96 research outputs found

    Descrição do girino de Agalychnis hulli (Anura: Hylidae)

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    Se recolectaron larvas en la Amazonia Ecuatoriana, las cuales permiten la descripción científica del renacuajo de Agalychnis hulli. El renacuajo es inusual entre los Phyllomedusinae y su morfología externa es más similar a las especies de Hylomantis que a otras especies de Agalychnis, lo que sugiere que la especie bien puede representar un vínculo evolutivo importante entre estos géneros. El renacuajo, que hasta la fecha no ha sido descrito, se puede distinguir de todos los demás renacuajos de Agalychnis por tener un disco oral (i) que se dirige anteroventralmente y se extiende a más de la mitad del ancho del cuerpo, (ii) que se modifica en una estructura corta en forma de embudo, (iii) y que está rodeado por una sola fila de papilas marginales.The collection of larval specimens from Amazonian Ecuador allows for the scientific description of the tadpole of Agalychnis hulli. The tadpole is unusual among Phyllomedusinae and its external morphology appears more similar to species of Hylomantis than other species of Agalychnis, suggesting the species may well represent an important evolutionary link between these genera. The tadpole, which to date has remained undescribed, can be distinguished from all other Agalychnis tadpoles in having an oral disc (i) that is directed anteroventrally and extends to more than half the width of the body, (ii) which is modified into a short funnel- shaped structure, (iii) and surrounded by a single row of marginal papillae.A coleta de espécimes larvais da Amazônia equatoriana permitem a descrição científica do girino de Agalychnis hulli. O girino é incomum entre os Phyllomedusinae e sua morfologia externa parece mais similar à das espécies de Hylomantis do que a de outras espécies de Agalychnis, sugerindo que essa espécie podem representar um importante elo evolutivo entre estes gêneros. O girino, que até hoje não havia sido descrito, pode ser distinguido de todos os outros girinos de Agalychnis por apresentar um disco oral (i) dirigido anteroventralmente e estendendos-e para mais da metade da largura do corpo, (ii) modificado em uma estrutura curta em forma de funil, e (iii) rodeado por uma única fileira de papilas marginais

    Description of the tadpole of Cochranella resplendens and redescription of the tadpole of Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum (Anura, Centrolenidae)

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    Se describe el renacuajo de Cochranella resplendens y se redescribe el de Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum, incluyendo información sobre su variación ontogénica. Cochranella resplendens se caracteriza por tener un aparato oral sin inflexión intramarginal y un supraquerostoma casi recto, aunque ligeramente arqueado en la mitad. Por otro lado, H. aureoguttatum tiene un aparato oral con inflexión intramarginal; presenta un característico supraquerostoma en forma de "M" y pocas papilas intramarginales (1-5) en el labio superior. Ninguna de las dos especies mostró una variación significativa en el aparato oral durante su desarrollo (excepto en los estadios Gosner 24 y 42 en C. resplendens y 23-24 en H. aureoguttatum). Los cambios ontogénicos más evidentes fueron en el tamaño y la coloración.Descrevemos o girino de Cochranella resplendens e redescrevemos o girino de Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum, incluindo informação sobre sua variação ontogenética. Cochranella resplendens caracteriza-se por apresentar um aparato oral sem inflexão intramarginal e a porção superior do bico córneo quase reta, ainda que ligeiramente arqueado na porção mediana. Por outro lado, H. aureoguttatum possui aparato oral com inflexão intramarginal e apresenta a porção superior do bico córneo característica, em forma de "M", e poucas papilas intramarginais (1-5) no lábio superior. Nenhuma das duas espécies mostrou uma variação significativa no aparato oral durante o desenvolvimento (exceto nos estágios 24 e 42 de Gosner em C. resplendens e 23-24 em H. aureoguttatum). As mudanças ontogenéticas mais evidentes estão relacionadas com o tamanho e a coloração.The tadpole of Cochranella resplendens is described and that of Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum is redescribed; information on their ontogenetic variation also is included. Cochranella resplendens is characterized by having a non-emarginated oral apparatus and an upper jaw sheath nearly straight with a smooth arch in the middle. Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum has an emarginated oral apparatus with a characteristic M-shaped upper jaw sheath and bears few (1-5) submarginal papillae on the upper labium. Although the two species show few changes in the oral apparatus during their development (except for changes in Gosner Stages 24 and 42 in C. resplendens and 23-24 in H. aureoguttatum), there are major ontogenetic changes in size and coloration

    Sensitive High-Frequency Hearing in Earless and Partially Eared Harlequin Frogs (Atelopus)

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    Harlequin frogs, genus Atelopus, communicate at high frequencies despite most species lacking a complete tympanic middle ear that facilitates high-frequency hearing in most anurans and other tetrapods. Here, we tested whether Atelopus are better at sensing high-frequency acoustic sound compared with other eared and earless species in the Bufonidae family, determined whether middle ear variation within Atelopus affects hearing sensitivity and tested potential hearing mechanisms in Atelopus. We determined that at high frequencies (2000–4000 Hz), Atelopus are 10–34 dB more sensitive than other earless bufonids but are relatively insensitive to mid-range frequencies (900–1500 Hz) compared with eared bufonids. Hearing among Atelopus species is fairly consistent, evidence that the partial middle ears present in a subset of Atelopus species do not convey a substantial hearing advantage. We further demonstrate that Atelopus hearing is probably not facilitated by vibration of the skin overlying the normal tympanic membrane region or the body lung wall, leaving the extratympanic hearing pathways in Atelopus enigmatic. Together, these results show Atelopus have sensitive high-frequency hearing without the aid of a tympanic middle ear and prompt further study of extratympanic hearing mechanisms in anurans

    Nuevos nematicidas: valoración de residuos de la producción semiindustrial de aceites esenciales

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    PublishedEste trabajo ha sido financiado por fondos de del MINECO al Proyecto CTQ2012-38219-C03-0

    Novel Kazal-type Protease inhibitors from the skin secretion of the Splendid leaf frog, Cruziohyla calcarifer

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    Peptidase inhibitors have an important role controlling a variety of biological processes. Here, we employed a peptidomic approach including molecular cloning, tandem mass spectrometry and enzymatic assays to reveal 7 Kazal-type proteinase inhibitors (CCKPs) (18 variants) in the skin secretion of the unexplored frog, Cruziohyla calcarifer. All 18 proteins shared the Kazal pattern C-X(7)-C-X(6,7)-C-X(6,7)-Y-X(3)-C-X(2)-C-X(15-21)-C and 3 disulphide bridges. Based on structural comparative analysis, we deemed trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity in CCKP-1, 4 and CCKP 2, 5, 7, respectively. These peptidase inhibitors presumably play a role to control the balance between other functional peptides produced in the amphibian skin secretions

    Left ventricular thrombus mimicking primary cardiac tumor in a patient with primary antiphospholipid syndrome and recurrent systemic embolism

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    Primary antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is a well-defined entity characterized by spontaneous and recurrent abortion, thrombocytopenia and recurrent vascular thromboses (arterial and venous). Left ventricular thrombus mimicking primary cardiac tumor with recurrent systemic embolism has not been previously reported. In this report we describe a 39 year-old man admitted to hospital presenting with left hemiparesis and a peripheral embolism. He had no history of thrombotic events. Transthoracic echocardiography showed a large, polypoid and mobile mass (4.0 × 1.2 cm) attached to the apex of the left ventricle, highly suggestive of primary cardiac tumor. The patient subsequently underwent open heart surgery. The histological examination showed an older thrombus and a fresh thrombus. Post-operative laboratory tests showed lupus anticoagulant activity, confirming the primary APS diagnosis. The patient initiated treatment with oral anticoagulation (INR levels between 2 and 3) and was discharged 29 days after surgery. At ten month follow-up, he was symptom-free with long-term anticoagulation therapy. No evidence of intracardiac mass recurrence on two-dimensional echocardiography was seen. Intracardiac thrombus has been rarely reported as a complication of primary APS. Left ventricular mass mimicking primary cardiac tumor with recurrent systemic embolism has not been previously reported. Pre-operative investigations could not distinguish such a thrombus from a cardiac tumor and the diagnosis was made post-operatively

    Aposematism increases acoustic diversification and speciation in poison frogs

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    Multimodal signals facilitate communication with conspecifics during courtship, but they can also alert eavesdropper predators. Hence, signallers face two pressures: enticing partners to mate and avoiding detection by enemies. Undefended organisms with limited escape abilities are expected to minimize predator recognition over mate attraction by limiting or modifying their signalling. Alternatively, organisms with anti-predator mechanisms such as aposematism (i.e. unprofitability signalled by warning cues) might elaborate mating signals as a consequence of reduced predation. We hypothesize that calls diversified in association with aposematism. To test this, we assembled a large acoustic signal database for a diurnal lineage of aposematic and cryptic/non-defended taxa, the poison frogs. First, we showed that aposematic and non-aposematic species share similar extinction rates, and aposematic lineages diversify more and rarely revert to the nonaposematic phenotype. We then characterized mating calls based on morphological (spectral), behavioural/physiological (temporal) and environmental traits. Of these, only spectral and temporal features were associated with aposematism. We propose that with the evolution of antipredator defences, reduced predation facilitated the diversification of vocal signals, which then became elaborated or showy via sexual selection. © 2014 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved

    Contrasting parental roles shape sex differences in poison frog space use but not navigational performance.

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    Sex differences in vertebrate spatial abilities are typically interpreted under the adaptive specialization hypothesis, which posits that male reproductive success is linked to larger home ranges and better navigational skills. The androgen spillover hypothesis counters that enhanced male spatial performance may be a byproduct of higher androgen levels. Animal groups that include species where females are expected to outperform males based on life-history traits are key for disentangling these hypotheses. We investigated the association between sex differences in reproductive strategies, spatial behavior, and androgen levels in three species of poison frogs. We tracked individuals in natural environments to show that contrasting parental sex roles shape sex differences in space use, where the sex performing parental duties shows wider-ranging movements. We then translocated frogs from their home areas to test their navigational performance and found that the caring sex outperformed the non-caring sex only in one out of three species. In addition, males across species displayed more explorative behavior than females and androgen levels correlated with explorative behavior and homing accuracy. Overall, we reveal that poison frog reproductive strategies shape movement patterns but not necessarily navigational performance. Together this work suggests that prevailing adaptive hypotheses provide an incomplete explanation of sex differences in spatial abilities

    Nueve jueces entran en diálogo con nueve hipótesis acerca de la prueba de los hechos en el contexto penal

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    This article formulates nine hypotheses concerning the proof of facts in criminal proceedings, which are analysed by nine judges of Chilean criminal Courts (Tribunal de Juicio Oral y de Garantía). Seven hypotheses aimed at describing different practices that take place in the courts and two of them concern how judges should act in certain hard cases. The matters are grouped in the following categories: a) scopes of the compromise that judges should have in order to operate with true stories as support of their decisions; b) difficulties that arise as consequence of the epistemic weakness of the evidence available in trials and the possible slants in their interpretation; c) requirements of the evaluation of the proof according to the sana crítica; and d) meaning that should have the standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt. In this way, a dialogue between the system of beliefs of judges and of jurists takes place