11 research outputs found
Samvetet - En vinnande investeringsstrategi?
Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka om företag som tar ett stort ansvar och aktivt jobbar med hĂ„llbar utveckling inom miljöfrĂ„gor har genererat en över- eller underavkastning jĂ€mfört med företag som inte har en lika tydlig strategi inom hĂ„llbar utveckling inom miljö. Uppsatsen utgĂ„r frĂ„n en kvantitativ ansats dĂ€r empirin bygger pĂ„ insamlad historisk kursdata frĂ„n utvalda aktier pĂ„ Stockholmsbörsen. Den primĂ€ra datan Ă€r av kvantitativ karaktĂ€r och var grundlĂ€ggande vid genomförandet av analysen som baseras pĂ„ applicerbara ekonomiska och statistiska teorier och modeller. De utvalda aktierna anvĂ€ndes för att konsturera portföljer med olika sammansĂ€ttning för att analysera eventuella skillnader portföljerna emellan. Portföljerna jĂ€mfördes och analyserades sedan utifrĂ„n vĂ€rdeutveckling samt de riskjusterade mĂ„tten Jensens alfa och Sharpe-kvot. UtifrĂ„n studiens resultat Ă€r det svĂ„rt att dra nĂ„gra generella slutsatser sett till samtliga portföljers prestation. Resultaten för de olika portföljerna uppvisar inte nĂ„got mönster dĂ„ det varierar mellan vilken av portföljerna innehĂ„llande företag med stort ansvarstagande inom miljö eller företag med mindre vĂ€lutvecklad strategi för miljöfrĂ„gor som presterat bĂ€st mellan de olika portföljsammansĂ€ttningarna.In the 1980s the term sustainable development was introduced and became, due to the UN report âour common futureâ, a wide spread concept. This and the awareness of the general public lead to the implementation of an extensive environmental policy within the Swedish legislation. Companies have different ways of approaching the policy regarding the environment; some do the bare minimum and others have comprehensive strategies to minimize their environmental footprint. A common belief is that a companyâs strive for sustainability will result in significant costs. On the contrary recent studies imply that sustainability is a way of streamlining businesses that reduces costs and creates competitive advantages. The question which we mean to answer in this paper is: âTo which level do companies that work actively with the development of sustainability generate excess return compared to companies that do not?â This paper takes a quantitative approach that is based on the formation of eight different portfolios. These portfolios are constructed from two groups of companies that differ in their level of sustainability. The groups are primarily based on a report conducted by Folksam in 2013. The companies are selected based on their grade of sustainability determined by Folksam, line of business and market value. The two groups that consists of 16 different companies each, is the foundation for the construction of four portfolio types: Mean-variance (optimal), minimum variance, value weighted and equal weighted. The portfolios are observed over a time period of ten years between 2005 and 2015. In addition to being compared to each other they are also compared against the benchmark index which for this study is Stockholm OMX PI. The portfolios have not shown a significant general trend over the selected time period and therefore not provided the result necessary to confirm the study's hypothesis. The portfolios that consist of companies with extensive environmental policy showed higher return in some cases and underperformed in others. Similar results came from the risk-adjusted return. Because of the reasons stated above no conclusion can be made about the excess return of companies with extensive environmental policies
Elektrifiering av hydraulsystem : En studie kring lÀmpliga vÀxlar och motorer för grÀvmaskinstillbehöret tiltrotatorn
Todayâs electric excavators uses standard hydraulics to control external tools. To increase the degree of freedom the excavator is equipped with a tiltrotator placed between arm and bucket. The combination of electronics and hydraulics proves to be less beneficial for the final operating time and shall thereby, if possible, be replaced with other options. The study is conducted in purpose to present combinations of motors and drives which can apply and resist necessary forces. The solution replaces todayâs hydraulic motor and worm drive powered by a hydraulic system existing of pump, hoses, and valves. The transition can initially be motivated out of earlier studies which shows that electrification of hydraulic components has the potential to reduce the energy usage. In combination with this, excavators with an electric driveline becomes more and more popular which places increasing requirements on underlying systems. Conduction of this work uses an analysis of earlier studies where identified components are evaluated out of geometric and characteristic features. Apart from this an analysis of strength in combination with required dimensions is made. The final solutions are compared with a hydraulic system to define potential energy savings. Results shows two suitable solutions, one based on a DC motor and the other based on the patented technique for PMSM; the motors are combined with cycloid drives in two and one stages. The results shows that the solutions can be designed to apply necessary force as well as withstand external ones
Elektrifiering av hydraulsystem : En studie kring lÀmpliga vÀxlar och motorer för grÀvmaskinstillbehöret tiltrotatorn
Todayâs electric excavators uses standard hydraulics to control external tools. To increase the degree of freedom the excavator is equipped with a tiltrotator placed between arm and bucket. The combination of electronics and hydraulics proves to be less beneficial for the final operating time and shall thereby, if possible, be replaced with other options. The study is conducted in purpose to present combinations of motors and drives which can apply and resist necessary forces. The solution replaces todayâs hydraulic motor and worm drive powered by a hydraulic system existing of pump, hoses, and valves. The transition can initially be motivated out of earlier studies which shows that electrification of hydraulic components has the potential to reduce the energy usage. In combination with this, excavators with an electric driveline becomes more and more popular which places increasing requirements on underlying systems. Conduction of this work uses an analysis of earlier studies where identified components are evaluated out of geometric and characteristic features. Apart from this an analysis of strength in combination with required dimensions is made. The final solutions are compared with a hydraulic system to define potential energy savings. Results shows two suitable solutions, one based on a DC motor and the other based on the patented technique for PMSM; the motors are combined with cycloid drives in two and one stages. The results shows that the solutions can be designed to apply necessary force as well as withstand external ones
IscensÀtta övning : gitarrlÀrares iscensÀttande av övningsstrategier pÄ enskilda gitarrlektioner
Studiens syfte var att undersöka och analysera hur gitarrlĂ€rare iscensĂ€tter övningsstrategier i enskild undervisning pĂ„ gymnasial nivĂ„ eller motsvarande. I studien har ett multimodalt och designteoretiskt perspektiv anvĂ€nts. Relevant har varit att observera hur lĂ€rare, medvetet eller omedvetet, anvĂ€nder olika teckensystem för att gestalta tĂ€nkbara övningsstrategier i undervisningssituationer. I studien har videoobservation anvĂ€nts som metod och tre gitarrlĂ€rare har observerats vid varsitt lektionstillfĂ€lle. Urvalet har bestĂ„tt av lĂ€rare frĂ„n tvĂ„ olika musikskolor samt en privatlĂ€rare. Undervisningen har bedömts vara pĂ„ gymnasial nivĂ„ eller högre. Resultatet belyser pĂ„ vilket sĂ€tt mĂ„nga olika teckensystem anvĂ€nds parallellt för iscensĂ€ttandet, och vilka typer av strategier de kan sĂ€gas representera. I studien identifieras tvĂ„ huvudtyper av iscensĂ€ttande; det performancebaserade och det pedagogiska. I studiens avslutande diskussion problematiseras hur dessa kan ha potentiella för- och nackdelar för enskilt övande.The purpose of the study was to examine and analyse how teachers present strategies for practice within single student guitar lessons on a level corresponding to that of the Swedish gymnasium. In this study, a multimodal and design theoretic perspective was used. It has been relevant to observe how guitar teachers, on a conscious or unconscious level, utilize different sign systems to stage possible strategies for practice in these situations. In the study, video observation has been used as a method, and three teachers has been observed, each for the duration of one lesson each. The selection has consisted of guitar teachers from two separate music schools and one private teacher. The teaching has been estimated to be on the level of the Swedish gymnasium or higher. The results highlight how different sign systems are used together for staging, and what types of strategies they can be seen to represent. In the study identifies two types of presentations are identified; the performance-based and the pedagogic. In the studyâs final chapter their potential advantages and disadvantages in individual instrumental practice are discussed
Nudging for sustainable food choices : A quantitative study on how nudging in digital grocery stores can increase the share of sustainable choices
Ăverkonsumtion Ă€r idag ett stort problem och kött Ă€r en bidragande faktor till vĂ€xthuseffekten. I Sverige lever vi idag som att vi har 4,2 jordklot vilket inte Ă€r hĂ„llbart i lĂ€ngden. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka om företag genom nudgingtekniker kan pĂ„verka konsumenten att göra ett mer hĂ„llbart matval i digitala konsumtionsmiljöer. Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n teorier frĂ„n beteendeekonomi och konsumentbeteende dĂ€r nudging ingĂ„r. En enkĂ€tundersökning har genomförts som riktade sig till respondenter i Ă„ldrarna 18-28 Ă„r dĂ€r svarsfrekvensen blev 228 svar som senare utgjort grund för resultatet i studien. I resultatdelen har datan frĂ„n den kvantitativa undersökningen presenterats i form av en deskriptiv analys med tre avsnitt, Paired Samples Proportions tester och Chi2-tester. Diskussion har dĂ€refter förts dĂ€r resultatet har analyserats i relation till den teoretiska referensramen. Studien bekrĂ€ftar tidigare forskning, dĂ€ribland att flera nudingetoder kombinerade med varandra alstrar effekt. Hybridnudge och prisnudge identifieras som de mest effektiva metoderna för företag att tillĂ€mpa för att rikta in konsumenter mellan 18 och 28 Ă„r att vĂ€lja det hĂ„llbara matalternativet vid digital konsumtion. Slutligen visar det deskriptiva resultatet att kvinnor pĂ„verkas av de undersökta nudgingmetoderna betydligt mer Ă€n mĂ€n, vilket har visat samband genom Chi2-tester samt att Ă„ldersspannet 22 till 24 Ă„r Ă€r dem som influeras mest till att Ă€ndra sina konsumtionsmönster. Overconsumption is today a major problem and meat is a contributing factor to the greenhouse effect. In Sweden, we live today as if we have 4.2 globes, which is not sustainable in the long run. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether companies, through nudging techniques, can influence the consumer to make a more sustainable food choice in digital consumption environments. The study is written in Swedish and has been based on theories from behavioral economics and consumer behavior where nudging is included. A questionnaire survey has been conducted which was aimed at respondents aged 18-28 where the response rate was 228 responses which later formed the basis for the results of the study. In the results section, the data from the quantitative survey has been presented in the form of a descriptive analysis with three sections, Paired Samples Proportions tests and Chi2 tests. A discussion has then taken place where the results have been analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework of reference. The study confirms previous research, including that several nudging methods combined with each other produce a greater effect. Hybrid nudge and price nudge is identified as the most effective method for companies to apply to target consumers between the ages of 18 to 28 to choose the sustainable food option in digital consumption. Finally, the descriptive results show that women are affected by the investigated nudging methods significantly more than men, which has shown a relationship through Chi2-tests and that the age group 22 to 24 years old are the ones most influenced to change their consumption patterns.
Nudging for sustainable food choices : A quantitative study on how nudging in digital grocery stores can increase the share of sustainable choices
Ăverkonsumtion Ă€r idag ett stort problem och kött Ă€r en bidragande faktor till vĂ€xthuseffekten. I Sverige lever vi idag som att vi har 4,2 jordklot vilket inte Ă€r hĂ„llbart i lĂ€ngden. Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka om företag genom nudgingtekniker kan pĂ„verka konsumenten att göra ett mer hĂ„llbart matval i digitala konsumtionsmiljöer. Studien har utgĂ„tt frĂ„n teorier frĂ„n beteendeekonomi och konsumentbeteende dĂ€r nudging ingĂ„r. En enkĂ€tundersökning har genomförts som riktade sig till respondenter i Ă„ldrarna 18-28 Ă„r dĂ€r svarsfrekvensen blev 228 svar som senare utgjort grund för resultatet i studien. I resultatdelen har datan frĂ„n den kvantitativa undersökningen presenterats i form av en deskriptiv analys med tre avsnitt, Paired Samples Proportions tester och Chi2-tester. Diskussion har dĂ€refter förts dĂ€r resultatet har analyserats i relation till den teoretiska referensramen. Studien bekrĂ€ftar tidigare forskning, dĂ€ribland att flera nudingetoder kombinerade med varandra alstrar effekt. Hybridnudge och prisnudge identifieras som de mest effektiva metoderna för företag att tillĂ€mpa för att rikta in konsumenter mellan 18 och 28 Ă„r att vĂ€lja det hĂ„llbara matalternativet vid digital konsumtion. Slutligen visar det deskriptiva resultatet att kvinnor pĂ„verkas av de undersökta nudgingmetoderna betydligt mer Ă€n mĂ€n, vilket har visat samband genom Chi2-tester samt att Ă„ldersspannet 22 till 24 Ă„r Ă€r dem som influeras mest till att Ă€ndra sina konsumtionsmönster. Overconsumption is today a major problem and meat is a contributing factor to the greenhouse effect. In Sweden, we live today as if we have 4.2 globes, which is not sustainable in the long run. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether companies, through nudging techniques, can influence the consumer to make a more sustainable food choice in digital consumption environments. The study is written in Swedish and has been based on theories from behavioral economics and consumer behavior where nudging is included. A questionnaire survey has been conducted which was aimed at respondents aged 18-28 where the response rate was 228 responses which later formed the basis for the results of the study. In the results section, the data from the quantitative survey has been presented in the form of a descriptive analysis with three sections, Paired Samples Proportions tests and Chi2 tests. A discussion has then taken place where the results have been analyzed in relation to the theoretical framework of reference. The study confirms previous research, including that several nudging methods combined with each other produce a greater effect. Hybrid nudge and price nudge is identified as the most effective method for companies to apply to target consumers between the ages of 18 to 28 to choose the sustainable food option in digital consumption. Finally, the descriptive results show that women are affected by the investigated nudging methods significantly more than men, which has shown a relationship through Chi2-tests and that the age group 22 to 24 years old are the ones most influenced to change their consumption patterns.
Construction of a Robotic Hand Prosthetic
Improvement of the daily functionality for upper limb amputees is most effectively done by replacing a lost hand with a robotic hand prosthetic (RHP). This work aims to construct a robotic hand prosthetic fulfilling identified product requirements and having the potential to improve the life of upper limb amputees. Additionally, it seeks to lower the cost of manufacturing while limiting the compromise on functionality and performance. The robotic hand is manufactured using a 3D printed structure with custom elastic TPU joints. 10 force sensitive resistors are placed on the fingers of the robotic hand in order to detect pressure and be used as feedback control. The sensors are constructed with the pressure sensitive conductive material velostat. The robotic hand is controlled by mimicking the movement of a glove worn by the user. The movement of each finger is measured with flex sensors created using strips of velostat and copper foil. The glove and robotic hand communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth. The resulting product is capable of applying a grip strength of 30.4 N and carrying a maximum load of 6,100 g. A FEM analysis is conducted showing the upper joint to be the most critical component in the assembly, modeled to withstand external loads. The robotic hand can grasp objects of different size and shapes and perform everyday tasks such as holding a phone, a cup of coffe and a bag. The finalized product fulfills the specified product requirements showing the possibility to improve the life of an upper limb amputee. Further research is of necessity for the robotic hand prosthetic to be implemented on a medical patient.
S3 â Shared Shuttle Services : Fas 1 (2017-05-03 â 2019-12-31)
S3-projektet handlar om att testa delade, elektrifierade och automatiserade skyttelbussar för att demonstrera hur dessa nya transportlösningar kan stimulera och stödja en förtĂ€tning av staden.Inom projektet har stadsutvecklare, nĂ€ringsliv, akademi och offentlig sektor samlats för att gemensamt utforma och prova nya mobilitetskoncept för den första- och sista kilometern av resan. Rapporten beskriver den första fasen av projektet, frĂ„n maj 2017 till och med december 2019, dĂ€r skyttelbussarna testats vid Lindholmen Science Park, Chalmers campus Johanneberg samt i HĂ€rryda centrum. För att stĂ€rka projektet har arbete Ă€ven utförts kring kompletterande mobilitetstjĂ€nster, öppen innovation, utvĂ€rdering, affĂ€rsmodell, fĂ€rdplan, molninfrastruktur samt event och kommunikation kopplat till initiativet. Efter utmanande processer av projektering och tillstĂ„ndsansökan lyckades testerna genomföras pĂ„ vad som av teknik- och fordonsleverantörerna ansĂ„gs vara den mest utmanande rutten i vĂ€rlden som dessa fordon hittills kört pĂ„. Samtidigt Ă€r mognadsgraden för teknik och helhetstjĂ€nst fortfarande relativt lĂ„g, och kombinerat med givna sĂ€kerhetsprioriteringar lĂ€mnas en del att önska vad gĂ€ller grundlĂ€ggande parametrar som hastighet och komfort. Dessutom innebĂ€r nuvarande tillstĂ„ndskrav pĂ„ sĂ€kerhetsoperatör ombord pĂ„ fordonen begrĂ€nsningar vad gĂ€ller till exempel hĂ„llbara affĂ€rsmodeller och möjligheten att studera vissa anvĂ€ndarförhĂ„llanden. Tack till medverkande parter och finansiĂ€rer med ett sĂ€rskilt tack till Vinnova, Drive Sweden och Lindholmen Science Park som gjort detta projekt möjligt. Tack till Transportstyrelsen, Trafikkontoret, Polisen och Chalmersfastigheter för snabba beslutsvĂ€gar och till Atrium Ljungberg för lĂ„net av garageplats. Slutligen önskar projektet rikta ett stort tack till samtliga som varit med och testat skyttlarna.Deltagande parter har varit: Chalmers, Chalmers fastigheter, Ericsson, Förvaltnings AB Framtiden, Göteborgs Stads Parkerings AB, Göteborgs Stad Stadsbyggnadskontoret, Göteborg stad Trafikkontoret, Holo (Tidigare Autonomous Mobility), HĂ€rryda kommun, Karlastaden Utvecklings AB, Sunfleet, VĂ€sttrafik, Ălvstrandens Utvecklings AB och RISE Mobility & Systems (tidigare Viktoria).</p
Psychometric Evaluation of the Swedish Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI)
Psychiatric disorders are common, and reliable measures are crucial for research and clinical practice. A cross-diagnostic construct that can be used to index treatment outcomes as well as prevalence of psychological ill health is psychological flexibility. The aim of this study was to validate a Swedish version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). The MPFI has 12
subscales, six of which measure flexibility, and six that measure inflexibility. Using confirmatory factor analysis in a community sample of 670 participants, we found that a model with 12 factors had the best fit to the data. All 12 subscales showed adequate reliability and the factor structure was similar across age groups and gender. Findings suggest that the Swedish version of the MPFI is a reliable instrument that can be used to index psychological flexibility
Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI)
Psychiatric disorders are common, and reliable measures are crucial for research and clinical practice. A cross-diagnostic construct that can be used to index treatment outcomes as well as prevalence of psychological ill health is psychological flexibility. The aim of this study was to validate a Swedish version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI). The MPFI has 12 subscales, six of which measure flexibility, and six that measure inflexibility. Using confirmatory factor analysis in a community sample of 670 participants, we found that a model with two higher order factors had satisfactory fit (CFI = .933) and a 12-factor model had the best fit to the data (CFI = .955). All 12 subscales showed adequate reliability (CRs = .803-.933) and the factor structure was similar across age groups and gender. Findings suggest that the Swedish version of the MPFI is a reliable instrument that can be used to index psychological flexibility. Potential areas for improvement of the instrument are discussed