178 research outputs found

    Settlements of undeveloped areas of Serbia

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    Analytical part of the paper comprises the basic demo-economic, urban-geographic and functional indicators of the state of development, as well as changes in the process of development in the settlements and their centres on undeveloped area of Serbia in the period in which they most appeared. The comparison is made on the basis of complex and modified indicators2, as of undeveloped local territorial units mutually, so with the republic average. The basic aims were presented in the final part of the paper, as well as the strategic measures for the development of settlements on these areas, with a suggestion of activating and valorization of their spatial potentials. The main directions are defined through the strategic regional documents of Serbia and through regional policy of the European Union

    Settlements of undeveloped areas of Serbia

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    Analytical part of the paper comprises the basic demo-economic, urban-geographic and functional indicators of the state of development, as well as changes in the process of development in the settlements and their centres on undeveloped area of Serbia in the period in which they most appeared. The comparison is made on the basis of complex and modified indicators2, as of undeveloped local territorial units mutually, so with the republic average. The basic aims were presented in the final part of the paper, as well as the strategic measures for the development of settlements on these areas, with a suggestion of activating and valorization of their spatial potentials. The main directions are defined through the strategic regional documents of Serbia and through regional policy of the European Union

    Settlements of undeveloped areas of Serbia

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    Analytical part of the paper comprises the basic demo-economic, urban-geographic and functional indicators of the state of development, as well as changes in the process of development in the settlements and their centres on undeveloped area of Serbia in the period in which they most appeared. The comparison is made on the basis of complex and modified indicators2, as of undeveloped local territorial units mutually, so with the republic average. The basic aims were presented in the final part of the paper, as well as the strategic measures for the development of settlements on these areas, with a suggestion of activating and valorization of their spatial potentials. The main directions are defined through the strategic regional documents of Serbia and through regional policy of the European Union

    Arthritis as a presentation of paraneoplastic syndrome: A case report

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    Paraneoplastic syndrome includes symptoms that occur far from the primary tumor, and despite unclear pathogenesis, these conditions are thought to be caused by substances secreted by the neoplasm or by the effect of antibodies directed at the tumor, which cross- react with other tissues

    Interrelation of spatial disparities in development and migration patterns in transition economy: Serbia - Case study

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    The post-socialist transition processes in Serbia stepped up the existing disparities in development between the regions as well as between the municipalities. In the attempt to contribute to the EU and national knowledge on this topic, this paper focuses on interrelation between migration and development inequalities in Serbia in terms of negative natural increase, traditional emigration and small scale immigration, which challenge the balanced distribution of Serbian population and affect social change. The objective of the paper is to explore the interaction between migration and inequalities in transition economy of Serbia and to identify the underlying determinants. The indicators used in the regression analysis are the net migration rate for the inter-census period 2002-2011 and the set of demographic, socio-economic and geographic quantitative indicators. The findings reveal the interaction of migration and level of development in Serbia suggesting the importance of geographic location besides the socio-economic factors

    Efekti potpunih smeÅ”a različitih domaćih proizvođača u ishrani svinja u porastu

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    The effects of nutrition using complete mixtures from five producers on production performance, digestibility of nutrients and cost of 1 kilogram of gain in nutrition of growing pigs were investigated. Obtained results showed that: the best pig production is realized using control mixture A, slightly lower results with diet B, followed by mixtures C, D and E. Degree of utilization of dry, organic matter and protein was best in diets A and B, and slightly lower in remaining C, D and E diets. The cheapest gain was realized by using mixtures A and C, followed by mixture B, and the least favourable cost of gain was recorded in pigs fed diets D and E, without any established differences between them. In general, obtained results showed that by using the mixtures from various manufacturers certain differences in production performance were established, also in the degree of utilization of nutrients and cost of kilogram of gain in growing pigs.Ispitivani su efekti ishrane smeÅ”ama od pet proizvođača na proizvodne rezultate, svarljivost hranljivih materija i cenu kilograma prirasta u ishrani svinja u porastu. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se: najbolja proizvodnja kod svinja postiže ishranom kontrolnom smeÅ”om A, neÅ”to slabiji obrokom B, pa smeÅ”ama C, D i E proizvođača. Stepen iskoriŔćavanja suve, organske materije i proteina je bio bolji kod obroka A i B a neÅ”to slabiji kod preostalih C, D i E obroka. Najjeftiniji prirast je ostvaren kod A i C smeÅ”a , zatim sledi kod smeÅ”e B a najnepovoljnije cenu prirasta svinje su bile na obrocima D i E između kojih nije bilo razlika. U celini dobijeni rezultati u ovom radu su pokazali da se, koriŔćenjem smeÅ”a različitih proizvođača u Srbiji ostvaruju razlike u proizvodnim rezultatima, stepenu iskoriŔćavanja hranljivih materija i ceni kilograma prirasta svinja u porastu.

    The presence of high mobility group box-1 and soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products in juvenile idiopathic arthritis and juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus

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    BACKGROUND: The involvement of high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) in various inflammatory and autoimmune diseases has been documented but clinical trials on the contribution of this pro-inflammatory alarmin in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are basically absent. To address the presence of HMGB1 and a soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) in different subtypes of JIA and additionally in children with SLE, we enrolled a consecutive sample of children harvested peripheral blood as well as synovial fluids (SF) at diagnosis and correlated it with ordinary acute-phase reactants and clinical markers. ----- METHODS: Serum and synovial fluids levels of HMGB1 and sRAGE in total of 144 children (97 with JIA, 19 with SLE and 27 healthy controls) were determined by ELISA. ----- RESULTS: The children with JIA and those with SLE were characterised by significantly higher serum levels of HMGB1 and significantly lower sRAGE levels compared to the healthy controls. A positive correlation between serum HMGB1 and ESR, CRP, Ī±2 globulin was found while serum sRAGE levels were inversely correlated with the same inflammatory markers in children with JIA. Additionally, high level of serum HMGB1 was related to hepatosplenomegaly or serositis in systemic onset JIA. ----- CONCLUSION: The inverse relationship of the HMGB1 and its soluble receptor RAGE in the blood and SF indicates that inflammation triggered by alarmins may play a role in pathogenesis of JIA as well as SLE. HMGB1 may serve as an inflammatory marker and a potential target of biological therapy in these patients. Further studies need to show whether the determination of HMGB1 levels in patients with JIA can be a useful guideline for detecting disease activity
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