184 research outputs found
The choice of idols from a social psychological perspective
The study of adolescents’ idols has an over 100-year tradition. The meta-analysis of Teigen, Normann, Bjorkheim and Helland (2000) showed that idols, which are commonly understood as role models, changed over the last century which is attributed to changes in the social context. The present paper argues that Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979, 1986) offers an appropriate theoretical framework to conceptualize social context by hypothesising a functional relationship between idols and identity management strategies moderated by the status position of the adolescent’s group s/he belongs to. The hypothesised functional relationship was tested in two studies with white and black adolescent South Africans. The results of the two studies supported our assumptions that the functional relationship between idols and identity management strategies is indeed moderated by status position. The results also indicate that Social Identity Theory seems to be an appropriate theoretical framework when social context is particularly conceptualised as social change
CARS-background suppression by phase-controlled nonlinear interferometry.
We have developed a new technique for efficient suppression of the nonresonant background in coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS). The advantage of this technique, which is based upon phase-controlled superposition of an appropriately selected reference signal, is presented in theory and demonstrated experimentally by the example of the S(3) (pure rotational) transition of molecular hydrogen
Trans Subjectivity in Preciado’s Can the Monster Speak? : Limits and Possibilities of Preciado’s Engagement with Psychoanalysis
In this thesis, I examine Paul B. Preciado’s speech Can the Monster Speak? (2019) and show how it reflects the ambivalent historical entwinement of psychoanalysis and trans*-ness. I suggest that Preciado uses the figure of the monster to articulate trans subjectivity, and that his conceptualisation of trans subjectivity is rooted in the refusal of and disidentification with normative discourses about trans lives. Through this refusal, Preciado illuminates the workings of these discourses. I read Preciado through postcolonial critiques in trans studies and show how Preciado’s strategies for making non-normative trans subjectivity visible risk becoming limiting due to an ambivalent attachment to psychoanalytic concepts and the colonial legacies in the psychoanalytic tradition. Finally, I connect the question of limitations in Preciado’s envisioned trans subjectivity to on-going discussions in trans studies over the field’s aims and object of study
Investigation of unconventional reconstruction and electronic properties on the Na2IrO3 surface
Na2IrO3 is an intriguing material for which spin-orbit coupling plays a key
role. Theoretical predictions, so far unverified, have been made that the
surface of Na2IrO3 should exhibit a clear signature of the quantum spin Hall
effect. We studied the surface of Na2IrO3 using scanning tunneling microscopy
and density-functional theory calculations. We observed atomic level resolution
of the surface and two types of terminations with different surface periodicity
and Na content. By comparing bias-dependent experimental topographic images to
simulated images, we determined the detailed atomistic structure of both
observed surfaces. One of these reveals a strong relaxation to the surface of
Na atoms from the subsurface region two atomic layers below. Such dramatic
structural changes at the surface cast doubt on any prediction of surface
properties based on bulk electronic structure. Indeed, using spatially resolved
tunneling spectroscopy we found no indication of the predicted quantum spin
Hall behavior
Three-dimensional anatomy of equine incisors : tooth length, enamel cover and age related changes
BACKGROUND:Equine incisors are subjected to continuous occlusal wear causing multiple, age related changes of the extragingival crown. It is assumed that the occlusal wear is compensated by continued tooth elongation at the apical ends of the teeth. In this study, muCT-datasets offered the opportunity to analyze the three-dimensional appearance of the extra- and intraalveolar parts of the enamel containing dental crown as well as of the enamel-free dental root. Multiple morphometric measurements elucidated age related, morphological changes within the intraalveolar part of the incisors. RESULTS:Equine incisors possess a unique enamel cover displaying large indentations on the mesial and distal sides. After eruption tooth elongation at the apical end outbalances occlusal wear for two to four years resulting in increasing incisor length in this period of time. Remarkably, this maximum length is maintained for about ten years, up to a tooth age of 13 to 15years post eruption. Variances in the total length of individual teeth are related to different Triadan positions (central-, middle- and corner incisors) as well as to the upper and lower arcades. CONCLUSION:Equine incisors are able to fully compensate occlusal wear for a limited period of time. However, after this ability ceases, it is expected that a diminished intraalveolar tooth length will cause massive changes in periodontal biomechanics. The time point of these morphodynamic and biomechanical changes (13 to 15years post eruption) occurs in coincidence with the onset of a recently described destructive disease of equine incisor (equine odontoclastic tooth resorption and hypercementosis) in aged horses. However, further biomechanical, cell biological and microbiological investigations are needed to elucidate a correlation between age related changes of incisor morphology and this disease
RaÃces pequeñas del dosel del pinabete (Picea abies): distribución e influencia en el crecimiento de hayas
The horizontal and vertical distribution of live fine roots (diameter < 2 mm) of overstory Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] and their influence on diameter and height growth of underplanted beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) saplings were studied on experimental plots in the Solling Mountains (Germany). The aims of this study were to investigate how overstory fine root density varies with stand density, and how it influences growth of the underplanted saplings to changes in belowground resources availability in connection with simultaneously changing light availability. Most fine roots were concentrated in the humus layer (more than 45%) and in the top mineral soil (0-5 cm, about 15%). Fine root biomass increases with overstory basal area and decreases with rising distance from the nearest overstory tree, reaching about zero within ca. 8 m distance. Over the whole two-year study period, light availability alone was the decisive factor for growth of the beech saplings (5 resp. 6 years of age) while growth of the Douglas-fir saplings in the first study year (6 years of age) was additionally affected by a shortage of belowground resources due to root competition in a season with less than average rainfall. This species-specific response of underplanted saplings to changes in above and belowground resources is of silvicultural importance for the establishment of a mixed stand beneath a mature canopy: the more sensitive Douglasfir should be planted on the central parts of openings with little or none belowground competition while the less sensitive beech can be placed below the denser parts of the overstory.Se estudia la distribución horizontal y vertical de las raÃces finas (diámetro < 2 mm) vivas del dosel de pinabete y
su influencia en el diámetro y el crecimiento en altura de hayas plantadas y en brinzales de abeto Douglas en parcelas
experimentales en las montes de Solling (Alemania). Los objetivos de este estudio es analizar cómo la densidad
de raÃces finas del dosel varÃa con la densidad del rodal, y cómo influye en el crecimiento de los árboles jóvenes del
subpiso debido a los cambios en la disponibilidad de recursos en el suelo, en relación con el cambio al mismo tiempo
en la disponibilidad de luz.
Las raÃces más finas se concentra en la capa de humus (más del 45%) y en la parte mineral superior del suelo (0-5
cm, aproximadamente el 15%). La biomasa de raÃces finas aumenta con el área bisimétrica del dosel y disminuye con
la distancia creciente al árbol más cercano del dosel, hasta llegar a cero dentro de ca. 8 m de distancia.
Durante el periodo de estudio de dos años, la disponibilidad de luz era el único factor decisivo para el crecimiento
de los plantones de haya (5 resp. 6 años de edad) mientras que el crecimiento de las plántulas de pino de Douglas en
el primer año de estudio (6 años de edad) se vio afectado adicionalmente por la escasez de recursos en el suelo debido
a la competencia de las raÃces en una temporada con una precipitación menor del promedio.
Esta respuesta especie-especifica de los árboles del subpiso a los cambios en los recursos por encima y por debajo
del suelo es de importancia silvÃcola para la creación de una masa mixta bajo un dosel maduro: la especie más sensible,
pino de Douglas, se debe plantar en las partes centrales de las aberturas con poca o ninguna competencia bajo
tierra, mientras que el haya, menos sensible, se puede colocar debajo de las partes más densas del estrato superior
Spin-polarized current injection induced magnetic reconstruction at oxide interface
Electrical manipulation of magnetism presents a promising way towards using the spin degree of freedom in very fast, low-power electronic devices. Though there has been tremendous progress in electrical control of magnetic properties using ferromagnetic (FM) nanostructures, an opportunity of manipulating antiferromagnetic (AFM) states should offer another route for creating a broad range of new enabling technologies. Here we selectively probe the interface magnetization of SrTiO3/La0.5Ca0.5MnO3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 heterojunctions and discover a new spin-polarized current injection induced interface magnetoelectric (ME) effect. The accumulation of majority spins at the interface causes a sudden, reversible transition of the spin alignment of interfacial Mn ions from AFM to FM exchange-coupled, while the injection of minority electron spins alters the interface magnetization from C-type to A-type AFM state. In contrast, the bulk magnetization remains unchanged. We attribute the current-induced interface ME effect to modulations of the strong double-exchange interaction between conducting electron spins and local magnetic moments. The effect is robust and may serve as a viable route for electronic and spintronic applications
Anisotropic second-order nonlinearities of organic monolayers.
Monolayers prepared from hemicyanine chromophores of high second-order nonlinearity (β=1.3×10−26 esu at resonance) have been used to study anisotropies of the concomitant χ(2)-susceptibility tensor. All components of this third-rank tensor have been determined by Fourier analysis of the anisotropic coverage density Ns(φ) with respect to the angle of rotation about surface normal. Depending on the preparation both Cs and C2v symmetry could be identified
Surface plasmon-enhanced transverse magnetic second-harmonic generation
We present experimental studies on surface plasmon (SP) enhanced transverse magnetic second-harmonic generation (T-MSHG) in single-crystal iron films grown by molecular beam epitaxy at room temperature on MgO (001) substrates. We show that it is possible to achieve both strongly enhanced T-MSHG intensity and high magnetic contrast ratio under attenuated total reflection configuration without using complex heterostructures because MSHG is generated directly at the iron surface where SPs are present. The T-MSHG has a much larger contrast ratio than transverse magneto-optical Kerr effect (T-MOKE) and shows great potential for a new generation of bio-chemical sensors due to its very high surface sensitivity. In addition, by analyzing the experimental results and the simulations based on SP field-enhancement theory, we demonstrate that the second-order susceptibility of MSHG shows great anisotropy and the tensor odd chi(odd)(xzz). is dominant in our sample. (C) 2013 Optical Society of Americ
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