102 research outputs found

    Pharmacological correction of morphofunctional retinal injury using 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin in the experiment

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    The retinoprotective effect of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 on the models of hypertensive retinal angiopathy and hypertensive neuroretinopathy in Wistar rats was investigated in comparison with carbamylated darbepoetin and sulodexide. The study revealed angio- and neuroprotective activity of the 11-amino acid fragment of darbepoetin PRK-002 in correction of retinal injury formed on the background of hypertensio

    Дослідження морфофункціональних особливостей розвитку експериментальних металонефропатій = The study of morphofunctional features of the development of experimental metallonephropathy

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    Gozhenko A. I., Lugovskoy S. P., Samokhina N. A. Дослідження морфофункціональних особливостей розвитку експериментальних металонефропатій = The study of morphofunctional features of the development of experimental metallonephropathy. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):287-296. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50201http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3473 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 20.03.2016. Revised 17.04.2016. Accepted: 17.04.2016. ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ МОРФОФУНКЦІОНАЛЬНИХ ОСОБЛИВОСТЕЙ РОЗВИТКУ ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНИХ МЕТАЛОНЕФРОПАТІЙ  А. І. Гоженко, С. П. Луговський, Н. А. Самохіна  Державне підприємство «Український науково-дослідний інститутмедицини транспорту МОЗ України», м. Одеса, Украина РезюмеПроведені експериментальні дослідження щодо тривалого впливу солей кадмію, ртуті, свинцю в дозі 1/50 від DL50 на нирки показали, що важливим аспектом їх дії є зміна показників азотистого обміну, яка проявлялась підвищеним вмістом креатиніну, сечовини та сечової кислоти в сироватці крові, а також високим вмістом білку в сечі. Характерною ознакою ураження нирок є зниження швидкості клубочкової фільтрації, яка визначалась при дії всіх трьох досліджуваних нефротоксикантів: при дії Cd – зниження на 23,6 %, при дії Pb – на 22,1 %, при дії Hg – 28,9 %. Морфологічні дослідження дозволили встановити нові факти, щодо морфологічної характеристики токсичної дії неорганічних сполук Cd, Hg, Pb, які полягають у здатності металів викликати цитопатичну дію на окремі клітини структурних елементів нефрону. Провідним механізмом розвитку експериментальних металонефропатій є ураження епітелію проксимальних канальців нирок, яке зумовлено вибірковим порушенням клітинних мембран, мітохондрій і лізосом епітелію проксимальних канальців нефрону.Ключові слова: важкі метали, нирки, металонефропатії, креатинін, сечовина, білок, швидкість клубочкової фільтрації, гістологічне дослідження нирок, канальцевий апарат, епітеліоцити. THE STUDY OF MORPHOFUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL METALLONEPHROPATHY A. I. Gozhenko, S. P. Lugovskoy, N. A. Samokhina  Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Transport Medicine, Odessa SummaryEexperimental studies of prolonged exposure of cadmium salts, mercury, lead in the dose of from 1/50 DL50 on the kidney have shown that an important aspect of their actions is the change of indicators of nitrogen metabolism, which was manifested by increased creatinine, urea and uric acid in serum and high urine protein excretion. A characteristic feature of renal disease is the decline in glomerular filtration rate, which was defined when all three of the studied nephrotoxicants: under the Cd decrease by 23,6 %, under the action of Pb - 22,1 %, under the action of Hg – 28,9 %. Morphological studies revealed new facts concerning the morphological characteristics of toxic action of inorganic compounds of Cd, Hg, Pb, which lies in the ability of metals to cause cytopathic effect on individual cells of the structural elements of the nephron. The main mechanism for the development of experimental metallonephropathy is the damage to the epithelium of the proximal tubules of the kidneys, due to a selective disturbance of cellular membranes, mitochondria and lysosomes in the epithelium of the proximal tubules of the nephron.Key words: heavy metals, kidneys, metallonephropathy, creatinine, urea, protein, glomerular filtration rate, and histological examination of the kidneys, tubular apparatus, the epithelial cells. ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ МОРФОФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНЫХ ОСОБЕННОСТЕЙ РАЗВИТИЯ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНЫХ МЕТАЛЛОНЕФРОПАТИЙ  А. И. Гоженко, С. П. Луговской, Н. А. Самохина Украинский НДИ медицины транспорта, г.Одесса РезюмеПроведенные экспериментальные исследования длительного воздействия солей кадмия, ртути, свинца в дозе 1/50 DL50 на почки показали, что важным аспектом их действия является изменение показателей азотистого обмена, которое проявлялось повышенным содержанием креатинина, мочевины и мочевой кислоты в сыворотке крови, а также высоким содержанием белка в моче. Характерным признаком поражения почек является снижение скорости клубочковой фильтрации, которая определялась при действии всех трех исследуемых нефротоксикантов: при действии Cd – снижение на 23,6 %, при действии Pb – на 22,1 %, при действии Hg – 28,9 %. Морфологические исследования позволили установить новые факты, относительно морфологической характеристики токсического действия неорганических соединений Cd, Hg, Pb, которые заключаются в способности металлов вызывать цитопатическое действие на отдельные клетки структурных элементов нефрона. Ведущим механизмом развития экспериментальных металонефропатий является поражение эпителия проксимальных канальцев почек, которое обусловлено выборочным нарушением клеточных мембран, митохондрий и лизосом эпителия проксимальных канальцев нефрона.Ключевые слова: тяжелые металлы, почки, металлонефропатии, креатинин, мочевина, белок, скорость клубочковой фильтрации, гистологическое исследование почек, канальцевый аппарат, эпителиоциты

    Insularity as a core of ethnocultural identity (a comparative study of Great Britain and Japan)

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    The formation of cultural characteristics of a nation as well as the peculiarities of its worldview and ethnic psychology are largely influenced by the geographical factor which comprises the location of a country, its climate, the access or absence of access to seas, oceans, etc. One of relatively new terms in the Russian and foreign humanities is “insularity” which is understood as “isolated origin,” or “island location,” or “the island effect.” The notion of insularity is not only constituted by the fact of geographic isolation, but it also includes certain cultural, political, and ethnocultural features. The study aims to analyze the effect of the geographic insulation of Great Britain and Japan on the formation of island mentality and specific socio-cultural characteristics of these two island nations. The authors discuss the defining role of the geographical factor in the formation of the aforesaid characteristics of the British and the Japanese. The article particularly focuses on the study of national character traits typical of the two insular cultures. The study argues that the insular location of Great Britain and Japan as well as the climatic and natural conditions of these countries not only predetermined the specifics of human settlement and their economy but also shaped the mentality and worldviews of the people inhabiting the islands. The key factor in forming the national identity of both the British and the Japanese is the image of the Other, the image of the enemy. The distinction between the Self and the Other has underpinned a number of key national values. At the same time, the insular cultures of the UK and Japan display certain differences. Japan is a country with a distinct hierarchical social organization in which respect for older people and superiors is a key cultural characteristic. In contrast, the UK has a less hierarchical individualistic society. Furthermore, Japan is more conventional from the point of view of its cultural and religious institutions, norms and values. In its turn, the UK is more modern and possesses an ability to flexibly incorporate other cultural traits and new ideas. Finally, Japanese culture focuses more on collectivist practices whereas the UK being partly under the influence of European mentality is more oriented towards individualism and personal freedom

    Journal of Physics: conference Series

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    The convergent close-coupling calculations of e+-Li and e+-Na collisions are reported. The target is treated as one active electron interacting with an inert ion core. The positronium formation channels are taken into account explicitly utilizing both negative- and positive-energy Laguerre-based states. A large number of channels and high partial waves are used to ensure the convergence of the cross sections

    The influence of imidazoline receptor agonists on the ophthalmoscopic and morphometric parameters in retina in simulated retinal ischemia-reperfusion

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    An important task of experimental and clinical pharmacology and ophtalmology is to find highly effective drugs for correcting retinal ischemi

    Retinoprotective effect of 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-6-methylpyridine nicotinate

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    The purpose of the study is to pharmacologically evaluate the retinoprotective effect of 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-6-methylpyridine nicotinate in a rat model of retinal ischemia-reperfusio

    Correction of hypertensive retinal changes in rats with Semax

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    To evaluate the correction possibility of retinal injuries with Semax in a rat model of hypertensive neuroretinopath

    Identification of a new murine tumor necrosis factor receptor locus that contains two novel murine receptors for tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL).

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand and receptor superfamily members play critical roles in diverse developmental and pathological settings. In search for novel TNF superfamily members, we identified a murine chromosomal locus that contains three new TNF receptor-related genes. Sequence alignments suggest that the ligand binding regions of these murine TNF receptor homologues, mTNFRH1, -2 and -3, are most homologous to those of the tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptors. By using a number of in vitro ligand-receptor binding assays, we demonstrate that mTNFRH1 and -2, but not mTNFRH3, bind murine TRAIL, suggesting that they are indeed TRAIL receptors. This notion is further supported by our demonstration that both mTNFRH1:Fc and mTNFRH2:Fc fusion proteins inhibited mTRAIL-induced apoptosis of Jurkat cells. Unlike the only other known murine TRAIL receptor mTRAILR2, however, neither mTNFRH2 nor mTNFRH3 has a cytoplasmic region containing the well characterized death domain motif. Coupled with our observation that overexpression of mTNFRH1 and -2 in 293T cells neither induces apoptosis nor triggers NFkappaB activation, we propose that the mTnfrh1 and mTnfrh2 genes encode the first described murine decoy receptors for TRAIL, and we renamed them mDcTrailr1 and -r2, respectively. Interestingly, the overall sequence structures of mDcTRAILR1 and -R2 are quite distinct from those of the known human decoy TRAIL receptors, suggesting that the presence of TRAIL decoy receptors represents a more recent evolutionary event

    Інженерна методика визначення параметрів схеми заміщення п`єзоперетворювача

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    This article presents the simplify method of equivalent scheme piezoelectric transducer parameters finding and analyze accuracy of this methodПриведена упрощенная методика получения параметров эквивалентной схемы замещения пьезопреобразователя и анализ погрешности приведенной методикиНаведена спрощена методика отримання параметрів еквівалентної схеми заміщення п’єзоперетворювача та аналіз похибки наведеної методик

    Review of a new concept of glaucoma pathogenesis based on the glymphatic theory of cerebrospinal fluid circulation

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    Clinical evidence for the glymphatic system hypothesis: There is some clinical, including case-based, and epidemiological evidence for similarities between glaucomatous optic nerve/retinal injuries and AD, since both occur in the form of improper secretion of neurotoxic metabolites, and both are often diagnosed togethe