8 research outputs found

    Cultivo de melancia em áreas de renovação de canavial sob diferentes manejos do solo

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) cultivation in regeneration areas of a sugarcane field, under different soil management systems and N fertilization regimes. Two experiments were carried out in the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 harvest seasons, in areas of sugarcane plantation in Andradina, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Cultivations were performed in a randomized complete block design, with plots and subplots, and four replicates. The plots represented the tillage systems (conventional, minimum tillage, and no-tillage), and the subplots, the different N fertilization rates (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha-1) applied as topdressing. In 2014/2015, the minimum tillage system resulted in the highest commercial yield of 70.2 Mg ha-1. In 2015/2016, there were no differences for yield among tillage systems; however, yield differed among N treatments. The highest commercial yields of 64.1 and 31.1 Mg ha-1 were achieved with the N doses of 253 and 209 kg ha-1 as topdressing, respectively, in 2014/2015 and 2015/2016. Watermelon can be cultivated in regeneration areas of sugarcane field, and the demand of N by the plant does not depend on the soil tillage system.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o cultivo de melancia (Citrullus lanatus) em áreas de renovação de canavial, em diferentes sistemas de preparo do solo e adubação nitrogenada. Foram realizados dois experimentos nas safras de 2014/2015 e 2015/2016, em áreas de plantio de cana-de-açúcar, em Andradina, no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Os cultivos foram feitos em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas, subparcelas e quatro repetições. As parcelas representaram os sistemas de preparo do solo (plantio convencional, cultivo mínimo e plantio direto), e as subparcelas, as diferentes doses de N aplicadas em cobertura (0, 100, 200 e 300 kg ha-1). Em 2014/2015, o cultivo mínimo apresentou a maior produtividade comercial de 70,2 Mg ha-1. Em 2015/2016, não houve diferenças quanto à produção entre os tratamentos de preparo de solo; porém, a produção diferiu entre os tratamentos com N. As maiores produtividades comerciais de 64,1 e 31,1 Mg ha-1 foram obtidas com as doses de 253 e 209 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura, respectivamente, em 2014/2015 e 2015/2016. A melancia pode ser cultivada em áreas de renovação de canavial, e a demanda de N pela planta não depende do sistema de preparo de solo

    Crescimento, produção e qualidade de rúcula (Eruca sativa Miller) em função do nitrogênio e da densidade de plantio

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    Dentre as hortaliças de folhas, a alface é a mais consumida pela população brasileira, porém, ultimamente, a rúcula (Eruca sativa Miller) vem conquistando maior espaço no mercado. Segundo dados fornecidos pela Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais do Estado de São Paulo (CEAGESP), a quantidade de rúcula comercializada nesse mercado teve um crescimento em torno de 78%, de 1997 para 2003. Outro aspecto relevante diz respeito à valorização da rúcula nesse mercado. Em 2003 ela apresentou preço anual médio de R2,43kg1emcomparac\ca~oaosR 2,43 kg-1 em comparação aos R 0,64 kg-1 obtido pela alface (média dos tipos americana e crespa). Assim, o crescimento na quantidade comercializada de rúcula e a sua cotação são indicadores de que a atividade é rentável. Contudo, apesar de sua importância econômica para a horticultura, existem poucos estudos no tocante à fitotecnia, envolvendo o manejo da nutrição mineral e o espaçamento entre plantas. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a melhor dose de nitrogênio em cobertura fornecida via fertirrigação e o melhor espaçamento entre plantas para se utilizar no cultivo da rúcula em campo e em ambiente protegido. Dessa forma, foram conduzidos ensaios no outono/inverno e no verão, na Fazenda Experimental São Manuel, da FCA-UNESP, em São Manuel-SP, Brasil. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos utilizados foram cinco doses de nitrogênio na parcela (0, 60, 120, 180 e 240 kg ha-1) e 3 espaçamentos entre plantas na sub-parcela (0,05, 0,07 e 0,10 m). Nas duas épocas experimentais, houve resposta crescente para a área foliar, massa de matéria fresca e seca, produtividade, quantidade de água na parte aérea e teor de nitrato no extrato foliar com o aumento das doses de nitrogênio e resposta decrescente para o peso foliar específico...Among the leaves vegetable products, lettuce is the most preferred by Brazilian people, nevertheless, rocket salad (Eruca sativa Miller) is acquiring a larger room in the market lately. According to the Companhia de Entrepostos e Armazéns Gerais do Estado de São Paulo (CEAGESP) data, the amount of commercialized rocket salad in this market raised around 78.0% from 1997 to 2003. Another relevant aspect is related to increasing value of rocket salad in this market. In 2003 it presented an average medium price of R2,43kg1incomparisontothevalueofR 2,43 kg-1 in comparison to the value of R 0,64 kg-1 obtained by lettuce (average price of the iceberg and common types). Therefore, the rocket salad commercialized amount growing and its quotation are indexes that such activity is profitable. However, besides the economical importance of rocket salad to horticulture, exist very few studies related it growing technique involving mineral nutrition management and distance between plants. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the best nitrogen applicatin rate on side dressing via fertigation and the best distance between plants to be used for rocket salad cultivation in open (field) and protected (green house) ambient. In this direction, tests were carried out during autumn/winter and summer seasons in São Manuel Experimental Farm (Fazenda Experimental São Manuel) - FCA-UNESP, in São Manuel-SP, Brazil. The experimental design used in the tests was split-plot with randomised blocks replicated four times. The treatments were five nitrogen doses (0, 60.0, 120.0, 180.0 and 240.0 kg ha-1) and three distances between plants (0.05, 0.07 and 0.10 m)...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Efeito da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura e do espaçamento sobre a produção de rúcula

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    Conduziu-se experimentos para avaliar a influência da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura (0; 60; 120; 180 e 240 kg ha-1 de N), fornecida via fertirrigação e do espaçamento entre plantas (0,05; 0,07 e 0,10 m), na rúcula, cultivada dentro e fora de ambiente protegido. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Nos experimentos de outono/inverno e nos de verão, verificou-se resposta crescente para a área foliar, massa de matéria seca (MMS), produtividade e teor de nitrato no extrato foliar com o aumento das doses de N. As plantas espaçadas de 0,10 m apresentaram maiores médias de área foliar e MMS, porém a maior produtividade foi encontrada no espaçamento de 0,05 m, devido ao maior número de plantas por área. No outono/inverno, a dose de N que possibilitou a maior produtividade no campo foi de 240 kg ha-1 e no ambiente protegido foi de 178,6 kg ha-1. No verão, no ambiente protegido, as doses estimadas de N que possibilitaram maiores produtividades nos espaçamentos de 0,05; 0,07 e 0,10 m foram 240; 167,3 e 231 kg ha-1, respectivamente.Experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of nitrogen side dressing fertilization (0; 60.0; 120.0; 180.0 and 240.0 kg ha-1), applied by fertigation and distance between plants (0.05; 0.07 and 0.10 m) for rocket salad in the field and greenhouse. The experimental design was a split-plot with randomized blocks, replicated four times. In the autumn/winter and summer experiments occurred an increase in leaf area, dry mass weight, yield and content of nitrate in leaves extract with an increase of the N doses applied. Plants spaced at 0.10 m presented the highest average leaf area and dry mass weight, but the highest yield was obtained with 0.05 m space, due to the high number of plants/area. In the autumn/winter cropping, the side dressing N application rate that allowed the highest yield in field was 240.0 kg ha-1 and in greenhouse 178.6 kg ha-1. In the summer, in greenhouse, the estimated side dressing nitrogen application rate that allowed the highest yield under plant spaced of 0.05, 0.07 and 0.10 m were 240.0, 167.3 and 231.0 kg ha-1, respectively.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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    New hybrid onions that are more productive are currently being cultivated. Information on growth and nutrient accumulation must thus be updated to assist in the refinement of existing recommendations, enabling the better exploitation of the productive potential of these new genotypes. We determined the growth of plants and the accumulation and export of nutrients of the short-day onion ‘Soberana’ established by direct seeding. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replicates and the treatments were evaluation times. Leaf number, tissue dry weight, nutrient accumulation, and the maximum daily rate of accumulation were evaluated throughout the growing cycle. The order of nutrient accumulation was (g plant-1) K (0.72) > Ca (0.38) > N (0.32) > S (0.14) > P (0.08) > Mg (0.06) and (mg plant-1) Fe (2.26) > Mn (1.43) > Cu (0.93) > Zn (0.91) > B (0.85). Macronutrient demand was highest between 61 and 148 days after sowing (DAS), and micronutrient demand was highest between 70 and 148 DAS

    Accumulation and exportation of nutrients by yellow Passion fruit cv. IAC 275

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    <div><p>Abstract The mineral nutrition is essential to increase yield and fruit quality of passion fruit. There is no information of nutrient accumulation throughout the production cycle. Thus, in order to assist in the correct nutrients supply and update the recommendations, studies involving cultivars and cultivation techniques are necessary. The aim of this study was to evaluate the plant growth, the nutrient accumulation and the exportation in plants of yellow passion fruit cv. IAC 275. The experimental design was a randomized block, with three replications, where the treatments were evaluation times. Stem length, dry mass matter and nutrient accumulation in aerial part (leaves and stems), fruits and roots were evaluated. The maximum daily accumulation rate and periods of maximum nutritional requirement were calculated, in addition to the nutrient extraction and exportation. The nutrient accumulation at the end of the cycle, at 450 days after sowing, were in g plant-1: N (178.5) > K (162.4) > Ca (70.8) > Mg (14.8) > S (13.3) > P (11.0) and mg plant-1: Fe (827.6) > Mn (130.7) > Zn (69.8) > B (56.7) > Cu (17.8).</p></div

    Updates on Microgreens Grown under Artificial Lighting: Scientific Advances in the Last Two Decades

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    Microgreens have a high nutrient density and are beneficial to human health. Even though this class of vegetables have gaining increasing levels of attention in the last year, scientific research on the growth of microgreens in controlled environments under artificial lighting have not been thoroughly characterized. By describing the scientific outputs focused on the impacts of artificial illumination on microgreens, especially from the first two decades of the 21st century, it is therefore possible to detect advancements and research gaps in this research field. This review is divided in two parts: first, a general overview of the scientific production about microgreens; second, a systematic review of scientific studies exploring artificial lighting on the production of microgreens. The overview of scientific production on microgreens and artificial lighting across the Scopus, Web of Science, and Scielo databases, from 2000 to 2021, respectively, indicated three phases, as before 2011 no paper was found: phase 1 (2012 to 2014), six papers; phase 2 (2015 to 2018), fifteen papers; and phase 3 (2019 to 2021), forty-six papers, respectively. Mustard was the most evaluated crop under all production stages. With regard to the second part of this review, studies on artificial lighting with fluorescent lamps (high-pressure sodium light bulbs—HPS), from the supplementation to the replacement of HPS lighting with light emitting diode (LED) lamps, and plant responses with respect to light properties comprise the main works identified. Studies on the distribution of environmental factors under controlled microgreen cultivation present research gaps