87 research outputs found

    Gedehnte epitaktische Fe-Co-X-Schichten (X = B, C, N) mit erhöhter magnetischer Anisotropie

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    Theoretische Berechnungen sagen fĂŒr tetragonal gedehntes Fe-Co eine hohe magnetokristalline Anisotropie voraus, wie sie fĂŒr seltenerdfreie Dauermagnetwerkstoffe vorteilhaft wĂ€re. In dieser experimentellen Arbeit werden epitaktische Fe-Co-Schichten strukturell und magnetisch charakterisiert. Zur Untersuchung der Dehnung in diesen Schichten eignen sich AuxCu100-x-Pufferschichten besonders, da ĂŒber die Stöchiometrie (x) deren lateraler Gitterparameter eingestellt werden kann. Wird Fe-Co auf einer solchen Pufferschicht abgeschieden, erfolgt aufgrund dessen hoher elastischer Energie schon in den ersten Monolagen eine vollstĂ€ndige Relaxation der pufferinduzierten Dehnung. In ternĂ€ren Fe-Co-X-Schichten, in denen kleine X-Atome (X = B, C oder N) OktaederlĂŒcken besetzen, wird jedoch eine spontane tetragonale Dehnung c/a bis zu 1,05 beobachtet. Entlang der gedehnten c-Achse tritt eine uniaxiale magnetokristalline Anisotropie auf, die fĂŒr B- oder C-Zulegierungen von 2 at% eine maximale Anisotropiekonstante von 0,4 MJ/mÂł zeigt. Wird der X-Gehalt weiter erhöht, nehmen die KristallinitĂ€t der Schichten und die magnetische Anisotropie ab. Neben der magnetokristallinen Anisotropie des Schichtvolumens wird an den Fe-Co(-X)-Schichten eine hohe GrenzflĂ€chenanisotropie beobachtet. Der Beitrag der freien OberflĂ€che ĂŒbersteigt den der Au-Cu-GrenzflĂ€che dabei deutlich.Theoretical calculations predict a high magnetocrystalline anisotropy for tetragonally strained Fe-Co, which would be beneficial for rare-earth free permanent magnet materials. In this experimental work, epitaxial Fe-Co films are investigated structurally and magnetically. AuxCu100-x buffer layers are very suitable to study the strain in these films since their in-plane lattice parameter can be tailored via the applied stoichiometry (x). However, when Fe-Co is deposited on such a buffer layer, the induced strain of the Fe-Co lattice relaxes completely within the first monolayers, due to its high elastic energy. In ternary Fe-Co-X films, where small atoms X like B, C or N occupy octahedral interstitial sites, a spontaneous strain c/a up to 1.05 is observed. A uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy along the strained c axis appears. Their maximum anisotropy constant is 0.4 MJ/mÂł for B or C contents of 2 at%. If the X content is further increased, the crystallinity and thus, the magnetic anisotropy of the films degrade. Together with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the films’ volumes, a high interface anisotropy is observed for the Fe-Co(-X) films. The contribution of the free surface clearly exceeds the contribution of the Au-Cu interface

    Direct photonic coupling of a semiconductor quantum dot and a trapped ion.

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    Coupling individual quantum systems lies at the heart of building scalable quantum networks. Here, we report the first direct photonic coupling between a semiconductor quantum dot and a trapped ion and we demonstrate that single photons generated by a quantum dot controllably change the internal state of a Yb^{+} ion. We ameliorate the effect of the 60-fold mismatch of the radiative linewidths with coherent photon generation and a high-finesse fiber-based optical cavity enhancing the coupling between the single photon and the ion. The transfer of information presented here via the classical correlations between the σ_{z} projection of the quantum-dot spin and the internal state of the ion provides a promising step towards quantum-state transfer in a hybrid photonic network.We acknowledge support by the University of Cambridge, the Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung, EPSRC (EP/H005676/1), the European Research Council (Grant numbers 240335 and 617985), EU-FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Networks COMIQ and S3NANO.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available at http://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.123001

    Vascular surveillance by haptotactic blood platelets in inflammation and infection

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    Breakdown of vascular barriers is a major complication of inflammatory diseases. Anucleate platelets form blood-clots during thrombosis, but also play a crucial role in inflammation. While spatio-temporal dynamics of clot formation are well characterized, the cell-biological mechanisms of platelet recruitment to inflammatory micro-environments remain incompletely understood. Here we identify Arp2/3-dependent lamellipodia formation as a prominent morphological feature of immune-responsive platelets. Platelets use lamellipodia to scan for fibrin(ogen) deposited on the inflamed vasculature and to directionally spread, to polarize and to govern haptotactic migration along gradients of the adhesive ligand. Platelet-specific abrogation of Arp2/3 interferes with haptotactic repositioning of platelets to microlesions, thus impairing vascular sealing and provoking inflammatory microbleeding. During infection, haptotaxis promotes capture of bacteria and prevents hematogenic dissemination, rendering platelets gate-keepers of the inflamed microvasculature. Consequently, these findings identify haptotaxis as a key effector function of immune-responsive platelets

    PrĂĄcticas de quĂ­mica orgĂĄnica

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    Gedehnte epitaktische Fe-Co-X-Schichten (X = B, C, N) mit erhöhter magnetischer Anisotropie

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    Theoretische Berechnungen sagen fĂŒr tetragonal gedehntes Fe-Co eine hohe magnetokristalline Anisotropie voraus, wie sie fĂŒr seltenerdfreie Dauermagnetwerkstoffe vorteilhaft wĂ€re. In dieser experimentellen Arbeit werden epitaktische Fe-Co-Schichten strukturell und magnetisch charakterisiert. Zur Untersuchung der Dehnung in diesen Schichten eignen sich AuxCu100-x-Pufferschichten besonders, da ĂŒber die Stöchiometrie (x) deren lateraler Gitterparameter eingestellt werden kann. Wird Fe-Co auf einer solchen Pufferschicht abgeschieden, erfolgt aufgrund dessen hoher elastischer Energie schon in den ersten Monolagen eine vollstĂ€ndige Relaxation der pufferinduzierten Dehnung. In ternĂ€ren Fe-Co-X-Schichten, in denen kleine X-Atome (X = B, C oder N) OktaederlĂŒcken besetzen, wird jedoch eine spontane tetragonale Dehnung c/a bis zu 1,05 beobachtet. Entlang der gedehnten c-Achse tritt eine uniaxiale magnetokristalline Anisotropie auf, die fĂŒr B- oder C-Zulegierungen von 2 at% eine maximale Anisotropiekonstante von 0,4 MJ/mÂł zeigt. Wird der X-Gehalt weiter erhöht, nehmen die KristallinitĂ€t der Schichten und die magnetische Anisotropie ab. Neben der magnetokristallinen Anisotropie des Schichtvolumens wird an den Fe-Co(-X)-Schichten eine hohe GrenzflĂ€chenanisotropie beobachtet. Der Beitrag der freien OberflĂ€che ĂŒbersteigt den der Au-Cu-GrenzflĂ€che dabei deutlich.Theoretical calculations predict a high magnetocrystalline anisotropy for tetragonally strained Fe-Co, which would be beneficial for rare-earth free permanent magnet materials. In this experimental work, epitaxial Fe-Co films are investigated structurally and magnetically. AuxCu100-x buffer layers are very suitable to study the strain in these films since their in-plane lattice parameter can be tailored via the applied stoichiometry (x). However, when Fe-Co is deposited on such a buffer layer, the induced strain of the Fe-Co lattice relaxes completely within the first monolayers, due to its high elastic energy. In ternary Fe-Co-X films, where small atoms X like B, C or N occupy octahedral interstitial sites, a spontaneous strain c/a up to 1.05 is observed. A uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy along the strained c axis appears. Their maximum anisotropy constant is 0.4 MJ/mÂł for B or C contents of 2 at%. If the X content is further increased, the crystallinity and thus, the magnetic anisotropy of the films degrade. Together with the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the films’ volumes, a high interface anisotropy is observed for the Fe-Co(-X) films. The contribution of the free surface clearly exceeds the contribution of the Au-Cu interface

    ïżœber die Farbstoffe der schwarzen Holunderbeere

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    ïżœber die Biosynthese des ?-Carotins

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