results, we can conclude that the temporary immobilization with adjustable articulating fixator in dogs submitted to patellar tenorrhaphy allows the use of a physical therapy protocol during the period of immobilization, without interfering with the healing of tendon anastomosis

    Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento Regional com a Exploração das Reservas de Ferro no Município de Caetité, Bahia

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    Brazil is globally regarded as a potential producer of iron ore. Deposits known and explored the states of Minas Gerais, Pará and Mato Grosso do Sul hold approximately 99% of the reserves. In recent years the increasing demand for mineral deposits led to new researchers in the municipality of Caetité, south-central region of Bahia. The project implementation for the operation and logistics for the marketing of the product will generate taxes and moving the local and regional economy, bringing the state to the third largest producer of iron ore in the country. The hinterland to the coast, changes in landscape aspects, environmental and socioeconomic become part of the scenery Bahia, due to the insertion of the district ferriferous.O Brasil é, mundialmente, considerado como um produtor em potencial do minério de ferro. Dos depósitos conhecidos e explorados os estados de Minas Gerais, Pará e Mato Grosso do Sul detêm aproximadamente 99% das reservas. Nos últimos anos a crescente demanda, pelo mineral, levou pesquisadores a novas jazidas no município de Caetité, mesorregião centro-sul da Bahia. A implantação de projetos para a exploração e a logística para o escoamento do produto, vão gerar tributos e movimentar a economia local e regional, elevando o estado ao terceiro maior produtor do minério no país. Da região interiorana até o litoral, mudanças nos aspectos paisagísticos, ambientais e socioeconômicos começam a fazer parte do cenário baiano, devido à inserção do distrito ferrífero.


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    The poultry industry normally has little control over the raw material that arrives at the processing plant. This experiment aimed to evaluate chemical and energetic quality of corn obtained in a feed mill before and after pre-cleaning. Twenty samples of 30 kg of corn each were taken from trucks delivering corn to the mill. The trucks were then unloaded and the material passed through a pre-cleaning process when another sample was taken. Samples were graded and physical properties evaluated: density (g/L), grain percentages of foreign material, impurities, fragments, broken,  soft, insect damaged, fire-burnt, fermented, damaged, cracked and fine particles, as well as chemical composition analysis: Apparent metabolizable energy for poultry (AME), ether extract (EE), crude fiber (CF), starch (STA), water activity (WA), crude protein (CP), digestible and total lysine, methionine, cystine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, isoleucine,  leucine, phenylalanine, histidine and arginine. The experiment was a randomized design with two treatments (before and after pre-cleaning) and twenty replications. Data was analyzed using SAS ® and treatment differences obtained using F test. Correlations and principal components were calculated. There was a decrease in density after the pre-cleaning process, which was probably due to the removal of earth and stones rather than grain and its fractions. Significant increases were found for insect damage, fermented and damaged grain while fire-burn was significantly reduced after the pre-cleaning process. Starch increased after pre-cleaning which is a result of contaminants that normally are poor in this carbohydrate, but fiber levels increased too. Apparent metabolizable energy, aminoacids, digestible (P<0.05) and total (P<0.05) histidine, total lysine and methionine (P<0.1) levels were reduced after pre-cleaning.  Density was higher when there were fewer impurities such as straw, husk or small grains.  Broken corn was positively correlated (P<0.05) with foreign material (0.63) and fragments (0.76), while proportion of damaged corn was positively correlated with foreign material (0.68), fragments (0.58) and broken corn (0.83).  In this study, even in samples classified as excellent quality before pre-cleaning, the pre-cleaning process was effective in reducing humidity and water activity which helps control the growth of fungi or other microorganisms. Starch and fiber levels increased after pre-cleaning while apparent metabolizable energy levels was not improved by pre-cleaning. Keywords: density; energy; humidity; protein; starch