36 research outputs found

    Augmented plasma microparticles during acute Plasmodium vivax infection

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    Background: In the last few years, the study of microparticles (MPs) - submicron vesicles released from cells upon activation or apoptosis - has gained growing interest in the field of inflammation and in infectious diseases. Their role in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax remains unexplored. Because acute vivax malaria has been related to pro-inflammatory responses, the main hypothesis investigated in this study was that Plasmodium vivax infection is associated with elevated levels of circulating MPs, which may play a role during acute disease in nonimmune patients. Methods: Plasma MPs were analysed among thirty-seven uncomplicated P. vivax infections from an area of unstable malaria transmission in the Brazilian Amazon. The MP phenotype was analysed by flow cytometry using the classical MP marker, annexin, and fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies against specific cell surface markers. The frequencies of plasma MPs in P. vivax patients (n = 37) were further compared to malaria-unexposed controls (n = 15) and ovarian carcinoma patients (n = 12), a known MPs-inducing disease non-related to malaria. Results: The frequencies of plasma circulating MPs were markedly increased in P. vivax patients, as compared to healthy age-matched malaria-unexposed controls. Although platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes were the main cellular sources of MPs during vivax malaria, platelet derived-MPs (PMPs) increased in a linear fashion with the presence of fever at the time of blood collection (b = 0.06, p < 0.0001) and length of acute symptoms (b = 0.36, p < 0.0001). Finally, the results suggest that plasma levels of PMPs diminish as patient experience more episodes of clinical malaria (b = 0.07, p < 0.003). Conclusions: Abundant circulating MPs are present during acute P. vivax infection, and platelet derived-MPs may play a role on the acute inflammatory symptoms of malaria vivax

    Fatores de risco para quedas em pacientes adultos hospitalizados: um estudo caso-controle

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    Objective: to identify risk factors for falls in hospitalized adult patients. Methods: a matched case-control study (one control for each case). A quantitative study conducted in clinical and surgical units of a teaching hospital in Southern Brazil. The sample comprised 358 patients. Data were collected over 18 months between 2013-2014. Data analysis was performed with descriptive statistics and conditional logistic regression using Microsoft Excel and SPSS version 18.0. Results: risk factors identified were: disorientation/confusion [OR 4.25 (1.99 to 9.08), p&lt;0.001]; frequent urination [OR 4.50 (1.86 to 10.87), p=0.001]; walking limitation [OR 4.34 (2.05 to 9.14), p&lt;0.001]; absence of caregiver [OR 0.37 (0.22 to 0.63), p&lt;0.001]; postoperative period [OR 0.50 (0.26 to 0.94), p=0.03]; and number of medications administered within 72 hours prior the fall [OR 1.20 (1.04 to 1.39) p=0.01]. Conclusion: risk for falls is multifactorial. However, understanding these factors provides support to clinical decision-making and positively influences patient safety.Objetivo: identificar los factores de riesgo para la ocurrencia de caídas en pacientes adultos hospitalizados. Métodos: un estudio caso-control emparejado (un control para cada caso). Investigación cuantitativa llevada a cabo en unidades clínicas y quirúrgicas de un hospital universitario en el Sur de Brasil. La muestra constó de 358 pacientes. Se recopilaron datos durante 18 meses, entre 2013-2014. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva y regresión logística condicional, utilizando el Microsoft Excel y el SPSS versión 18.0. Resultados: los factores de riesgo identificados fueron: desorientación/confusión [OR 4,25 (1,99 a 9,08), p&lt;0,001]; micción frecuente [OR 4,50 (1,86 a 10,87), p=0,001]; limitación para caminar [OR 4,34 (2,05 a 9,14), p&lt;0,001]; ausencia de cuidadores [OR 0,37 (0,22 a 0,63), p&lt;0,001]; período postoperatorio [OR 0,50 (0,26 a 0,94), p=0,03]; y número de medicamentos administrados dentro de las 72 horas previas a la caída [OR 1,20 (1,04 a 1,39) p=0,01]. Conclusión: los riesgos de caídas son multifactoriales. Sin embargo, la comprensión de estos factores respalda la toma de decisiones clínicas y tiene un impacto positivo en la seguridad del paciente.Objetivo: identificar os fatores de risco para a ocorrência de quedas em pacientes adultos hospitalizados. Métodos: estudo do tipo caso-controle pareado (um controle para cada caso). Pesquisa quantitativa realizada em unidades clínicas e cirúrgicas de um hospital universitário da região Sul do Brasil. A amostra incluiu 358 pacientes. Os dados foram coletados durante 18 meses, entre 2013-2014. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de estatística descritiva e regressão logística condicional, utilizando o Microsoft Excel e o SPSS versão 18.0. Resultados: os fatores de risco identificados foram: desorientação/confusão [OR 4,25 (1,99 a 9,08), p&lt;0,001]; micção frequente [OR 4,50 (1,86 a 10,87), p=0,001]; limitação para caminhar [OR 4,34 (2,05 a 9,14), p&lt;0,001]; ausência de cuidador [OR 0,37 (0,22 a 0,63), p&lt;0,001]; período pós-operatório [OR 0,50 (0,26 a 0,94), p=0,03]; e o número de medicamentos administrados nas 72 horas anteriores à queda [OR 1,20 (1,04 a 1,39) p=0,01]. Conclusão: os riscos para quedas são multifatoriais. Todavia, conhecê-los dá suporte à decisão clínica do enfermeiro, o que contribui para a busca das melhores intervenções preventivas e impacta positivamente na segurança dos pacientes