194 research outputs found

    Chionanthus megistocarpus (Oleaceae), a new species from the Western Cordillera of Colombia

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    [EN] We describe a new species of Chionanthus (Oleaceae), from the Subandean forests of the Western Cordillera of Colombia. C. megistocarpus is similar to the Ecuadorian species C. colonchensis, but presents leaves with longer petioles [(12–)15–30(–35) mm], with obtuse leaf blades, without abaxial domatia, with longer inflorescences (10–20 cm long) and the largest fruits for this genus in the Neotropics (4.5–5 cm long).[ES] Se describe una especie nueva de Chionanthus (Oleaceae) de los bosques subandinos de la Cordillera Occidental de Colombia. Chionanthus megistocarpus es afín a la especie ecuatoriana C. colonchensis, pero presenta hojas con peciolos más largos [(12–)15–30(–35) mm], láminas obtusas, sin domacios axilares asociados a las venas del envés, inflorescencias más largas (10–20 cm) y los frutos más grandes en este género en el Neotrópico (4.5–5 cm de largo).To the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for financing the project CGL 2010–19747Peer reviewe

    Chionanthus abriaquiensis Fern. Alonso & Cogollo (Oleaceae), una nueva especie de Colombia

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    [EN] Chionanthus abriaquiensis Fern. Alonso & Cogollo (Oleaceae), a new species from the cloud forests of Colombia, is described and illustrated. This species clearly differs from the previously known Chionanthus L. in Mesoamerica and Northern South America for the long petiolate leaves, the number of secondary veins on the blades, and very long axillary inflorescences. An identification key for the species of Chionanthus from Northern South America and Panama is also presented.[ES] Se describe e ilustra Chionanthus abriaquiensis Fern. Alonso & Cogollo (Oleaceae), una nueva especie de los bosques nublados de Colombia. Esta especie se diferencia claramente de las previamente conocidas de Mesoamérica y del Norte de Suramérica por presentar hojas largamente pecioladas, el número de venas secundarias en las láminas foliares y las inflorescencias axilares muy largas. Se presenta también una clave para identificar las especies de Chionanthus del norte de Sudamérica y Panamá.Al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad por la financiación del proyecto CGL 2010-19747Peer reviewe

    Sinopsis de Chionanthus (Oleaceae) en Colombia y países limítrofes y descripción de una nueva especie

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    A synoptic review of Chionanthus species (Oleaceae) from Colombia and neighboring countries is presented, in which new information, taxonomic and chorological, is disclosed, and a new species, Ch. vargasii, from the Central Cordillera of Colombia. This species resembles Ch. abriaquiensis, but has coriaceous leaves, with shorter petioles and woolly domatia along the veins of the underside, and shorter inflorescences. Chionanthus guianensis and Ch. panamensis are cited for the first time in Colombia and the known distribution in Colombia of Ch. compactus, Ch. implicatus, and Ch. pubescens is extended. In addition, the reviewed material of Ch. avilensis, Ch. colonchensis, Ch. ligustrinus, and Ch. wudackii, all present in neighboring countries, is also commented. Finally, a key is included to facilitate the identification of the species of the north of South America.Se presenta una revisión sinóptica de las especies de Chionanthus (Oleaceae) de Colombia y países limítrofes, en la que se da a conocer nueva información, taxonómica y corológica, y se describe una especie nueva, Ch. vargasii, de la Cordillera Central de Colombia. Esta especie se asemeja a Ch. abriaquiensis, pero tiene hojas coriáceas, con peciolos más cortos y domacios lanosos en las venas del envés, e inflorescencias más cortas. Se citan por primera vez para Colombia Ch. guianensis y Ch. panamensis y se amplía la distribución conocida en Colombia de Ch. compactus, Ch. implicatus y Ch. pubescens. Además, se comenta también el material revisado de Ch. avilensis, Ch. colonchensis, Ch. ligustrinus y Ch. wudackii, todos presentes en países colindantes. Por último, se incluye una clave para facilitar la identificación de las especies del norte de Sudamérica

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una enoteca

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la viabilidad técnica, económica, social y de mercado para la instalación de una enoteca. Se realizó un estudio de mercado y se aplicaron encuestas a una población determinada y, con esta información que se obtuvo, se encontró que las zonas con mayor aceptación del servicio serían las zonas 7 y 8, siendo los principales consumidores las personas de los sectores A, B y C. Como público objetivo se estableció a las personas de Lima Metropolitana de la zona geográfica “moderna” pues son los que poseen una mayor disposición en asistir al local y tener una mayor posibilidad de consumo. Con ello, las ventas que se generarían en el primer año son de S/ 2,951,315.25, mientras que las del quinto año del proyecto son S/ 3,884,788.14. En cuanto a la localización de la enoteca, se evaluaron tres distritos: Santiago de Surco, Barranco y Miraflores, basándose en distintos factores para determinar la mejor opción. Tras este análisis se obtuvo que el servicio se localizará en el distrito de Santiago de Surco principalmente por los costos y la localización de los competidores. Por otro lado, el dimensionamiento del servicio está dado por el mercado con 40,971 de visitas al año. Para ello se eligió por optar un escenario conservador, considerando un 80% de lo calculado para el primer año. Cabe recalcar que para obtener ganancias se necesitaría un mínimo de 39,010 visitas al año. La capacidad que puede entregar el servicio está determinada por el aforo. En el establecimiento pueden ser atendidas 90 personas sentadas entre las mesas y la barra dando así un total de 640 personas al día aproximadamente. Este factor no es limitante ya que en el año se podrían atender más personas que las que el mercado limita. Para el funcionamiento del proyecto se requiere un total de S/ 288,250.57 como inversión. Al evaluar económica y financieramente el proyecto, se determinó que la mejor opción es financiarlo al 40% ya que da una TIR de 50.54%, obteniéndose un VAN de S/ 388,963.69 y devolviendo la inversión en 2 años, 8 meses y 17 días.The objective of this research is to determine the technical, economic, social and market viability for the installation of a wine cellar. A market study was carried out and surveys were applied to a specific population and with this information that was obtained it was found that the areas with the highest acceptance of the service would be zones 7 and 8, the main consumers being people from sectors A, B and C. The target audience was established as the people of Metropolitan Lima in the “modern” geographical area, since they are the ones who have a greater willingness to attend the premises and have a greater consumption. With this, the sales that would be generated in the first year are S/ 2,951,315.25 and those of the fifth year of the project are S/ 3,884,788.14. Regarding the location of the enoteca, three districts were evaluated: Santiago de Surco, Barranco and Miraflores, based on different factors to determine the best option. After this analysis, it was obtained that the service will be located in the district of Santiago de Surco mainly due to the costs and the location of the competitors. On the other hand, the dimensioning of the service is given by the market with 40,971 visits per year. It should be noted that to obtain profits a minimum of 39,010 visits per year would be needed. The capacity that the service can deliver is determined by the capacity. The establishment can serve 90 people seated between the tables and the bar, this giving a total of approximately 640 people per day. This factor is not limiting since more people could be served during the year than the market limits. For the operation of the project, a total of S/ 288,250.57 is required as an investment. When evaluating the project economically and financially, it was determined that the best option is to finance it at 40% since it gives an IRR of 50.54%, obtaining a NPV of S/ 388,963.69 and returning the investment in 2 years, 8 months and 17 days

    La tarjeta postal fotográfica y la escuela misional en la Araucania: el discurso visual capuchino sobre sus logros en la transformación de la niñez mapuche (1898-1930)

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    In the 1880s, the Chilean government occupied the Araucania region and missionary schools became a concrete context in which transformation occurred. In 1896, missionaries belonging to the Bavarian Capuchin order took over this task. As part of this work, they left behind a photographic record of their actions in this region, and many of these photographs were published as postcards. This paper presents the results of a socio-semiotic analysis of the postcards bearing photographs of Mapuche children which the Bavarian Capuchins published and circulated at the beginning of the 20th century.En la década de 1880 el Estado chileno ocupó la Araucanía. La escuela misional pasó a constituirse en el espacio concreto donde operó la transformación. En 1896 asumieron esta tarea los misioneros capuchinos de Baviera, quienes fueron dejando un  registro fotográfico de su accionar en la región. Muchas de estas fotografías fueron impresas como tarjetas postales. Este trabajo presenta resultados del análisis socio-semiótico de tarjetas postales ilustradas con fotografías de niños mapuches, editado y puesto en circulación por los capuchinos bávaros, a principios del siglo XX.In the 1880s, the Chilean government occupied the Araucania region and missionary schools became a concrete context in which transformation occurred. In 1896, missionaries belonging to the Bavarian Capuchin order took over this task. As part of this work, they left behind a photographic record of their actions in this region, and many of these photographs were published as postcards. This paper presents the results of a socio-semiotic analysis of the postcards bearing photographs of Mapuche children which the Bavarian Capuchins published and circulated at the beginning of the 20th century

    A Power-Line Communication System Governed by Loop Resonance for Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring

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    Within this paper, a PLC system that takes advantage of the loop resonance of an entire DC-PV string configured as a circular signal path is developed and implemented. Low cost and extremely simple transceivers intended to be installed within each PV module of a string have been designed and successfully tested. In addition, an anti-saturation coil has been conceived to avoid saturation of the core when the entire DC current of the string flows through it. Bi-directional half-duplex communication was successfully executed with up to a 1 MHz carrier frequency (150 kbps bitrate), using a simple ASK modulation scheme. The transmission and reception performance are presented, along with the overall system cost in comparison to the previous literatureThis research was funded by the Universidad dee Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was also supported by the Universidad dee Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence I: Instrumental Considerations for Proximal Spectroradiometers

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    Growing interest in the proximal sensing of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has been boosted by space-based retrievals and up-coming missions such as the FLuorescence EXplorer (FLEX). The European COST Action ES1309 “Innovative optical tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes” (OPTIMISE, ES1309; https://optimise.dcs.aber.ac.uk/) has produced three manuscripts addressing the main current challenges in this field. This article provides a framework to model the impact of different instrument noise and bias on the retrieval of SIF; and to assess uncertainty requirements for the calibration and characterization of state-of-the-art SIF-oriented spectroradiometers. We developed a sensor simulator capable of reproducing biases and noises usually found in field spectroradiometers. First the sensor simulator was calibrated and characterized using synthetic datasets of known uncertainties defined from laboratory measurements and literature. Secondly, we used the sensor simulator and the characterized sensor models to simulate the acquisition of atmospheric and vegetation radiances from a synthetic dataset. Each of the sensor models predicted biases with propagated uncertainties that modified the simulated measurements as a function of different factors. Finally, the impact of each sensor model on SIF retrieval was analyzed. Results show that SIF retrieval can be significantly affected in situations where reflectance factors are barely modified. SIF errors were found to correlate with drivers of instrumental-induced biases which are as also drivers of plant physiology. This jeopardizes not only the retrieval of SIF, but also the understanding of its relationship with vegetation function, the study of diel and seasonal cycles and the validation of remote sensing SIF products. Further work is needed to determine the optimal requirements in terms of sensor design, characterization and signal correction for SIF retrieval by proximal sensing. In addition, evaluation/validation methods to characterize and correct instrumental responses should be developed and used to test sensors performance in operational conditions

    Planeamiento estratégico de la Provincia de San Pablo

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    Siguiendo el proceso estratégico, desarrollado por D’Alessio (2015), se ha elaborado este planeamiento estratégico para la provincia de San Pablo, ubicada en la región de Cajamarca, al norte del Perú. En la actualidad, esta provincia cuenta con tierras aptas para el cultivo y con recursos que podrían ser explotados turísticamente, pero se enfrenta con debilidades como una infraestructura deficiente y muy bajo nivel educativo entre su población. Es por ello que en la actualidad no ha logrado producción masiva de los cultivos, que se hacen con fines de subsistencia, ni se ha desarrollado la actividad turística, de forma constante y sostenible. Para que la provincia de San Pablo logre incrementar su producción agrícola y recibir cada vez más visitantes, logrando elevar la calidad de vida de sus pobladores, requiere implementar las siguientes estrategias: (a) desarrollar rutas de turismo de aventura, (b) penetrar en el mercado nacional de granos secos, (c) penetrar en el mercado nacional de tubérculos, (d) desarrollar productos procesados a partir de tubérculos, (e) desarrollar un servicio completo de alimentación escolar para los niños y jóvenes que permanezcan en el sistema educativo formal, (f) crear un sistema de transporte escolar provincial para estimular la permanencia en los centros de estudio, y (g) desarrollar servicios de telecomunicaciones accesibles a todos los pobladores, integrado con capacitación y contenido.Following the strategic process proposed by D'Alessio (2015), this strategic planning has been developed for the province of San Pablo, located in the region of Cajamarca, in the north of Peru. At present, this province has land suitable for cultivation and resources that could be exploited touristy, but faces weaknesses such as poor infrastructure and very low educational level among its population. That is why at present it has not achieved mass production of crops, which are made for subsistence purposes, nor has the tourism activity been developed, in a constant and sustainable manner. In order for the province of San Pablo to increase its agricultural production and receive more visitors, raising the quality of life of its inhabitants, it requires implementing the following strategies: (a) Develop adventure tourism routes; (b) penetrate the domestic market of dry grains; (c) penetrate the national market for tubers; (d) developing processed products from tubers; (e) develop a full school feeding service for children and young people remaining in the formal education system; (f) create a provincial school transportation system to stimulate the permanence in the study centers; and (g) develop telecommunication services accessible to all residents, integrated with training and contentTesi

    Geología de la Sierra de San Carlos–Cruillas: una historia digna de contarse

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    La Sierra de San Carlos-Cruillas ubicada en el estado de Tamaulipas es un complejo geológico compuesto por unidades sedimentarias del Mesozoico que fueron primeramente plegadas y posteriormente emplazadas por rocas magmáticas alcalinas plutónicas, subvolcánicas y volcánicas del Cenozoico. Las rocas sedimentarias son calizas, margas, y lutitas, y de manera subordinada areniscas y cenizas volcánicas. Entre las rocas magmáticas destacan monzodioritas, gabros, sienitas, sienitas nefelínicas, basanitas, fonotefritas, basaltos alcalinos y lamprófidos alcalinos. Las unidades magmáticas son: (a) Sierra de San Carlos o Sierra Chiquita, (b) Sierras Bajas, (c) Complejo Hipabisal San Lázaro (d) Bufa del Diente, (e) Campo Subvolcánico de Burgos y (f) San Miguel. La Sierra de San Carlos-Cruillas es muy importante por su riqueza geológica, económica, histórica, biológica y turística que la hace una joya natural no solo de Tamaulipas, sino de México

    A Resonant Ring Topology Approach to Power Line Communication Systems within Photovoltaic Plants

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    Within this study, single-cable propagation facilitated by PV strings’ wiring characteristics is considered for an adapted design of PLC electronics. We propose to close the communications signal path, resulting in a ring topology where a resonance condition could be implemented. A PLC topology using the resulting circular closed-loop path of a PV series string as its physical communication support is designed and leveraged for practical use. When the path length or the number of transceivers is changed, the resonance properties that come with the circular path as the physical support are affected but are shown to be preserved with the application of automatic adjustable tuning. This automatic tuning guarantees that the resonance improves propagation parameters and reverts the system to its optimal values at the chosen carrier frequency.This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag