5,966 research outputs found

    Innovation perspectives in international development cooperation : the case of organised civil society

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    Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) are still in the side-lines of the emerging literature on innovation in international development cooperation, although the topic has been gaining prominence since the 2000s, accompanying the wider transformation of the development cooperation field. The present paper presents the results of a mixed methods research that involved a broad geographic sample of 20 NGO national co-ordinating bodies through an online survey and semi-structured interviews. The goal was to map and analyse innovation perspectives, motivations, and practices in these organisations, understand their relationship with mainstream views of innovation in the field and uncover their potential to promote inclusive innovation. Results suggest that these actors have potential to promote inclusive innovation practices in the field, since they approach innovation with social change as an end goal, as opposed to having an overly solutionist and problem-solving view of social innovation. The paper also highlights the key role of information and communications technologies, as well as digital tools, as both a reason to innovate and enablers of innovation in these organisations. Finally, the conclusion leaves questions open for further research on innovation in development NGOs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Syntax Development: The Relevance of Realistic Methods

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    Silva examines the development of language, with particular reference to grammar in a group of Spanish speaking children aged between 3 and 7. Etnographic methods were used to conduct and analyse the study in the form of semi-structured interviews between adult and children, and then a careful mapping of the use of Relative clauses. These forms are considered to occur in children at different stages, but this study challenges that position as they appeared in the study at the same ages. Silva believes that the use of semi-structured interviews gave a far more accurate result, because the children were relaxed and spontaneous. By avoiding an experimental context which makes  children feel self-conscious, the researchers gained more speech examples from the children, giving a broader sample to analyse.Fil: Silva, María Luisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; Argentin

    Influência da umidade dentinária na resistência de união de cimentos endodônticos à dentina radicular

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência de diferentes protocolos de secagem do canal na resistência de união de dois cimentos obturadores, um à base de resina epóxica e outro à base de biocerâmico. Foram utilizados 48 dentes de humanos com canal único e reto. Após a remoção das coroas e acesso aos canais, o preparo endodôntico foi realizado pela técnica coroa ápice com o sistema mecanizado Reciproc, padronizando o preparo com a lima R40. Os canais foram irrigados com 2 mL de NaOCl 1% entre cada lima ou broca e ao final com 3 mL de NaOCl 2,5 %. Na sequência, as raízes foram divididas em três grupos (n = 16) de acordo com o protocolo pré-estabelecido para secagem do canal. Grupo 1- cones de papel absorvente; Grupo 2: irrigação com álcool etílico 95% e secagem com cones de papel absorvente; Grupo 3: irrigação com álcool etílico 70% e aspiração com pontas Navitips. Cada grupo foi dividido em dois subgrupos (n=8) de acordo com o cimento obturador utilizado; AH Plus ou biocerâmico MKLife. Após 07 dias da obturação, as raízes foram seccionadas em fatias transversais com 1 mm de espessura. Os espécimes foram submetidos ao teste de push-out (Instron 4444) com velocidade de cruzeta de 0,5 mm/min. A resistência de união foi calculada (MPa) e os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis e pelo teste post-hoc de Bonferroni (α = 5%). Nos espécimes obturados com AH Plus não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os protocolos de secagem (G1, G2 e G3), independente do terço analisado (p > 0,05).Porém, para o biocerâmico MKLife não foram observadas diferenças significativas entre os protocolos de secagem, mas houve diferença estatística entre os terços no G2 (p=0,019) e G3 (p=0,031). Na comparação entre os cimentos AH Plus e MKLife não foi observada diferença estatística,independente do protocolo de secagem avaliado: G1 (p=0, 296), G2 (p=0,315) e G3 (p=0,090). Concluiu-se que os diferentes protocolos de secagem do canal não influenciaram na resistência de união dos cimentos endodônticos AH Plus e MKLife às paredes do canal radicular, que tiveram resultados semelhantes quanto à resistência de união.The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of different root canal drying protocols on the bond strength of two sealers, one based on epoxy resin and another based on bioceramic. Forty-eight human teeth with single and straight root canals were used. After the removal of the crowns, the endodontic preparation was done by the apex crown technique with the Reciproc with the file R40. The root canals were irrigated with 2 mL of 1% NaOCl between each file or bur and at the end with 3 mL of 2,5% NaOCl. The roots were then divided into three groups (n = 16) according to the established drying protocol. Group 1- drying with absorbent paper cones; Group 2: irrigation with 95% ethanol and drying with absorbent paper cones; Group 3: irrigation with 70% ethyl alcohol and aspiration with Navitips tips. Each group was divided into two subgroups (n = 8) according to the obturator sealer used; AH Plus or MKLifebioceramic. After 07 days of obturation, the roots were sectioned into 1 mm thick-slices. The specimens were submitted to the push-out test (Instron 4444), with a cross head speed of 0.5 mm/min. The bond strength was calculated (MPa) anddata wereanalyzed byKruskal-Wallis test and Bonferroni post-hoc test (α = 5%).In the specimens obturated with AH Plus, no significant statistical differences were observed between drying protocols (G1, G2 and G3), independent of the analyzed region (p> 0.05). However, for the bioceramic MKLife, no significant differences were observed between the drying protocols, but there was statistical difference between the root regions in G2 (p = 0.019) and G3 (p = 0.031). It was concluded that the different drying protocols of the canal did not influence the bond strength of the AH Plus and MKLife endodontic cements to the root canal walls, which had similar results regarding bond strength

    Glioblastoma cell behaviour: a study of chemically-induced cellular connectivity and 3D modelling of cellular migration

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and deadliest brain cancer in adults. Despite considerable efforts at both bench and bedside, the average survival for GBM patients is only 14-15 months. This dismal prognosis stems from challenges in treatment and a malignant tumour biology. A key need in addressing GBM is to better understand and therapeutically target GBM cell invasion into the surrounding healthy brain tissue. Cytoskeletal remodelling and dynamics, mediated by ROCK effector proteins, play an important role in the ability of GBM cells to migrate. ROCK inhibition is being considered as potential cancer therapy; however, there is insufficient data examining a chemical pan-ROCK inhibition effect in the cellular context of GBM. I address this gap in the context of undifferentiated patient-derived brain tumour stem cell (BTSC) models. My results show that chemical ROCK pathway inhibition with several different compounds led to a reversible neurite-like outgrowth phenotype across three different patient-derived cell models. This phenotype was accompanied by a decrease in BTSCs motility, which enabled the cells to form an interactive multicellular network. Interestingly, ROCK inhibition did not alter the self-renewal ability or proliferation capacity of BTSCs. To further investigate this diffusive nature of GBM cells, I developed an in vitro 3D model that allows the study of GBM infiltration in real-time. My work demonstrates the ability of GBM spheres to spontaneously fuse with, and infiltrate, neural-like early-stage cerebral organoids (eCOs) with the use of stem cell culture-based organoid methodology. In addition, this ‘hybrid’ GBM tumour organoid possessed an invasive tumour compartment, which was specific to GBM cells. Thus, this self-assembly GBM tumour organoid may be used to identify anti-GBM invasion treatment approaches

    Ejecución de plan de marketing digital en el Eje cafetero

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    La empresa actualmente tiene un equipo de comunicaciones y marketing consolidado por la directora de comunicaciones y el jefe de desarrollo y SEO, ambos se encargan de la generación de contenidos para los usuarios de ColombiaTours.Travel y ayudas digitales para los Travel Agents. Estos son procesos complejos y robustos ya que abarcan diferentes dinámicas de los demás departamentos de la organización, por ende se busca un aporte desde la administración turística sostenible hacia la organización que cuenta con un modelo de trabajo netamente digital

    In vitro and in vivo studies of proatherogenic effects induced by end-products of cholesteryl esters oxidation

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    ABSTRACT:Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease and the major worldwide cause of human death. It is initiated by the constitutive uptake of modified low density lipoproteins trapped in the arterial intima by monocyte-derived macrophages, leading to the formation of foam cells. The oxidation levels and the quantity of lipid loading in macrophages influence their inflammatory phenotype and function. With time, atherosclerotic macrophages become dysfunctional and a clear trigger for this process relies on lysosomal malfunction. Eventually this process leads to apoptotic cells and toxic lipid accumulation in arterial intima, culminating in the formation of an irreversible advanced atheroma. Thus, the establishment of a correlation between the composition of lipid species and the irreversibility/instability of atherosclerotic lesions can contribute to the development of powerful tools for the diagnosis and treatment of the cardiovascular disease burden. The main objective of this work was the study of cholesteryl hemiesters (ChE), an oxidized product of cholesteryl esters, as an atherogenic compound. Here, using the shotgun lipidomics technique, we showed that these lipids are increased in the plasma of cardiovascular disease patients. We subsequently evaluated the in vitro and in vivo atherogenic relevance of these oxidized lipids. Monocytes and macrophages exposed to ChE presented an unusual inflammatory profile, presenting both pro- and anti-inflammatory markers. ChE-loaded macrophages revealed endocytic trafficking delays and dysfunctional enlarged lysosomes. The sub cellular location of the observed enlarged stressed lysosomes was more peripheral than lysosomes from control macrophages. Furthermore, these lysosomes from ChE-loaded macrophages displayed an increase in their exocytic capacity. In addition, macrophages stimulated with ChE revealed a metabolic shift, which, as with the inflammatory response, was dependent on toll-like receptor 4 signaling. These foamy macrophages also presented an increased proliferative capacity as compared to the control macrophages. Finally, using zebrafish larvae, several of the in vitro atherogenic properties of ChE were confirmed in vivo, namely lipid accumulation, inflammation and macrophage lysosomal dysfunction. Altogether, the work presented here contributes to the identification of new etiologic compounds in human atherosclerotic lesions and advances our mechanistic understanding of the alterations observed in atherosclerotic macrophages.RESUMO: A aterosclerose é uma doença inflamatória crónica e a principal causa de morte no mundo inteiro. Caracteriza-se pela internalização contínua de lipoproteínas de baixa densidade, que sofreram modificações por macrófagos derivados de monócitos, levando à formação de “células espumosas”. O nível de oxidação lipídica e a quantidade de lípido internalizada pelos macrófagos influencia o seu fenótipo e a sua função inflamatória. Com o tempo, os macrófagos presentes na lesão tornam-se disfuncionais e um dos principais responsáveis por este processo é o mau funcionamento dos lisossomas. Eventualmente, esta disfunção lisossomal leva à formação de células apoptóticas e à acumulação de lípidos tóxicos na íntima arterial, culminando na formação de um ateroma de estado avançado e irreversível. Deste modo, o estabelecimento de uma correlação entre a composição das espécies lipídicas e a irreversibilidade/instabilidade da lesão pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas fundamentais no diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi o estudo de hemiesteres de colesterol (ChE), produtos resultantes da oxidação de ésteres de colesterol, como compostos aterogénicos. Neste trabalho, através da utilização da técnica de lipidómica “shotgun”, demonstramos que os ChE estão aumentados no plasma de pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares. De seguida, avaliamos a relevância aterogénica destes lípidos oxidados, através de estudos in vitro e in vivo. Monócitos e macrófagos expostos a ChE apresentaram um perfil inflamatório incomum, exibindo marcadores pró- e anti-inflamatórios. Os macrófagos carregados de ChE revelaram atrasos no tráfego endocítico e um aumento do tamanho dos seus lisossomas, assim como uma perda da sua função. Observou-se, também, uma alteração da localização dos lisossomas stressados nas células tratadas com ChE, verificando-se uma distribuição mais periférica, enquanto as células controlo apresentam uma distribuição mais homogénea dos lisossomas. Estes lisossomas de macrófagos carregados com ChE demonstraram um aumento adicional da sua capacidade exocítica. Além disso, os macrófagos estimulados com ChE revelaram uma alteração metabólica, que juntamente com a resposta inflamatória, foi dependente da sinalização através do receptor “toll like receptor-4”. Os macrófagos “espumosos” apresentaram, ainda, um aumento da capacidade proliferativa em relação aos macrófagos controlo. Finalmente, usando larvas de peixe-zebra, várias propriedades aterogénicas dos ChE observadas in vitro foram confirmadas in vivo, nomeadamente, a acumulação de lípidos, a propriedade inflamatória e a disfunção lisossomal em macrófagos. Em suma, o trabalho aqui apresentado contribui para a identificação de novos compostos etiológicos nas lesões de aterosclerose humana e contribui para o avanço da nossa compreensão mecanística das alterações celulares nos macrófagos das lesões

    Desempeño comunicativo infantil y producción de cláusulas relativas: Incidencia de diferencias sociales

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    Esta pesquisa explora a relação entre medidas de desempenho linguísticas e a utilização de Cláusulas Relativas (CRs) em crianças de até 5 anos em conversas adulto-criança. Essas variáveis são consideradas como diferenças socioeconômicas. A pesquisa procurou fornecer provas para esclarecer a validade da hipótese de déficit sintática submete níveis desfavorecidos e explorar a relação entre índices de desempenho linguísticos e a utilização de CRS. Os resultados mostram que o uso sintática das crianças não pode ser considerado em termos de défice, mas como estratégias de seleção diferentes. Relação linguística entre as medidas de desempenho e uso de CRS é também visto.Esta investigación explora la relación entre medidas de desempeño lingüístico y el uso de Cláusulas relativas (Crs.) en niños de 5 años en conversaciones adulto-niño. Se consideran estas variables según diferencias socioeconómicas. La investigación procuró aportar evidencia para dilucidar la validez de la hipótesis del déficit sintáctico de los sujetos de niveles sociales desfavorecidos y explorar la relación entre índices de desempeño lingüístico y el uso de Cláusulas relativas (Crs.). Los resultados señalan que los usos sintácticos de los niños no pueden ser considerados en términos deficitarios, sino como diferente selección de estrategias. También se observa relación entre las medidas de desempeño lingüístico y el uso de Crs.This research explores the relationship between linguistic performance measures and use of Relative Clauses (Rcs.) in 5-year-old children in conversations with an adult. These variables are considered as socioeconomic differences. The research sought to provide evidence to clarify the validity of the hypothesis of syntactic deficit of disadvantaged socioeconomic levels subjects and explore the relationship between linguistic performance indices and the use of Rcs. The results show that the syntactic use of children cannot be considered in deficit terms, but as different selection strategies. Linguistic relationship between performance measures and use of Rcs. is also observed.Fil: Silva, María Luisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; ArgentinaFil: Plana, Maria Dolores. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi; Argentin

    Relativization Strategies in Young Spanish –Speaking children: comparison between production and retrieval of narrative performances

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    Una dificultad frecuente en los trabajos sobre desarrollo sintáctico infantil es la de explicar usos cuya configuración no responde a una forma canónica aunque cumplan esa función. En el caso de las Cláusulas Relativas (CR) la tipología de lenguas propone el concepto de “Estrategia de relativización” (ER) (Keenan & Comrie 1977) para comprender las diferentes formas con las que las lenguas articulan modificadores complejos posnominales. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación que analizó la producción espontánea y la recuperación de Cláusulas Relativas (CR) en 32 niños y niñas, hablantes de español de 5 años, de Nivel Socioeconómico (NSE) Medio y Bajo. Se consideró el desempeño sintáctico según variables poblacionales, pues existe una extensa tradición en la literatura sobre desarrollo sintáctico que atiende a esta incidencia. Se relevaron, describieron y clasificaron las CR siguiendo a Givón (2008) y Silva (2008). Los objetivos de la investigación son, por un lado, considerar las ER (variantes de CR) y comparar su forma y frecuencia y, por otro lado, indagar cuáles son los factores (poblacionales o de tarea) que inciden en las diferencias. Los resultados muestran que las formas son comparables a usos de Estrategias de relativización (ER) descriptos previamente en población infantil y adulta para el español. Se releva una variación sintáctica novedosa, aducible al contexto particular de renarración. El análisis de diferencias de desempeño, según variables poblacionales, no reporta diferencias significativas, aunque sí se reportan al considerar tareas (Cláusulas Relativas Producidas (CRP) y Cláusulas Relativas Recuperadas (CRREP)). El análisis de incidencia de variables poblacionales según tareas reporta diferencias significativas entre NSE Medio y Bajo para las CRREP. Los resultados permiten inferir que el uso infantil de CR no es una condición unicausal, ni completamente acreditable a la incidencia de factores poblacionales sino que es el resultado de la interacción entre condiciones poblacionales, lingüísticas, pragmáticointeraccionales y cognitivas.A frequent problem in syntactic development studies is considering children usages that no match canonical forms although they could have this function. In the case of Relative Clauses (RC), language typology studies propose “Relativization strategy” (RS) as a concept to understand the different forms with which languages instantiate posnominal complex modifiers. This paper presents the results of a study that analyzed the spontaneous production and retrieval (different discursive tasks) of RC in 32 5 years-old Spanish monolingual speakers’ children. The population was analyzed according their differences in Sex (boys and girls) and Socioeconomic Levels (Middle -MSL- and Lower -LSL- Socioeconomic Levels). We’ve considered syntactic performance according population factors because there is a long tradition in syntactic development literature that addresses these differences. The RCS were gathered, described and classified following Givón (2008) and Silva (2008) taxonomies. The aims of the study are first, to consider Relativization Strategies (RS) (RC variants) comparing forms and frequency with previous descriptions of children RC usages and, second to investigate which factors (if they’re due to population or tasks differences) affect the usage frequency differences. The results show that syntactic forms that children use in both tasks are comparable to child and adult RS uses described in previous studies. It has observed a new syntactic variant, concerning to the particular context of renarration. The analysis of performance differences, according population variables, reports no significant difference although it’s reported considering tasks (Produce RC –PRC- and Recovered RC (RRC)). The incidence analysis of population variables according tasks reports significant differences between MLS and LSL for RRC. The results allow us to infer that children RCS’ usage is not due to a one and only condition wholly creditable to the impact of population factors but is the result of interaction between population, interactional-pragmatic, linguistics, discursive and cognitive conditions.Fil: Silva, María Luisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J.a Rimoldi; ArgentinaFil: Plana, Maria Dolores. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones En Psicología Matemática y Experimental Dr. Horacio J.a Rimoldi; Argentin

    A Numerical Model for Powder Densification by SPS Technique

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: A Numerical Model for Powder Densification by SPS Technique, Mondalek P., Silva L., Bellet M., Advanced Engineering Materials 13, 7 (2011) Pages 587-593, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adem.201000340International audienceSpark plasma sintering (SPS) belongs to a class of sintering techniques that employs electric current to assist compaction. This technology seems very promising to obtain net-shape components made of intermetallic alloys with a fine microstructure. However, the SPS process is difficult to stabilize because of density heterogeneities arising from non-homogeneous temperature or stress in the powder. This motivates the development of a three-dimensional finite element simulation in order to understand the distribution of current, temperature and porosity. The model couples three physical problems: electrical, thermal and mechanical. The numerical implementation is based on a monolithic formulation consisting in solving the different conservation equations on a single mesh including the specimen and the tooling. The general set of equations is described; the effect of the powder physical properties and of the geometry of the set up on the distribution of electrical current and temperature is discussed. A macroscopic Abouaf constitutive model is used to simulate powder densification; first results involving porosity evolution are presented

    3D Computation of reactive moulding processes

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    International audienceElectrical equipment for medium and high voltage is manufactured using reactive moulding process. During mould filling, air bubbles or weld-lines can appear which may be a huge problem for electrical insulation devices. Moreover, the use of thermoset materials induces delamination due to the resin's shrinkage. Product development delays can be reduced using numerical tools to simulate part forming process. In this paper, we present a three dimensional finite element analysis of the filling and curing stages of reactive moulding process. During the first stage, flow computation takes into account heat transfer and the curing reaction according to appropriate models. In the curing phase, the evolution of the degree of cure is coupled with an evolution model of the glass transition temperature. Taking in account his coupling phenomenon permits the computation of a more realistic curing kinetic and modelling of the slowdown at vitrification. The thermal field prediction is then more accurate. To validate this approach, experiments were performed. A comparison with computational results shows a good agreement in filling and temperature evolution inside the cavity