5,007 research outputs found

    G_2 Domain Walls in M-theory

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    M-theory is considered in its low-energy limit on a G_2 manifold with non-vanishing flux. Using the Killing spinor equations for linear flux, an explicit set of first-order bosonic equations for supersymmetric solutions is found. These solutions describe a warped product of a domain wall in four-dimensional space-time and a deformed G_2 manifold. It is shown how these domain walls arise from the perspective of the associated four-dimensional N=1 effective supergravity theories. We also discuss the inclusion of membrane and M5-brane sources.Comment: 30 pages, Late

    Indications of a sub-linear and non-universal Kennicutt-Schmidt relationship

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    We estimate the parameters of the Kennicutt-Schmidt (KS) relationship, linking the star formation rate (Sigma_SFR) to the molecular gas surface density (Sigma_mol), in the STING sample of nearby disk galaxies using a hierarchical Bayesian method. This method rigorously treats measurement uncertainties, and provides accurate parameter estimates for both individual galaxies and the entire population. Assuming standard conversion factors to estimate Sigma_SFR and Sigma_mol from the observations, we find that the KS parameters vary between galaxies, indicating that no universal relationship holds for all galaxies. The KS slope of the whole population is 0.76, with the 2sigma range extending from 0.58 to 0.94. These results imply that the molecular gas depletion time is not constant, but varies from galaxy to galaxy, and increases with the molecular gas surface density. Therefore, other galactic properties besides just Sigma_mol affect Sigma_SFR, such as the gas fraction or stellar mass. The non-universality of the KS relationship indicates that a comprehensive theory of star formation must take into account additional physical processes that may vary from galaxy to galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Updated to match MNRAS accepted versio

    Torus-Fibered Calabi-Yau Threefolds with Non-Trivial Fundamental Group

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    We construct smooth Calabi-Yau threefolds Z, torus-fibered over a dP_9 base, with fundamental group Z_2 X Z_2. To do this, the structure of rational elliptic surfaces is studied and it is shown that a restricted subset of such surfaces admit at least a Z_2 X Z_2 group of automorphisms. One then constructs Calabi-Yau threefolds X as the fiber product of two such dP_9 surfaces, demonstrating that the involutions on the surfaces lift to a freely acting Z_2 X Z_2 group of automorphisms on X. The threefolds Z are then obtained as the quotient Z=X/(Z_2 X Z_2). These Calabi-Yau spaces Z admit stable, holomorphic SU(4) vector bundles which, in conjunction with Z_2 X Z_2 Wilson lines, lead to standard-like models of particle physics with naturally suppressed nucleon decay.Comment: 60 pages, 13 figures, Typos correcte

    Kaehler forms and cosmological solutions in type II supergravities

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    We consider cosmological solutions to type II supergravity theories where the spacetime is split into a FRW universe and a K\"ahler space, which may be taken to be Calabi-Yau. The various 2-forms present in the theories are taken to be proportional to the K\"ahler form associated to the K\"ahler space.Comment: 6 pages, LaTeX2

    Brane-world inflation without inflaton on the brane

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    Inspired by the Randall-Sundrum brane-world scenario, we investigate the possibility of brane-world inflation driven not by an inflaton field on the brane, but by a bulk, dilaton-like gravitational field. As a toy model for the dilaton-like gravitational field, we consider a minimally coupled massive scalar field in the bulk 5-dimensional spacetime, and look for a perturbative solution in the anti-de Sitter (AdS) background. For an adequate range of the scalar field mass, we find a unique solution that has non-trivial dependence on the 5th dimensional coordinate and that induces slow-roll inflation on the brane.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, final version, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Control and Manipulation of Cold Atoms in Optical Tweezers

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    Neutral atoms trapped by laser light are amongst the most promising candidates for storing and processing information in a quantum computer or simulator. The application certainly calls for a scalable and flexible scheme for addressing and manipulating the atoms. We have now made this a reality by implementing a fast and versatile method to dynamically control the position of neutral atoms trapped in optical tweezers. The tweezers result from a spatial light modulator (SLM) controlling and shaping a large number of optical dipole-force traps. Trapped atoms adapt to any change in the potential landscape, such that one can re-arrange and randomly access individual sites within atom-trap arrays.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Spin ordering and electronic texture in the bilayer iridate Sr3_3Ir2_2O7_7

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    Through a neutron scattering, charge transport, and magnetization study, the correlated ground state in the bilayer iridium oxide Sr3_3Ir2_2O7_7 is explored. Our combined results resolve scattering consistent with a high temperature magnetic phase that persists above 600 K, reorients at the previously defined TAF=280T_{AF}=280 K, and coexists with an electronic ground state whose phase behavior suggests the formation of a fluctuating charge or orbital phase that freezes below T70T^{*}\approx70 K. Our study provides a window into the emergence of multiple electronic order parameters near the boundary of the metal to insulator phase transition of the 5d Jeff=1/2J_{eff}=1/2 Mott phase.Comment: Revised text and figures. 4 pages, 4 figure

    Classification and Moduli Kahler Potentials of G_2 Manifolds

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    Compact manifolds of G_2 holonomy may be constructed by dividing a seven-torus by some discrete symmetry group and then blowing up the singularities of the resulting orbifold. We classify possible group elements that may be used in this construction and use this classification to find a set of possible orbifold groups. We then derive the moduli Kahler potential for M-theory on the resulting class of G_2 manifolds with blown up co-dimension four singularities.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, references adde

    p-Brane cosmology and phases of Brans-Dicke theory with matter

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    We study the effect of the solitonic degrees of freedom in string cosmology following the line of Rama. The gas of solitonic p-brane is treated as a perfect fluid in a Brans-Dicke type theory. In this paper, we find exact cosmological solutions for any Brans-Dicke parameter ω\omega and for general parameter γ\gamma of equation of state and classify the cosmology of the solutions on a parameter space of γ\gamma and ω\omega.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, Contents and references added; published in Phys. Rev. D57(1998) 462