94 research outputs found

    Perfect imaging with geodesic waveguides

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    Transformation optics is used to prove that a spherical waveguide filled with an isotropic material with radial refractive index n=1/r has radial polarized modes (i.e. the electric field has only radial component) with the same perfect focusing properties as the Maxwell Fish-Eye lens. The approximate version of that device using a thin waveguide with a homogenous core paves the way to experimentally prove perfect imaging in the Maxwell Fish Eye lens

    Collimating lenses from non-Euclidean transformation optics

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    Based on the non-Euclidean transformation optics, we design a thin metamaterial lens that can achieve wide-beam radiation by embedding a simple source (a point source in three-dimensional case or a line current source in two-dimensional case). The scheme is performed on a layer-by-layer geometry to convert curved surfaces in virtual space to flat sheets, which pile up and form the entire lens in physical space. Compared to previous designs, the lens has no extreme material parameters. Simulation results confirm its functionality.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Perfect imaging with positive refraction in three dimensions

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    Maxwell's fish eye has been known to be a perfect lens within the validity range of ray optics since 1854. Solving Maxwell's equations we show that the fish-eye lens in three dimensions has unlimited resolution for electromagnetic waves

    Perfect imaging: they don't do it with mirrors

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    Imaging with a spherical mirror in empty space is compared with the case when the mirror is filled with the medium of Maxwell's fish eye. Exact time-dependent solutions of Maxwell's equations show that perfect imaging is not achievable with an electrical ideal mirror on its own, but with Maxwell's fish eye in the regime when it implements a curved geometry for full electromagnetic waves

    Absolute instruments and perfect imaging in geometrical optics

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    We investigate imaging by spherically symmetric absolute instruments that provide perfect imaging in the sense of geometrical optics. We derive a number of properties of such devices, present a general method for designing them and use this method to propose several new absolute instruments, in particular a lens providing a stigmatic image of an optically homogeneous region and having a moderate refractive index range.Comment: 20 pages, 9 image

    Analytical, numerical, and experimental investigation of a Luneburg lens system for directional cloaking

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    In this study, the design of a directional cloaking based on the Luneburg lens system is proposed and its operating principle is experimentally verified. The cloaking concept is analytically investigated via geometrical optics and numerically realized with the help of the finite-difference time-domain method. In order to benefit from its unique focusing and/or collimating characteristics of light, the Luneburg lens is used. We show that by the proper combination of Luneburg lenses in an array form, incident light bypasses the region between junctions of the lenses, i.e., the "dark zone." Hence, direct interaction of an object with propagating light is prevented if one places the object to be cloaked inside that dark zone. This effect is used for hiding an object which is made of a perfectly electric conductor material. In order to design an implementable cloaking device, the Luneburg lens is discretized into a photonic crystal structure having gradually varying air cylindrical holes in a dielectric material by using Maxwell Garnett effective medium approximations. Experimental verifications of the designed cloaking structure are performed at microwave frequencies of around 8 GHz. The proposed structure is fabricated by three-dimensional printing of dielectric polylactide material and a brass metallic alloy is utilized in place of the perfectly electric conductor material in microwave experiments. Good agreement between numerical and experimental results is found. © 2019 American Physical Society

    Notes on Conformal Invisibility Devices

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    As a consequence of the wave nature of light, invisibility devices based on isotropic media cannot be perfect. The principal distortions of invisibility are due to reflections and time delays. Reflections can be made exponentially small for devices that are large in comparison with the wavelength of light. Time delays are unavoidable and will result in wave-front dislocations. This paper considers invisibility devices based on optical conformal mapping. The paper shows that the time delays do not depend on the directions and impact parameters of incident light rays, although the refractive-index profile of any conformal invisibility device is necessarily asymmetric. The distortions of images are thus uniform, which reduces the risk of detection. The paper also shows how the ideas of invisibility devices are connected to the transmutation of force, the stereographic projection and Escheresque tilings of the plane

    A Riemannian approach to randers geodesics

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    In certain circumstances tools of Riemannian geometry are sufficient to address questions arising in the more general Finslerian context. We show that one such instance presents itself in the characterisation of geodesics in Randers spaces of constant flag curvature. To achieve a simple, Riemannian derivation of this special family of curves, we exploit the connection between Randers spaces and the Zermelo problem of time-optimal navigation in the presence of background fields. The characterisation of geodesics is then proven by generalising an intuitive argument developed recently for the solution of the quantum Zermelo problem

    Thin metamaterial Luneburg lens for surface waves

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    Copyright © 2013 American Physical SocietyBy suitably patterning a metasurface, the phase velocity of surface waves may be manipulated. Here, a low-loss, thin (1/14th of the free-space wavelength), omnidirectional Luneburg lens, based upon a Sievenpiper “mushroom” array [Sievenpiper et al. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 47 2059 (1999)], is fabricated and characterized at microwave frequencies. Surface waves excited using a near-field point source on the perimeter of the lens, exit the opposite side of the lens as planar wave fronts. The electric field of the surface wave is mapped out experimentally and compared to numerical simulations