28 research outputs found

    Co-evolution of quaternary organization and novel RNA tertiary interactions revealed in the crystal structure of a bacterial protein–RNA toxin–antitoxin system

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    Genes encoding toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are near ubiquitous in bacterial genomes and they play key roles in important aspects of bacterial physiology, including genomic stability, formation of persister cells under antibiotic stress, and resistance to phage infection. The CptIN locus from Eubacterium rectale is a member of the recently-discovered Type III class of TA systems, defined by a protein toxin suppressed by direct interaction with a structured RNA antitoxin. Here, we present the crystal structure of the CptIN protein–RNA complex to 2.2 Å resolution. The structure reveals a new heterotetrameric quaternary organization for the Type III TA class, and the RNA antitoxin bears a novel structural feature of an extended A-twist motif within the pseudoknot fold. The retention of a conserved ribonuclease active site as well as traits normally associated with TA systems, such as plasmid maintenance, implicates a wider functional role for Type III TA systems. We present evidence for the co-variation of the Type III component pair, highlighting a distinctive evolutionary process in which an enzyme and its substrate co-evolve

    The crystal structure of the outer membrane protein VceC from the bacterial pathogen Vibrio cholerae at 1.8 Å resolution

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    Multidrug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria arises in part from the activities of tripartite drug efflux pumps. In the pathogen Vibrio cholerae, one such pump comprises the inner membrane proton antiporter VceB, the periplasmic adaptor VceA, and the outer membrane channel VceC. Here, we report the crystal structure of VceC at 1.8 Å resolution. The trimeric VceC is organized in the crystal lattice within laminar arrays that resemble membranes. A well resolved detergent molecule within this array interacts with the transmembrane -barrel domain in a fashion that may mimic proteinlipopolysaccharide contacts. Our analyses of the external surfaces of VceC and other channel proteins suggest that different classes of efflux pumps have distinct architectures. We discuss the implications of these findings for mechanisms of drug and protein export

    The RNase E of Escherichia coli is a membrane-binding protein.

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    Identification and classification of bacterial Type III toxin-antitoxin systems encoded in chromosomal and plasmid genomes

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    Toxin–antitoxin systems are widespread in bacteria and archaea. They perform diverse functional roles, including the generation of persistence, maintenance of genetic loci and resistance to bacteriophages through abortive infection. Toxin–antitoxin systems have been divided into three types, depending on the nature of the interacting macromolecules. The recently discovered Type III toxin–antitoxin systems encode protein toxins that are inhibited by pseudoknots of antitoxic RNA, encoded by short tandem repeats upstream of the toxin gene. Recent studies have identified the range of Type I and Type II systems within current sequence databases. Here, structure-based homology searches were combined with iterative protein sequence comparisons to obtain a current picture of the prevalence of Type III systems. Three independent Type III families were identified, according to toxin sequence similarity. The three families were found to be far more abundant and widespread than previously known, with examples throughout the Firmicutes, Fusobacteria and Proteobacteria. Functional assays confirmed that representatives from all three families act as toxin–antitoxin loci within Escherichia coli and at least two of the families confer resistance to bacteriophages. This study shows that active Type III toxin–antitoxin systems are far more diverse than previously known, and suggests that more remain to be identified

    Evolution of Pectobacterium bacteriophage ΊM1 to escape two bifunctional Type III toxin-antitoxin and abortive infection systems through mutations in a single viral gene

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    Some bacteria, when infected by their viral parasites (bacteriophages), undergo a suicidal response that also terminates productive viral replication (abortive infection; Abi). This response can be viewed as an altruistic act protecting the uninfected bacterial clonal population. Abortive infection can occur through the action of Type III protein-RNA toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems, such as ToxINPa from the phytopathogen, Pectobacterium atrosepticum. Rare spontaneous mutants evolved in the generalized transducing phage, ΩM1, which escaped ToxINPa-mediated abortive infection in P. atrosepticum. ΩM1 is a member of the Podoviridae and member of the “KMV-like viruses”, a subset of the T7 supergroup. Genomic sequencing of ΩM1 escape mutants revealed single-base changes which clustered in a single open reading frame. The “escape” gene product, M1-23, was highly toxic to the host bacterium when over-expressed, but mutations in M1-23 that enabled an escape phenotype caused M1-23 to be less toxic. M1-23 is encoded within the DNA metabolism modular section of the phage genome, and when it was over-expressed, it co-purified with the host nucleotide excision repair protein, UvrA. While the M1-23 protein interacted with UvrA in co-immunoprecipitation assays, a UvrA mutant strain still aborted ΩM1, suggesting that the interaction is not critical for the Type III TA Abi activity. Additionally, ΩM1 escaped a heterologous Type III TA system (TenpINPl) from Photorhabdus luminescens (reconstituted in P. atrosepticum) through mutations in the same protein, M1-23. The mechanistic action of M1-23 is currently unknown but further analysis of this protein could provide insights into the mode of activation of both systems