411 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lokasi dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Berbelanja pada Mini Market Sastra Mas Tabanan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) pengaruh lokasi secara parsial, 2) pengaruh harga secara parsial, 3) Pengaruh simultan lokasi dan harga terhadap keputusan berbelanja pada Mini Market Sastra Mas Tabanan. jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen Mini Market Sastra Mas, sedangkan Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruh lokasi dan harga terhadap Keputusan Berbelanja di Mini Market Sastra Mas Tabanan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis kuantitatif dengan menggunakan analisis uji asumsi klasik, dan uji statistik yaitu uji t, uji F, analisis regresi linier berganda dan analisis koefisien determinasi berganda dengan menggunakan bantuan program SPSS for windows 16.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial variabel lokasi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan berbelanja di mini market sastra mas tabanan sebesar 66,8%. Variabel harga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan berbelanja sebesar 59,1%. Pengaruh lokasi dan harga secara simultan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan berbelanja di mini market sastra mas tabanan sebesar 76,8%Kata Kunci : Harga, Lokasi, Keputusan Berbelanja This study aimed to find (1) the effect of partial location, (2) the effect of partial price, (3) Effect of simultaneous location and price to the decision to shop at the Mini Market Literature Mas Tabanan. subjects in this study consumer shop at the Mini Market Literatur Mas Tabanan, objects in the study effect of location and price to the decision to shop at the Mini Market Literature Mas. Collection method used was a questionnaire. Data analysis technicques quantitative analysisi, using analysis classical assumption test, and the test statistic is the t test, F test, multiple linear regression analysis and of multiple determination coefficient analysis using SPSS for windows 16.0. The results showed that in partial positive and significant impact location on the decision to shop at the Mini Market Literature Tabanan Mas for 66,8, Partially affect the price of 59,1% of the shopping decision. Influence of location and price simultaneously positive and significant effect on the decision to shop at the mini market literature tabanan mas of 76,8%keyword : Location, Price, Shopping Decision

    Analisis Saluran Pemasaran Usahatani Jeruk di Desa Kerta Kecamatan Payangan Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui saluran pemasaran usahatani jeruk di Desa kerta tahun 2013 dengan mengidentifikasi saluran pemasaran yang terbentuk, menghitung jumlah marjin pemasaran dan farmer share, serta menghitung efisiensi pemasaran pada masing-masing lembaga pemasaran. Data yang digunakan berupa data kulitatif dan kuantitatif, sedangkan berdasarkan sumbernya ada data primer dan data sekunder. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Data yang digunakan berupa data kulitatif dan kuantitatif, sedangkan berdasarkan sumbernya ada data primer dan data sekunder. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat lima pola saluran pemasaran jeruk di Desa Kerta yaitu: (1) pola saluran I: petanipedagang pengecerkonsumen, (2) pola saluran II: petanipedagang pengepulpedagang pengecerkonsumen, (3) pola saluran III: petanipedagang pengepulpasar Jawa (Jakarta), (4) pola saluran IV: petanipedagang pengepulpasar (Solo), (5) pola saluran V: petanipedagang pengepul pasar (Surabaya). Pola I memiliki jumlah marjin sebesar Rp.5.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 61,53%, pola II memiliki marjin sebesar Rp.8.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 42,85%, saluran III, IV dan saluran V memiliki margin yang sama yaitu sebesar Rp.7.500,00/kg dan untuk farmer share sebesar 48,27%. Tingkat efisiensi dari lembaga pemasaran belum efisien karena persentasenya >5%. Pada pola II untuk pedagang pengepul sebesar 14,71%, dan pada pola III, IV dan V sebesar 13,79%. Pada saluran I untuk pedagang pengecer sebesar 8,46%, sedangkan pada saluran II untuk pedagang pengecer sudah efisien dengan jumlah persentase 1,42%. Dilihat secara keseluruhan saluran I memiliki persentase paling kecil yaitu sebesar 8,46% dibandingkan saluran II sebesar 16,13%, dan saluran III, IV dan V masing-masing memiliki persentase sebesar 13,79% hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa saluran yang pendek lebih efisien dari saluran yang panjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat lima pola saluran pemasaran jeruk di Desa Kerta yaitu: (1) pola saluran I: petanipedagang pengecerkonsumen, (2) pola saluran II: petanipedagang pengepulpedagang pengecerkonsumen, (3) pola saluran III: petanipedagang pengepulpasar Jawa (Jakarta), (4) pola saluran IV: petanipedagang pengepulpasar (Solo), (5) pola saluran V: petanipedagang pengepul pasar (Surabaya). Pola I memiliki jumlah marjin sebesar Rp.5.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 61,53%, pola II memiliki marjin sebesar Rp.8.000,00/kg dan farmer share sebesar 42,85%, saluran III, IV dan saluran V memiliki margin yang sama yaitu sebesar Rp.7.500,00/kg dan untuk farmer share sebesar 48,27%. Tingkat efisiensi dari lembaga pemasaran belum efisien karena persentasenya >5%. Pada pola II untuk pedagang pengepul sebesar 14,71%, dan pada pola III, IV dan V sebesar 13,79%. Pada saluran I untuk pedagang pengecer sebesar 8,46%, sedangkan pada saluran II untuk pedagang pengecer sudah efisien dengan jumlah persentase 1,42%. Dilihat secara keseluruhan saluran I memiliki persentase paling kecil yaitu sebesar 8,46% dibandingkan saluran II sebesar 16,13%, dan saluran III, IV dan V masing-masing memiliki persentase sebesar 13,79% hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa saluran yang pendek lebih efisien dari saluran yang panjang. Kata Kunci : saluran pemasaran, efisiensi pemasaran This study aims to determine the marketing channel citrus farm in the village of Kerta in 2013 by identifying marketing channels are formed, calculate the amount of marketing margin and farmer share, and compute efficiency for each marketing agencies. Kata Kunci : saluran pemasaran, efisiensi pemasaran This study aims to determine the marketing channel citrus farm in the village of Kerta in 2013 by identifying marketing channels are formed, calculate the amount of marketing margin and farmer share, and compute efficiency for each marketing agencies. Subjects in this study is a citrus farmer, merchant collector, and retailers while becoming the object of this study is the citrus marketing channel, which assessed the level of efficiency of the marketing margin and farmer share. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. The data used in the form of data with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. Subjects in this study is a citrus farmer, merchant collector, and retailers while becoming the object of this study is the citrus marketing channel, which assessed the level of efficiency of the marketing margin and farmer share. Data were collected through interviews and documentation. The data used in the form of data with qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach. In 2013 the results showed that the pattern of orange marketing channels in Kerta village, there are five patterns of marketing channels, namely: (1) channel patterns I: Farmers Retailer Consumer, (2) channel Pattern II: Farmers Merchant Collectors Retailers Consumers, (3) channel pattern III: Farmers Merchant Collectors Market Java (Jakarta), (4) channel pattern IV: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Solo), (5) V channel patterns: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Surabaya). In channel pattern I the marketing margin is Rp. 5000.00/ kg and the farmer share is 61.53 %, channel II has a marketing margin of Rp. 8000.00/ kg and the farmer share of 42.85 %, in channels III, IV and V have the same amount of margin is Rp. 7,500.00/ kg and for the farmer share of 48.27 %. The level of efficiency of the marketing agency is not efficient because the percentage is >5 %. In the second channel for merchants collectors of 14.71 %, and the channel III, IV and V of 13.79 %. In the first channel to retailers by 8.46 %, while the second channel for retailers has been streamlined with the total percentage of 1.42 %. Viewed as a whole citrus marketing channel in the Village Kerta yet efficient. The most efficient marketing channel is the first channel that has the smallest percentage of the amount by 8.46 % as compared to the other channel is the channel II was 16.13 %, and the channel III, IV and V each have a percentage of 13.79%. This is to tell the short marketing channel more effecien than the long marketing channel. In 2013 the results showed that the pattern of orange marketing channels in Kerta village, there are five patterns of marketing channels, namely: (1) channel patterns I: Farmers Retailer Consumer, (2) channel Pattern II: Farmers Merchant Collectors Retailers Consumers, (3) channel pattern III: Farmers Merchant Collectors Market Java (Jakarta), (4) channel pattern IV: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Solo), (5) V channel patterns: Farmers Marchant Collectors Market (Surabaya). In channel pattern I the marketing margin is Rp. 5000.00/ kg and the farmer share is 61.53 %, channel II has a marketing margin of Rp. 8000.00/ kg and the farmer share of 42.85 %, in channels III, IV and V have the same amount of margin is Rp. 7,500.00/ kg and for the farmer share of 48.27 %. The level of efficiency of the marketing agency is not efficient because the percentage is >5 %. In the second channel for merchants collectors of 14.71 %, and the channel III, IV and V of 13.79 %. In the first channel to retailers by 8.46 %, while the second channel for retailers has been streamlined with the total percentage of 1.42 %. Viewed as a whole citrus marketing channel in the Village Kerta yet efficient. The most efficient marketing channel is the first channel that has the smallest percentage of the amount by 8.46 % as compared to the other channel is the channel II was 16.13 %, and the channel III, IV and V each have a percentage of 13.79%. This is to tell the short marketing channel more effecien than the long marketing channel. keyword : marketing channels, marketing efficiency keyword : marketing channels, marketing efficienc

    Identifikasi Mutasi Gen Rpob Pada Isolat Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Multidrug Resistant Dengan Metode Nested Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    The rpoB gene has been known to be a surrogate marker for detection of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB). Mutations of rpoB gene were associated with rifampicin (RMP) resistance occur in 81 bp region called Rifampin Resistance-Determining Region (RRDR). This study was aimed to determine the types of mutations and amino acid differences in isolates of M.tuberculosis MDR compared to M.tuberculosis H37Rv. Amplification of rpoB gene fragments was carried out using nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (nested PCR). Analysis of mutation using MEGA4 showed two amino acid changes namely, E418D and H526L. The type of mutations determined in isolate was missense mutations

    An improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling

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    Copyright @ Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2009This paper presents an improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling problems. The neural network is constructed based on the constraint conditions of a job-shop scheduling problem. Its structure and neuron connections can change adaptively according to the real-time constraint satisfaction situations that arise during the solving process. Several heuristics are also integrated within the neural network to enhance its convergence, accelerate its convergence, and improve the quality of the solutions produced. An experimental study based on a set of benchmark job-shop scheduling problems shows that the improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network outperforms the original constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network in terms of computational time and the quality of schedules it produces. The neural network approach is also experimentally validated to outperform three classical heuristic algorithms that are widely used as the basis of many state-of-the-art scheduling systems. Hence, it may also be used to construct advanced job-shop scheduling systems.This work was supported in part by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of UK under Grant EP/E060722/01 and in part by the National Nature Science Fundation of China under Grant 60821063 and National Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2009CB320601

    Differential Photoelectron Holography: A New Approach for Three-Dimensional Atomic Imaging

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    We propose differential holography as a method to overcome the long-standing forward-scattering problem in photoelectron holography and related techniques for the three-dimensional imaging of atoms. Atomic images reconstructed from experimental and theoretical Cu 3p holograms from Cu(001) demonstrate that this method suppresses strong forward-scattering effects so as to yield more accurate three-dimensional images of side- and back-scattering atoms.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 2 figure

    Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for resection of metastatic adenocarcinoma as an acceptable alternative

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    Adenocarcinomas commonly metastasize to the lungs and can be resected using open thoracotomy or video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). This study reviews metastatic resections in primary adenocarcinoma patients, using both thoracotomy and VATS. We aim to compare long-term prognoses to test the efficacy and viability of VATS. A retrospective review of primary adenocarcinoma patients who underwent resection of pulmonary metastases from 1990 to 2006 was carried out. Information was obtained by chart review. Endpoints analyzed were disease-free interval (DFI), survival time, and recurrence-free survival (RFS). In a total of 42 (16 male, 26 female; median age 58.5 years) primary adenocarcinoma patients, 21 patients underwent first pulmonary metastatic resection using VATS (7 male, 14 female; median age 57 years) and 21 using thoracotomy (9 male, 12 female; median age 59 years). Primary adenocarcinomas were mainly 27 colorectal (64%) and 11 breast (26%). Two VATS (10%) and three open patients (14%) had local recurrences of the original cancer. Median postoperative follow was 13.3 months [interquartile range (IQR) 4.5–32.8 months] for VATS and 36.9 months (IQR 19.3–48.6 months) after thoracotomy. Median DFI–1 was 22.3 months (IQR 13.5–40.6 months) for VATS patients and 35.6 months (IQR 26.7–61.3 months) for open patients. Second thoracic occurrences were noted in six VATS patients (median DFI–2 9.2 months), and in seven open patients (median DFI-2 21.5 months). Third thoracic occurrences were noted in one VATS patient (DFI-3 18.7 months) and in one thoracotomy patient (DFI-3 21.8 months). Odds ratio of recurrence showed 12.5% less chance of developing recurrence in VATS patients. Five-year RFS was 53% in VATS and 57% in thoracotomy patients. VATS has become a viable alternative to open thoracotomy for resection of pulmonary metastases. In cases of primary adenocarcinoma, VATS showed no increase in number of thoracic recurrences, and comparable RFS. Short-term follow-up is encouraging; long-term follow-up will be needed to confirm these results

    The road to recovery: conservation management for the critically endangered Bali myna shows signs of success

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    The Bali myna Leucopsar rothschildi has long suffered heavy trapping, leading to its near extinction in the wild and categorization as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Decades of conservation breeding, release of birds and post-release management at Bali Barat National Park have, until recently, failed to secure a viable wild population. However, over the past decade, population increases, expansion into new areas of the National Park and beyond, and successful breeding in both artificial and natural nest sites have occurred. These recent successes are associated with a change in approach by the National Park authority from concentrating efforts on the last refugium of the species (an area protected from trapping but with potentially suboptimal habitat) and towards the human-dominated landscapes around the main road through the National Park. Bali mynas tended to favour areas with extensive shorter grass cover and open canopies and to shun denser woodland. Anthropogenic landscapes such as farmland and plantations presumably mimic the original savannah habitat of the species, but nestbox provision has probably been crucial in these areas in the absence of natural cavities. A potential further factor in the increases in myna numbers and range has been a scheme involving local people in commercial breeding of the species, thereby reducing its market price, and working with communities to reduce trapping pressure. We encourage continuing operation of this management strategy inside the National Park and its further extension into adjacent tourist areas, which appear to have myna-friendly socio-ecological conditions