15,023 research outputs found

    Effect of flameholder pressure drop on emissions and performance of premixed-prevaporized combustors

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    Parametric tests were conducted to determine the effects of flameholder pressure drop on the emissions and performance of lean premixed-prevaporized combustors. A conical flameholder mounted in a diverging duct was tested with two values of flameholder blockage. Emissions of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and unburned hydrocarbons were measured for combustor entrance conditions of 600 to 800 K air temperature, 0.3 MPa to 0.5 MPa pressure, and 20 m/sec to 35 m/sec reference velocity. Jet A fuel was injected at flow rates corresponding to an equivalence ratio range from 0.8 down to the lean stability limit. Emission results for the high-blockage flameholder were a substantial improvement over the low-blockage emission results. A correlation of combustion efficiency with flameholder pressure drop was developed for pressure drops less than 9 percent

    Combination of measurements and the BLUE method

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    The most accurate method to combine measurement from different experiments is to build a combined likelihood function and use it to perform the desired inference. This is not always possible for various reasons, hence approximate methods are often convenient. Among those, the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) is the most popular, allowing to take into account individual uncertainties and their correlations. The method is unbiased by construction if the true uncertainties and their correlations are known, but it may exhibit a bias if uncertainty estimates are used in place of the true ones, in particular if those estimated uncertainties depend on measured values. In those cases, an iterative application of the BLUE method may reduce the bias of the combined measurement.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the XIIth Quark Confinement and Hadron Spectrum conference, 28/8-2/9 2016, Tessaloniki, Greec

    Effect of fuel/air nonuniformity on nitric oxide emissions

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    A flame tube combustor holding jet A fuel was used in experiments performed at a pressure of .3 Mpa and a reference velocity of 25 meters/second for three inlet air temperatures of 600, 700, and 800 K. The gas sample measurements were taken at locations 18 cm and 48 cm downstream of the perforated plate flameholder. Nonuniform fuel/air profiles were produced using a fuel injector by separately fueling the inner five fuel tubes and the outer ring of twelve fuel tubes. Six fuel/air profiles were produced for nominal overall equivalence ratios of .5 and .6. An example of three of three of these profiles and their resultant nitric oxide NOx emissions are presented. The uniform fuel/air profile cases produced uniform and relatively low profile levels. When the profiles were either center-peaked or edge-peaked, the overall mass-weighted nitric oxide levels increased

    In situ measurements of ship tracks

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    It has long been known that cloud droplet concentrations are strongly influenced by cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and that anthropogenic sources of pollution can affect CCN concentrations. More recently it has been suggested that CCN may play an important role in climate through their effect on cloud albedo. A interesting example of the effect of anthropogenic CCN on cloud albedo is the so-called 'ship track' phenomenon. Ship tracks were first observed in satellite imagery when the ship's emissions were evidently needed for the formation of a visible cloud. However, they appear more frequently in satellite imagery as modifications to existing stratus and stratocumulus clouds. The tracks are seen most clearly in satellite imagery by comparing the radiance at 3.7 microns with that at 0.63 and 11 microns. To account for the observed change in radiance, droplet concentrations must be high, and the mean size of the droplets small, in ship tracks. Researchers describe what they believe to be the first in situ measurements in what appears to have been a ship track

    Microwave properties of DyBa_2Cu_3O_(7-x) monodomains and related compounds in magnetic fields

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    We present a microwave characterization of a DyBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7x_{7-x} single domain, grown by the top-seeded melt-textured technique. We report the (a,b) plane field-induced surface resistance, ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H), at 48.3 GHz, measured by means of a cylindrical metal cavity in the end-wall-replacement configuration. Changes in the cavity quality factor Q against the applied magnetic field yield ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H) at fixed temperatures. The temperature range [70 K ; T_c] was explored. The magnetic field μ0H<\mu_0 H < 0.8 T was applied along the c axis. The field dependence of ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H) does not exhibit the steep, step-like increase at low fields typical of weak-links. This result indicates the single-domain character of the sample under investigation. ΔRs(H)\Delta R_s(H) exhibits a nearly square-root dependence on H, as expected for fluxon motion. From the analysis of the data in terms of motion of Abrikosov vortices we estimate the temperature dependences of the London penetration depth λ\lambda and the vortex viscosity η\eta, and their zero-temperature values λ(0)=\lambda(0)=165 nm and η(0)=\eta(0)= 3 107^{-7} Nsm2^{-2}, which are found in excellent agreement with reported data in YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7x_{7-x} single crystals. Comparison of microwave properties with those of related samples indicate the need for reporting data as a function of T/T_c in order to obtain universal laws.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Livestock for small acreage landowners

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    While it is not likely that you will enjoy huge profits from livestock production on a small acreage, these enterprises, if managed properly, should qualify your land for the agricultural exemption from ad valorem taxes. Remember, though, that land ownership is a privilege that requires us to take good care of our precious natural resources. The Texas Agricultural Extension Service has resources to help you

    Livestock Grazing Distribution: Considerations and Management

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    Grazing distribution is a major concern for livestock managers. Livestock do not graze randomly—they often prefer some grazing sites over others. This tendency can cause grazing distribution to be uneven over the range

    Some issues when using Fourier analysis for the extraction of modal parameters

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    It is sometimes necessary to determine the manner in which structures deteriorate with respect to time; for instance when quantifying a material's ability to withstand sustained dynamic loads. In such cases, it is well established that loss of structural integrity is reflected by variations in modal characteristics such as stiffness. This paper addresses some practical limitations of Fourier analysis with respect to temporal resolution and the uncertainties associated with extracting variations in modal parameters. The statistical analysis of numerous numerical experiments shows how techniques, such as data overlapping and zero-padding, can be used to improve the sensitivity of modal parameter extraction

    Mine is Bigger than Yours! Narcissism Predicts Biases in Perceived Head Size

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    The expression big headed is often used to describe narcissists, however is it possible that this term signals a bias in how narcissists perceive themselves? We tested whether narcissistic traits predicted biases in the estimated size and weight of specific body parts, including head circumference and brain weight. In two questionnaire-based studies, participants estimated the size or weight of parts of their body. In Study 1 (n = 316), we found that the Leadership/Authority facet of narcissism significantly predicted greater estimates of head circumference in men, but lower estimates of head circumference in women. In Study 2 (n = 275), we found that when a sex-specific average head circumference was not provided, Leadership/Authority predicted greater estimates of head circumference overall. We present evidence that narcissism predicts biases in estimated head size and brain weight, but that the precise nature of these biases is dependent on the provided frame of reference for body size. These results are discussed with reference to within-sex competitive strategies, perceived intelligence and stereotypes for male and female attractiveness