884 research outputs found
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Zbog velikih troškova koji su dosad proizilazili zbog potrošnje aktivnog ugljena u sustavima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda tekstilne industrije, kao i niske adsorpcije anionskih tvari na filtre od aktivnog ugljena, istražena je mogućnost korištenja modificirane celuloze u tu svrhu. Celuloza, u ovom radu liocelni pust, je kationiziran različitim sredstvima te se ispitivala adsorpcija tenzida na filter od kationiziranog liocelnog materijala. Istražena je adsorpcija anionskih, kationskih i neionskih tenzida i uspoređena je s adsorpcijom neobrađenog liocela.Pokazalo se da je moguće izraditi filtar od kationizirane celuloze koji ima potencijal za adsorbiranje anionskih sredstava. Istraživanja su pokazala da kationizirani liocel adsorbira 38-67 % anionskog tenzida, ovisno o sredstvu za kationiziranje i vrsti tenzida. Obzirom da navedeni filtri jako dobro adsorbiraju anionske tenzide, za pretpostaviti je da bi mogli dobro adsorbirati i druga sredstva za obradu, oplemenjivanje ili bojadisanje celuloze koja su također anionska što ostavlja područje za daljnja istraživanja
Это не мое имя: перевод имен собственных в хорватских и русских (повторных) переводaх рассказа Скотный двор Джорджа Оруэлла
The procedures for rendering proper names have been studied mostly in works belonging to the fantasy genre and children’s literature. Although George Orwell’s Animal Farm belongs to neither of the two categories, it is affiliated with the subgenre of allegory, which represents quite a challenge to any potential translator. However, the real motivation behind the choice of this book lies in its criticism of the Soviet Union, especially since it was published in 1945, meaning that the political and socio-cultural context influenced its publication and reception to a great extent. This study aims to identify the procedures applied in rendering proper names from Animal Farm in two Croatian (the first translation and retranslation) and four Russian translations (the first translation and three retranslations), and to determine the differences among the translations into the same target language, as well as the differences between Croatian and Russian target texts. Finally, a study of first translations and subsequent retranslations will enable us to detect diachronic changes in the general translation orientations.Istraživanja postupaka prijenosa vlastitih imenica najčešće se provode na djelima koja pripadaju dječjoj književnosti ili imaju karakteristike žanra fantastike. Iako Životinjska farma Georgea Orwella ne pripada nijednoj od tih kategorija, usko je povezana s podžanrom alegorije, zbog čega prijevod ovog djela predstavlja velik izazov za svakog potencijalnog prevoditelja. Međutim, pravi razlog za odabir ove novele krije se u njezinoj kritici Sovjetskog Saveza te činjenici da je objavljena 1945. godine, što znači da je na njezino objavljivanje i recepciju uvelike utjecala politička i društveno-kulturna klima tog vremena. Cilj je ovog istraživanja utvrditi koji su postupci prijenosa vlastitih imenica iz Životinjske farme upotrijebljeni u dvama hrvatskim (prvi prijevod i ponovni prijevod) i četirima ruskim prijevodima (prvi prijevod i tri ponovna prijevoda) te utvrditi razlike među prijevodima na isti ciljni jezik, kao i razlike među hrvatskim i ruskim ciljnim tekstovima. Istraživanjem razlika među prvim i ponovnim prijevodima dobit ćemo uvid i u dijakronijske promjene u glavnim prijevodnim strategijama u objema ciljnim kulturama.Приемы передачи имен собственных исследовались в основном в произведениях жанра фэнтези и детской литературы. Несмотря на то, что рассказ Скотный двор Джорджа Оруэлла не принадлежит ни к одной из этих двух категорий, он относится к поджанру аллегории, что представляет собой дополнительную проблему для любого потенциального переводчика. Однако, настоящая мотивация выбора этой книги заключается в ее политическом характере и критическом отношении к Советскому Союзу, тем более, потому что она была опубликована в 1945 году. Это значит, что политический и социально-культурный контекст в значительной степени повлияли на ее публикацию и восприятие. Таким образом, данная работа занимается выявлением приемов, применяемых при переводе имен собственных, появляющихся в рассказе Скотный двор, в двух хорватских (первый перевод и повторный перевод) и четырех русских переводах (первый перевод и три повторных перевода), затем определением различий между переводами на один и тот же целевой язык, а также различий между целевыми текстами на хорватском и русском языках. Наконец, изучение первых переводов и последующих повторных переводов позволит нам обнаружить диахронические изменения в общих направленностях переводов
Metalna stakla
Metalna stakla su zajedno s amorfnim strukturama otkriveni 1960. godine s velikim znanstvenim i tehnološkim zanimanjem. Potraga za novim i naprednim materijalima je bilo glavno zanimanje istraživača materijala tijekom prošlih nekoliko godina. Važan napredak je ostvaren u razvijanju mehaničkih, kemijskih i fizikalnih svojstava materijala Metalni materijali su tradicionalno smatrani da su kristalni po prirodi, da posjeduju translacijsku simetriju, tj, da su njihovi građevni atomi uređeni u periodičnu strukturu u svim trima dimenzijama. Međutim, revolucija u konceptu metala dogodila se 1960. godine, kada je Pol Duwez s kalifornijskog Instituta za tehnologiju u Pasadeni, proizveo slitinu u staklenom stanju na bazi aluminija i silicija brzim očvršćivanjem tekućine brzinom koja se približava iznosu od milijun stupnjeva po sekundi. Staklo je bilo koja nekristalna krutina dobivena kontinuiranim hlađenjem iz tekućeg stanja, a amorfna krutina je bilo koja nekristalna struktura dobivena bilo kojom drugom metodom osim kontinuiranim hlađenjem iz tekuće faze. U prvom poglavlju ovog rada vidjeli smo povijesni razvoj masivnih metalnih stakala uključujući i tehnike njihove proizvodnje. U drugom poglavlju govorili smo o metalnim staklima općenito, o sposobnosti oblikovanja stakla, te o termodinamici i kinetici procesa oblikovanja stakla. Treće poglavlje je bilo posvećeno tehnikama proizvodnje metalnih stakala. Ovdje smo govorili o prednostima i nedostacima pojedine metode. U sljedećem poglavlju vidjeli smo neka važna fizikalna svojstva masivnih metalnih stakala: gustoću, viskoznost, električnu otpornost, toplinsku vodljivost. Zadnje poglavlje je bilo posvećeno brojnim primjenama masivnih metalnih stakala.Metallic glasses along with amorphous structures were discovered in 1960 with great scientific, and technological interest. The search for new and advanced materials has been the major preoccupation of materials scientists during the past several years. Significant improvements have been achieved in the mechanical, chemical and physical properties of materials. Metallic materials are traditionally considered crystalline in nature, possessing translational symmetry, that is, their constituent atoms are arranged in a regular and periodic manner in all three dimensions. However, a revolution in the concept of metals was brought about in 1960 when Pol Duwez, at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, had synthesized an Au-Si alloy in glassy state by rapidly solidifying the liquid at rates approaching a million degrees per second. Glass is any noncrystalline solid obtained by continuous cooling from the liquid state, and amorphous solid is any noncrystalline material obtained by any other method, except by continuous cooling from liquid state. In the first chapter of this work we saw historical development of bulk metallic glasses including the technics of their production. In the second chapter we talked about metallic glasses generally, about glass forming ability and about thermodynamics and kinetics of glass formation. Third chapter was dedicated to methods of obtaining metallic glasses. There we talked about advantages and disadvantages of each method. In the next chapter we saw some important physical properties of bulk metallic glasses: density, electrical resistance, viscosity, thermal conductivity. The last chapter is dedicated to a large number of applications of bulk metallic glasses
Koncept „smirivanja prometa“ temelji se na zahtjevu povećanja sigurnosti prometa, a postiže se
smanjivanjem brzine kretanja vozila u stambenim zonama i u blizini škola i dječjih vrtića te poboljšanju
preglednosti. Smirivanjem prometa moguće je postići i povećanje udobnosti i sigurnosti kod pješaka te smanjenje
neposrednih štetnih utjecaja na okoliš: smanjenje razine buke i onečišćenja zraka. Za postizanje postavljenog
cilja treba provesti čitav niz postupaka koji se sastoje od preuređenja postojeće cestovne mreže, postavljanja
posebne opreme i signalizacije za smirivanje prometa te uvođenja dosljedne i učinkovite regulative. U članku su
prikazane različite mjere smirivanja prometa uvažavajući europska i domaća iskustva te dan osvrt na hrvatsku
zakonsku i tehničku regulativu iz ovog područja.The concept of "traffic calming" is based on a request to increase traffic safety which is achieved by
reducing the speed of vehicles in residential zones and near schools and kindergartens, and improving
visibility.Traffic calming can also improve the comfort and safety for pedestrians and reduce the negative impact
on the environment: reducing noise and air pollution. Achieving expected goals requires a series of procedures
that comprise the refurbishment of the existing road network, installation of special equipment and signs for traffic
calming and the introduction of consistent and effective regulation. The article presents various traffic calming
measures respecting European and domestic experiences and describes the Croatian legal and technical
regulations in this area
The genus Crocus L. in the Paklenica National Park
No records have previously been available for the genus Crocus in the Paklenica National Park. In 1997 and 2000 three taxa from this genus were found in the Park area and at its fringes. They are: Crocus weldenii Hoppe et Fiirnrohr. C. malyi Vis., and C. vernus (L.) Hill. C. weldenii was found in mixed populations of its yellow-flowered and white-flowered plants (f. lutescens and f. weldenii). Paklenica is the most southern locality of the C. malyi so far
Raznolikost i bogastvo Ornitološke zbirke šireg područja Dubrovnika (Hrvatska)
During the period of 1992–1993 and autumn of 1995 the bird collection from Dubrovnik’s Museum was revised. A total of 946 prepared specimens (322 skins, 348 mounts, 275 mounts in dioramas and 1 stomach) was revised; the oldest were 3 preparations from 1867. The collection was formed by 69 collectors and contains 238 bird species from 18 orders and 57 families, 60% of all recorded birds species in Croatia. Nonpasseriformes are represented by 139 species, 36 families and 17 orders. The Order Passeriformes is represented by 99 species from 21 families. The oldest preparations of Anas querquedula, Vanellus vanellus and Coccothraustes coccothraustes date from 1867. For 335 preparations the locality data are missing and 470 preparations are without collector’s name. The species Ficedula semitorquata is the first finding for Croatia and Gavia immer is the fourth finding for Croatia. The collection contains rare and interesting species, such as Pelecanus onocrotalus, Plegadis falcinellus, Neophron percnopterus, Gyps fulvus, Accipiter brevipes, Crex crex, Tetrax tetrax, Prunella collaris and Hippolais olivetorum. The species Larus genei is without data, so it is not acceptable as a first record for Croatia. There are also interesting winter records of Alca torda and Fratercula arctica. In the collection 71 species are from spring migration, 83 from autumn migration, and there are 51 nesting species out of 54 over-wintering birds species in the Dubrovnik area.Tijekom razdoblja od 1992. do 1993. godine i u jesen 1995. godine, revidirana je ornitološka zbirka Dubrovačkog muzeja. Pregledano je ukupno 946 preparata, od toga 322 balga, 348 dermoplastičkih preparata i 275 dermoplastičkih preparata smještenih u dioramama, te jedan želudac. Zbirku je stvorilo ukupno 69 prikupljača, a sastoji se od 238 vrsta ptica iz 18 redova i 57 porodica, što čini 60% svih zabilježenih vrsta ptica u Hrvatskoj. Tri najstarija preparata, vrsta Anas querquedula, Vanellus vanellus i Coccothraustes coccothraustes, potječu iz 1867. godine. Nevrapčarke su zastupljene sa 139 vrsta iz 36 porodica, odnosno 17 redova, a red Passeriformes je zastupljen s 99 vrsta iz 21 porodice. Na 335 preparata nedostaju podaci o lokalitetu, a na 470 preparata nema podataka o prikupljaču. Vrsta Ficedula semitorquata je prvi, a vrsta Gavia immer četvrti nalaz za Hrvatsku. Zbirka sadrži rijetke i zanimljive vrste, kao što su: Pelecanus onocrotalus, Plegadis falcinellus, Neophron percnopterus, Gyps fulvus, Accipiter brevipes, Crex crex, Tetrax tetrax, Prunella collaris i Hippolais olivetorum. Preparat vrste Larus genei je bez podataka, te se ne može smatrati prvim nalazom za Hrvatsku. Zanimljive su i zimske zabilježbe vrsta Alca torda i Fratercula arctica. Zbirka sadrži 71 vrstu iz razdoblja proljetnih migracija, 83 vrste iz jesenskih migracija, te 51 gnjezdaricu i 54 vrste koje prezimljuju na području Dubrovnika
Markowitz\u27 mean - variance model for portfolio selection, first introduced in H.M. Markowitz\u27 1952 article, is one of the best known models in finance. However, the Markowitz model is based on many
assumptions about financial markets and investors, which do not coincide with the real world. One of these assumptions is that there are no taxes or transaction costs, when in reality all financial products
are subject to both taxes and transaction costs – such as brokerage fees. In this paper, we consider an extension of the standard portfolio problem which includes transaction costs that arise when constructing an investment portfolio. Finally, we compare both the extension of the Markowitz\u27 model, including transaction costs, and the basic model on the example of the Croatian capital market
Oxidative stress assays for disease risk stratification
Despite the fact that oxidative stress is a significant aetiological factor in several degenerative diseases, its measurement is rarely a part of "routine analyses" performed in hospital clinical chemistry laboratories. This situation is likely to change, as interest in this topic is increasing rapidly. Here we review the pertinent literature, with an assessment to assays for oxidative stress, and categorize them under: (i) assays for monitoring lipid peroxidation, (ii) assays for measuring oxidized amino acids, (iii) assays for measuring oxidized nucleic acids, (iv) assays based on physicochemical and immunological properties of oxidized low-density lipoprotein, and (v) assays for measuring the antioxidant capacity of body fluids and tissues. Our overview should be of help when choosing appropriate laboratory assays for oxidative stress and for routine disease risk stratification
Oxidative stress assays for disease risk stratification
Despite the fact that oxidative stress is a significant aetiological factor in several degenerative diseases, its measurement is rarely a part of "routine analyses" performed in hospital clinical chemistry laboratories. This situation is likely to change, as interest in this topic is increasing rapidly. Here we review the pertinent literature, with an assessment to assays for oxidative stress, and categorize them under: (i) assays for monitoring lipid peroxidation, (ii) assays for measuring oxidized amino acids, (iii) assays for measuring oxidized nucleic acids, (iv) assays based on physicochemical and immunological properties of oxidized low-density lipoprotein, and (v) assays for measuring the antioxidant capacity of body fluids and tissues. Our overview should be of help when choosing appropriate laboratory assays for oxidative stress and for routine disease risk stratification
On the uniqueness of the solution of the cost minimization problem with generalized Sato production function
Whenever a firm is maximizing its profit, it necessarily has to minimize its cost. Thus, the cost minimization problem is one of the central problems in the theory of the firm. When presenting this problem, the majority of microeconomic textbooks use very well-known production functions, such as Leontief, Cobb-Douglas, or other CES production functions. The goal of this paper is to analyze the cost minimization problem with the generalized Sato production function. The generalized Sato production function is one of the non-standard production functions with variable elasticity of substitution. First, we show that the generalized Sato production function is continuous, strictly monotone, strictly quasiconcave and that a positive amount of output requires positive amounts of some of the inputs. Next, by using mathematical programming we show that the cost minimization problem with generalized Sato production function has a unique solution. This result is very important since it implies the existence of the corresponding cost function and conditional input demands
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