32 research outputs found

    Designing nanoparticles during the drawing step

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    International audienceNanoparticles in the core of optical fibres are widely studied due to the opportunity they give to tailor spectroscopic properties. Such fibres are usually obtained by drawing at high temperature a preform containing nanoparticles. This study focuses on the effect of the fibre drawing on nanoparticles. We fabricated an MCVD optical preform by doping the porous layer with nanoparticles. The optical fibre was studied by a FIB/SEM tomography.Figure 1 is the volume reconstruction of the core of the optical fibre. The yellow phase represents nanoparticles inside the core of the optical fibre. This reconstruction shows evidences of break-up, elongation and coalescence of particles. These features will be discussed according to phenomena well known from the rheology of emulsions and polymers. It comes from a competition between viscous stresses of the flow and surface tension.Observation of these size-controlling phenomena occuring during fibre drawing offer new perspectives to tailor the size of nanoparticles and are therefore of great interest for light scattering issues


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    National audienceRÉSUMÉ Les fibres optiques dopées au thulium pompées à 1,07 µm offrent la perspective de lasers et amplificateurs fonctionnant à de nouvelles longueurs d'onde. Ce système permet d'envisager de nombreuses transitions optiques encore inexploitées dans des fibres à base de silice. Le principal verrou technologique de ce système est le photo-noircissement. Nous présentons ici la réduction du photo-noircissement en co-dopant la silice avec du cérium ou du lanthane. Un modèle pour le photo-noircissement est proposé. Ce modèle implique un processus séquentiel faisant intervenir un défaut et un changement de valence de Tm 3+ en Tm 2+. Les effets bénéfiques du co-dopant sont aussi expliqués grâce à ce modèle

    State and evolution of the African rainforests between 1990 and 2010

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    This paper presents a 2005 map of Africa’s rainforests with new levels of spatial and thematic detail, being derived from 250m resolution MODIS data, and having an overall accuracy of 84%. A systematic sample of Landsat images (with supplemental data from equivalent platforms to fill sample gaps) is used to produce a consistent assessment of deforestation between 1990, 2000 and 2010 for West Africa, Central Africa and Madagascar. Net deforestation is estimated at 0.28% yr-1 for the period 1990-2000 and 0.14% yr-1 for the period 2000-2010. West Africa and Madagascar exhibit a much higher deforestation rate than the Congo Basin. Based on a simple analysis of the variance over the Congo Basin, we show that expanding agriculture and increasing fuelwood demands are key drivers of deforestation while well-controlled timber exploitation programmes have little or no direct influence on forest-cover reduction at present. Rural and urban population concentrations and fluxes are identified as strong underlying causes of deforestation in this study.JRC.H.5-Land Resources Managemen

    The NOMAD experiment at the CERN SPS

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    The NOMAD experiment is a short base-line search for νμντ\nu_{\mu}\rightarrow \nu_{\tau} oscillations in the CERN neutrino beam. The ντ\nu_{\tau}'s are searched for through their charged-current interactions followed by the observation of the resulting τ\tau^{-} through its electronic, muonic or hadronic decays. These decays are recognized using kinematical criteria necessitating the use of a light target which enables the reconstruction of individual particles produced in the neutrino interactions. This paper describes the various components of the NOMAD detector: the target and muon drift chambers, the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, the preshower and transition radiation detectors, and the veto and trigger scintillation counters. The beam and data acquisition system are also described. The quality of the reconstruction of individual particles is demonstrated through the ability of NOMAD to observe Ks0^0_{\rm s}'s, Λ0\Lambda^0's and π0\pi^0's. Finally, the observation of τ\tau^{-} through its electronic decay being one of the most promising channels in the search, the identification of electrons in NOMAD is discussed

    Familial hypercholesterolaemia in children and adolescents from 48 countries: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Approximately 450 000 children are born with familial hypercholesterolaemia worldwide every year, yet only 2·1% of adults with familial hypercholesterolaemia were diagnosed before age 18 years via current diagnostic approaches, which are derived from observations in adults. We aimed to characterise children and adolescents with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (HeFH) and understand current approaches to the identification and management of familial hypercholesterolaemia to inform future public health strategies. Methods: For this cross-sectional study, we assessed children and adolescents younger than 18 years with a clinical or genetic diagnosis of HeFH at the time of entry into the Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Studies Collaboration (FHSC) registry between Oct 1, 2015, and Jan 31, 2021. Data in the registry were collected from 55 regional or national registries in 48 countries. Diagnoses relying on self-reported history of familial hypercholesterolaemia and suspected secondary hypercholesterolaemia were excluded from the registry; people with untreated LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) of at least 13·0 mmol/L were excluded from this study. Data were assessed overall and by WHO region, World Bank country income status, age, diagnostic criteria, and index-case status. The main outcome of this study was to assess current identification and management of children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolaemia. Findings: Of 63 093 individuals in the FHSC registry, 11 848 (18·8%) were children or adolescents younger than 18 years with HeFH and were included in this study; 5756 (50·2%) of 11 476 included individuals were female and 5720 (49·8%) were male. Sex data were missing for 372 (3·1%) of 11 848 individuals. Median age at registry entry was 9·6 years (IQR 5·8-13·2). 10 099 (89·9%) of 11 235 included individuals had a final genetically confirmed diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia and 1136 (10·1%) had a clinical diagnosis. Genetically confirmed diagnosis data or clinical diagnosis data were missing for 613 (5·2%) of 11 848 individuals. Genetic diagnosis was more common in children and adolescents from high-income countries (9427 [92·4%] of 10 202) than in children and adolescents from non-high-income countries (199 [48·0%] of 415). 3414 (31·6%) of 10 804 children or adolescents were index cases. Familial-hypercholesterolaemia-related physical signs, cardiovascular risk factors, and cardiovascular disease were uncommon, but were more common in non-high-income countries. 7557 (72·4%) of 10 428 included children or adolescents were not taking lipid-lowering medication (LLM) and had a median LDL-C of 5·00 mmol/L (IQR 4·05-6·08). Compared with genetic diagnosis, the use of unadapted clinical criteria intended for use in adults and reliant on more extreme phenotypes could result in 50-75% of children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolaemia not being identified. Interpretation: Clinical characteristics observed in adults with familial hypercholesterolaemia are uncommon in children and adolescents with familial hypercholesterolaemia, hence detection in this age group relies on measurement of LDL-C and genetic confirmation. Where genetic testing is unavailable, increased availability and use of LDL-C measurements in the first few years of life could help reduce the current gap between prevalence and detection, enabling increased use of combination LLM to reach recommended LDL-C targets early in life

    Infrangere le norme. Vita, scienza e tecnica nel pensiero di Georges Canguilhem

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    Il volume raccoglie otto saggi dedicati al pensiero di Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995), medico, filosofo e storico delle scienze biologiche, la cui influenza ha segnato molta della filosofia contemporanea, non solo in Francia. Il libro introduce le principali linee di ricerca di questo pensatore: la riflessione epistemologica, il rapporto tra la conoscenza scientifica e la sua storicizzazione, il rapporto tra sapere e ideologie scientifiche, il rapporto tra scienza e tecnica esemplificato dal sapere medico, lo statuto della tecnica esaminato in senso estetico, genealogico e teoretico. Chiude il volume un contributo sulla ricezione italiana del filosofo francese

    Erbium- and Magnesium-codoped Silica-Based Transparent Glass Ceramic Core Fiber Made by FCVD and Flash Vaporization

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    International audienceA fiber made by Furnace CVD was codoped with Erbium and Magnesium using a Flash Vaporization System for the first time. The fiber core is spontaneously formed as a Transparent Glass Ceramic (TGC). Due to the small nanoparticle size (<50 nm) and high volumetric density (10 20 ~10 21 m-3), the optical loss due to scattering is as low as < 0,6 dB/m. Erbium ions are highly concentrated within phase-separated nanoparticles. We study the absorption and emission properties of Erbium around 1.55 µm in this TGC-core fiber