167 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Mycobacterial Ergothioneine biosynthetic pathway metabolites

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    Many gram positive bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, lack the redox protective molecule, glutathione and produce mycothiol (MSH) and ergothioneine (ESH) as their principal low molecular mass thiol instead. Ergothioneine has been known for a while as an anti-oxidant; however its role as a protective thiol in Mycobacterium tuberculosis is still undefined. Present knowledge indicates that ergothioneine may play a critical role in the in vivo and in vitro survival of Mycobacteria, hence enzymes involved in ESH synthesis can be considered as potential drug targets. Ergothioneine is synthesized by the sequential action of five enzymes, encoded by the genes egtA, egtB, egtC, egtD and egtE. Three of these enzymes implicated in the ergothioneine synthesis have been expressed and purified. The last step catalyzed by EgtE, a pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP)-dependent β-lyase convert the S-(β-amino-β-carboxyethyl) ergothioneine sulfoxide to ergothioneine. This thesis describes the synthesis of ESH pathway enzyme substrates, with the main focus on the synthesis of the EgtE enzyme substrate, ESH biosynthetic precursor, R- and S-(β-amino-β-carboxyethyl) ergothioneine sulfoxide. In order to prove that synthesized compounds are indeed mycobacterium ESH pathway enzyme substrates, crude M. smeg cell free lysate enzyme was used to convert substrates to ESH. Enzymatic transformation was followed by LCMS analysis. One of two synthetic routes studied, required sufficient quantities of ESH and were therefore thoroughly reviewed. An improved synthetic procedure for ESH was obtained. Deuterated hercynine and ESH was prepared, which will serve as a valuable internal standards and probes for ergothioneine metabolic studies. Enantioselective sulfoxidation of EgtE enzyme substrate precursor, hercynyl cysteine sulfide gave the required hercynyl cysteine sulfoxide derivative and in same cases the hercynyl cysteine sulfone. Crude enzyme mediated transformation of substrates indicated that the hercynyl cysteine sulfide undergoes efficient conversion to ESH

    The Effects of IMF\u27s Lending and Conditionalities on Economic Growth: Case of SADC Countries

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    I examine the impact of IMF credit use and its conditions on economic growth performance in 12 South African countries over a period of 1999-2019. The work adopts an empirical and quantitative approach to analyzing the relationship between the GDP per Capita, the use of IMF Credit, Government Final Consumption Expenditure, Net Domestic Credit and Current Account balance. These variables are the most recommended in the IMF conditionalities during the lending arrangements with SADC members. The study uses Fixed-effect approach to evaluate how the use of IMF program and the conditions imposed directly affects economic growth. A dummy variable is included to evaluate GDP growth if a country met or not the imposed condition. The result from the analyses concludes that overall, the use of IMF credit has no statistical significance on the economic growth. But when some conditions are met, the GDP responds positively. Other variables current account, government expenditure, and net domestic shows significant and positive change on the GDP growth of SADC countries

    Bridging the digital divide in African post-conflict countries : a case study of the DRC cities of Kinshasa and Kananga

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    Includes bibliographical references (leaves 34-37).The digital divide is largely seen as the main problem that developing economies and societies must overcome to gain economic productivity and social welfare. In this document we state that modern western perception of the digital divide lured advancement of lCT into developing countries especially in Africa. lCT must not be seen as a goal in itself but as a means to service human needs. This study attempts to analyze the willingness of people to adopt existing lCT infrastructures and the factors impeding its use in the DRC's cities of Kinshasa and Kananga

    Synthesis of thiohistidines and its metabolic pathway precursors

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    Natural thiohistidines such as ergothioneine and ovothiols are biosynthesized by actinomycetes, fungi and many parasitic protozoa, respectively. Actinomycetes such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis produce mycothiol and ergothioneine as their principal low molecular mass thiols. It is only very recently that the link between ergothioneine and tuberculosis disease has started to emerge, these studies suggested that ergothioneine is essential for the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causal agent of tuberculosis. The biosynthesis of ergothioneine involved five enzymes encoded by the genes egtA, egtB, egtC, egtD and egtE. Because of the essentiality of these enzymes, in particular EgtD, could be considered as a potential tuberculosis drug target. Ergothioneine is a newly discovered vitamin and is widely used in cosmetics as an antioxidant, whereas ovothiol biosynthesis has received interest for the synthetic design of potential trypanosomal drugs. However, the commercial availability of these thiohistidines is limited, mainly due to multiple challenges associated to their synthesis or isolation from natural sources. This study describes the improved total synthesis of the super-antioxidant, ergothioneine and all its biosynthetic pathway intermediates, including deuterated versions thereof. A simple, short and high yielding novel process of the synthesis of ergothioneine was developed. Additionally, enzymatic methods were also considered for the desulfurisation step. The C-S lyase experiments mediated by Mycobacterium smegmatis cell-free lysate provided small scale transformations by the C-S lyase, EgtE, acting on its substrate, hercynylcysteine sulfoxide. Overoxidation of the latter substrate provided a sulfone that inhibited ergothioneine biosynthesis. While hercynylcysteine sulfoxide is known to be the substrate in Neurospora crassa, the EgtC enzyme in mycobacteria prefer γ-glutamyl hercynylcysteinesulfoxide as its precursor to ergothioneine. Hence, the need for sufficient quantity of this important metabolite has motivated the development of the first total synthesis of EgtC enzyme substrate, γ-glutamylhercynylcysteine sulfoxide. Finally, interesting synthetic challenges toward the synthesis of the most powerful natural related ovothiol, completes this study

    Psychological capital as a learning facilitator

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Sociais - Especialidade de Comportamento OrganizacionalA investigação teórica aponta que o estudo da aprendizagem interna em equipas é um processo relevante, e contribui para o alcance de resultados positivos em diferentes campos do saber, incluindo o comportamento organizacional (Song et al., 2014; Bunderson & Reagans, 2011). Neste sentido, nas últimas décadas, o número de estudos relacionados com a aprendizagem interna tem vindo a aumentar de forma progressiva (Palmer, 2017). Contudo, estes estudos concentraram-se em analisar as diferenças nas taxas de aprendizagem observadas, especialmente, no ambiente organizacional (Bresman & Zellmer-Bruhn, 2013). Embora, estas abordagens sejam importantes para estudar determinados processos de aprendizagem, permanece a necessidade de mais estudos que analisem, de forma mais abrangente e efetiva, os fatores facilitadores da aprendizagem em equipas (Yoon & Kayes, 2016). Ben-Eliyahu (2019) destacou a necessidade da realização de estudos que permitam analisar os antecedentes da aprendizagem interna em equipas. Para Lai et al. (2015) a realização de estudos sobre os antecedentes da aprendizagem interna em equipas, irá permitir compreender de forma mais efectiva as interações colaborativas entre os diversos atores, bem como, os factores que podem impulsionar o processo de aprendizagem interna em equipas. Assim sendo, argumentamos que esta tese ao analisar os factores que impulsionam a aprendizagem interna em equipas, preenche uma lacuna importante ao nível da investigação teórica, na medida em que apresenta evidências que permitem afirmar que o capital psicológico influencia positivamente a aprendizagem interna em equipas. Esta tese tem como objetivo principal analisar a influência do capital psicológico no processo de aprendizagem interna em equipas. Esta opção tem como base, as abordagens que apresentaram evidências empíricas que sustentam a influência positiva do capital psicológico no processo de aprendizagem dos estudantes, durante a realização de um curso online (Daspit et al., 2015). Contudo, não há evidências de um estudo que analise a influência do capital psicológico no processo de aprendizagem interna em equipas, o que consideramos ser uma contribuição teórica relevante desta tese. Com vista a proporcionar uma melhor compreensão sobre a influência do capital psicológico no processo de aprendizagem interna em equipas, foram desenvolvidos três estudos empíricos, que contaram com a participação de 480 estudantes universitários. Os participantes dos três estudos empíricos realizados são estudantes universitários de três grandes instituições de ensino superior. Relativamente a caracterização da amostra: os participantes eram 54% homens e a idade média dos participantes era de 24 anos (DP = 5,94). Os cursos mais significativos foram Economia (25%), Gestão Empresarial (12%), Enfermagem (11%) e Linguística-Inglês (8%). Além disso, 61% eram do primeiro ano, 21% do segundo ano, 11% do terceiro ano e 7% do quarto ano. O processo de recolha de dados foi realizado de forma presencial e os participantes responderam voluntariamente ao questionário durante o período de aula, usando papel e lápis. Além disso, todos os participantes foram informados de que a participação era voluntária e os dados recolhidos seriam processados exclusivamente pelos pesquisadores envolvidos neste estudo. Quanto a opção metodológica para a realização dos três estudos empíricos, utilizamos uma metodologia quantitativa, com uma perspetiva hipotético-dedutiva. Tendo em conta que, as variáveis em análise têm escalas comprovadamente robustas, confiáveis e amplamente utilizadas em estudos empíricos. Argumentamos ainda que, a opção metodológica descrita justifica-se porque, partimos de diversos quadros teóricos estabelecidos ao nível da literatura para a elaboração dos modelos de análise apresentados em cada estudo empírico. Por outro lado, utilizamos as escalas de autor que estavam originalmente na língua inglesa para medir todas as variáveis em estudo. Relativamente ao procedimento utilizado na adaptação das escalas para português, recorremos a utilização do método de tradução/ retroversão. Assim sendo, apresentamos uma descrição resumida dos três estudos empíricos que integram a tese. O primeiro estudo, com o título: Enhancing Internal Learning in Teams: The Role of Network Centrality and Psychological Capital of Undergraduate Students foi publicado na revista Frontiers in Psychology. O objectivo do estudo consiste em analisar o papel mediador do capital psicológico na relação entre centralidade da rede e aprendizagem interna em equipas. Neste sentido, foram definidas quatro hipóteses, nomeadamente: H1: a centralidade da rede influencia positivamente a aprendizagem interna em equipas; H2: a centralidade da rede influencia positivamente o capital psicológico; H3: o capital psicológico influencia positivamente a aprendizagem interna das equipas e H4: a relação entre a centralidade da rede e a aprendizagem interna em equipas é mediada pelo capital psicológico. Adicionalmente, importa referir que, o teste de hipóteses realizado confirmou todas as hipóteses definidas. Relativamente as contribuições do estudo, importa destacar as seguintes: 1) Fornecemos evidências de que a centralidade da rede pode influenciar a aprendizagem interna em equipas, o que significa que a aplicação da teoria das redes sociais no campo académico contribui para a obtenção de resultados de aprendizagem. 2) Este estudo enfatiza a necessidade de construção de relacionamentos eficazes dentro das instituições de ensino superior por meio de diferentes interações entre os alunos. O segundo estudo, com o título: The influence of psychological capital on internal learning in teams: The mediating role of the perceived team structure foi aceite para publicação na RAE- Revista de Administração de Empresas. Neste estudo, o objectivo consiste em analisar o papel mediador da estrutura percebida da equipa na relação entre o capital psicológico positivo e a aprendizagem interna em equipas. Foram igualmente definidas quatro hipóteses, designadamente: H1: o capital psicológico influencia positivamente a aprendizagem interna em equipas; H2: o capital psicológico influencia positivamente a estrutura percebida da equipa; H3: A estrutura percebida da equipa influencia positivamente a aprendizagem interna em equipas e H4: a relação entre o capital psicológico e a aprendizagem interna em equipas é mediada pela estrutura percebida da equipa. À semelhança do primeiro estudo, todas as hipóteses definidas foram confirmadas. Concludentemente, importa realçar, as principais contribuições do estudo: 1) Fornecemos evidências de que a relação entre capital psicológico e aprendizagem interna é mediada pela estrutura percebida da equipa. 2) Este estudo reforça o papel do capital psicológico no contexto académico. O terceiro e último estudo empírico desta tese consiste em analisar a relação entre os perfis de capital psicológico e aprendizagem interna em equipas. Foi definido para este estudo o seguinte título: Psychological Capital profiles and their Relationship with internal learning in teams of undergraduate students. Este estudo apresenta uma abordagem diferente dos restantes, o que permitiu consolidar a análise da relação entre o capital psicológico e aprendizagem interna em equipas. É importante referir que, foram definidas as seguintes hipóteses: H1) Grupos de perfis com alta autoeficácia, otimismo, esperança e resiliência terão pontuações mais altas em relação à aprendizagem interna em equipas do que grupos de perfis com baixa autoeficácia, otimismo, esperança e resiliência e H2: Grupos de perfis com duas ou três fortes capacidades psicológicas positivas terão níveis mais altos de aprendizagem interna em equipas do que grupos de perfis com um nível forte de capacidades psicológicas positivas. Assim sendo, destacamos a identificação dos seguintes perfis do capital psicológico: Perfil 1 (sem capital psicológico) - baixa autoeficácia, baixo otimismo, baixa esperança e, baixa resiliência. Perfil 2 (capital psicológico total) - níveis elevados de todas as capacidades psicológicas positivas, ou seja, alta autoeficácia, alto otimismo, alta esperança e alta resiliência). Perfil 3 (capital psicológico baseado no otimismo) - baixa autoeficácia, alto otimismo, baixa esperança e baixa resiliência); Perfil 4 (capital psicológico baseado no otimismo e esperança) - alta autoeficácia, alta esperança, baixo otimismo e baixa resiliência. Relativamente ao teste de hipóteses, importa salientar que, apenas, a Hipótese 1 foi confirmada. Por último, destacamos que, a principal contribuição do estudo deriva da aplicação de uma metodologia de análise de perfis para entender como diferentes perfis de capital psicológico estimulam a aprendizagem em equipas. Em termos gerais, os resultados dos três estudos empíricos realizados apresentam evidências que nos permitem aferir a influência positiva do capital psicológico no processo de aprendizagem interna em equipas. Por outro lado, importa realçar que uma das limitações da tese está relacionada com um possível problema da variância do método comum, visto que os dados foram recolhidos no mesmo momento. No entanto, é importante notar que os dados relacionados com a centralidade da rede derivaram de um questionário sociométrico, enquanto as demais variáveis foram medidas por meio de uma escala psicométrica. Por esse motivo, argumentamos que a variância do método comum não pode ser considerada uma ameaça para os resultados apresentados nesta tese. Na parte final da tese apresentamos a interligação entre os três estudos empíricos realizados.The theoretical investigation points out that the study of internal learning in teams is a relevant process and contributes to the achievement of positive results in different fields of knowledge, including organizational behaviour (Song et al., 2014; Bunderson & Reagans, 2011). In this sense, in the last decades, the number of studies related to internal learning has been increasing progressively (Palmer, 2017). However, these studies focused on analyzing the differences in the observed learning rates, especially in the organizational environment (Bresman & Zellmer-Bruhn, 2013). Although these approaches are important for studying certain learning processes, there is a need for more studies that analyze, in a more comprehensive and effective way, the factors that may facilitate learning in teams (Yoon & Kayes, 2016). Ben-Eliyahu (2019) highlighted the need to conduct studies that allow analyzing the antecedents of internal learning in teams. For Lai et al. (2015) the realization of studies on the background of internal learning in teams will allow understanding more effectively the collaborative interactions between the different actors, as well as, the factors that can drive the internal learning in teams process. Therefore, we argue that this thesis by analyzing the factors that drive internal learning in teams, fills an important gap in terms of theoretical research, as it presents evidence that allows us to affirm that psychological capital positively influences internal learning in teams.This thesis aims to analyze the influence of psychological capital in the internal learning process in teams. This option is based on the approaches that presented empirical evidence that support the positive influence of psychological capital on the students' learning process during an online course (Daspit et al., 2015). However, there is no evidence from a study that analyzes the influence of psychological capital on internal learning in teams, which we consider to be a relevant theoretical contribution in this thesis. In order to provide a better understanding of the influence of psychological capital on the process of internal learning in teams, we carried out three empirical studies, with the participation of 480 undergraduate students. The participants in the three empirical studies carried out are university students from three large higher education institutions. Of the entire sample, the participants were 54% men, and the average age of the participants was 24 years (SD = 5.94). The most significant classes were Economics (25%), Business Management (12%), Nursing (11%), and Linguistics-English (8%). Additionally, 61% were from the first year, 21% from the second year, 11% from the third year, and 7% from the fourth year. The data collection process was carried out in person, and the participants voluntarily answered the questionnaire during the class period, using paper and pencil. Moreover, all participants were informed that participation was voluntary, and the data collected would be processed exclusively by the researchers involved in this study. Regarding the methodological option for carrying out the three empirical studies, we used a quantitative methodology, with a hypothetical-deductive approach. Given that the three variables under analysis have robust, reliable scales, and are widely used in empirical studies. Additionally, we argue that the methodological option described is justified because we start from several theoretical references for the elaboration of the analysis models that were presented in each empirical study. On the other hand, we used the author scales that were originally in the English language to measure all the variables under study. Regarding the procedure used to adapt the scales to Portuguese, we used the translation/retroversion method. Therefore, we present a brief description of the three empirical studies of the thesis. The first study, entitled: Enhancing Internal Learning in Teams: The Role of Network Centrality and Psychological Capital of Undergraduate Students, was published in the Frontiers in Psychology. This study aims to analyze the mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship between network centrality and internal learning in teams. In this sense, four hypotheses were defined, namely: H1: network centrality positively influences internal learning in teams; H2: network centrality positively influences psychological capital; H3: psychological capital positively influences internal learning in teams; H4: psychological capital mediates the relationship between network centrality and internal learning in teams. Additionally, it should be noted that the hypothesis test performed allow us to confirm all the hypotheses defined. Regarding the study's contributions, the following should be highlighted: 1) we provide evidence that the network centrality can influence internal learning in teams, which means that the application of social network theory in the academic field contributes to the achievement of learning results. 2) this study emphasizes the need to build effective relationships within higher education institutions through different interactions between students. The second study, entitled: The influence of psychological capital on internal learning in teams: The mediating role of the perceived team structure was accepted for publication in RAE- Revista de Administração de Empresas. This study aims to analyze the mediating role of the perceived team structure in the relationship between psychological capital and internal learning in teams. Four hypotheses were also defined, namely: H1: Psychological capital positively influences internal learning in teams; H2: Psychological capital positively influences the perceived team structure; H3: Perceived Team Structure positively influences Internal Learning in teams; H4: Perceived Team Structure mediates the relationship between PsyCap and Internal Learning in teams. As in the first study, all the hypotheses defined were confirmed. In conclusion, it is important to highlight the main contributions of this study: 1) We provide evidence that perceived team structure mediates the relationship between psychological capital and internal learning in teams. 2) This study reinforces the role of psychological capital in the academic setting. The third and last empirical study of this thesis aims to analyze the relationship between psychological capital profiles and internal learning in teams. The following title was defined for this study: Psychological Capital profiles and their Relationship with internal learning in teams of undergraduate students. This study presents a different approach from the others, which allowed us to consolidate the analysis of the relationship between psychological capital and internal learning in teams. It is important to note that the following hypotheses have been defined. H1: Profile groups with high self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience will have higher scores, regarding internal learning in teams than profile groups with low self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. H2: Profile groups with two or three strong positive psychological capabilities will have higher levels of internal learning in teams than profile groups with one strong level of positive psychological capabilities. Therefore, we highlight the identification of the following psychological capital profiles: Profile 1 (Empty PsyCap) - low self-efficacy, low optimism, low hope and, low resilience, reflecting lack of psychological capital. Profile 2 (fully PsyCap) - high self-efficacy, high optimism, high hope, and high resilience. Profile 3 (optimism based PsyCap) - low self-efficacy, high optimism, low hope and, low resilience. Profile 4 (hopeful-efficacy based PsyCap) - high self-efficacy, high hope, low optimism, and low resilience. Regarding the hypothesis test, it is important to emphasize that only Hypothesis 1 was confirmed. Finally, we highlight that the main contribution of the study derives from the application of a profile analysis methodology, in order to understand how different psychological capital profiles can stimulate learning in teams. In general, the results of the three empirical studies carried out show evidence that allows us to analyse the positive influence of psychological capital on internal learning in teams process. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that one of the limitations of the thesis is related to a potential common method variance problem, given that the data were collected at the same point in time. However, it is important to notice that the network centrality data were derived from a sociometric questionnaire, while the remaining variables were measured using a psychometric scale. For this reason, we argue that same-source bias cannot be considered a threat to the findings presented in this thesis. In the final part of the thesis, we present the interconnection between the three empirical studies carried out.N/

    Fungos agaricoides de Portugal Continental. Situação atual e novas perspetivas

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    O conhecimento da diversidade micológica de Portugal Continental ainda é incompleto e fragmentado, não permitindo definir áreas de distribuição, nem estatutos de conservação para as diferentes espécies. Após uma listagem preliminar, publicada em 2002, não foi efetuada até à presente data nenhuma atualização dessa listagem. Contudo, esta situação não se verifica por falta de informação mais atual, pois o conhecimento sobre a diversidade de fungos agaricoides tem aumentado nas últimas décadas, bem como a profusão de bases de dados digitais reconhecidas internacionalmente. Porém, a atualização dos registos de fungos agaricoides é uma tarefa exigente a vários níveis: disponibilidade, acessibilidade e acima de tudo, o recrutamento de recursos humanos especializados. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o conhecimento da diversidade dos fungos agaricoides e a sua distribuição regional ao nível das antigas províncias de Portugal Continental, através da compilação de dados e análise da informação recolhida em duas fontes acreditadas; Agaricoid fungi of Continental Portugal. Current Situation and New Perspectives. Abstract: The information about the mycological diversity of Portugal still fragmented and incomplete, and it is not possible to define distribution areas, nor conservation statutes for various species. After a preliminary listing, published in 2002, no update has been made. This circumstance do not drift from the lack of information, since in the last decades the information about the agaricoid fungi diversity has increased, as well as the profusion of internationally recognized digital databases. However, updating the records of agaricoid fungi is a demanding task at several levels: availability, accessibility and, above all, the recruitment of specialized human resources. The present work aims to contribute to the knowledge of Portugal agaricoid fungi diversity and its regional distribution, at old province level, through the data compilation and analysis, assembled from two recognized sources

    Impacto do anúncio de pagamento de dividendos no preço das ações: estudo comparativo do sector financeiro entre a África do Sul e Nigéria

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    O presente estudo tem como foco a análise do impacto do anúncio do pagamento de dividendos sobre o preço das ações do sector financeiro de dois dos maiores mercados financeiros de África nomeadamente, Nigéria e África do Sul. Para o efeito, são abordadas teorias financeiras relacionadas com a hipótese de eficiência dos mercados e teorias relacionadas com a política de dividendos que representam a componente bibliográfica do trabalho. A componente empírica é baseada na metodologia de estudos de eventos (MacKinlay 1997). Foram estudadas empresas do setor financeiro cotadas nas duas bolsas enunciadas, e que anunciaram o pagamento de dividendos durante o período de janeiro 2014 a janeiro 2017. Com vista a avaliar a hipótese de eficiência dos mercados na sua forma semiforte foram analisadas as rentabilidades posteriores ao anúncio de pagamento de dividendos com intuito de verificar se sofrem alterações significativas face as rentabilidades esperadas. De forma global em ambos os mercados os resultados apontam para existência de rentabilidades médias anormais estatisticamente não significantes; Abstract: Impact of dividend payment announcement on stock prices: Nigerian and South African financial sector comparative study. The present study focuses on the analysis of the influence of the announcement of dividend payments on the financial sector stock price of two of Africa's largest financial markets, namely, Nigeria and South Africa. the hypothesis of market efficiency and the dividend policy that represent the bibliographic component of the work. The empirical component is based on the event study methodology (MacKinlay 1997). Financial sector companies listed on the two listed exchanges, which announced the payment of dividends during the period from January 2014 to January 2017, will be studied. In order to evaluate the hypothesis of market efficiency in its semi-strong form, post-announcement returns will be analyzed. payment of dividends and to verify whether they undergo significant changes in relation to expected returns. Overall in both markets the results point to the existence of statistically non-significant abnormal returns

    Vaccins et traitements de la pandémie à Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 : évidences scientifiques, dangers et essais cliniques: Vaccines and treatments for the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: scientific evidence, dangers, and clinical trials

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    Since December 2019, an emerging disease due to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and called coronavirus (COVID-19), has spread quickly around the world from Wuhan, China; leading to an ever-increasing number of confirmed cases and deaths. Unfortunately, to date no drug or vaccine has yet been approved or recommended universally; current therapies are essentially supportive or compassionate. Several options are being considered or under study, including vaccines, antibiotics (azithromycin), antiviral agents (lopinavir, ritonavir, ribavirin, arbidol), anti-parasitic agents (chloroquin, hydroxychloroquin, ivermectin), immunomodulators and other molecules of the immune system (tocilizumab, interferons) and traditional medicine plants. Depuis décembre 2019, une maladie émergente à coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV) appelée coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) s’est rapidement propagée dans le monde entier à partir de Wuhan en Chine, entrainant un nombre toujours plus élevé de cas confirmés et des décès. Malheureusement, à ce jour aucun médicament ou vaccin n’a encore été approuvé ou recommandé universellement, les thérapeutiques actuelles sont essentiellement de soutien ou compassionnelles. Plusieurs options sont envisagées ou en étude comprenant les vaccins, les antibiotiques (azithromycine), les agents antiviraux (lopinavir, ritonavir, Ribavirin, Arbidol), antiparasitaires (chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectine), les immunomodulateurs et autres molécules du système immunitaire (Tocilizumab, interférons), les plantes de la médecine traditionnelle. &nbsp

    O crescimento do sector bancário e a concessão de crédito às empresas : o caso de Angola

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisA investigação teórica tem demonstrado que um sistema financeiro sólido e eficaz é fundamental para o desenvolvimento e crescimento económico (Beck, 2002). Assim, compreender o papel do sector bancário no sistema financeiro é uma das questões fundamentais da teoria económica e financeira. Este estudo tem os seguintes objetivos: compreender o funcionamento do sector bancário angolano; analisar a evolução do crédito concedido pela banca comercial e, demonstrar a contribuição do sector bancário angolano no processo de crescimento económico. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com base na análise de dados anuais provenientes do boletim estatístico do BNA, durante o período 2003-Junho 2013. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o sector bancário angolano apresenta uma situação de estabilidade financeira, sendo o aumento da procura interna pelos serviços bancários e a situação macroeconómica do país, considerados como fatores impulsionadores do seu crescimento. Verificou-se ainda que o PIB e o crédito por sectores de atividade económica têm uma forte correlação em dois sectores: Pescas e Indústria transformadora. Concludentemente, considera-se que este estudo representa um contributo para melhor entender o papel do sector bancário angolano no processo de crescimento económico.The theoretical research has shown that a strong and effective financial system is critical to the development and economic growth (Beck, 2002). Thus, understanding the role of the banking sector in the financial system is one of the fundamental issues of economic and financial theory. This study has the following objectives: understanding the functioning of the Angolan banking sector; analyze the evolution of credit extended by commercial banks, and demonstrate the contribution of the Angolan banking sector in the economic growth process. The survey was developed based on the analysis of data from the annual statistical bulletin from BNA, during the Period (2003- Jun 2013). The results showed that the Angolan banking sector presents a situation of financial stability, and the rising domestic demand for banking services and the macroeconomic situation of the country, considered as drivers of growth factors. It was also found that GDP and credit by economic activity have a strong correlation in two sectors: Fisheries and Manufacturing. Conclusively, it is considered that this study represents a contribution to better understand the role of the Angolan banking sector in the economic growth process