2 research outputs found
- Author
- A Letter From a Member of the Society
- A Letter From a Member of the Society
- A Representation of the Present State of Religion
- Abbey C.J.
- Abstract of the Annual Reports and Correspondence of the Society with the East-India Mission A.D.
- Adler F.
- Aland
- Aland K.
- Aland K.
- Allen W .
- Allestree
- Allison F.
- Anglican-Lutheran Dialogue
- Arends W.E.
- Armytage W .
- Arndt John
- Arndt John
- Arndt John
- Arndt John
- Arndt John
- August Hermann Francke
- Babes
- Bahlman D .
- Baier H .
- Baker D.
- Beattie J .
- Bellardi W .
- Bennett G.V.
- Bennett G.V.
- Bennett G.V.
- Benz E .
- Benz E.W.
- Beyreuther E.
- Beyreuther E. Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg
- Beyreuther E. Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg
- Beyreuther E. Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg
- Beyreuther E. Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg
- Beyreuther E. Bartholomäus Ziegenbalg
- Bidulph T .
- Bill E.G.W.
- Bioesch D.G.
- Bion John
- Boehm A.W.
- Boehm Anthony William
- Bondi G.
- Bornkamm H. F.
- Bourdillon A.F.C.
- Brecht
- Brett Thomas
- Brett Thomas
- British Library
- Bullock F.W.B.
- Burckhardt J.G.
- Burgmann Johann Gustav
- Burnet Gilbert
- Caland W.
- Carpenter E. Thomas Tenison
- Cavenagh F.A.
- Censura Temporum
- Chamberlayne John
- Chatterton
- Church L.F.
- Cienciala G.J.R.
- Clarke W.K.L.
- Clarke W.K.L.
- Clegg
- Clement M.
- Clement M.
- Cnattingius H.
- Cobb S.H.
- Cole C.D.H.
- Collinson P.
- Coulter E.M.
- Covell John
- Cowie L.W.
- Craig A.G.
- Cuddalore
- Curnock N.
- Curtis T.C.
- Curtze L.
- Curtze L.
- Dallimore A.A.
- Daniel C .
- Darlow H.F.
- Davies R .
- Davis A.P.
- Delius W .
- Der Kirchen-Catechismus
- Diffenderffer F .
- Divine Providence
- Doble C.E.
- Downing Joseph
- Dressier B.
- Duffy E.
- Dwyer
- Dyson A.O.
- East Indies
- Edwards John
- Edwards John
- Edzard J.E.
- Eisner
- Elizabeth
- Elizabeth
- Emigration
- Every G.
- Falckner Daniel
- Fase
- Faulenbach
- Fenger J.F.
- Findon J.
- Florey G.
- Florey G. Bischöfe
- Force P.
- Foster J.
- Foster J.F.
- fournal of the Commission
- Francke
- Francke August Hermann
- Francke August Hermann
- Francke August Hermann
- Fries A.
- Fries W
- Fulbrook M .
- Funk T .
- Fück J.
- Geissendoerfer
- Geldbach
- Gensichen H.W.
- Gensichen H.W.
- Gensichen H.W.
- Georgia B. Martyn
- Gerdes E.W.
- Gerdes E.W.
- Germann W .
- Germann W .
- Germann W .
- Germann W.
- Gibbs M.E.
- Gidney W .
- Gilbert A.D.
- God
- Goltz H.
- Gottlieb G.
- Great Britain
- Green L.C.
- Green V .
- Greschat M.
- Greschat M.
- Greschat M.
- Grew M.S.
- Grinfield E.W.
- Gräfe H.
- Hare F.
- Harrington
- Harris T .
- Hastings
- Hatton R .
- Haydon C .
- Headlam
- Heppe H.
- Hervey James
- Hildebrandt F.
- Hinke W.J.
- Hinrichs C .
- Historical Manuscripts Commission
- Hitchcock T.V.
- Hofmann F.
- Holl
- Holmes G.
- Holmes G.
- Home Misc
- Hoskins J.P.
- Ireland
- Irmer W .
- Isaacs T.
- Jacobs H.E.
- Jaspert B.
- Jenkins D.E.
- Jennings
- Jones G.F.
- Jones G.F.
- Jones G.F.
- Jones G.F.
- Jones M .
- Journal of the Commission
- Jungklaus D.
- Kelly T .
- Kemble J .
- Kennett C.E.
- Kennett White
- Kidder Richard
- Kincheloe J.L.
- Knittle W.A.
- Knuth G. A.H.
- Kocherthal Joshua
- Kolde T.
- Kramer G.
- Kramer G.
- Krieg G.A.
- Kruse M .
- Kuenning P.P.
- Kvacala J.
- Lacy John
- Lang A.
- Latourette K.S.
- Law
- Ld Viscount Townshend
- Lee
- Lee
- Legg J.W.
- Legg J.W.
- Lehmann
- Lehmann
- Lehmann E.A.
- Lehmann E.A.
- Lehmann E.A.
- Leslie
- Leube H.
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liebing H.
- Light
- Lindberg C.
- Linneil C.L.S.
- Lodewigs S.
- Lombard Daniel
- Lovelace R.F.
- Ludolf H.W.
- Lutheran Church
- Lutheran Principles
- Luttrell
- Macfarlane S.M.
- Mann W.J.
- Marshall G .
- Marty Martin
- Mather
- Mather Cotton
- McAdoo H .
- McCain J.L.
- McClure E.
- McCulloch S.C.
- McKenzie
- McLachlan H .
- McNeill J .
- Meersman A.
- Mentzer Balthazar
- Millar R .
- Miller R .
- Mirbt C .
- Most Christian King
- Mr Ziegenbalgh
- Nagler A .
- Nebe
- Neill S.C.
- Neill S.C.
- Nelson E.C.
- Nelson Robert
- Nelson Robert
- Niemeyer A .
- Norgaard A.
- Nuttall G.F.
- Orcibal J.
- Oschlies W .
- Pasche Friedrich Wilhelm
- Pascoe C.F.
- Pastorius Franz Daniel
- Paterson James
- Patrides C.A.
- Patrides C.A.
- Pearce Zachary
- Peck A.L.
- Penny F.
- Perry T .
- Peschke
- Peschke E.
- Peschke E.
- Pietas Corcagiensis Or
- Pike D .
- Pious Mr Griffith Jones
- Pleijel H .
- Podczeck O.
- Podczeck O.
- Poor Palatine Refugees
- Portus G.V.
- Prisons
- Protestants
- Pufendorf Samuel
- Pufendorf Samuel
- Rambach J.J.
- Ransome Mary
- Reichl G.
- Reverend Dr Anth
- Richter J .
- Ritschl A.
- Runciman J.C.S.
- Rupp E.G.
- Sacheverell Henry
- Sachse J.F.
- Saltzburg
- Saltzburg
- Salzburg Emigrants
- Sattler G .
- Sattler G .
- Sattler G.R.
- Schaible K .
- Schicketanz P.
- Schmauk
- Schmidlin J.
- Schmidt K.D.
- Schmidt M .
- Schmidt M .
- Schmidt M.
- Schmidt M.
- Schmidt M.
- Schoell C .
- Schwartz
- Schürmann A.
- Secretan C.F.
- Shankland T .
- Sheils W .
- Silverman
- Simmons J.S.G.
- Simon J.S.
- Sommerville C.J.
- Spalding P.
- Spener Philipp Jacob
- Spener Philipp Jacob
- Spurr
- Sr Königl
- Stanhope George
- Stoeffler F.E.
- Stoeffler F.E.
- Storz J.
- Sträter
- Sykes N.
- Sykes N.
- Sykes N. Edmund Gibson
- Sykes N. Edmund Gibson
- Sykes N. Edmund Gibson
- Sykes N. Edmund Gibson
- Sykes N. Edmund Gibson
- Sykes S.W.
- Sykes S.W.
- Söhngen
- Tailfer Pat
- Talbott James
- Tappe E.D.
- Tappert T.G.
- Tappert T.G.
- Telford J.
- Tetzner J. H. W.
- The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia Compiled and Published under the Authority of the Legislature
- The Lutheran Liturgy
- The Palatines Catechism Or
- The State of the Palatines for Fifty Years past to this Present Time. London 1710. (Bod) G .
- Theosophical Transactions by the Philadelphian Society
- Thomas P.D.G.
- Thomas R .
- Thompson H.P.
- Thune N.
- Tresp L.L.
- Tribbeko John
- Tribbeko John
- Tschizewskij D.
- Tschizewskij D.
- Tschizewskij D.
- Tyerman L.
- Tyerman L.
- Urlsperger Samuel
- Victor I.
- Vol
- Vol X V
- Wake William
- Wallace D.D.
- Wallmann J.
- Wallmann J.
- Wallmann J.
- Walsh J .
- Walton
- Walton C.
- Walton R .
- Watson D.L.
- Watts Isaac
- Watts M .
- Wauer G.A.
- Weinlick J .
- Weiske K.
- Wesley Samuel
- Westfall R .
- Whiston William
- Whitefield George
- Whitefield George
- Whitefield George
- Wilford John
- Wilhelm Böhmen London
- Wilhelm Böhmen London
- Williams G.
- Willis Richard
- Winter E.
- Withers
- Woodward Josiah
- Woodward Josiah
- Woodward Josiah
- Woodward Josiah
- Woodward Josiah
- Woodward Josiah
- Zeller W .
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
[Pamphlets in philology and the humanities.
- Author
- Aydelotte Frank, 1880-1956. English as training in thought. 1912.
- Baldwin Charles Sears, 1867-1935. Rhetoric.
- Bishop William Warner, 1871-1955. Training in the use of books. 1912.
- Blanchard Frank Le Roy, 1858-1936. [Professional trade press].
- Browne Davis Henry, 1864-1917. Idol of quick returns.
- Columbia University. Entrance examinations and admission 1912-1913.
- Columbia University. Graduate School of Journalism. School of journalism announcement 1912-1913.
- Cooper Lane, 1875-1959. Ancient and modern letters. 1912.
- Cooper Lane, 1875-1959. Methods and aims in the study of literature. 1912.
- Council on Medical Education and Hospitals (American Medical Association). Requirements for admission to medical courses. 1912?
- Creelman James, 1859-1915. Chiefs of the American press.
- Crittenden Albert Robinson, 1867-1933. Sentence structure of Virgil. 1911.
- Dareste Pierre. Droit de réponse en matiere de presse.
- Davis Calvin Olin, 1871-. Principles and plans for reorganizing secondary education.
- Durning-Lawrence Edwin, Sir, 1837-1914. Shakespeare myth. 1912.
- Florer Warren Washburn, 1869-1958. Luther's use of the pre-Lutheran versions of the Bible. 1912.
- Funk & Wagnalls. From the preface of the revision of the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary to be issued in 1912.
- Horwill H. W. (Herbert William), 1864-1952. Training of the journalist.
- Hosic James Fleming, 1870-1959. College-entrance requirements in English and the high school course. 1912.
- Hosmer G. W. (George Washington), 1830-1914. Mr. Pulitzer's ideals for the Columbia School of Journalism.
- Indiana Association of Teachers of English. Proceedings of the Indiana Association of Teachers. 1911.
- Ireland Alleyne, 1871-1951. Modern superman, a character study of the late Joseph Pulitzer. 1911?
- Journalism week in print (1912 : University of Missouri)
- Missouri. Laws statutes, etc. Missouri laws affecting newspapers. 1912.
- National Conference on Uniform Entrance Requirements in English (1912)
- O'Donnell Hugh A. Goodness of journalism. 1912.
- Padelford Frederick Morgan, 1875-1942. Simple life as Shakespeare viewed it.
- Porter Harry. Address on "advertising". 1911.
- Ross Charles G. (Charles Griffith), 1885-1950. News in the county newspaper. 1913.
- Scott Fred Newton, 1860-1931.
- Scott Fred Newton, 1860-1931. Verbal taboos. 1912.
- Secondary Education Club (University of North Dakota). Teaching of English in high schools. 1912.
- Shearin Hubert Gibson, 1878-. Syllabus of Kentucky folk-songs. 1911.
- Simplified Spelling Board. Fourth list of simplified spellings recommended by the Simplified Spelling Board. 1913.
- Thomson Clara Linklater. Teaching of English.
- Tolman Albert Harris, 1856-1928. Questions on Shakespeare: I Henry IV. 1912.
- Wendell Barrett, 1855-1921. United States and France. 1908.
- West Andrew Fleming, 1853-1943. Education and intelligence. 1911.
- Whipple Guy Montrose, 1876-1941. Relative efficiency of phonetic alphabets. 1911.
- Publication venue
- [S.l. : s.n.,
- Publication date
- Field of study
From a collection of pamphlets and offprints donated by Fred Newton Scott (1860-1931), instructor of English at the University of Michigan.Mode of access: Internet