1,320 research outputs found

    On potential density in the deep South Atlantic Ocean

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    There is a great contrast between the relative distributions of potential density referred too decibars and of potential density referred to 4000 decibars in the deep water of the South Atlantic Ocean. Both parameters are useful in a descriptive analysis of deep water; the former is an identifier of water origin, the latter graphically displays stability in the deep ocean and can be used to infer deep-ocean geostrophic flow

    Meridional distribution of temperture-salinity characteristics of Pacific Ocean surface water

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    This paper describes the meridional distribution of the temperature-salinity (t-s) characteristics of Pacific Ocean surface water in a sector between 120° W and 180°, and from the Aleutian Island Arc to the Antarctic ice…

    Memorial Convocation

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    Determination of Trace Elements in Water Utilizaing Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Measurement

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    A variety of flameless atomic absorption methods have been investigated for the possible determination of trace elements in water. The general applicability of each technique was determined and where applicable, procedures have been developed for the determination of trace elements in natural waters. Metals were preconcentrated by electrodeposition on a wire. The metals were then atomized for atomic absorption measurement by resistive heating of the wire. As little as 0.01 part per million (ppm) of mercury could be determined in this way. A mercury cold vapor cell was constructed in which the sample is treated with a reducing agent to reduce mercury to the elemental state and then argon gas is bubbled through the sample to carry mercury vapor into a quartz-ended tube where its atomic absorption is measured. Water vapor condensation and consequent light scattering in the absorption tube was minimized by heating the tube. As little as 5 x 10-8g or 0.5 part per billion (ppb) of mercury was determined in natural waters. A heated tube atomizer was designed for the determination of relatively volatile elements such as arsenic. The sample is placed in a vertical tube that is connected to a horizontal absorption tube. The system is evacuated and heated to 660°C with nichrome wire. Arsenic sublimes at 613°C and results in a significant absorbance at 1937Å, probably as As4. Ten micrograms of arsenic could be detected. A simple and inexpensive tantalum ribbon flameless atomizer cell was constructed in which a few microliters of sample were dried and atomized on a tantalum ribbon heated resistively. This is applicable to a large of elements, giving detection limits down to 10-13 number gram in favorable cases. Interference effects were studied. This system has been applied to the determination of traces of silver, zinc, cadmium, manganese, and lead in natural waters with no sample preparation required. A standard additions calibration is most satisfactory

    A Review of the Stratigraphy of the Ogallala Formation and Revision of Neogene ("Tertiary") Nomenclature in Kansas

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    The member names for the Ogallala Formation (including the Valentine, Ash Hollow, and Kimball) in Kansas of Zeller (1968) are abandoned. The Ogallala Formation in Kansas includes strata of Miocene and earliest Pliocene age, revising earlier correlation to the Pliocene only (Zeller, 1968). The Kansas Geological Survey is abandoning use of the term "Tertiary," to be replaced by the term "Neogene." International stage boundaries for the Neogene have not been established in Kansas

    A Review of the Stratigraphy of the Ogallala Formation and Revision of Neogene ("Tertiary") Nomenclature in Kansas

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    The member names for the Ogallala Formation (including the Valentine, Ash Hollow, and Kimball) in Kansas of Zeller (1968) are abandoned. The Ogallala Formation in Kansas includes strata of Miocene and earliest Pliocene age, revising earlier correlation to the Pliocene only (Zeller, 1968). The Kansas Geological Survey is abandoning use of the term "Tertiary," to be replaced by the term "Neogene." International stage boundaries for the Neogene have not been established in Kansas

    A Review of the Stratigraphy of the Ogallala Formation and Revision of Neogene (“Tertiary”) Nomenclature in Kansas

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    The member names for the Ogallala Formation (including the Valentine, Ash Hollow, and Kimball) in Kansas of Zeller (1968) are abandoned. The Ogallala Formation in Kansas includes strata of Miocene and earliest Pliocene age, revising earlier correlation to the Pliocene only (Zeller, 1968). The Kansas Geological Survey is abandoning use of the term "Tertiary," to be replaced by the term "Neogene." International stage boundaries for the Neogene have not been established in Kansas
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