5,407 research outputs found

    Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe

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    Social enterprises present an alternative to business-as-usual with their combination of core social and environmental objectives being addressed through commercial approaches. In this way they present an alternative avenue for a sustainable prosperity that is not driven by profit but rather focused on flourishing and living within ecological limits. In the UK, there has been particular interest and support for the creation of start-ups and the scaling of existing social enterprises. The term social enterprise has been in use in the UK since the 1970s, and the current approaches are shaped by the philanthropic traditions of charities, the cooperative traditions of democratic governance, and cultures of socially responsible business. The UK social enterprise movement was given a boost by the pioneering public policies and approaches in the 1990s, including various support programmes, the introduction of a new legal form and investment funds. Since 2010 there has been a focus of policy on encouraging social investment funds and mutual social enterprise ‘spin-outs’ from the public sector. However, the context of public sector austerity has seen a considerable decline in overall spending across the UK in recent years, with the exception of Scotlan

    Electrical activation and electron spin coherence of ultra low dose antimony implants in silicon

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    We implanted ultra low doses (2x10^11 cm-2) of 121Sb ions into isotopically enriched 28Si and find high degrees of electrical activation and low levels of dopant diffusion after rapid thermal annealing. Pulsed Electron Spin Resonance shows that spin echo decay is sensitive to the dopant depths, and the interface quality. At 5.2 K, a spin decoherence time, T2, of 0.3 ms is found for profiles peaking 50 nm below a Si/SiO2 interface, increasing to 0.75 ms when the surface is passivated with hydrogen. These measurements provide benchmark data for the development of devices in which quantum information is encoded in donor electron spins

    Efficient Passive ICS Device Discovery and Identification by MAC Address Correlation

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    Owing to a growing number of attacks, the assessment of Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) has gained in importance. An integral part of an assessment is the creation of a detailed inventory of all connected devices, enabling vulnerability evaluations. For this purpose, scans of networks are crucial. Active scanning, which generates irregular traffic, is a method to get an overview of connected and active devices. Since such additional traffic may lead to an unexpected behavior of devices, active scanning methods should be avoided in critical infrastructure networks. In such cases, passive network monitoring offers an alternative, which is often used in conjunction with complex deep-packet inspection techniques. There are very few publications on lightweight passive scanning methodologies for industrial networks. In this paper, we propose a lightweight passive network monitoring technique using an efficient Media Access Control (MAC) address-based identification of industrial devices. Based on an incomplete set of known MAC address to device associations, the presented method can guess correct device and vendor information. Proving the feasibility of the method, an implementation is also introduced and evaluated regarding its efficiency. The feasibility of predicting a specific device/vendor combination is demonstrated by having similar devices in the database. In our ICS testbed, we reached a host discovery rate of 100% at an identification rate of more than 66%, outperforming the results of existing tools.Comment: http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/ICS2018.

    Continental threat: How many common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are there in Australia?

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    Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) are one of the world's most destructive vertebrate pests. In Australia, they dominate many aquatic ecosystems causing a severe threat to aquatic plants, invertebrates, water quality, native fish and social amenity. The Australian Government is considering release of cyprinid herpesvirus-3 (CyHV-3) as a control measure and consequently a robust, continental-scale estimate of the carp population and biomass is essential to inform planning and risk management. Here, we pioneer a novel model-based approach to provide the first estimate of carp density (no/ha) and biomass density (kg/ha) at river reach/waterbody, basin and continental scales. We built a spatial layer of rivers and waterbodies, classified aquatic habitats and calculated the area of each throughout the range of carp in Australia. We then developed a database of fishery-independent electrofishing catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) for habitat types, containing catch information for 574,145 carp caught at 4831 sites. Eastern Australia accounted for 96% of carp biomass and 92% of the total available wetted habitat area (16,686 km2) was occupied. To correct these data for variable detection efficiencies, we used existing electrofishing data and undertook additional field experiments to establish relationships between relative and absolute abundances. We then scaled-up site-based estimates to habitat types to generate continental estimates. The number of carp was estimated at 199.2 M (95%Crl: 106 M to 357.6 M) for an ‘average’ hydrological scenario and 357.5 M (95%Crl: 178.9 M to 685.1 M) for a ‘wet’ hydrological scenario. In eastern Australia, these numbers correspond with biomasses of 205,774 t (95%Crl: 117,532–356,482 t) (average scenario) and 368,357 t (95%Crl: 184,234–705,630 t) (wet scenario). At a continental scale the total biomass was estimated at 215,456 t for an ‘average’ hydrological scenario. Perennial lowland rivers had the highest CPUE and greatest biomass density (up to 826 kg/ha) and the modelled biomass exceeded a density-impact threshold of 80–100 kg/ha in 54% of wetlands and 97% of stream area in large lowland rivers. The continental-scale biomass estimates provide a baseline for focusing national conservation strategies to reduce carp populations below thresholds needed to restore aquatic ecosystems at a range of spatial scales

    K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like carbon ions [C3+^{3+}]: experiment, theory and comparison with time-reversed photorecombination

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    Absolute cross sections for the K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like carbon [C3+^{3+}(1s2^22s 2^2S)] ions were measured by employing the ion-photon merged-beams technique at the Advanced Light Source. The energy ranges 299.8--300.15 eV, 303.29--303.58 eV and 335.61--337.57 eV of the [1s(2s2p)3^3P]2^2P, [1s(2s2p)1^1P]2^2P and [(1s2s)3^3S 3p]2^2P resonances, respectively, were investigated using resolving powers of up to 6000. The autoionization linewidth of the [1s(2s2p)1^1P]2^2P resonance was measured to be 27±527 \pm 5 meV and compares favourably with a theoretical result of 26 meV obtained from the intermediate coupling R-Matrix method. The present photoionization cross section results are compared with the outcome from photorecombination measurements by employing the principle of detailed balance.Comment: 3 figures and 2 table

    Electron spin dynamics in quantum dots and related nanostructures due to hyperfine interaction with nuclei

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    We review and summarize recent theoretical and experimental work on electron spin dynamics in quantum dots and related nanostructures due to hyperfine interaction with surrounding nuclear spins. This topic is of particular interest with respect to several proposals for quantum information processing in solid state systems. Specifically, we investigate the hyperfine interaction of an electron spin confined in a quantum dot in an s-type conduction band with the nuclear spins in the dot. This interaction is proportional to the square modulus of the electron wave function at the location of each nucleus leading to an inhomogeneous coupling, i.e. nuclei in different locations are coupled with different strength. In the case of an initially fully polarized nuclear spin system an exact analytical solution for the spin dynamics can be found. For not completely polarized nuclei, approximation-free results can only be obtained numerically in sufficiently small systems. We compare these exact results with findings from several approximation strategies.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Topical Review to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Variance of transmitted power in multichannel dissipative ergodic structures invariant under time reversal

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    We use random matrix theory (RMT) to study the first two moments of the wave power transmitted in time reversal invariant systems having ergodic motion. Dissipation is modeled by a number of loss channels of variable coupling strength. To make a connection with ultrasonic experiments on ergodic elastodynamic billiards, the channels injecting and collecting the waves are assumed to be negligibly coupled to the medium, and to contribute essentially no dissipation. Within the RMT model we calculate the quantities of interest exactly, employing the supersymmetry technique. This approach is found to be more accurate than another method based on simplifying naive assumptions for the statistics of the eigenfrequencies and the eigenfunctions. The results of the supersymmetric method are confirmed by Monte Carlo numerical simulation and are used to reveal a possible source of the disagreement between the predictions of the naive theory and ultrasonic measurements.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Comparative analysis of sequence characteristics of imprinted genes in human, mouse, and cattle

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    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic mechanism that results in monoallelic expression of genes depending on parent-of-origin of the allele. Although the conservation of genomic imprinting among mammalian species has been widely reported for many genes, there is accumulating evidence that some genes escape this conservation. Most known imprinted genes have been identified in the mouse and human, with few imprinted genes reported in cattle. Comparative analysis of genomic imprinting across mammalian species would provide a powerful tool for elucidating the mechanisms regulating the unique expression of imprinted genes. In this study we analyzed the imprinting of 22 genes in human, mouse, and cattle and found that in only 11 was imprinting conserved across the three species. In addition, we analyzed the occurrence of the sequence elements CpG islands, C + G content, tandem repeats, and retrotransposable elements in imprinted and in nonimprinted (control) cattle genes. We found that imprinted genes have a higher G + C content and more CpG islands and tandem repeats. Short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) were notably fewer in number in imprinted cattle genes compared to control genes, which is in agreement with previous reports for human and mouse imprinted regions. Long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) and long terminal repeats (LTRs) were found to be significantly underrepresented in imprinted genes compared to control genes, contrary to reports on human and mouse. Of considerable significance was the finding of highly conserved tandem repeats in nine of the genes imprinted in all three species