242 research outputs found

    Well-Posedness and Symmetries of Strongly Coupled Network Equations

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    We consider a diffusion process on the edges of a finite network and allow for feedback effects between different, possibly non-adjacent edges. This generalizes the setting that is common in the literature, where the only considered interactions take place at the boundary, i. e., in the nodes of the network. We discuss well-posedness of the associated initial value problem as well as contractivity and positivity properties of its solutions. Finally, we discuss qualitative properties that can be formulated in terms of invariance of linear subspaces of the state space, i. e., of symmetries of the associated physical system. Applications to a neurobiological model as well as to a system of linear Schroedinger equations on a quantum graph are discussed.Comment: 25 pages. Corrected typos and minor change

    Multiple dynamical time-scales in networks with hierarchically nested modular organization

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    Many natural and engineered complex networks have intricate mesoscopic organization, e.g., the clustering of the constituent nodes into several communities or modules. Often, such modularity is manifested at several different hierarchical levels, where the clusters defined at one level appear as elementary entities at the next higher level. Using a simple model of a hierarchical modular network, we show that such a topological structure gives rise to characteristic time-scale separation between dynamics occurring at different levels of the hierarchy. This generalizes our earlier result for simple modular networks, where fast intra-modular and slow inter-modular processes were clearly distinguished. Investigating the process of synchronization of oscillators in a hierarchical modular network, we show the existence of as many distinct time-scales as there are hierarchical levels in the system. This suggests a possible functional role of such mesoscopic organization principle in natural systems, viz., in the dynamical separation of events occurring at different spatial scales.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Probing topological invariants in the bulk of a non-Hermitian optical system

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    Topological insulators are insulating in the bulk but feature conducting states on their surfaces. Standard methods for probing their topological properties largely involve probing the surface, even though topological invariants are defined via the bulk band structure. Here, we utilize non-hermiticy to experimentally demonstrate a topological transition in an optical system, using bulk behavior only, without recourse to surface properties. This concept is relevant for a wide range of systems beyond optics, where the surface physics is difficult to probe

    Experimental realization of a topological Anderson insulator

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    We experimentally demonstrate that disorder can induce a topologically non-trivial phase. We implement this “Topological Anderson Insulator” in arrays of evanescently coupled waveguides and demonstrate its unique features

    Convoluted CC-cosine functions and semigroups. Relations with ultradistribution and hyperfunction sines

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    Convoluted CC-cosine functions and semigroups in a Banach space setting extending the classes of fractionally integrated CC-cosine functions and semigroups are systematically analyzed. Structural properties of such operator families are obtained. Relations between convoluted CC-cosine functions and analytic convoluted CC-semigroups, introduced and investigated in this paper are given through the convoluted version of the abstract Weierstrass formula which is also proved in the paper. Ultradistribution and hyperfunction sines are connected with analytic convoluted semigroups and ultradistribution semigroups. Several examples of operators generating convoluted cosine functions, (analytic) convoluted semigroups as well as hyperfunction and ultradistribution sines illustrate the abstract approach of the authors. As an application, it is proved that the polyharmonic operator (Δ)2n,(-\Delta)^{2^{n}}, nN,n\in {\mathbb N}, acting on L2[0,π]L^{2}[0,\pi] with appropriate boundary conditions, generates an exponentially bounded KnK_{n}-convoluted cosine function, and consequently, an exponentially bounded analytic Kn+1K_{n+1}-convoluted semigroup of angle π2,\frac{\pi}{2}, for suitable exponentially bounded kernels KnK_{n} and $K_{n+1}.

    Synchronization, Diversity, and Topology of Networks of Integrate and Fire Oscillators

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    We study synchronization dynamics of a population of pulse-coupled oscillators. In particular, we focus our attention in the interplay between networks topological disorder and its synchronization features. Firstly, we analyze synchronization time TT in random networks, and find a scaling law which relates TT to networks connectivity. Then, we carry on comparing synchronization time for several other topological configurations, characterized by a different degree of randomness. The analysis shows that regular lattices perform better than any other disordered network. The fact can be understood by considering the variability in the number of links between two adjacent neighbors. This phenomenon is equivalent to have a non-random topology with a distribution of interactions and it can be removed by an adequate local normalization of the couplings.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX 209, uses RevTe

    Quantum ergodicity for graphs related to interval maps

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    We prove quantum ergodicity for a family of graphs that are obtained from ergodic one-dimensional maps of an interval using a procedure introduced by Pakonski et al (J. Phys. A, v. 34, 9303-9317 (2001)). As observables we take the L^2 functions on the interval. The proof is based on the periodic orbit expansion of a majorant of the quantum variance. Specifically, given a one-dimensional, Lebesgue-measure-preserving map of an interval, we consider an increasingly refined sequence of partitions of the interval. To this sequence we associate a sequence of graphs, whose directed edges correspond to elements of the partitions and on which the classical dynamics approximates the Perron-Frobenius operator corresponding to the map. We show that, except possibly for subsequences of density 0, the eigenstates of the quantum graphs equidistribute in the limit of large graphs. For a smaller class of observables we also show that the Egorov property, a correspondence between classical and quantum evolution in the semiclassical limit, holds for the quantum graphs in question.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Fractionation of parietal function in bistable perception probed with concurrent TMS-EEG

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    When visual input has conflicting interpretations, conscious perception can alternate spontaneously between these possible interpretations. This is called bistable perception. Previous neuroimaging studies have indicated the involvement of two right parietal areas in resolving perceptual ambiguity (ant-SPLr and post-SPLr). Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies that selectively interfered with the normal function of these regions suggest that they play opposing roles in this type of perceptual switch. In the present study, we investigated this fractionation of parietal function by use of combined TMS with electroencephalography (EEG). Specifically, while participants viewed either a bistable stimulus, a replay stimulus, or resting-state fixation, we applied single pulse TMS to either location independently while simultaneously recording EEG. Combined with participant’s individual structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, this dataset allows for complex analyses of the effect of TMS on neural time series data, which may further elucidate the causal role of the parietal cortex in ambiguous perception