2,518 research outputs found

    Incentive Compatibility and Differentiability: New Results and Classic Applications

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    This note provides several generalizations of Mailath's (1987) result that incentive compatibility plus separation implies differentiability. The new results extend the theory to classic models in finance such as Leland and Pyle (1977), Glosten (1989), and De Marzo and Duffie (1999), that were not previously covered.Adverse selection, separation, differentiable strategies, incentive-compatibility

    Flight Test and Evaluation of a Low-Cost, Compact, and Reconfigurable Airborne Data Acquisition System Based on Commercial Off-The-Shelf Hardware

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    Digitization of physical parameters for the display and recording by computers is the essential aspect of any airborne data acquisition system. The objective of this thesis was to develop a data acquisition system for General Aviation research and certification flight testing based on a low-cost Commercial Off-The- Shelf (COTS) hardware, in particular, a common glass cockpit system for experimental aircraft. A kneeboard computer was used to monitor data communications between the various devices of the Grand Rapids Technology (GRT) Electronic Flight Information System (EFIS). The monitored data was then displayed for use in-flight, and recorded aboard the aircraft for post-flight data reduction. The developed system and software was tested in simulation on virtual and actual hardware, on an Extra 300 in ground testing, and in flight. An in flight air-data calibration and several common stability and control certification test points were flown to evaluate and demonstrate the usefulness of the system. Special consideration was paid to work flow prior to, during, and after the flight with the overall goal of reducing the time required for data reduction. The output of this research work includes software for decoding data files logged on one common low-cost EFIS, software for monitoring, displaying, and recording EFIS data on a kneeboard computer in-flight, and tools for managing and viewing data files after the flight. From this research work, it is concluded that commercially available EFIS systems do in fact provide a core data set which is useful in flight research and flight test certification programs. The 15 Hz sampling rate of the GRT system was more than sufficient for all the test points evaluated as a part of this research. The cost of the tested hardware was less than $10,000 at current pricing (2009). The resultant system is compact, adds little weight to a test aircraft, has few interfaces to aircraft systems, and allows for future growth and the incorporation of new sensor types and interfaces. The addition of a flight test air-data boom with angle of attack and sideslip vanes and control position and force sensors would create a very complete data acquisition package without the expense of purpose designed hardware

    Radiation Observations with Satellite 1958 Alpha Explorer I

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    On 1 February 1958 at 0348 U.T. earth satellite 1958 Alpha (Explorer I) was launched from Cape Canaveral. This satellite contained a Geiger Muller tube for the measurement of the flux of energetic charged particles, and detectors for determining the micrometeorite flux and satellite temperature (see Figure 1), The high power transmitter and its associated instrumentation operated until partial exhaustion of the transmitter batteries on 12 February 1958. The transmitter reappeared briefly on 24 February, The low power system operated properly until about 0700 U,T, on 16 March, at which time the batteries powering the G.M. tube circuits became exhausted. During the operating time a large amount of data was recorded by a network of seventeen receiving stations. A sampling of early recordings was reduced and analyzed as they arrived from the receiving stations. These data, in conjunction with data from the first few orbits of 1958 Gamma (Explorer III), resulted in the announcement on 1 May 1958 of the region of high intensity radiation surrounding the earth (Van Allen, 1958), The detailed, complete reduction of the 1958 Alpha data has now been completed, This paper is a tabulation of all the data received from this satellite. It consists primarily of two parts. The first part is the master recording log on which are listed all recordings of the satellite signals obtained by the receiving station network. The actual data tabulation is contained in part two

    Signal Conditioning for Satellite Borne Energetic-Charged-Particle Experiments

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    Many of the spacecraft launched thus far have carried detectors for investigating cosmic rays, solar protons, solar plasmas, and the geomagnetically trapped radiation. These detectors, which will find continued application in the future, include ion chambers; proportional, Geiger-Muller, scintillation, Cerenkov, and solid state detectors; ion collectors; and nuclear emulsions. The instrumentation required to condition the signals from these detectors prior to telemetering is steadily growing more complex in order to permit more meaningful measurements. This report describes a number of instrumentation elements typical of the present state of the art, and a present-generation three-detector system which illustrates the integration of such basic elements into a complex system

    Incentive Compatibility and Differentiability New Results and Classic Applications

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    We provide several generalizations of Mailath's (1987) result that in games of asymmetric information with a continuum of types incentive compatibility plus separation implies differentiability of the informed agent's strategy. The new results extend the theory to classic models in finance such as Leland and Pyle (1977), Glosten (1989), and DeMarzo and Duffie (1999), that were not previously covered


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    ABSTRAKPengawasan adalah suatu upaya yang sistematik untuk menetapkan kinerja standar pada perencanaan untuk merancang sistem umpan balik informasi, untuk membandingkan kinerja aktual dengan standar yang telah ditentukan, untuk menetapkan apakah telah terjadi suatu penyimpangan tersebut, serta untuk mengambil tindakan perbaikan yang diperlukan untuk menjamin bahwa semua sumber daya telah digunakan seefektif dan seefisien mungkin guna mencapai tujuan instansi pemerintah. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengawasan keuangan daerah antara lain kompetensi, independensi dan motivasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompetensi, independensi dan motivasi terhadap kualitas pengawasan keuangan baik secara parsial maupun simultan. .Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial Kompetensi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kualitas Pengawasan Keuangan Pada Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Sulut, secara parsial Independensi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kualitas Pengawasan Keuangan Pada Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Sulut, secara parsial Motivasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kualitas Pengawasan Keuangan Pada Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Sulut dan secara simultan Kompetensi, Independensi dan Motivasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Kualitas Pengawasan Keuangan Pada Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi Sulut. Kata kunci : kualitas pengawasan keuangan, kompetensi, independensi, motivasiABSTRACTSupervision is a systematic attempt in order to establish the default performance of  a predetermined plan to design feedback of information system, to compare the actual performance to the default standard, in order to know whether there has been a deviation, as well to take a repair action which needed to ensure that all the resources of the fund have been used effectively and efficiently in accomplishing government goals. Factors that may affect the regional financial supervision are Competences, Independences and Motivation. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Competence, Independence and Motivation toward the Quality of Regional Financial Supervision either partially or simultaneously. The results of this research showed that partially, Competence and Motivation have no significant influence to the Quality of Financial Supervision at Dinas Pariwisata of North Sulawesi province, while partially in Independence variable, it has a significant influence to the Quality of Financial Supervision at Dinas Pariwisata of North Sulawesi Province. Simultaneously, Competence, Independence and Motivation are significantly influence the Quality of Financial Supervision at Dinas Pariwisata of North Sulawesi Province. Keywords: financial supervision quality, competence, independence, motivation

    Evaluation of the posting directive

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    This issue of CLR-News is fully devoted to a (first) evaluation of the Posting of Workers Directive. Mijke Houwerzijl (Tilburg University) investigated the transposition into national law in various member states. In her contribution she takes a critical position with regard to some judgments of the European Court of Justice. Jan Cremers criticizes the weak and marginal way in which the services of the European Commission have evaluated the transposition of the directive. The opening up of the services market also had some unintended side effects (risk of social dumping, distortion of competition, regime shopping)

    Evaluating spectral indices for winter wheat health status monitoring in Bloemfontein using Lsat 8 data

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    Monitoring wheat growth under different weather and ecological conditions is vital for a reliable supply of wheat yield estimations. Remote sensing techniques have been applied in the agricultural sector for monitoring crop biophysical properties and predicting crop yields. This study explored the application of Land Surface Temperature (LST)-vegetation index relationships for winter wheat in order to determine indices that are sensitive to changes in the wheat health status. The indices were derived from Landsat 8 scenes over the wheat growing area across Bloemfontein, South Africa. The vegetation abundance indices evaluated were the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Green Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI). The moisture indices evaluated were the Normalised Difference Water Index (NDWI) and the Normalised Difference Moisture Index (NDMI). The results demonstrated that LST exhibited an opposing trend with the vegetation abundance indices and an analogous trend with the moisture indices. Furthermore, NDVI proved to be a better index for winter wheat abundance as compared to the GNDVI. The NDWI proved to be a better index for determining water stress in winter wheat as compared to the NDMI. These results indicate that NDVI and NDWI are very sensitive to LST. These indices can be comprehensive indicators for winter wheat health status. These pilot results prove that LST-vegetation index relationships can be used for agricultural applications with a high level of accuracy
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