54 research outputs found

    Development of dual anti-biofilm and anti-bacterial medical devices

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    The rising occurrence of antimicrobial resistance demands new strategies for delivering antibiotics to ensure their effective use. In this study, a multi-functional strategy to address medical device associated infections is explored whereby an anti-attachment and an antibacterial mechanism have been combined. Silicone catheters impregnated with multiple antibiotics are coated with polyacrylate coatings previously shown to reduce bacterial attachment and biofilm formation. Antibiotics are delivered through the applied coating and the delivery rate depends on the coating thickness and the calculated log P. Coated devices achieve a zone of inhibition and TK100 to Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus similar to those of uncoated devices, whilst maintaining anti-attachment properties. No adverse immunological responses of the coatings were observed. The multi-functional nature of the device developed in the study represents an important approach to combatting medical device associated infections

    Effect of O-linked glycosylation on the antigenicity, cellular uptake and trafficking in dendritic cells of recombinant Ber e 1

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    Ber e 1, a major Brazil nut allergen, has been successfully produced in the yeast Pichia pastoris expression system as homogenous recombinant Ber e 1 (rBer e 1) with similar physicochemical properties and identical immunoreactivity to its native counterpart, nBer e 1. However, O-linked glycans was detected on the P.pastoris-derived rBer e 1, which is not naturally present in nBer e 1, and may contribute to the allergic sensitisation. In this study, we addressed the glycosylation differences between P. pastoris-derived recombinant Ber e 1 and its native counterparts. We also determined whether this fungal glycosylation could affect the antigenicity and immunogenicity of the rBer e 1 by using dendritic cells (DC) as an immune cell model due to their role in modulating the immune response. We identified that the glycosylation occurs at Ser96, Ser101 and Ser110 on the large chain and Ser19 on the small polypeptide chain of rBer e 1 only. The glycosylation on rBer e 1 was shown to elicit varying degree of antigenicity by binding to different combination of human leukocyte antigens (HLA) at different frequencies compared to nBer e 1 when tested using human DC-T cell assay. However, both forms of Ber e 1 are weak immunogens based from their low response indexes (RI). Glycans present on rBer e 1 were shown to increase the efficiency of the protein recognition and internalization by murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (bmDC) via C-type lectin receptors, particularly the mannose receptor (MR), compared to the non-glycosylated nBer e 1 and SFA8, a weak allergenic 2S albumin protein from sunflower seed. Binding of glycosylated rBer e 1 to MR alone was found to not induce the production of IL-10 that modulates bmDC to polarise Th2 cell response by suppressing IL-12 production and DC maturation. Our findings suggest that the O-linked glycosylation by P. pastoris has a small but measurable effect on the in vitro antigenicity of the rBer e 1 compared to its non-glycosylated counterpart, nBer e 1, and thus may influence its applications in diagnostics and immunotherapy

    Stage-Specific Sampling by Pattern Recognition Receptors during Candida albicans Phagocytosis

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    Candida albicans is a medically important pathogen, and recognition by innate immune cells is critical for its clearance. Although a number of pattern recognition receptors have been shown to be involved in recognition and phagocytosis of this fungus, the relative role of these receptors has not been formally examined. In this paper, we have investigated the contribution of the mannose receptor, Dectin-1, and complement receptor 3; and we have demonstrated that Dectin-1 is the main non-opsonic receptor involved in fungal uptake. However, both Dectin-1 and complement receptor 3 were found to accumulate at the site of uptake, while mannose receptor accumulated on C. albicans phagosomes at later stages. These results suggest a potential role for MR in phagosome sampling; and, accordingly, MR deficiency led to a reduction in TNF-α and MCP-1 production in response to C. albicans uptake. Our data suggest that pattern recognition receptors sample the fungal phagosome in a sequential fashion

    Dectin-1 Is A Major β-Glucan Receptor On Macrophages

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    Zymosan is a β-glucan– and mannan-rich particle that is widely used as a cellular activator for examining the numerous responses effected by phagocytes. The macrophage mannose receptor (MR) and complement receptor 3 (CR3) have historically been considered the major macrophage lectins involved in the nonopsonic recognition of these yeast-derived particles. Using specific carbohydrate inhibitors, we show that a β-glucan receptor, but not the MR, is a predominant receptor involved in this process. Furthermore, nonopsonic zymosan binding was unaffected by genetic CD11b deficiency or a blocking monoclonal antibody (mAb) against CR3, demonstrating that CR3 was not the β-glucan receptor mediating this activity. To address the role of the recently described β-glucan receptor, Dectin-1, we generated a novel anti–Dectin-1 mAb, 2A11. Using this mAb, we show here that Dectin-1 was almost exclusively responsible for the β-glucan–dependent, nonopsonic recognition of zymosan by primary macro-phages. These findings define Dectin-1 as the leukocyte β-glucan receptor, first described over 50 years ago, and resolves the long-standing controversy regarding the identity of this important molecule. Furthermore, these results identify Dectin-1 as a new target for examining the immunomodulatory properties of β-glucans for therapeutic drug design

    The Mannose Receptor (CD206) is an important pattern recognition receptor (PRR) in the detection of the infective stage of the helminth Schistosoma mansoni and modulates IFNγ production.

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    In this study, infective larvae of the parasitic helminth Schistosoma mansoni were shown to contain a large number of glycosylated components specific for the Mannose Receptor (MR; CD206), which is an important pattern recognition receptor (PRR) of the innate immune system. MR ligands were particularly rich in excretory/secretory (E/S) material released during transformation of cercariae into schistosomula, a process critical for infection of the host. E/S material from carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFDA-SE)-labelled cercariae showed enhanced binding by cells lines that over-express the MR. Conversely, uptake was significantly lower by bone marrow-derived macrophages (MΦ) from MR(-/-) mice, although they were more active as judged by enhanced pro-inflammatory cytokine production and CD40 expression. After natural percutaneous infection of MR(-/-) mice with CFDA-SE-labelled parasites, there were fewer cells in the skin and draining lymph nodes that were CFDA-SE(+) compared with wild-type mice, implying reduced uptake and presentation of larval parasite antigen. However, antigen-specific proliferation of skin draining lymph node cells was significantly enhanced and they secreted markedly elevated levels of IFNγ but decreased levels of IL-4. In conclusion, we show that the MR on mononuclear phagocytic cells, which are plentiful in the skin, plays a significant role in internalising E/S material released by the invasive stages of the parasite which in turn modulates their production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In the absence of the MR, antigen-specific CD4(+) cells are Th1 biased, suggesting that ligation of the MR by glycosylated E/S material released by schistosome larvae modulates the production of CD4(+) cell specific IFNγ

    Fungal Recognition Enhances Mannose Receptor Shedding Through Dectin-1 Engagement

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    The mannose receptor (MR) is an endocytic type I membrane molecule with a broad ligand specificity that is involved in both hemostasis and pathogen recognition. Membrane-anchored MRis cleaved by a metalloproteinase into functional soluble MR (sMR) composed of the extracellular domains of intact MR. Although sMR production was initially considered a constitutive process, enhanced MR shedding has been observed in response to the fungal pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. In this work, we have investigated the mechanism mediating enhanced MR shedding in response to fungi. We show that other fungal species, including Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus, together with zymosan, a preparation of the cell wall of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mimic the effect of P. carinii on sMR production and that this effect takes place mainly through β-glucan recognition. Additionally, we demonstrate that MR cleavage in response to C. albicans and bioactive particulate β-glucan requires expression of dectin-1. Our data, obtained using specific inhibitors, are consistent with the canonical Syk-mediated pathway triggered by dectin-1 being mainly responsible for inducing MR shedding, with Raf-1 being partially involved. As in the case of steady-state conditions, MR shedding in response to C. albicans and β-glucan particles requires metalloprotease activity. The induction of MR shedding by dectin-1 has clear implications for the role of MR in fungal recognition, as sMR was previously shown to retain the ability to bind fungal pathogens and can interact with numerous host molecules, including lysosomal hydrolases. Thus, MR cleavage could also impact on the magnitude of inflammation during fungal infection

    Nuclear trafficking, histone cleavage and induction of apoptosis by the meningococcal App and MspA autotransporters

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    Neisseria meningitidis, a major cause of bacterial meningitis and septicaemia, secretes multiple virulence factors, including the adhesion and penetration protein (App) and meningococcal serine protease A (MspA). Both are conserved, immunogenic, type Va autotransporters harbouring S6-family serine endopeptidase domains. Previous work suggested that both could mediate adherence to human cells, but their precise contribution to meningococcal pathogenesis was unclear. Here, we confirm that App and MspA are in vivo virulence factors since human CD46-expressing transgenic mice infected with meningococcal mutants lacking App, MspA or both had improved survival rates compared with mice infected with wild type. Confocal imaging showed that App and MspA were internalized by human cells and trafficked to the nucleus. Cross-linking and enzyme-linked immuno assay (ELISA) confirmed that mannose receptor (MR), transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) and histones interact with MspA and App. Dendritic cell (DC) uptake could be blocked using mannan and transferrin, the specific physiological ligands for MR and TfR1, whereas in vitro clipping assays confirmed the ability of both proteins to proteolytically cleave the core histone H3. Finally, we show that App and MspA induce a dose-dependent increase in DC death via caspase-dependent apoptosis. Our data provide novel insights into the roles of App and MspA in meningococcal infection

    Modulation of the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis during malaria/M. tuberculosis co-infection

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    Tuberculosis (TB) causes significant morbidity and mortality on a global scale. The African region has 24% of the world's TB cases. TB overlaps with other infectious diseases such as malaria and HIV, which are also highly prevalent in the African region. TB is a leading cause of death among HIV-positive patients and co-infection with HIV and TB has been described as a syndemic. In view of the overlapping epidemiology of these diseases, it is important to understand the dynamics of the immune response to TB in the context of co-infection. We investigated the cytokine response to purified protein derivative (PPD) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from TB patients co-infected with HIV or malaria and compared it to that of malaria- and HIV-free TB patients. A total of 231 subjects were recruited for this study and classified into six groups; untreated TB-positive, TB positive subjects on TB drugs, TB- and HIV-positive, TB- and malaria-positive, latent TB and apparently healthy control subjects. Our results demonstrate maintenance of interferon (IFN)-γ production in HIV and malaria co-infected TB patients in spite of lower CD4 counts in the HIV-infected cohort. Malaria co-infection caused an increase in the production of the T helper type 2 (Th2)-associated cytokine interleukin (IL)-4 and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in PPD-stimulated cultures. These results suggest that malaria co-infection diverts immune response against M. tuberculosis towards a Th-2/anti-inflammatory response which might have important consequences for disease progression