12 research outputs found

    Current issues of teaching general surgery.

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    Analysis of the results of teaching general surgery in a credit-modular system showed that there are issues that need to be solved at different levels. They concern educational and methodological and logistical support of education, the proper methodology of teaching practical skills, the distribution of modular control of mastering level of practical and theoretical knowledge as well as the increase of academic hours a on the discipline in the total and restructuring clinical practice

    Current issues of teaching general surgery.

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    Analysis of the results of teaching general surgery in a credit-modular system showed that there are issues that need to be solved at different levels. They concern educational and methodological and logistical support of education, the proper methodology of teaching practical skills, the distribution of modular control of mastering level of practical and theoretical knowledge as well as the increase of academic hours a on the discipline in the total and restructuring clinical practice


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    Recently in the European countries the designs of flexible pipes and pipe bridges, the bearing capacity of which is provided by passive resistance of soil, have found more applications. The paper presents an analysis of existing models for calculating flexible pipes working as a system «construction-soil». The numerical example for calculating such construction design using software package SCAD is given.В последнее время в странах Европы стали чаще применятся конструкции гибких труб и труб-мостов, несущая способность которых обеспечивается пассивным сопротивлением грунта. В статье представлен анализ существующих моделей расчета гибких труб, работающих как система «конструкция-грунт», приведен пример расчета такой конструкции в программном комплексе SCAD.Останнім часом в країнах Європи набули поширення конструкції гнучких труб та труб-мостів, несна здатність яких забезпечується завдяки пасивному опору ґрунту. В статті представлено аналіз існуючих моделей розрахунку гнучких труб, що працюють як система «конструкція-ґрунт», та наведено приклад розрахунку такої конструкції в програмному комплексі SCAD


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    Recently in the European countries the designs of flexible pipes and pipe bridges, the bearing capacity of which is provided by passive resistance of soil, have found more applications. The paper presents an analysis of existing models for calculating flexible pipes working as a system «construction-soil». The numerical example for calculating such construction design using software package SCAD is given

    Thermoelastic properties of ScB2, TiB2, YB4 and HoB4: experimental and theoretical studies

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    High-pressure X-ray diffraction in ScB2, TiB2, YB4 and HoB4 powders and single crystals has been studied using synchrotron radiation as well as conventional X-rays. The experimental results are supported by calculations using density functional theory. ScB2, YB4 and HoB4 are hard materials (bulk modulus 180–200 GPa), while TiB2 may be classified as superhard (bulk modulus about 260 GPa). We report here first experimental and theoretical determinations of the bulk modulus for HoB4 (195(5) and 198.2 GPa, respectively), and first experimental values of the bulk modulus for ScB2 (196(2) GPa) and YB4 (185(4) GPa). No pressure-induced phase transformations are observed in any of the above borides up to about 20 GPa. A continuous temperature-driven orthorhombic distortion is observed for HoB4 below 285 K. Values of the thermal expansion coefficient are reported for ScB2 and HoB4 at 293, 200 and 100 K. The thermoelastic behavior is explained in terms of bonding characteristics

    Structural parameters of the nearest surrounding of halide ions in the aqueous electrolyte solutions

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