307 research outputs found

    Multimodal particle size distribution or fractal surface of acrylic acid copolymer nanoparticles: A small-angle X-ray scattering study using direct Fourier and indirect maximum entropy methods

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    Acrylic acid copolymers are potential carriers for drug delivery. The surface, surface rugosity and the absolute dimension of the particles are parameters that determine the binding of drugs or detergents, diffusion phenomena at the surface and the distribution of the carrier within the human body. The particle-size distribution and surface rugosity of the particles have been investigated by small-angle X-ray scattering and dynamic light scattering. Direct Fourier transform as well as a new strategy for the indirect maximum-entropy method MAXENT are used for data evaluation. Scattering equivalence of a pure multimodal distribution of hard spheres (five populations) and a mixed multimodal-surface-fractal model (four populations) was found. Model calculations and dynamic light-scattering experiments gave evidence of the multimodal particle-size distribution combined with the fractal surface of the carrier The main moiety consists of particles 90 nm in diameter which are surface fractals in the 10 nm region

    Twist operators in N=4 beta-deformed theory

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    In this paper we derive both the leading order finite size corrections for twist-2 and twist-3 operators and the next-to-leading order finite-size correction for twist-2 operators in beta-deformed SYM theory. The obtained results respect the principle of maximum transcendentality as well as reciprocity. We also find that both wrapping corrections go to zero in the large spin limit. Moreover, for twist-2 operators we studied the pole structure and compared it against leading BFKL predictions.Comment: 17 pages; v2: minor changes, references adde

    The Bajnok-Janik formula and wrapping corrections

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    We write down the simplified TBA equations of the AdS5×S5AdS_5 \times S^5 string sigma-model for minimal energy twist-two operators in the sl(2) sector of the model. By using the linearized version of these TBA equations it is shown that the wrapping corrected Bethe equations for these states are identical, up to O(g^8), to the Bethe equations calculated in the generalized L\"uscher approach (Bajnok-Janik formula). Applications of the Bajnok-Janik formula to relativistic integrable models, the nonlinear O(n) sigma models for n=2,3,4 and the SU(n) principal sigma models, are also discussed.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, published versio

    Six and seven loop Konishi from Luscher corrections

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    In the present paper we derive six and seven loop formulas for the anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator in N=4 SYM from string theory using the technique of Luscher corrections. We derive analytically the integrand using the worldsheet S-matrix and evaluate the resulting integral and infinite sum using a combination of high precision numerical integration and asymptotic expansion. We use this high precision numerical result to fit the integer coefficients of zeta values in the final analytical answer. The presented six and seven loop results can be used as a cross-check with FiNLIE on the string theory side, or with direct gauge theory computations. The seven loop level is the theoretical limit of this Luscher approach as at eight loops double-wrapping corrections will appear.Comment: 18 pages, typos correcte

    Konishi operator at intermediate coupling

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    TBA equations for two-particle states from the sl(2) sector proposed by Arutyunov, Suzuki and the author are solved numerically for the Konishi operator descendent up to 't Hooft's coupling lambda ~ 2046. The data obtained is used to analyze the properties of Y-functions and address the issue of the existence of the critical values of the coupling. In addition we find a new integral representation for the BES dressing phase which substantially reduces the computational time.Comment: lots of figures, v2: improved numerics, c1=2, c2=0, c4 does not vanis

    Lessons from crossing symmetry at large N

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    20 pages, v2: Assumptions stated more clearly, version published in JHEPWe consider the four-point correlator of the stress tensor multiplet in N=4 SYM. We construct all solutions consistent with crossing symmetry in the limit of large central charge c ~ N^2 and large g^2 N. While we find an infinite tower of solutions, we argue most of them are suppressed by an extra scale \Delta_{gap} and are consistent with the upper bounds for the scaling dimension of unprotected operators observed in the numerical superconformal bootstrap at large central charge. These solutions organize as a double expansion in 1/c and 1/\Delta_{gap}. Our solutions are valid to leading order in 1/c and to all orders in 1/\Delta_{gap} and reproduce, in particular, instanton corrections previously found. Furthermore, we find a connection between such upper bounds and positivity constraints arising from causality in flat space. Finally, we show that certain relations derived from causality constraints for scattering in AdS follow from crossing symmetry.Peer reviewe

    Comments on the Mirror TBA

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    We discuss various aspects of excited state TBA equations describing the energy spectrum of the AdS_5 \times S^5 strings and, via the AdS/CFT correspondence, the spectrum of scaling dimensions of N = 4 SYM local operators. We observe that auxiliary roots which are used to partially enumerate solutions of the Bethe-Yang equations do not play any role in engineering excited state TBA equations via the contour deformation trick. We further argue that the TBA equations are in fact written not for a particular string state but for the whole superconformal multiplet, and, therefore, the psu(2,2|4) invariance is built in into the TBA construction.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, v2: misprints are correcte

    Wrapping corrections, reciprocity and BFKL beyond the sl(2) subsector in N=4 SYM

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    We consider N=4 SYM and a class of spin N, length-3, twist operators beyond the well studied sl(2) subsector. They can be identified at one-loop with three gluon operators. At strong coupling, they are associated with spinning strings with two spins in AdS5. We exploit the Y-system to compute the leading weak-coupling four loop wrapping correction to their anomalous dimension. The result is written in closed form as a function of the spin N. We combine the wrapping correction with the known four-loop asymptotic Bethe Ansatz contribution and analyze special limits in the spin N. In particular, at large N, we prove that a generalized Gribov-Lipatov reciprocity holds. At negative unphysical spin, we present a simple BFKL-like equation predicting the rightmost leading poles.Comment: 18 page

    Exceptional Operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills

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    We consider one particularly interesting class of composite gauge-invariant operators in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. An exceptional feature of these operators is that in the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz approach the one-loop rapidities of the constituent magnons are shown to be exact in the 't Hooft coupling constant. This is used to propose the mirror TBA description for these operators. The proposal is shown to pass several non-trivial checks.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures, 1 attached Mathematica noteboo

    On Yangian and Long Representations of the Centrally Extended su(2|2) Superalgebra

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    The centrally extended su(2|2) superalgebra is an asymptotic symmetry of the light-cone string sigma model on AdS5 x S5. We consider an evaluation representation of the conventional Yangian built over a particular 16-dimensional long representation of the centrally extended su(2|2). Interestingly, we find that S-matrices compatible with this evaluation representation do not exist. On the other hand, by requiring centrally extended su(2|2) invariance and explicitly solving the Yang-Baxter equation, we find a scattering matrix for long-short representations of the Lie superalgebra. We notice that this S-matrix is invariant under a different representation of non-evaluation type, induced from the tensor product of short representations. Our findings concern the conventional Yangian only, and are not applied to possible algebraic extensions of the latter.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JHE