82 research outputs found

    Atrazine induction of a family 4 cytochrome P450 gene in \u3ci\u3eChironomus tentans\u3c/i\u3e (Diptera: Chironomidae)

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    Cytochrome P450-dependent microsomal monooxygenase (P450) activity was measured in control and atrazine-exposed third instar midge larvae, Chironomus tentans. Significantly elevated O-demethylase activity was observed in gut homogenates taken from midges exposed to atrazine concentrations from 1 to 10 ppm for 90 h. No significant induction was observed at atrazine concentrations below 1 ppm. A region of a cytochrome P450 family 4 gene was amplified and sequenced from C. tentans larvae. Alignments of inferred amino acid sequences with other insect CYP4 gene homologues indicate a high degree of similarity. Northern blot analysis employing the CYP4 gene fragment as a probe showed an overexpression in C. tentans exposed to atrazine. The results support the previously identified inducibility of cytochrome P450-dependent activity and provide insight into the potential consequences of atrazine exposure to aquatic organisms

    Insecticide concentrations in stream sediments of soy production regions of South America

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    Concentrations of 17 insecticides were measured in sediments collected from 53 streams in soy production regions of South America (Argentina in 2011-2014, Paraguay and Brazil in 2013) during peak application periods. Although environmental regulations are quite different in each country, commonly used insecticides were detected at high frequencies in all regions. Maximum concentrations (and detection frequencies) for each sampling event ranged from: 1.2–7.4 ng/g dw chlorpyrifos (56-100%); 0.9–8.3 ng/g dw cypermethrin (20-100%); 0.42–16.6 ng/g dw lambda-cyhalothrin (60-100%); and 0.49– 2.1 ng/g dw endosulfan (13-100%). Other pyrethroids were detected less frequently. Banned organochlorines were most frequently detected in Brazil. In all countries, cypermethrin and/or lambda-cyhalothrin toxic units (TUs), based on Hyalella azteca LC50 bioassays, were occasionally >0.5 (indicating likely acute toxicity), while TUs for other insecticides were <0.5. All samples with total insecticide TU > 1 were collected from streams with riparian buffer width < 20 m. A multiple regression analysis that included five landscape and habitat predictor variables for the Brazilian streams examined indicated that buffer width was the most important predictor variable in explaining total insecticide TU values. While Brazil and Paraguay require forested stream buffers, there were no such regulations in the Argentine pampas, where buffer widths were smaller. Multiple insecticides were found in almost all stream sediment samples in intensive soy production regions, with pyrethroids most often occurring at acutely toxic concentrations, and the greatest potential for insecticide toxicity occurring in streams with minimum buffer width < 20m.Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet

    Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Pesticides to Chironomus dilutus and Hyalella azteca

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    Two hundred sediment samples were collected and their toxicity evaluated to aquatic species in a previous study in the agriculturally dominated Central Valley of California, United States. Pyrethroid insecticides were the main contributors to the observed toxicity. However, mortality in approximately one third of the toxic samples could not be explained solely by the presence of pyrethroids in the matrices. Hundreds of pesticides are currently used in the Central Valley of California, but only a few dozen are analyzed in standard environmental monitoring. A significant amount of unexplained sediment toxicity may be due to pesticides that are in widespread use that but have not been routinely monitored in the environment, and even if some of them were, the concentrations harmful to aquatic organisms are unknown. In this study, toxicity thresholds for nine sediment-associated pesticides including abamectin, diazinon, dicofol, fenpropathrin, indoxacarb, methyl parathion, oxyfluorfen, propargite, and pyraclostrobin were established for two aquatic species, the midge Chironomus dilutus and the amphipod Hyalella azteca. For midges, the median lethal concentration (LC50) of the pesticides ranged from 0.18 to 964 μg/g organic carbon (OC), with abamectin being the most toxic and propargite being the least toxic pesticide. A sublethal growth endpoint using average individual ash-free dry mass was also measured for the midges. The no–observable effect concentration values for growth ranged from 0.10 to 633 μg/g OC for the nine pesticides. For the amphipods, fenpropathrin was the most toxic, with an LC50 of 1–2 μg/g OC. Abamectin, diazinon, and methyl parathion were all moderately toxic (LC50s 2.8–26 μg/g OC). Dicofol, indoxacarb, oxyfluorfen, propargite, and pyraclostrobin were all relatively nontoxic, with LC50s greater than the highest concentrations tested. The toxicity information collected in the present study will be helpful in decreasing the frequency of unexplained sediment toxicity in agricultural waterways

    Advancing the use of passive sampling in risk assessment and management of contaminated sediments: Results of an international passive sampling inter-laboratory comparison

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    This work presents the results of an international interlaboratory comparison on ex situ passive sampling in sediments. The main objectives were to map the state of the science in passively sampling sediments, identify sources of variability, provide recommendations and practical guidance for standardized passive sampling, and advance the use of passive sampling in regulatory decision making by increasing confidence in the use of the technique. The study was performed by a consortium of 11 laboratories and included experiments with 14 passive sampling formats on 3 sediments for 25 target chemicals (PAHs and PCBs). The resulting overall interlaboratory variability was large (a factor of ∼10), but standardization of methods halved this variability. The remaining variability was primarily due to factors not related to passive sampling itself, i.e., sediment heterogeneity and analytical chemistry. Excluding the latter source of variability, by performing all analyses in one laboratory, showed that passive sampling results can have a high precision and a very low intermethod variability

    Swimming with Predators and Pesticides: How Environmental Stressors Affect the Thermal Physiology of Tadpoles

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    To forecast biological responses to changing environments, we need to understand how a species’s physiology varies through space and time and assess how changes in physiological function due to environmental changes may interact with phenotypic changes caused by other types of environmental variation. Amphibian larvae are well known for expressing environmentally induced phenotypes, but relatively little is known about how these responses might interact with changing temperatures and their thermal physiology. To address this question, we studied the thermal physiology of grey treefrog tadpoles (Hyla versicolor) by determining whether exposures to predator cues and an herbicide (Roundup) can alter their critical maximum temperature (CTmax) and their swimming speed across a range of temperatures, which provides estimates of optimal temperature (Topt) for swimming speed and the shape of the thermal performance curve (TPC). We discovered that predator cues induced a 0.4uC higher CTmax value, whereas the herbicide had no effect. Tadpoles exposed to predator cues or the herbicide swam faster than control tadpoles and the increase in burst speed was higher near Topt. In regard to the shape of the TPC, exposure to predator cues increased Topt by 1.5uC, while exposure to the herbicide marginally lowered Topt by 0.4uC. Combining predator cues and the herbicide produced an intermediate Topt that was 0.5uC higher than the control. To our knowledge this is the first study to demonstrate a predator altering the thermal physiology of amphibian larvae (prey) by increasing CTmax, increasing the optimum temperature, and producing changes in the thermal performance curves. Furthermore, these plastic responses of CTmax and TPC to different inducing environments should be considered when forecasting biological responses to global warming.Peer reviewe

    Identification of the Sediment-Associated Contaminants in the Illinois River Complex using Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE)

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    The final report for this project “Identification of the Sediment-Associated Contaminants in the Illinois River Complex using a Toxicity Identification Evaluation (TIE)”, conducted by Dr. Michael Lydy and W. Tyler Mehler, is comprised of the thesis of W. Tyler Mehler submitted to the Department of Zoology, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale in December 2009. In addition, two papers have been published which are based on this project: Mehler, W. Tyler, Jonathan D. Maul, Jing You, and Michael J. Lydy. 2009. "Identifying the causes of sediment-associated contamination in the Illinois River (USA) using whole-sediment toxicity identification evaluation." Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29(1): 158-167; Mehler, W. Tyler, Jing You, Jonathan D. Maul, and Michael J. Lydy. 2010. "Comparative analysis of whole sediment and porewater toxicity identification evaluation techniques for ammonia and non-polar organic contaminants." Chemosphere 78: 814-821. The thesis and research papers have been subjected to external scientific peer review and may not necessarily reflect the views of the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.The difficulty of assessing risk of sediment-associated contaminant mixtures to benthic ecosystems is often attributed to understanding the bioavailable fraction of each contaminant. These issues have led to the development of the toxicity identification evaluation (TIE). Past pore water TIE testing on Illinois River sediments has indicated that ammonia was the primary contaminant. The current study, however, suggests that ammonia is no longer the primary contaminant of concern, but rather non-polar organics, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, are the primary cause for toxicity in the Illinois River Complex (IRC). Summer of 2007 testing showed that six out of the seven sites that proceeded to Phase I testing exhibited a significant increase in survival with the addition of the non-polar organic amendment powdered coconut charcoal (PCC), while zeolite (ammonia amendment) and Resin Tech SIR 300 (cationic metals amendment) did not significantly increase survival suggesting that non-polar organics are the source of toxicity. In addition, Phase II testing suggested that concentrations of PAHs were high enough to cause the observed toxicity, which confirmed the results of Phase I testing. Additional seasonal-based sampling (i.e., fall, winter, spring, and summer 2008) supported the summer findings, with little variation between toxicity and concentrations, with 46% of the sites being improved with the addition of PCC in Phase I testing. The results of Phase I and Phase II contradicted past pore water TIE studies as non-polar organics were suggested as the source of toxicity rather than ammonia. Thus, both pore water and whole sediment TIE methodologies were used on two selected sites. The results of this study suggested that discordance between the past pore water TIEs and the current whole sediment TIE were attributed to the methodologies and on a lesser note the test organisms used. The present study provides data that could be used in combination with previous work to more accurately characterize the sources and spatial trends of toxicity in Illinois River sediments for future risk assessment and mitigation. Furthermore, the present study showed that while TIE methodologies are a valuable tool in assessing risk associated with contaminants in aquatic system, further research in understanding the role that each TIE method may serve in risk assessment is also important.Illinois Sustainable Technology Center/Grant No. HWR07211published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

    Atrazine induction of cytochrome P450 in \u3ci\u3eChironomus tentans\u3c/i\u3e larvae

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    Cytochrome P450-dependent aldrin epoxidation was characterized in third instar larvae of the aquatic midge, Chironomus tentans. Optimal in vitro assay conditions for the epoxidase were pH 7.6 and 31°C. Activity was linear up to 40 min of incubation time and 0.5 mg microsomal protein per incubation. The activity was concentrated in the mic rosomal fraction of whole body homogenates and was NADPH-dependent. The effect of atrazine exposure on aldrin epoxidase was measured to determine if this herbicide induces cytochrome P450-dependent activity. Comparisons of control and atrazine-exposed midges indicated increased epoxidase activity as a result of atrazine exposure, and a 45 kDa protein of increased intensity was observed after SDS-PAGE of microsomal protein. The molecular weight of this protein was similar in size to cytochrome P450 enzymes reported for other insects. Heme staining of SDS-PAGE gels and immunochemical studies using a Drosophila melanogaster anti-P450 polyclonal antiserum, further support the cytochrome P450 nature of this inducible 45 kDa protein

    The Effects of Salinity and Temperature on Toxicity of Permethrin to Pyrethroid-resistant and Wild Type Hyalella azteca

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    A series of 96-h acute toxicity tests were conducted exposing Hyalella to a concentration range of permethrin at different temperatures (18, 23 and 28 °C) and salinities (0.2, 1.0, and 6.0 practical salinity units

    Assessing the Influence of Organic Carbon, Aging Time and Temperature on Bioaccessibility of Bifenthrin

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    This is the data set for Assessing the Influence of Organic Carbon, Aging Time and Temperature on Bioaccessibility of Bifenthrin published in Arkles et al. 2023. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology