7 research outputs found

    The steel production process as a factor of environmental pollution by radionuclides

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    Proizvodnja čelika oporabom čeličnog otpada u posljednji 30-tak godina predstavlja vrlo važnu industrijsku djelatnost Å”irom svijeta čemu je doprinijela njena druÅ”tvena i ekoloÅ”ka korisnost koja se ogleda u čuvanju prirodnih izvora željezne rude i Å”tednji energije. Međutim, istovremeno je u ovoj djelatnosti zabilježen veći broj nesretnih slučajeva uzrokovanih pojavom radioaktivnih tvari u čeličnom otpadu namijenjenom recikliranju. Posljedice tih nezgoda bile su vrlo ozbiljne s obzirom na zaÅ”titu ljudskog zdravlja i okoliÅ”a od Å”tetnih učinaka ionizirajućeg zračenja, a jednako tako i sa gospodarskog stajaliÅ”ta. U ovom radu je ukazano na razloge i potrebu uvođenja sustava za nadzor i praćenje radionuklida u čeličanama i ljevaonicama, čime bi se unaprijedio sustav upravljanja kvalitetom i okoliÅ”em bez kojeg se ne može zamisliti niti jedan suvremeni proizvođač čelika i čeličnih odljevaka. Izgradnja monitoring sustava za nadzor radionuklida u proizvodnim procesima čeličana i ljevaonica istovremeno predstavlja jamstvo konkurentnosti njihovih proizvoda na europskom i svjetskom tržiÅ”tu koja su sve zahtjevnija glede kvalitete ovih proizvoda i sve čeŔće se zahtjeva certifikat o sadržaju radionuklida. U radu su prikazani osnovni tipovi sustava za nadzor i praćenje radionuklida, najčeŔći zahtjevi koje trebaju ispunjavati ovakvi uređaji, te tijek provedbe mjerenja i dojavljivanja pri monitoringu radionuklida u čeličnom otpadu. Istovremeno je ukazano i na potrebu za monitoringom radionuklida u gotovim proizvodima čeličana, kao i stanje monitoringa radionuklida u hrvatskim čeličanama.The steel production by recovery of steel scrap in the last 30 years is a very important industrial activity worldwide, which has contributed to its social and ecological utility, which is reflected in the preservation of natural sources of iron ore and energy saving. However, at the same time, a number of incidents have been reported in this activity, caused by the occurrence of radioactive substances in steel scrap intended for recycling. The consequences of these incidents were very serious in terms of protecting human health and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, as well as from an economic point of view. This paper presents the reasons and the need to introducing radionuclide monitoring in steel mills to improve the quality and environmental management system without which no modern steel manufacturer can be imagined. The construction of a monitoring system for radionuclide in steel mills processes in the same time represents a guarantee of the competitiveness of their products on the European and world market which is increasingly demanding on the quality of these products and increasingly requires a certificate of radionuclide content. This paper presents the basic types of radionuclide monitoring systems, the most common requirements to be met by such devices, and the process of measurement and imaging monitoring of radionuclide in steel scrap. At the same time, the need for monitoring of radionuclide in steel products and the status of radionuclide monitoring in Croatian steel mills was also showed

    The steel production process as a factor of environmental pollution by radionuclides

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    Proizvodnja čelika oporabom čeličnog otpada u posljednji 30-tak godina predstavlja vrlo važnu industrijsku djelatnost Å”irom svijeta čemu je doprinijela njena druÅ”tvena i ekoloÅ”ka korisnost koja se ogleda u čuvanju prirodnih izvora željezne rude i Å”tednji energije. Međutim, istovremeno je u ovoj djelatnosti zabilježen veći broj nesretnih slučajeva uzrokovanih pojavom radioaktivnih tvari u čeličnom otpadu namijenjenom recikliranju. Posljedice tih nezgoda bile su vrlo ozbiljne s obzirom na zaÅ”titu ljudskog zdravlja i okoliÅ”a od Å”tetnih učinaka ionizirajućeg zračenja, a jednako tako i sa gospodarskog stajaliÅ”ta. U ovom radu je ukazano na razloge i potrebu uvođenja sustava za nadzor i praćenje radionuklida u čeličanama i ljevaonicama, čime bi se unaprijedio sustav upravljanja kvalitetom i okoliÅ”em bez kojeg se ne može zamisliti niti jedan suvremeni proizvođač čelika i čeličnih odljevaka. Izgradnja monitoring sustava za nadzor radionuklida u proizvodnim procesima čeličana i ljevaonica istovremeno predstavlja jamstvo konkurentnosti njihovih proizvoda na europskom i svjetskom tržiÅ”tu koja su sve zahtjevnija glede kvalitete ovih proizvoda i sve čeŔće se zahtjeva certifikat o sadržaju radionuklida. U radu su prikazani osnovni tipovi sustava za nadzor i praćenje radionuklida, najčeŔći zahtjevi koje trebaju ispunjavati ovakvi uređaji, te tijek provedbe mjerenja i dojavljivanja pri monitoringu radionuklida u čeličnom otpadu. Istovremeno je ukazano i na potrebu za monitoringom radionuklida u gotovim proizvodima čeličana, kao i stanje monitoringa radionuklida u hrvatskim čeličanama.The steel production by recovery of steel scrap in the last 30 years is a very important industrial activity worldwide, which has contributed to its social and ecological utility, which is reflected in the preservation of natural sources of iron ore and energy saving. However, at the same time, a number of incidents have been reported in this activity, caused by the occurrence of radioactive substances in steel scrap intended for recycling. The consequences of these incidents were very serious in terms of protecting human health and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, as well as from an economic point of view. This paper presents the reasons and the need to introducing radionuclide monitoring in steel mills to improve the quality and environmental management system without which no modern steel manufacturer can be imagined. The construction of a monitoring system for radionuclide in steel mills processes in the same time represents a guarantee of the competitiveness of their products on the European and world market which is increasingly demanding on the quality of these products and increasingly requires a certificate of radionuclide content. This paper presents the basic types of radionuclide monitoring systems, the most common requirements to be met by such devices, and the process of measurement and imaging monitoring of radionuclide in steel scrap. At the same time, the need for monitoring of radionuclide in steel products and the status of radionuclide monitoring in Croatian steel mills was also showed

    Influence of graphene oxide on photocatalytic properties of titan (IV) oxide

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    Porastom broja stanovniÅ”tva dolazi do razvoja industrije Å”to uzrokuje veću potrebu za proizvodnjom i uporabom različitih pesticida, farmaceutika i drugih proizvoda, klasificiranih kao mikro onečiŔćivači koji imaju velik negativan utjecaj na vodeni okoliÅ”. Porast koncentracije mikroonečiŔćivača u prirodi dovodi do potrebe pronalaska načina u kojem bi iste uklonili ili preveli u bezopasan oblik. Jedna od modernih metoda uklanjanja farmaceutika iz vode dolazi koriÅ”tenjem naprednih oksidacijskih tehnika, to jest fotokataliza. U ovome radu pripravljeni su fotokatalizatorinanaÅ”anjem titan (IV) oksida sa i bez grafen oksida na staklene mrežice sol-gel postupkom te su uspoređena njihova fotokatalitička svojstva. Fotokataliza se provodila u reaktoru s UV lampom te se reakcija pratila kroz degradaciju salicilne kiseline UV/VIS spektrofotometrom.Najbolji rezultati dobiveni su koriÅ”tenjem čistog titan (IV) oksida bez prisustva grafen oksida. UspjeÅ”no nanaÅ”enje fotokatalizatora je potvrđeno vizualno i SEM analizom.The increase in population leads to the development of industry, which causes a greater need for the production and use of various pesticides, pharmaceuticals and other products, classified as micro-pollutants than have negative side effects on water ecosystem. The increase in the concentration of micro-pollutants in nature leads to the need for a way in which they would be removed or converted into a harmless form. One of the modern methods of removing pharmaceuticals from water comes by using advanced oxidation techniques, i.e. photocatalysis. In this work photocatalysts were prepared by applying titanium (IV) oxide with and without graphene oxide onto glass fibres with sol-gel process and their photocatalytic properties were compared. Photocatalysis was performed in a reactor with a UV lamp and the reaction was monitored through the degradation of salicylic acid by UV / VIS spectrophotometer. The best results were obtained using pure titanium (IV) oxide without the presence of graphene oxide. Successful photocatalyst application was confirmed visually and by SEM analysis

    The steel production process as a factor of environmental pollution by radionuclides

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    Proizvodnja čelika oporabom čeličnog otpada u posljednji 30-tak godina predstavlja vrlo važnu industrijsku djelatnost Å”irom svijeta čemu je doprinijela njena druÅ”tvena i ekoloÅ”ka korisnost koja se ogleda u čuvanju prirodnih izvora željezne rude i Å”tednji energije. Međutim, istovremeno je u ovoj djelatnosti zabilježen veći broj nesretnih slučajeva uzrokovanih pojavom radioaktivnih tvari u čeličnom otpadu namijenjenom recikliranju. Posljedice tih nezgoda bile su vrlo ozbiljne s obzirom na zaÅ”titu ljudskog zdravlja i okoliÅ”a od Å”tetnih učinaka ionizirajućeg zračenja, a jednako tako i sa gospodarskog stajaliÅ”ta. U ovom radu je ukazano na razloge i potrebu uvođenja sustava za nadzor i praćenje radionuklida u čeličanama i ljevaonicama, čime bi se unaprijedio sustav upravljanja kvalitetom i okoliÅ”em bez kojeg se ne može zamisliti niti jedan suvremeni proizvođač čelika i čeličnih odljevaka. Izgradnja monitoring sustava za nadzor radionuklida u proizvodnim procesima čeličana i ljevaonica istovremeno predstavlja jamstvo konkurentnosti njihovih proizvoda na europskom i svjetskom tržiÅ”tu koja su sve zahtjevnija glede kvalitete ovih proizvoda i sve čeŔće se zahtjeva certifikat o sadržaju radionuklida. U radu su prikazani osnovni tipovi sustava za nadzor i praćenje radionuklida, najčeŔći zahtjevi koje trebaju ispunjavati ovakvi uređaji, te tijek provedbe mjerenja i dojavljivanja pri monitoringu radionuklida u čeličnom otpadu. Istovremeno je ukazano i na potrebu za monitoringom radionuklida u gotovim proizvodima čeličana, kao i stanje monitoringa radionuklida u hrvatskim čeličanama.The steel production by recovery of steel scrap in the last 30 years is a very important industrial activity worldwide, which has contributed to its social and ecological utility, which is reflected in the preservation of natural sources of iron ore and energy saving. However, at the same time, a number of incidents have been reported in this activity, caused by the occurrence of radioactive substances in steel scrap intended for recycling. The consequences of these incidents were very serious in terms of protecting human health and the environment from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, as well as from an economic point of view. This paper presents the reasons and the need to introducing radionuclide monitoring in steel mills to improve the quality and environmental management system without which no modern steel manufacturer can be imagined. The construction of a monitoring system for radionuclide in steel mills processes in the same time represents a guarantee of the competitiveness of their products on the European and world market which is increasingly demanding on the quality of these products and increasingly requires a certificate of radionuclide content. This paper presents the basic types of radionuclide monitoring systems, the most common requirements to be met by such devices, and the process of measurement and imaging monitoring of radionuclide in steel scrap. At the same time, the need for monitoring of radionuclide in steel products and the status of radionuclide monitoring in Croatian steel mills was also showed

    Influence of graphene oxide on photocatalytic properties of titan (IV) oxide

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    Porastom broja stanovniÅ”tva dolazi do razvoja industrije Å”to uzrokuje veću potrebu za proizvodnjom i uporabom različitih pesticida, farmaceutika i drugih proizvoda, klasificiranih kao mikro onečiŔćivači koji imaju velik negativan utjecaj na vodeni okoliÅ”. Porast koncentracije mikroonečiŔćivača u prirodi dovodi do potrebe pronalaska načina u kojem bi iste uklonili ili preveli u bezopasan oblik. Jedna od modernih metoda uklanjanja farmaceutika iz vode dolazi koriÅ”tenjem naprednih oksidacijskih tehnika, to jest fotokataliza. U ovome radu pripravljeni su fotokatalizatorinanaÅ”anjem titan (IV) oksida sa i bez grafen oksida na staklene mrežice sol-gel postupkom te su uspoređena njihova fotokatalitička svojstva. Fotokataliza se provodila u reaktoru s UV lampom te se reakcija pratila kroz degradaciju salicilne kiseline UV/VIS spektrofotometrom.Najbolji rezultati dobiveni su koriÅ”tenjem čistog titan (IV) oksida bez prisustva grafen oksida. UspjeÅ”no nanaÅ”enje fotokatalizatora je potvrđeno vizualno i SEM analizom.The increase in population leads to the development of industry, which causes a greater need for the production and use of various pesticides, pharmaceuticals and other products, classified as micro-pollutants than have negative side effects on water ecosystem. The increase in the concentration of micro-pollutants in nature leads to the need for a way in which they would be removed or converted into a harmless form. One of the modern methods of removing pharmaceuticals from water comes by using advanced oxidation techniques, i.e. photocatalysis. In this work photocatalysts were prepared by applying titanium (IV) oxide with and without graphene oxide onto glass fibres with sol-gel process and their photocatalytic properties were compared. Photocatalysis was performed in a reactor with a UV lamp and the reaction was monitored through the degradation of salicylic acid by UV / VIS spectrophotometer. The best results were obtained using pure titanium (IV) oxide without the presence of graphene oxide. Successful photocatalyst application was confirmed visually and by SEM analysis

    Influence of graphene oxide on photocatalytic properties of titan (IV) oxide

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    Porastom broja stanovniÅ”tva dolazi do razvoja industrije Å”to uzrokuje veću potrebu za proizvodnjom i uporabom različitih pesticida, farmaceutika i drugih proizvoda, klasificiranih kao mikro onečiŔćivači koji imaju velik negativan utjecaj na vodeni okoliÅ”. Porast koncentracije mikroonečiŔćivača u prirodi dovodi do potrebe pronalaska načina u kojem bi iste uklonili ili preveli u bezopasan oblik. Jedna od modernih metoda uklanjanja farmaceutika iz vode dolazi koriÅ”tenjem naprednih oksidacijskih tehnika, to jest fotokataliza. U ovome radu pripravljeni su fotokatalizatorinanaÅ”anjem titan (IV) oksida sa i bez grafen oksida na staklene mrežice sol-gel postupkom te su uspoređena njihova fotokatalitička svojstva. Fotokataliza se provodila u reaktoru s UV lampom te se reakcija pratila kroz degradaciju salicilne kiseline UV/VIS spektrofotometrom.Najbolji rezultati dobiveni su koriÅ”tenjem čistog titan (IV) oksida bez prisustva grafen oksida. UspjeÅ”no nanaÅ”enje fotokatalizatora je potvrđeno vizualno i SEM analizom.The increase in population leads to the development of industry, which causes a greater need for the production and use of various pesticides, pharmaceuticals and other products, classified as micro-pollutants than have negative side effects on water ecosystem. The increase in the concentration of micro-pollutants in nature leads to the need for a way in which they would be removed or converted into a harmless form. One of the modern methods of removing pharmaceuticals from water comes by using advanced oxidation techniques, i.e. photocatalysis. In this work photocatalysts were prepared by applying titanium (IV) oxide with and without graphene oxide onto glass fibres with sol-gel process and their photocatalytic properties were compared. Photocatalysis was performed in a reactor with a UV lamp and the reaction was monitored through the degradation of salicylic acid by UV / VIS spectrophotometer. The best results were obtained using pure titanium (IV) oxide without the presence of graphene oxide. Successful photocatalyst application was confirmed visually and by SEM analysis

    Ružička days : International conference 18th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: chemical analysis and synthesis, chemical and biochemical engineering, food technology and biotechnology, medical chemistry and pharmacy, environmental protection and meeting of young chemists