11 research outputs found

    Primary Bone Lymphoma: A Case Series and Review of Literature

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    Primary bone lymphoma (PBL) is a subtype of lymphoma that exclusively affects skeletal tissue. Despite the relatively common involvement of skeletal structures as a manifestation of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), primary and exclusive involvement of the skeletal system is rare. The prevalence of PBL is estimated to be 3–7% amongst primary bone tumors and less than 2% amongst all lymphomas in adults. However, the definition of primary bone lymphoma has been inconsistent over time. Within our institution, we identified four cases of primary bone lymphoma based on diagnostic criteria formed from the general consensus of multiple organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group (IELSG). Here, we discuss the distinct characteristics amongst these cases in addition to performing a systematic review of current literature regarding this lymphoproliferative entity

    A Rare Case of Chondroblastoma from Neolithic Crete of the 7th Millennium BCE

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    Abstract. Chondroblastoma is a rare primary bone tumor affecting young people comprising <1% of all primary bone tumors (Chen and Di Francesco 2017), first described in the early 20th century (Codman 1931; Jaffe 1942). Recently, the discovery of the first formal Early Neolithic burial ground at Aposelemis site of Herakleion in Crete, Greece, provided a unique opportunity for the retrieval of bioanthropological data from human skeletons. This paper reports the finding of a benign-appearing bone lesion in the distal humerus of a younger individual from this site. The clinicopathological findings of this individual (ca. 35–38 years old) with a small lytic, epiphyseal lesion surrounded by sclerosis suggest a diagnostic assessment of chondroblastoma. This report summarizes the findings and discusses the differential diagnoses in this unique case primarily based on inspectional and radiographic features, lacking the ability of cell and molecular histological investigations through laboratory medicine to narrow down the differential diagnosis of the bone tumor. In a retrospective review, it considers the plausibility of impairing elbow, wrist, and hand arthrokinematic abilities given the cadre of unexampled effects in modern medicine of the persisting and surgically untreated pathology, inclusive of the potential of metastatic complications that would have affected this individual. We deem this to represent the earliest documented case of chondroblastoma in the palaeopathology records of the Aegean region.RĂ©sumĂ©. Le chondroblastome est une tumeur osseuse primaire rare, dĂ©crite pour la premiĂšre fois au dĂ©but du xxe siĂšcle (Codman 1931 ; Jaffe 1942), affectant les jeunes et reprĂ©sentant moins de 1 % des tumeurs osseuses primaires (Chen et Di Francesco 2017). La dĂ©couverte rĂ©cente du premier cimetiĂšre officiel du NĂ©olithique ancien sur le site d’Aposelemis Ă  HĂ©raklion, en CrĂšte (GrĂšce), a fourni une occasion unique de rĂ©cupĂ©rer des donnĂ©es bioanthropologiques Ă  partir des squelettes humains. Cet article rapporte la dĂ©couverte d’une lĂ©sion osseuse d’apparence bĂ©nigne au niveau de l’extrĂ©mitĂ© distale de l’humĂ©rus chez un jeune individu provenant de ce site. Les rĂ©sultats clinico-pathologiques de cet individu (environ 35-38 ans) prĂ©sentant une petite lĂ©sion lytique Ă©piphysaire entourĂ©e de sclĂ©rose suggĂšrent une Ă©valuation diagnostique de chondroblastome. Ce rapport rĂ©sume les rĂ©sultats et discute des diagnostics diffĂ©rentiels de ce cas unique en se basant principalement sur les caractĂ©ristiques d'inspection et de radiographie, sans que les investigations histologiques cellulaires et molĂ©culaires effectuĂ©es en laboratoire ne permettent de rĂ©duire le diagnostic diffĂ©rentiel de la tumeur osseuse. Dans une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective, il examine la plausibilitĂ© de la dĂ©tĂ©rioration des capacitĂ©s arthrocinĂ©matiques du coude, du poignet et de la main compte tenu des effets inĂ©dits en mĂ©decine moderne de la pathologie persistante et non traitĂ©e chirurgicalement, y compris le potentiel de complications mĂ©tastatiques qui auraient affectĂ© cet individu. Nous considĂ©rons qu’il reprĂ©sente le premier cas documentĂ© de chondroblastome dans les archives de palĂ©opathologie de la rĂ©gion Ă©gĂ©enne