40 research outputs found
Chemical structure of breast cancer concrements
The process of pathological biomineralization plays an
important role in tumor growth morphogenesis. The role of heavy
metal salts in pathological mineralization of breast cancer tissue
should not be ruled out taking into consideration their ability to enter
in covalent bonds with calcium salt molecules
Chemical structure of breast cancer concrements
The process of pathological biomineralization plays an
important role in tumor growth morphogenesis. The role of heavy
metal salts in pathological mineralization of breast cancer tissue
should not be ruled out taking into consideration their ability to enter
in covalent bonds with calcium salt molecules
Design and fabrication of an all-dielectric grating with top-hat high diffraction efficiency over a broad spectral range
Between 98% and 100% flat top efficiency –1st order TE diffraction over a 40 nm wavelength range centered at 800 nm can be obtained by an all-dielectric grating structure where the corrugation is etched in a high index layer unlike in the state of the art. 98% maximum efficiency and a wide-band top-hat diffraction efficiency spectrum are demonstrated experimentally opening to high efficiency femtosecond pulse compression for high average power laser machining
Human CEACAM1 is targeted by a Streptococcus pyogenes adhesin implicated in puerperal sepsis pathogenesis
Life-threatening bacterial infections in women after childbirth, known as puerperal sepsis, resulted in classical epidemics and remain a global health problem. While outbreaks of puerperal sepsis have been ascribed to Streptococcus pyogenes, little is known about disease mechanisms. Here, we show that the bacterial R28 protein, which is epidemiologically associated with outbreaks of puerperal sepsis, specifically targets the human receptor CEACAM1. This interaction triggers events that would favor development of puerperal sepsis, including adhesion to cervical cells, suppression of epithelial wound repair and subversion of innate immune responses. High-resolution structural analysis showed that an R28 domain with IgI3-like fold binds to the N-terminal domain of CEACAM1. Together, these findings demonstrate that a single adhesin-receptor interaction can drive the pathogenesis of bacterial sepsis and provide molecular insights into the pathogenesis of one of the most important infectious diseases in medical history
Case report of giant nonmetastatic gastrointestinal solid tumor without clinical manifestations in a middle-aged male petient
ЖЕЛУДКА НОВООБРАЗОВАНИЯРАК ЖЕЛУДКАГАСТРОИНТЕСТИНАЛЬНАЯ СТРОМАЛЬНАЯ ОПУХОЛЬКЛИНИЧЕСКИЕ СЛУЧАИГастроинтестинальные стромальные опухоли (ГИСО, GIST) – одни из наиболее часто встречаемых мезенхимальных опухолей, которые происходят из клеток Каяла. Наиболее часто встречающаяся локализация ГИСО – желудочно-кишечный тракт, однако иногда встречаются и внежелудочно-кишечные формы. Большинство ГИСО имеют малый размер, который чаще всего не превышает 5-8 см в максимальном измерении. Данный клинический кейс описывает случай пациента с неметастатической гигантской опухолью желудка без каких-либо клинических проявлений. Опухоль была локализована в брюшной полости, занимая почти всю ее, сдавливая и смещая окружающие органы. Ввиду кистозно-солидной структуры, ее гигантских размеров и интимного прилегания к окружающим органам, провести точную дифференциальную диагностику до оперативного вмешательства не было возможно. Интраоперационная визуализация опухоли, дальнейшие гистологическое и иммуногистохимическое (CD117, CD34, S100, CD45, PanCK; Ki-67) исследования позволили установить диагноз ГИСО желудка T4N0M0, стадия II. На основании полученных данных, несмотря на гигантские размеры, прогноз заболевания был признан благоприятным (низкий митотический индекс, отсутствие метастазирования). За период клинического наблюдения, в течение 1,5 года после оперативного вмешательства, не было зарегистрировано рецидива или прогрессии заболевания, что говорит о благоприятном прогнозе для пациента.Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are one of the most common mesenchymal tumors that originate from the intestinal cells of Cajal. The most common localization of GIST is the gastrointestinal tract, however, extragastrointestinal forms are sometimes found. Most GISTs are small in size, which most often does not exceed 5 - 8 cm in maximum dimension. This article describes the case of a patient with a non-metastatic giant tumor of the stomach without any clinical manifestations. The tumor was localized in the abdominal cavity, occupying almost all of it, squeezing and displacing the surrounding organs. Due to the cystic-solid structure, its gigantic size and intimate adherence to the surrounding organs, it was not possible to carry out an accurate differential diagnosis before surgery. Intraoperative imaging of the tumor, further histological and immunohistochemical (CD117, CD34, S100, CD45, PanCK; Ki-67) studies made possible to establish the diagnosis of gastric GIST T4N0M0 stage II. Based on the data obtained, despite the gigantic size, the prognosis of the disease was considered favorable (low mitotic index, no metastasis). During the period of clinical observation, within 1.5 years after surgery, no relapse or disease progression was recorded, which indicates a favorable prognosis for the patient
A rare case of tuberculous salpingitis
The objective of this study was to give an overview of a rare case of tuberculosis of the left fallopian tube in postmenopausal women. It is known that the isolated tuberculous salpingitis without spreading to the endometrium is extremely rare case. In our case, it simulated a cancer of appendages at the late stages that were proved by the increased level of CA-125. This fact as well as the macroscopic image of the left fallopian tube was incorrectly considered by the clinicians as a malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube. However, after pathomorphological examination of postoperative samples during histological study, the main method of verification of the diagnosis, revealed the specific granulomas in the samples that indicate the tubercular inflammation. It was considered by clinical and laboratory as data secondary focus
Морфологічні особливості репаративного процесу в зоні трофічних венозних виразок нижніх кінцівок за умов застосування аутоплазми, збагаченої тромбоцитами
Мета. Дослідити стан регенерації тканин у зоні трофічних виразок венозного ґенезу.
Матеріали і методи. Протягом 2017 р. на базі хірургічного відділення Сумського обласного клінічного госпіталю ветеранів війни проведено лікування 57 хворих з трофічними виразками нижніх кінцівок шляхом застосування аутоплазми, збагаченої тромбоцитами (АПЗТ).
Результати. На 20-ту добу від початку лікування у хворих основної групи площа виразкового дефекту зменшувалась на 45,8% у порівнянні з вихідними даними, у хворих контрольної групи - лише на 31,4%, що в 1,4 разу менше (p < 0,05).
Висновки. Покращення регенерації тканин у зоні виразки за рахунок епідермізації скорочує строки її епітелізації у разі застосування АПЗТ у 2,3 разу
Osteonectin overexpression in the case of prostate cancer with intraluminal inclusions
Osteonectin (OSN) is secreted by osteoblasts during bone formation, initiating mineralization and promoting mineral crystal formation at sites of ectopic calcification. Also OSN was found in many types of human malignant tumours.
The aim is to study the OSN expression in patients with prostate cancer (PC) and the presence of intraluminal inclusions (prostatolithes and amyloid cells).
Method: OSN expression was investigated in tumours and in the adjacent prostatic tissue of 30 PCs with intraluminal inclusions and 30 PCs without them by immunohistochemistry. In each group 15 samples refer to moderately differentiated G2 and low-differentiated G3 tumours. Samples were fixed, embedded in paraffin, and analized for OSN accumulation using the anti-OSN antibody, followed by DAB detection substrate and counterstained with Mayer’s haematoxylin.
Results: OSN expression was increased in PC tissues with pathological inclusions in comparison to those without them (p<0.001, Student test). Osteonectin was mostly localized in tumour cells cytoplasm, its expression was not observed in tumour microangiourea cells and in stroma. It was found that the OSN expression by tumour cells reduced during reduction of the malignant tumour differentiation (comparison of subgroups G2 and G3) (p<0.001 and p<0.01 respectively for groups I and II).
Conclusion: OSN overexpression in tumours and in the adjacent prostatic tissue of PCs with intraluminal inclusions may be regarded as a prospective role for the osteosteogenic phenotype development of tumour cells and for the bone metastasis promotion.Дослідження виконане в рамках науководослідних тем кафедри патологічної анатомії СумДУ №0117U003937 «Розробка методу діагностики пухлин органів репродуктивної системи з використанням молекул клітинної адгезії раково-ембріонального антигену» та №0116U006815 «Дослідження змін у кістках при переломах за умов використання наноматеріалів для метал-остеосинтезу з урахуванням функції м'язового апарату»
Osteonectin overexpression in the case of prostate cancer with intraluminal inclusions
Background & Objective: Osteonectin (OSN) is secreted by osteoblasts during bone formation, initiating mineralization and promoting mineral crystal formation at sites of ectopic calcification. Also OSN was found in many types of human malignant tumours. The aim is to study the OSN expression in patients with prostate cancer (PC) and the presence of intraluminal inclusions (prostatolithes and amyloid cells)
A rare case of tuberculous salpingitis
The objective of this study was to give an overview of a rare case of tuberculosis of the left fallopian tube in postmenopausal women. It is known that the isolated tuberculous salpingitis without spreading to the endometrium is extremely rare case. In our case, it simulated a cancer of appendages at the late stages that were proved by the increased level of CA-125. This fact as well as the macroscopic image of the left fallopian tube was incorrectly considered by the clinicians as a malignant neoplasm of fallopian tube. However, after pathomorphological examination of postoperative samples during histological study, the main method of verification of the diagnosis, revealed the specific granulomas in the samples that indicate the tubercular inflammation. It was considered by clinical and laboratory as data secondary focus