2,211 research outputs found

    Anesthesia for Plastic Surgery Procedures

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    Plastic surgery is currently more popular and available with increasing frequency throughout the world. Its advances are related to progress in anesthesiology. Nowadays, it is possible to operate patients with pathologies that previously did not allow this type of surgery. The developments in perioperative monitoring, pharmacology, prevention of complications, and the wide communication between patients and physicians, as well as the development of surgical units that facilitate a prompt programming and reduce the total costs, have resulted in a logarithmic growth of plastic and reconstructive surgery procedures. Local, regional, or general anesthesia, anesthetic monitoring, or conscious sedation is used routinely, allowing to manage patients as ambulatory or short stay. Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism remain the most frequent complications, followed by postoperative pain, nausea, and vomiting

    Exact monopole instantons and cosmological solutions in string theory from abelian dimensional reduction

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    We compute the exact string vacuum backgrounds corresponding to the non-compact coset theory SU(2,1)/SU(2)SU(2,1)/SU(2). The conformal field theory defined by the level k=4k= 4 results in a five dimensional singular solution that factorizes in an asymptotic region as the linear dilaton solution and a S3S^3 model. It presents two abelian compact isometries that allow to reinterpreting it from a four dimensional point of view as a stationary and magnetically charged space-time resembling in some aspects the Kerr-Newman solution of general relativity. The k=137k=\frac{13}{7} theory on the other hand describes a cosmological solution that interpolates between a singular phase at short times and a S1×S2S^1 \times S^2 universe after some planckian times.Comment: 18 pages, section 5 replaced by 5 and 6, references added; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A taxonomic and ecological review of Pseudocloeon glaucum (Agnew)(Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)

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    Pseudocloeon masai (Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty), P. nadineae (Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty) and P. quintum (Agnew) are junior subjective synonyms of P. glaucum (Agnew). Larvae of P. glaucum manifest a wide range of variation in mouthpart morphology, particularly with respect to the development of the distomedial process of segment 2 of the labial palps, body size, general body colour and abdominal colour pattern. Such variation is observed in different cohorts and populations, and explains why several names have been applied to the same species. Larvae of P. glaucum also have considerable ecological tolerance, accounting for the abundance and widespread distribution of the species in the Afrotropical Region. New records from Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia and Zimbabwe are provided


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    Administración y planeación general de la formación profesional

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    El texto presenta un esquema completo de toda la metodología que se utilizaba para programar la formación profesional en el SENA, con el propósito de dar los elementos, herramientas e ideas generales y específicas que permitieran lograr con éxito la labor del Instructor.The text presents a complete outline of all the methodology that was used to program vocational training at SENA, with the purpose of giving the general and specific elements, tools and ideas that would allow the Instructor's work to be successfully achieved.Introducción -- Objetivo general -- Administración de la Formación Profesional -- Planeación general de la Formación Profesional -- Etapa de planeación -- Etapa de programación -- Etapa de evaluaciónnaDocumento sin fecha, se aproxima fecha a la década39 página

    A non-paraphyletic classification of the afrotropical genus Acanthiops Waltz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae)

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    Acanthiops Waltz & McCafferty (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) is shown to be a monophyletic grouping defined by an anteromedially emarginate and laterally expanded and flattened pronotum in the larva. Attempts to restrict the concept of Acanthiops to Ac. marlieri (Demoulin) and re-erect Afroptiloides Gillies, syn. n., for Ac. elgonensis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, Ac. griffithsi Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, Ac. tsitsa Barber-James & McCafferty, Ac. variegatus (Gillies), Ac. varius (Crass) and Ac. zomba Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, are shown to be based on inconsistent and inadequate morphological features that result in a paraphyletic taxonomy. The unofficial separate treatment of Ac. cooperi (Gillies & Wuillot) and Ac. erepens (Gillies) under Platycloeon Gillies & Wuillot is also shown to be paraphyletic. Acanthiops faro Barber-James & McCafferty, sp. n., is described from larvae from Guinea, and is distinguished by the combination of a papillate projection on labial palp segment 2, small tubercles on terga 1-8 and abdominal colour pattern. Acanthiops io Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, sp. n., is described from larvae from the Democratic Republic of Congo, and is distinguished by the combination of a papillate projection on palp segment 2, elongate tubercles on terga 1-9 and abdominal colour pattern. The larva of Ac. erepens (Gillies) is redescribed to incorporate morphological features and variability previously not accounted for, and larvae originally assigned to Baetis cataractae Crass are shown to be equivalent to Ac. erepens. New locality data or emendations on locality data are provided for Ac. griffithsi, Ac. tsitsa Barber-James & McCafferty and Ac. varius (Crass)