91 research outputs found

    Psychological distress in health sciences college students and its relationship with academic engagement

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of psychological distress and its relationship with academic engagement (absorption, dedication and vigor), sex and degree among students from four public universities. Method: A non-experimental,comparative correlational, quantitative investigation without intervention. Study population: 1840 nursing and physical therapy students. The data collection tool used was a questionnaire. Results: A 32.2% prevalence of psychological distress was found in the subjects; a correlation between vigor and psychological distress was found for all of the subjects and also for women. High absorption and dedication scores and low psychological distress scores predicted higher vigor scores. Conclusion: The risk of psychological distress is high, especially for women. Women seem to have a higher level of psychological distress than men. Vigor, energy and mental resilience positively influence psychological distress and can be a vehicle for better results during the learning and studying process.

Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia del malestar psicológico y su relación con el engagement académico (absorción, dedicación y vigor) y con variables sexo y titulación, de los estudiantes de cuatro universidades públicas. Método: Estudio comparativo correlacional, investigación cuantitativa sin intervención, no experimental. Población 1840 estudiantes de Enfermería y Fisioterapia. La herramienta de recogida de datos fue el cuestionario. Resultados: Prevalencia de malestar psicológico en el 32.2% de los sujetos; se hallaron correlaciones entre vigor y malestar psicológico para el conjunto de sujetos y para el grupo de las mujeres. Las puntuaciones altas en absorción y dedicación y bajas en malestar psicológico, predicen valoraciones más altas en vigor. Conclusión: El riesgo de malestar psicológico es alto, especialmente para las mujeres. Éstas se perciben con mayor malestar psicológico que los hombres. El vigor, energía y resistencia con los estudios, influye positivamente sobre el malestar psicológico y puede ser un vehículo para unos mejores resultados del aprendizaje.
Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência do mal-estar psicológico e a sua relação com o engagement acadêmico (absorção, dedicação e vigor) e as variáveis ​​sexo e formação profissional em estudantes de quatro universidades públicas. Método: Investigação quantitativa sem intervenção, estudo não experimental e correlacional comparativo. A amostra foi constituída por 1.840 alunos de Enfermagem e Fisioterapia e o instrumento de coleta de dados foi o questionário. Resultados: A prevalência do mal-estar psicológico foi encontrada em 32,2% dos indivíduos; foram encontradas correlações entre vigor e mal-estar psicológico para o conjunto dos sujeitos, principalmente para o grupo das mulheres. A existência de escores elevados para dedicação e absorção, e baixos para mal-estar psicológico é preditora de pontuações mais elevadas em vigor. Conclusão: O risco de mal-estar psicológico é elevado, especialmente nas mulheres. Estas se percebem com maior mal-estar psicológico que os homens. O vigor, a energia e a resistência, aplicados na relação com os estudos influenciam positivamente o mal-estar psicológico e podem ser um veículo para melhores resultados de aprendizagem

    Monitoring of RAS mutant clones in plasma of patients with RAS mutant metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Circulating tumor DNA; Liquid biopsy; Metastatic colorectal cancerADN tumoral circulante; Biopsia liquida; Cáncer colorrectal metastásicoADN tumoral circulant; Biòpsia líquida; Càncer colorectal metastàticPurpose Some patients with histologically confirmed primary mCRC and mutated RAS reported undetectable RAS mutant clones in plasma after receiving anti-VEGF treatment. The aim was to prospectively assess it with its potential therapeutic implications. Methods RAS mutant genes in solid biopsy (before first-line treatment: FOLFOX/CAPOX + bevacizumab) were compared in liquid biopsy (before second-line treatment: panitumumab + FOLFIRI), using Idylla™ system. Discordant results between solid/liquid biopsies were assessed by the next-generation sequencing (NGS) test (solid/liquid biopsies). Results Twenty-three patients were assessed (seven had RAS mutant discrepancies between solid/liquid biopsies). The NGS test confirmed that 3/23 (13%) patients had undetectable RAS mutant clones in liquid biopsy and 3/23 (13%) presented discrepancies in solid biopsy (Idylla™ system vs. NGS test). Conclusion Thirteen percentage of patients had undetectable RAS mutant clones in liquid biopsy after first-line treatment. However, some discrepancies between solid and liquid biopsies have been observed. These results suggest a need to improve accuracy of RAS analyses, especially in solid biopsies.This work was supported by Amgen S.A. Amgen did not have any role in study design; collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; writing the report; and the decision to submit the report for publication

    The economic crisis and the challenge of trade liberalization

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    El panorama económico presentado por la crisis mundial nos hace retroceder en el tiempo. Las tentaciones proteccionistas nos hacen volver la vista a un pasado en el que los países cerraron sus fronteras en un intento de proteger sus economías. Pero este viaje en el tiempo únicamente nos sirve para poner en marcha las alertas y avanzar para alejarnos de ese escenario. Este artículo analiza cómo han evolucionado los flujos comerciales desde el estallido de la crisis en el año 2007 y examina los movimientos proteccionistas de los países en el marco de la Organización Mundial del Comercio con la mirada puesta en la posibilidad de concluir la Ronda Doha.The economic outlook that the global crisis has generated makes us go back in time. Protectionist temptations make us look back to a past in which countries closed their borders in an attempt to protect their economies. But this time travel only serves to implement and advance warnings to stay away from that scenario. This article analyzes how trade flows have evolved since the outbreak of the crisis in 2007 and examines countries’ protectionist movements under the World Trade Organization with a glance toward the possibility of concluding the Doha Round

    Estudio de la relación entre adherencia a la Escuela de la Espalda y afrontamiento del dolor en pacientes con lumbalgia crónica

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    Study of the relationship between adherence to back school and coping with pain in patients with chronic low back pain. Back School (BS) is a treatment modality for patients with chronic low back pain with educational contents associated with other therapeutic measures such as exercise. If followed, it is effective but it is well known that it is difficult to make changes to daily habits. This study evaluated whether patients completing BS had a predominance of active strategies in coping with pain, as they adhered better to the recommendations of BS. Material and method. Prospective observational study to evaluate BS adherence in patients with chronic low back pain. Adult patients attending BS were included in the study. Patients whose educational level, concomitant pathology or personal situation prevented them from completing the study were excluded. The patients were evaluated at the beginning and after the third session of BS. The variables studied were adherence to exercises and recommendations, coping with pain, pain intensity, functional disability and other sociodemographic characteristics. Results. A total of 67.2% of the 116 included patients acknowledged that they did not perform the exercises and recommendations of BS every day. No relationship was established between patients with active strategies for coping with pain and adherence to BS. Functional capacity and pain intensity did not differ between adherent and non-adherent patients. Conclusions. This study did not demonstrate that adherence to the exercises and habits taught in BS is related to coping with pain strategies, pain intensity and functional capacity in patients with chronic low back pain

    Targeting inflammasome by the inhibition of caspase-1 activity using capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles

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    [EN] Acute inflammation is a protective response of the body to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens or damaged cells. However, dysregulated inflammation can cause secondary damage and could thus contribute to the pathophysiology of many diseases. Inflammasomes, the macromolecular complexes responsible for caspase-1 activation, have emerged as key regulators of immune and inflammatory responses. Therefore, modulation of inflammasome activity has become an important therapeutic approach. Here we describe the design of a smart nanodevice that takes advantage of the passive targeting of nanoparticles to macrophages and enhances the therapeutic effect of caspase-1 inhibitor VX-765 in vivo. The functional hybrid systems consisted of MCM-41-based nanoparticles loaded with anti-inflammatory drug VX-765 (S2-P) and capped with poly-L-lysine, which acts as a molecular gate. S2-P activity has been evaluated in cellular and in vivo models of inflammation. The results indicated the potential advantage of using nanodevices to treat inflammatory diseases. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Spanish government (Projects MAT2015-64139-C4-1-R and SAF2014-52614-R (MINECO/FEDER)) and the Generalitat Valencia (Projects PROMETEOII/2014/061 and PROMETEOII/2014/047) for support. A.G-F. is grateful to the Spanish government for an FPU grant.García-Fernández, A.; García-Laínez, G.; Ferrandiz Manglano, ML.; Aznar, E.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Alcaraz, MJ.; Murguía, JR.... (2017). Targeting inflammasome by the inhibition of caspase-1 activity using capped mesoporous silica nanoparticles. Journal of Controlled Release. 248:60-70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2017.01.002S607024

    Stressors in nursing students during their clinical placements: a systematic review study

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    [ES] Los estudiantes de enfermería perciben niveles de estrés superiores a otros universitarios, al estar sometidos a tensiones tanto a nivel académico como clínico. Objetivo: Identificar los factores generadores de estrés en los estudiantes de enfermería durante la realización de las prácticas clínicas. Método: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de los artículos publicados en las bases de datos PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CUIDEN, SciELO; se seleccionaron aquellos artículos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión. Resultado: De 147 artículos, solo 8 estudios fueron incluidos por ser potencialmente relevantes. Los estudiantes de enfermería presentan estrés moderado en sus prácticas clínicas, siendo mayor en las chicas y en los primeros cursos. Discusión y conclusión: Las principales situaciones de estrés fueron falta de competencia, incertidumbre, contacto con el sufrimiento, relación con los profesores e implicación emocional. Se deberían desarrollar programas educativos para prevenir el estrés[EN] Nursing students perceive higher levels of stress than other university students, being subjected to both academic and clinical stress. Objective: To identify the factors that generate stress in nursing students during clinical practice. Method: A systematic review of articles published in the databases PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, CUIDEN, SciELO was carried out; those articles that met the inclusion criteria were selected. Result: Out of 147 articles, only 8 studies were included as potentially relevant. Nursing students present moderate stress in their clinical practice, being higher in girls and in the first courses. Discussion and conclusion: The main stressful situations were lack of competence, uncertainty, contact with suffering, relationship with teachers and emotional involvement. Educational programs should be developed to prevent stress.S

    Stressor factors, Emotional Intelligence and Engagement during clinical practice in nursing students

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    [ES] Objetivo principal: Analizar la percepción de estrés, inteligencia emocional y engagement en los estudiantes de grado en Enfermería del Campus de Ponferrada durante el desarrollo de sus prácticas clínicas. Metodología: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, correlacional de corte transversal. La muestra fue de 73 estudiantes. Se utilizaron los cuestionarios: KEZKAK, TMMS-24 y UWES-S y datos sociodemográficos. Resultados principales: El 78,1% de los alumnos presentaron estrés siendo las mujeres las que alcanzaron puntuaciones más elevadas. Los estudiantes procedentes de fuera de Ponferrada percibieron mayores tasas de estrés. La puntuación media de la Inteligencia Emocional fue de 78.92±15.11. Las dimensiones de la Inteligencia Emocional correlacionan positivamente con las dimensiones del engagement. Conclusión principal: Los estudiantes de Grado en Enfermería perciben estrés durante el desarrollo de las prácticas clínicas, sin embargo, presentan una adecuada Inteligencia Emocional y niveles altos de engagement.[EN] Objective: To analyze the perception of stress, emotional intelligence and engagement in Nursing Degree students from the Ponferrada Campus during the development of their clinical practices. Methods: quantitative, descriptive, correlational cross-sectional study. The sample was 73 students. The questionnaires were used: KEZKAK, TMMS-24 and UWES-S and sociodemographic data. Results: 78.1% of the students presented stress, with women reaching the highest scores. Students from outside Ponferrada perceived higher rates of stress. The mean Emotional Intelligence score was 78.92±15.11. The dimensions of Emotional Intelligence positively correlate with the dimensions of engagement. Conclusions: Nursing degree students perceive stress during the development of clinical practices, however they present adequate Emotional Intelligence and high levels of engagement.S

    Aprendizaje-servicio y Trabajo Social

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    Es una propuesta metodológica aplicada a los estudios de Trabajo Social. Su objetivo es incorporar el método aprendizaje-servicio a la docencia presencial para incrementar el interés y la satisfacción de la comunidad científica y la sociedad civil