106 research outputs found

    Functionalized AFM probes for force spectroscopy: eigenmodes shape and stiffness calibration through thermal noise measurements

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    The functionalization of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) cantilever with a colloidal bead is a widely used technique when the geometry between the probe and the sample must be controlled, particularly in force spectroscopy. But some questions remain: how does a bead glued at the end of a cantilever influence its mechanical response ? And more important for quantitative measurements, can we still determine the stiffness of the AFM probe with traditional techniques? In this article, the influence of a colloidal mass loading on the eigenmodes shape and resonant frequency is investigated by measuring the thermal noise on rectangular AFM microcantilevers with and without a bead attached at their extremities. The experiments are performed with a home-made ultra-sensitive AFM, based on differential interferometry. The focused beam from the interferometer probes the cantilever at different positions and the spatial shapes of the modes are determined up to the fifth resonance, without external excitation. The results clearly demonstrate that the first eigenmode almost doesn't change by mass loading. However the oscillation behavior of higher resonances present a marked difference: with a particle glued at its extremity, the nodes of the mode are displaced towards the free end of the cantilever. These results are compared to an analytical model taking into account the mass and the inertial moment of the load in an Euler-Bernoulli framework, where the normalization of the eigenmodes is explicitly worked out in order to allow a quantitative prediction of the thermal noise amplitude of each mode. A good agreement between the experimental results and the analytical model is demonstrated, allowing a clean calibration of the probe stiffness

    Adhesion energy of single wall carbon nanotube loops on various substrates

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    The physics of adhesion of one-dimensional nano structures such as nanotubes, nano wires, and biopolymers on different material substrates is of great interest for the study of biological adhesion and the development of nano electronics and nano mechanics. In this paper, we present force spectroscopy experiments of a single wall carbon nanotube loop using our home-made interferometric atomic force microscope. Characteristic force plateaux during the peeling process allows us to access to quantitative values of the adhesion energy per unit length on various substrates: graphite, mica, platinum, gold and silicon. By combining a time-frequency analysis of the deflexion of the cantilever, we access to the dynamic stiffness of the contact, providing more information on the nanotube configurations and its intrinsic mechanical properties

    Logical and thermodynamical reversibility: optimized experimental implementation of the NOT operation

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    The NOT operation is a reversible transformation acting on a 1-bit logical state, and should be achievable in a physically reversible manner at no energetic cost. We experimentally demonstrate a bit-flip protocol based on the momentum of an underdamped oscillator confined in a double well potential. The protocol is designed to be reversible in the ideal dissipationless case, and the thermodynamic work required is inversely proportional to the quality factor of the system. Our implementation demonstrates an energy dissipation significantly lower than the minimal cost of information processing in logically irreversible operations. It is moreover performed at high speed: a fully equilibrated final state is reached in only half a period of the oscillator. The results are supported by an analytical model that takes into account the presence of irreversibility. The Letter concludes with a discussion of optimization strategies

    Resonance frequency shift of strongly heated micro-cantilevers

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    In optical detection setups to measure the deflection of micro-cantilevers, part of the sensing light is absorbed, heating the mechanical probe. We present experimental evidences of a frequency shift of the resonant modes of a cantilever when the light power of the optical measurement set-up is increased. This frequency shift is a signature of the temperature rise, and presents a dependence on the mode number. An analytical model is derived to take into account the temperature profile along the cantilever, it shows that the frequency shifts are given by an average of the profile weighted by the local curvature for each resonant mode. We apply this framework to measurements in vacuum and demonstrate that huge temperatures can be reached with moderate light intensities: a thousand {\textdegree}C with little more than 10 mW. We finally present some insight into the physical phenomena when the cantilever is in air instead of vacuum

    High Resolution Viscosity Measurement by Thermal Noise Detection

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    An interferometric method is implemented in order to accurately assess the thermal fluctuations of a micro-cantilever sensor in liquid environments. The power spectrum density (PSD) of thermal fluctuations together with Sader's model of the cantilever allow for the indirect measurement of the liquid viscosity with good accuracy. The good quality of the deflection signal and the characteristic low noise of the instrument allow for the detection and corrections of drawbacks due to both the cantilever shape irregularities and the uncertainties on the position of the laser spot at the fluctuating end of the cantilever. Variation of viscosity below 0.03 mPa⋅\cdots was detected with the alternative to achieve measurements with a volume as low as 50 ÎŒ\muL.Comment: Sensors, MDPI, 201

    Direct measurement of spatial modes of a micro-cantilever from thermal noise

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    International audienceMeasurements of the deflection induced by thermal noise have been performed on a rectangular atomic force microscope cantilever in air. The detection method, based on polarization interferometry, can achieve a resolution of 1E-14 m/rtHz in the frequency range 1 kHz – 800 kHz. The focused beam from the interferometer probes the cantilever at different positions along its length and the spatial modes' shapes are determined up to the fourth resonance, without external excitation. Results are in good agreement with theoretically expected behavior. From this analysis accurate determination of the elastic constant of the cantilever is also achieved

    Reliability and operation cost of underdamped memories during cyclic erasures

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    The reliability of fast repeated erasures is studied experimentally and theoretically in a 1-bit underdamped memory. The bit is encoded by the position of a micro-mechanical oscillator whose motion is confined in a double well potential. To contain the energetic cost of fast erasures, we use a resonator with high quality factor QQ: the erasure work W\mathcal{W} is close to Landauer's bound, even at high speed. The drawback is the rise of the system's temperature TT due to a weak coupling to the environment. Repeated erasures without letting the memory thermalize between operations result in a continuous warming, potentially leading to a thermal noise overcoming the barrier between the potential wells. In such case, the reset operation can fail to reach the targeted logical state. The reliability is characterized by the success rate RisR^{\textrm{s}}_i after ii successive operations. W\mathcal{W}, TT and RisR^{\textrm{s}}_i are studied experimentally as a function of the erasure speed. Above a velocity threshold, TT soars while RisR^{\textrm{s}}_i collapses: the reliability of too fast erasures is low. These experimental results are fully justified by two complementary models. We demonstrate that Q≃10Q\simeq 10 is optimal to contain energetic costs and maintain high reliability standards for repeated erasures at any speed

    Thermal noise calibration of functionalized cantilevers for force microscopy: effects of the colloidal probe position

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    Colloidal probes are often used in force microscopy when the geometry of the tip-sample interaction should be well controlled. Their calibration requires the understanding of their mechanical response, which is very sensitive to the details of the force sensor consisting of a cantilever and the attached colloid. We present analytical models to describe the dynamics of the cantilever and its load positioned anywhere along its length. The thermal noise calibration of such probes is then studied from a practical point of view, leading to correction coefficients that can be applied in standard force microscope calibration routines. Experimental measurements of resonance frequencies and thermal noise profiles of raw and loaded cantilevers demonstrate the validity of the approach

    Simultaneous and accurate measurement of the dielectric constant at many frequencies spanning a wide range

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    We present an innovative technique which allows the simultaneous measurement of the dielectric constant of a material at many frequencies, spanning a four orders of magnitude range chosen between 10 --2 Hz and 10 4 Hz. The sensitivity and accuracy are comparable to those obtained using standard single frequency techniques. The technique is based on three new and simple features: a) the precise real time correction of the amplication of a current amplier; b) the specic shape of the excitation signal and its frequency spectrum; and c) the precise synchronization between the generation of the excitation signal and the acquisition of the dielectric response signal. This technique is useful in the case of relatively fast dynamical measurements when the knowledge of the time evolution of the dielectric constant is needed
