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    Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ fyysisen toimintakyvyn kartoitus

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    Fyysisen toimintakyvyn huippu saavutetaan noin kolmenkymmenen ikävuoden iässä, minkä jälkeen fyysinen toimintakyky alkaa laskea. Ikääntymiseen liittyy luuston, nivelten ja tukirakenteiden haurastumista sekä elastisuuden vähenemistä. Fyysisen toimintakyvyn laskuun voidaan vaikuttaa elämäntyylillä. Säännöllinen fyysinen aktiivisuus on tärkeää, sillä se mahdollistaa hyvän toimintakyvyn säilymisen, itsenäisen suoriutumisen päivittäisistä toiminnoista ja mahdollisimman pitkän kotona asumisen. Kuntosaliharjoittelun on todettu olevan ikääntyneillä henkilöillä tehokas ja turvallinen tapa hidastaa fyysisen toimintakyvyn laskua. Espoon kaupunki on tarjonnut vuodesta 2007 lähtien ilmaisia liikuntapalveluja ikääntyneille espoolaisille: ensin 70-vuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille ja vuoden 2009 alusta alkaen 68-vuotiaille ja sitä vanhemmille. Vuonna 2007 lanseerattiin myös Seniorisporttiklubi–toiminta, jossa on mahdollista osallistua ohjattuun kuntosaliharjoitteluun. Tällä hetkellä Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ kokoontuu useassa eri toimipaikassa kerran viikossa. Opinnäytetyössä testasimme 99 Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ -toimintaan osallistuvan ikääntyneen fyysistä toimintakykyä neljässä eri toimipaikassa. Osallistujista 57 oli naisia ja 42 miehiä, keski-ikä oli 73 vuotta. Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ toimintaan oli osallistuttu keskimäärin alle kuusi kuukautta. Valitsemiimme testeihin kuului lyhyen fyysisen suorituskyvyn testistö (SPPB), joka sisältää tasapaino-, kävelynopeus- ja tuolilta ylösnousutestin, sekä puristusvoiman mittaaminen. Työmme tarkoitus oli kartoittaa osallistujien fyysistä toimintakykyä ja verrata saatuja tuloksia viitearvoihin, sekä mahdollisia toimipaikkojen välisiä eroavaisuuksia. Testitulosten perusteella voimme todeta, että Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ kävijät ovat viitearvojen mukaan hyvässä fyysisessä kunnossa. Lyhyen fyysisen suorituskyvyn testistön (SPPB) ja puristusvoimatestin tulokset olivat lähes poikkeuksetta erittäin hyviä. Toimipaikkojen väliset erot olivat hyvin pieniä ja tilastollisesti merkityksettömiä. Ainoastaan tasapainotestin tuloksissa oli nähtävissä hieman hajontaa. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan pitää todennäköisenä, että toimintaan hakeutuvat jo ennestään fyysisesti aktiiviset ja hyväkuntoiset ikääntyneet henkilöt. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeää tutkia, miten saataisiin myös inaktiiviset ikääntyneet mukaan liikuntatoimintaan ja omaksumaan aktiivinen elämäntapa. Nykyistä toimintaa tulisi kehittää tavoitteellisempaan ja tätä kautta motivoivampaan suuntaan. Se lisäisi merkittävästi harjoittelun tehokkuutta ja tuloksellisuutta.The top of the physical capacity is reached at around the age of thirty and after that the capacity begins to decline. Aging is related to the decreasing of bone mass and elasticity and to the embrittlement of joints and supporting structures. It is possible to impact the declining of physical capacity by lifestyle. Regular physical activity is important because it enables to maintain good physical capacity, to cope in the activities of daily living and offers the possibility to live at home as long as possible. Resistance training is an effective and safe way to slow down the decreasing of physical capacity in the elderly. The City of Espoo has provided free exercise services to the elderly since 2007. First they were aimed to people of 70 years of age and older and from the beginning of 2009 the age limit was set down to 68 years. In the year 2007 began also the Seniorisporttiklubi (Sport club for seniors)-activity, which makes it possible for the elderly to participate in supervised resistance training. At the moment Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ takes place once a week in several locations. We studied the physical capacity of 99 participants of Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ in four different locations. 57 participants were female, 42 male, their mean age was 73 years. The time of par-ticipation in Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ was on the average less than six months. We chose to test the participants with Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), which consists of tests for gait speed, balance and sit-to-stand, as well as grip strength. The aim was to survey the physical capacity of the participants and to compare the results to the reference values and to establish possible differences between different locations. Based on the results we can notice that the participants of Seniorisporttiklubi 68+ have a good physical capacity according to the reference values. The results of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and grip strength were both almost invariably very good. The differences between the locations were minor and statistically insignificant. Only in the results of the balance test there was minor variation. According to these results it is probable that people who are physically active and have good physical condition find their way to the activity. In the future it would be essential to study ways to get inactive persons to participate in Se-niorisporttiklubi 68+ -activity and to adopt an active lifestyle. It would be important to develop the current activity to be more goal-directed and thus to be more motivating. This might increase the effectiveness and the results of the training

    Avaliação Da Resposta Terapêutica Ao Tratamento De Manutenção Com Lítio Em Pacientes Com Transtorno Afetivo Bipolar

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    To identify potential clinical and epidemiological predictors of long-term response to lithium treatment. Methods A total of 40 adult outpatients followed in an university hospital, with confirmed diagnosis of bipolar disorder and with history of lithium use for at least a six months period, had their response to this medication assessed through the use of a standardized instrument. The ALDA scale is based on retrospective clinical data, in our study assessed through a thoroughly reviewed of the medical charts, and is used to evaluate the clinical improvement with the treatment (Criterion A), corrected by the acknowledgement of possible confounding factors, such as duration of the treatment, compliance and concomitant use of additional medications (Criterion B), in order to estimate the response that can be specifically attributable to lithium. Results Our study found an inverse relation between the number of mood episodes with psychotic symptoms and lithium treatment outcome. Conclusion The results reinforce the hypothesis that lithium seems to be less efficacious in patients with bipolar disorder who present psychotic symptoms.65191

    Mudança de Cultura no Uso de Tecnologias Educacionais: Estudo de Caso no Modelo Semipresencial do Cederj

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    O presente trabalho se propõe a descrever o processo de implementação de uma nova cultura de uso do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, iniciado em 2012, junto aos cursos de graduação do Consórcio Cederj, ofertados no modelo semipresencial, e, posteriormente, sua difusão pelas diversas disciplinas. Com o objetivo principal de se aprimorar os processos de ensino-aprendizagem a distância, foram instituídas, além da implementação de uma nova plataforma, ações de capacitação destinadas aos diversos atores envolvidos no processo e iniciativas de apoio ao atendimento ao aluno e ao professor no que se refere à edição e ao uso de salas de aula virtuais. Dados coletados e apresentados ao longo do presente trabalho trazem reflexões relevantes acerca da utilização da plataforma de cursos on-line, em larga escala, baseada em uma abordagem construtivista e de acordo com os princípios atuais do design instrucional contextualizado e de estímulo à autoria do professor.Palavras-chave: Educação a distância; Web 2.0; Sistema de gestão da aprendizagem.Culture Change in the Use of Educational Technology: a Case Study in Cederj Blended ModelAbstractThis paper aims to describe the implementation process of a new culture on using a virtual learning environment, which started in 2012, in undergraduate courses offered by Consórcio Cederj in a blended learning model, and, later, to discuss the propagation of this culture for all courses. With the objective of improving the distance teaching and learning process, a new learning platform was implemented. In addition training programs were instituted for the actors involved in the process and support initiatives to student and teacher in order to help them editing and using the virtual classrooms. Collected and presented data present in this work brings relevant ideas about the use of learning platform to offer online courses, in a large-scale, based on a constructivist approach and according to current principles of contextualized instructional design and of stimulus to the professors authorship.Key words: Distance education; Web 2.0; Learning management system

    Sildenafil improves microvascular O-2 delivery-to-utilization matching and accelerates exercise O-2 uptake kinetics in chronic heart failure

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    Sperandio PA, Oliveira MF, Rodrigues MK, Berton DC, Treptow E, Nery LE, Almeida DR, Neder JA. Sildenafil improves microvascular O-2 delivery-to-utilization matching and accelerates exercise O-2 uptake kinetics in chronic heart failure. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 303: H1474-H1480, 2012. First published September 28, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00435.2012.-Nitric oxide (NO) can temporally and spatially match microvascular oxygen (O-2) delivery (QO(2mv)) to O-2 uptake (VO2) in the skeletal muscle, a crucial adjustment-to-exercise tolerance that is impaired in chronic heart failure (CHF). To investigate the effects of NO bioavailability induced by sildenafil intake on muscle QO(2mv)-to-O-2 utilization matching and VO2 kinetics, 10 males with CHF (ejection fraction = 27 +/- 6%) undertook constant work-rate exercise (70-80% peak). Breath-by-breath VO2, fractional O-2 extraction in the vastus lateralis {similar to deoxy-genated hemoglobin + myoglobin ([deoxy-Hb + Mb]) by near-infrared spectroscopy}, and cardiac output (CO) were evaluated after sildenafil (50 mg) or placebo. Sildenafil increased exercise tolerance compared with placebo by similar to 20%, an effect that was related to faster on-and off-exercise VO2 kinetics (P 0.05). On-exercise [deoxy-Hb + Mb] kinetics were slowed by sildenafil (similar to 25%), and a subsequent response overshoot (n = 8) was significantly lessened or even abolished. in contrast, [deoxy-Hb + Mb] recovery was faster with sildenafil (similar to 15%). Improvements in muscle oxygenation with sildenafil were related to faster on-exercise VO2 kinetics, blunted oscillations in ventilation (n = 9), and greater exercise capacity (P < 0.05). Sildenafil intake enhanced intramuscular QO(2mv)-to-VO2 matching with beneficial effects on VO2 kinetics and exercise tolerance in CHF. the lack of effect on CO suggests that improvement in blood flow to and within skeletal muscles underlies these effects.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Div Resp Dis, Pulm Funct & Clin Exercise Physiol Unit, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilQueens Univ, Dept Med, Div Resp & Crit Care Med, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, CanadaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Div Cardiol, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Div Resp Dis, Pulm Funct & Clin Exercise Physiol Unit, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, Div Cardiol, BR-04020050 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Redes de políticas no agronegócio no estado de São Paulo: Formas de orquestração de interesses produtivos nos complexos agroindustriais citrícola e sucroalcooleiro

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    Agribusiness is organized into policy networks. The orchestrations of interests associations are important to reveal the field of agroindustrial political governance which grew with the agricultural policies at the corporatist level, under the state regulation of Brazilian agriculture in the years 1960s and 1970s, and which have become more plural governances or in networks coordinated and oriented by business, agricultural product or agroindustrial sector. This article presents, through the citrical and sugar- alcohol agroindustrial case study in the State of São Paulo in the period 1964-2010, and the most important transformations in the two most important networks of agribusiness in São Paulo from the theoretical field of political neoinstitutionalism.El agronegocio se organiza en redes de políticas. Las orquestaciones de asociaciones de interés son importantes para revelar el campo de la gobernanza política agroindustrial que creció con las políticas agrícolas a nivel corporativo en Brasil, es decir, bajo la regulación estatal de la agricultura brasileña en los años sesenta y setenta, y que se convirtió en una gobernanza más pluralista o en redes coordinadas y orientadas a los negocios, productos agrícolas o sector agroindustrial. El presente artículo muestra los casos agroindustriales de cítricos y sucroalcoholero en el estado de São Paulo en el período 1964/2010 y presenta las transformaciones más importantes en las dos redes de políticas más importantes del agronegocio paulista, a partir del campo teórico del neoinstitucionalismo político.O agronegócio se organiza em redes de políticas. Orquestrações das associações de interesses são importantes para revelar o campo da governança política agroindustrial que cresceu com as políticas agrícolas em nível corporativista no Brasil, isto é, sob a regulação estatal da agricultura brasileira nos anos 1960 e 1970, e que se transformaram em governanças mais plurais ou em redes coordenadas e orientadas por negócio, por produto agrícola ou setor agroindustrial. O presente artigo mostra, por meio dos estudos dos casos agroindustriais citrícola e sucroalcooleiro no estado de São Paulo no período 1964/2010, as transformações mais importantes nas duas redes de políticas mais importantes do agronegócio paulista, a partir do campo teórico do neoinstitucionalismo político

    Notas Musicais e Bibliográficas: Uma Análise Indiciária das Notas de Ferdinand Denis em Uma Festa Brasileira

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    The present paper consists of an analysis of the bibliographical notes in the work Une Fête Brésilienne, by the french author Ferdinand Denis, through the perspective of the evidential paradigm proposed by Carlo Ginzburg. In the work, Denis reconstructs the picturesque festival held in Rouen, in 1550, in honor of the monarchs Henrique II and Catherine de Médici. However, the bibliographical notes present in the work offer us evidence of great importance for the study of the Social History of Culture in the beginning of modernity, as it informs about the origin of individuals who figured as “attractions” and of those who occupied the function of guests. Furthermore, the notes present details about the music and other festive cultural practices of colonial Brazil.O presente artigo consiste na análise das notas bibliográficas da obra Uma Festa Brasileira, do autor francês Ferdinand Denis, através da perspectiva do paradigma indiciário proposto por Carlo Ginzburg. Na obra, Denis reconstrói a pitoresca festa realizada em Rouen, no ano de 1550, em homenagem aos monarcas Henrique II e Catarina de Médici. Contudo, as notas bibliográficas presentes na obra nos oferecem indícios de grande importância para o estudo da História Social da Cultura no início da modernidade, pois informa acerca da origem dos indivíduos que figuravam como “atrações” e daqueles que ocupavam função de convivas. Ademais, as notas apresentam detalhes sobre a música e demais práticas culturais festivas do Brasil colonial


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    In this work, we seek to point out the sociocultural function of the Jesuit College of Bahia in Colonial Brazil, especially with regard to intellectual training and indigenous catechesis. As a teaching institution that also served the laical public, that is, christians and converts who did not belong to the ecclesiastical tier of the Catholic Church, the Bahia College actively participated in the political life of the then capital of the colony. Thus, we are based mainly on the proposal by Gouvêa, Frazão and Santos (2004) about the networks of power and knowledge, as well as the formation of literate circles idealized by Souza (2015). In addition to this bibliographical reference, we will also use the analysis of primary sources written by priests who attended the college, such as Fernão Cardim and Cristóvão Valente. With this, we hope to demonstrate the fundamental importance of College of Bahia in this specific section, as an important pole in the structure of the Portuguese colony in the Americas.Neste trabalho, buscamos apontar a função sociocultural do Colégio Jesuíta da Bahia no Brasil Colonial, especialmente no que se refere à formação intelectual e catequese indígena. Por ser uma instituição de ensino que também atendia o público leigo, ou seja, cristãos e convertidos que não pertenciam às camadas eclesiásticas da igreja católica, o colégio da Bahia participava ativamente da vida política da então capital da colônia. Dessa forma, nos baseamos principalmente na proposta de Gouvêa, Frazão e Santos (2004) acerca das redes de poder e conhecimento, bem como a formação de círculos letrados idealizada por Souza (2015). Além deste referencial bibliográfico, usaremos também a análise de fontes primárias escritas por padres que estiveram no colégio, como Fernão Cardim e Cristóvão Valente. Com isso, esperamos demonstrar a fundamental importância do Colégio da Bahia neste recorte específico, como um importante polo na estrutura da colônia portuguesa nas américas