1,150 research outputs found


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    En un momento de malhumor, Don Quijote prohíbe a Sancho departir con él. Sin embargo, este “áspero mandamiento del silencio” debe ser levantado porque tanto Don Quijote como su escudero no son capaces de seguir callados, y la novela no puede condenarse al mutismo. Desde entonces los personajes se verán arrojados en la lengua, y ésta marcará el horizonte que envuelve sus vidas. El lector de hoy, inexorablemente, debe sumergirse en esta lengua si pretende comprender y gozar de las creaciones cervantinas

    Optimal Scheduling of Energy Storage Using A New Priority-Based Smart Grid Control Method

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    This paper presents a method to optimally use an energy storage system (such as a battery) on a microgrid with load and photovoltaic generation. The purpose of the method is to employ the photovoltaic generation and energy storage systems to reduce the main grid bill, which includes an energy cost and a power peak cost. The method predicts the loads and generation power of each day, and then searches for an optimal storage behavior plan for the energy storage system according to these predictions. However, this plan is not followed in an open-loop control structure as in previous publications, but provided to a real-time decision algorithm, which also considers real power measures. This algorithm considers a series of device priorities in addition to the storage plan, which makes it robust enough to comply with unpredicted situations. The whole proposed method is implemented on a real-hardware test bench, with its different steps being distributed between a personal computer and a programmable logic controller according to their time scale. When compared to a different state-of-the-art method, the proposed method is concluded to better adjust the energy storage system usage to the photovoltaic generation and general consumption.Unión Europea ID 100205Unión Europea ID 26937

    Visiones para una poética

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    Pre- and Post-burst Radio Observations of the Class 0 Protostar HOPS 383 in Orion

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    There is increasing evidence that episodic accretion is a common phenomenon in Young Stellar Objects (YSOs). Recently, the source HOPS 383 in Orion was reported to have a ×35\times 35 mid-infrared -- and bolometric -- luminosity increase between 2004 and 2008, constituting the first clear example of a class 0 YSO (a protostar) with a large accretion burst. The usual assumption that in YSOs accretion and ejection follow each other in time needs to be tested. Radio jets at centimeter wavelengths are often the only way of tracing the jets from embedded protostars. We searched the Very Large Array archive for the available observations of the radio counterpart of HOPS 383. The data show that the radio flux of HOPS 383 varies only mildly from January 1998 to December 2014, staying at the level of 200\sim 200 to 300 μ\muJy in the X band (9\sim 9 GHz), with a typical uncertainty of 10 to 20 μ\muJy in each measurement. We interpret the absence of a radio burst as suggesting that accretion and ejection enhancements do not follow each other in time, at least not within timescales shorter than a few years. Time monitoring of more objects and specific predictions from simulations are needed to clarify the details of the connection betwen accretion and jets/winds in YSOs.Comment: ApJ Letters, in pres

    Mito, interés y compromiso: arquetipos narrativos en los libros de caballerías

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    El análisis arquetípico de varios libros de caballerías castellanos del siglo xvi permite distinguir tres tipos principales de estructura narrativa dinánica: ascendente, descendente y cíclica; más una estructura estática, esquemática. También muestra tres modos de comunicación, basados en el mito, el interés humano o el compromiso político y moral. The archetypal analysis of several Castilian Romances of Chivalry of the 16th century allows us to differentiate three main dynamic narrative structures: ascending, descending, and cyclical, as well as one static structure, diagrammatic in nature. It shows also three main forms of communication, based on myth, human concern, and political and moral commitment

    La ayuda oficial al desarrollo hacia Extremo Oriente y América Central y el Caribe : un analisis comparativo

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    En este trabajo estudiamos los flujos de ayuda oficial al desarrollo hacia los países en desarrollo, como se distribuyen por grandes regiones y quienes la dan, centrando la atención en el Extremo Oriente y América Central y El Caribe. Todo ello referido al periodo que va de 1980 a la actualidad. En paralelo, comparamos con los flujos de inversión directa que van hacia esos países, intentando con ello una primera aproximación al análisis de la mayor o menor pertinencia de cada uno de ellos como instrumento para el desarrollo de esos países. ____________________________________________In this paper we study the flows of official development assistance to developing countries, as distributed by major region and those who give, focusing on the Far East and Central America and the Caribbean. This referred to the period from 1980 to present. At the same time, ODA flows are compared to direct investment flows going to these countries, thereby a first approach to the analysis of the degree of relevance of each of them as a tool for development of those countries is attempted

    Evolución y desarrollo crítico del sistema capitalista

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    El seguimiento del desarrollo económico durante los siglos XIX y XX permite hacerse cargo de las tendencias básicas que subyacen y provocan las crisis. La crisis se presenta como un momento de tensión entre las fuerzas que intervienen en el proceso valorador del sistema capitalista. Con la primera Gran Crisis se inicia la industrialización acelerada y se acelera también la concentración de los poderes económicos. Después de ella Estados Unidos aparece como gran beneficiario y comienza a construir su imperio mediante formas disfrazadas de penetración que se esconden tras otras soberanías. A partir de este momento será esta potencia la que sirva de plataforma del gran capitalismo mundial. ________________________________________The following of the economic development during the XIX and XX centuries allows to be taken charge of the basic tendencies that underlie and they cause the crises. The crisis is presented as a moment of tension among the forces that intervene in the valuating process of the capitalist system. With the first Great Crisis the quick industrialization begins and it also accelerates the concentration of the economic power. After it United State appears as great beneficiary and it begins to build its empire by means of forms disguised of penetration that are hidden after other sovereignties. From this moment it will be this power the one that serves as platform of the great world capitalism

    Poesía, historia y mito

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    La poésie d’Antonio Machado tente de répondre à la question de la vie après la mort par les mythes du renouvellement cyclique de la végétation d’abord, puis par le pouvoir de la mémoire et de l’imagination. Federico García Lorca envisage comment la mort configure le destin individuel et caractérise une civilisation. Donnant aux mythes cycliques une importance plus grande que Machado, il peut parler avec force de phénomènes collectifs mais il s’éloigne de la réalité des morts indivuelles.Antonio Machado’s poetry attempts to answering the question of an afterlife, firstly by means of the myths of cyclical vegetation renewal, then by the power of memory and imagination. Federico García Lorca shows in what ways death configures the individual fate as well as characterizes a civilization. Cyclical myths play a stronger role in Lorca than in Machado, allowing him to speak forcefully about collective issues, but estranging him from the reality of individual deaths.La poesía de Antonio Machado trata de responder a la cuestión de la vida después de la muerte primero con mitos de renovación cíclica vegetal y después recorriendo al poder de la memoria y la imaginación. Federico García Lorca examina cómo la muerte configura la vida individual y caracteriza toda una civilización; al dar a los mitos cíclicos un papel mayor que Machado, puede hablar con fuerza de fenómenos colectivos pero se distancia de la realidad de las muertes individuales