10 research outputs found

    Change management: a case study in the republic of Moldova through the prism of business efficiency

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    Organizational culture in the current conditions has become a well-known and deeply developed phenomenon by international companies, including those in the Republic of Moldova. Despite the fact that our country has been independent for 29 years and in conditions of developing the market economy, we managed to have good practices in the managerial field, including in terms of organization. Organizational culture in terms of organizational change is a current topic, with a precedent in companies, international corporations, which led the researcher to an analysis of national experience in the efficient management of a local enterprise. The fact that in recent years the Republic of Moldova has known good performances in the theoretical substantiation of management has left a rather convincing and applicable imprint in the practice of national companies. Among the entities with developed organizational culture are identified primarily those in the banking field. In this context, the author managed to present in this article a practical study on the analysis of organizational culture in the context of change management with effects of managerial and administrative efficiency. This entity continues to be one of the largest and most representative commercial banks in the Republic of Moldova, including highlighted by the particular and efficient organizational culture

    Почечные нарушенения у пациентов с сердечной недостаточностью

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    USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, IMSP SCM Sfânta Treime, Conferinţa consacrată aniversării celor 40 de ani de la fondarea SCM Sfânta Treime 17 iunie 2016 Chișinău, Republica MoldovaThe aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of the renal function worsening in heart failure patients. The study included 54 consecutive heart failure patients (EF≤50%) hospitalized at “Sfanta Treime” Municipal Hospital, in the period 1.01.2014-31.12.2014. Patients with acute heart failure were excluded. The study sample was divided into patients with decreased glomerular filtration rate (DGFR) and those with preserved glomerular filtration rate (PGFR). Out of 54 patients, the initial group, 18 (33.33%) had impaired GFR – 46.11 ml/min/1.73 m2 (p <0.001) and în 85% of cases was registered proteinuria 0.14g/l. Age average was 64.87±1.49 years în general group and 70.33±2.27 years în the renal impairment group. Although, în the general group 69% were men, in DGFR group 61% were women. The serum creatinine average level was 96.45±3.33 mcmol/l in general group, 120±4.12 mcmol/l in the DGFR group. We registered a left ventricular ejection fraction of 40.34±0.94% in the general group, 41.67±1.45% and 39.69±1.78% in those with impaired and preserved GFR, respectively. The results confirm that the prevalence of renal changes is high among heart failure patients.Целью исследования являлось определение распространенности почечных нарушений у пациентов с сердечной недостаточностью. В исследование были включены 54 пациента с сердечной недостаточностью, с фракцией выброса (ФВ) <50%, госпитализированных в городскую больницу «Sfânta Treime», отделение кардиологии в период 1.01.2014 – 31.12.2014. Пациенты с острой сердечной недостаточностью были исключены. Исследуемая группа была разделена на пациентов сo сниженной скоростью клубочковой фильтрации (СКФ ≤60 мл/мин) и пациентов c сохраненной СКФ. Из 54 пациентов исследуемой группы у 18 (33,33%) была снижена СКФ (46.11 мл/мин/1,73 м2, р<0,001), и в 85% случаев была выявлена протеинурия (0,14 г/л). Средний возраст пациентов составлял 64.87±1.49 лет в общей группе и 70.33±2.37 лет в группе с поражениями почек. Хотя в общей группе преобладали мужчины (69%), в группе со снижением СКФ преобладали женщины (61%). Уровень креатинина в крови в среднем составлял 96.45±3,33 мкмоль/л в общей группе, 120±4.12 мкмоль/л в группе со сниженной СКФ. ФВ левого желудочка в среднем составляла 40.34±0.94% в общей группе, 41.67±1.45% и 39.69±1.78% в группе со сниженной СКФ и сохраненной, соответственно. Результаты исследования доказывают, что распространенность почечных нарушенений при сердечной недостаточности достаточно высока

    Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort.

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    It remains unclear whether causal, rather than merely correlational, relationships in molecular networks can be inferred in complex biological settings. Here we describe the HPN-DREAM network inference challenge, which focused on learning causal influences in signaling networks. We used phosphoprotein data from cancer cell lines as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model. Using the phosphoprotein data, we scored more than 2,000 networks submitted by challenge participants. The networks spanned 32 biological contexts and were scored in terms of causal validity with respect to unseen interventional data. A number of approaches were effective, and incorporating known biology was generally advantageous. Additional sub-challenges considered time-course prediction and visualization. Our results suggest that learning causal relationships may be feasible in complex settings such as disease states. Furthermore, our scoring approach provides a practical way to empirically assess inferred molecular networks in a causal sense

    Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort

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    Inferring molecular networks is a central challenge in computational biology. However, it has remained unclear whether causal, rather than merely correlational, relationships can be effectively inferred in complex biological settings. Here we describe the HPN-DREAM network inference challenge that focused on learning causal influences in signaling networks. We used phosphoprotein data from cancer cell lines as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model. Using the phosphoprotein data, we scored more than 2,000 networks submitted by challenge participants. The networks spanned 32 biological contexts and were scored in terms of causal validity with respect to unseen interventional data. A number of approaches were effective and incorporating known biology was generally advantageous. Additional sub-challenges considered time-course prediction and visualization. Our results constitute the most comprehensive assessment of causal network inference in a mammalian setting carried out to date and suggest that learning causal relationships may be feasible in complex settings such as disease states. Furthermore, our scoring approach provides a practical way to empirically assess the causal validity of inferred molecular networks

    Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort

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    It remains unclear whether causal, rather than merely correlational, relationships in molecular networks can be inferred in complex biological settings. Here we describe the HPN-DREAM network inference challenge, which focused on learning causal influences in signaling networks. We used phosphoprotein data from cancer cell lines as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model. Using the phosphoprotein data, we scored more than 2,000 networks submitted by challenge participants. The networks spanned 32 biological contexts and were scored in terms of causal validity with respect to unseen interventional data. A number of approaches were effective, and incorporating known biology was generally advantageous. Additional sub-challenges considered time-course prediction and visualization. Our results suggest that learning causal relationships may be feasible in complex settings such as disease states. Furthermore, our scoring approach provides a practical way to empirically assess inferred molecular networks in a causal sense

    The Effect of the Adsorbent Primix-Alfasorb on the Morphological and Biochemical Blood Parameters of Breeding Gilts

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    The studies were conducted at the state enterprise “Moldsuinhibrid” (Republic Moldova) in 2011 using piglets of Landrace breed. The animals selected for the experiment on the basis of analogues (including origin, age, body weight and health status) were divided into four groups of 10 animals each. The basic diet for the piglets in the experimental groups was supplemented with the adsorbent Primix-Alfasorb at the level of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 kg per ton of mixed fodder. It was established that the addition of the adsorbent Primix-Alfasorb in the mixed fodder had contributed to the increase in body weight in different age periods; to the end of the trial the live weight of the piglets in groups EG1, EG2 and EG3 was higher by 8.72, 5.83, and 7.93 % compared with the control group. The analysis of the blood of the experimental animals the diet of which was supplemented with the adsorbent Primix-Alfasorb, showed that all parameters were within the physiological norm, and the increase in the amount of total protein indicated a strengthening of the metabolic processes in the animals. It was determined that the optimum level of the addition of the adsorbent Primix-Alfasorb in the mixed fodder for piglets was of 0.2 kg/t

    Chemical composition and nutritive value of the feed used in dairy cow feeding in the Republic of Moldova

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    Information on nutritive value of locally available feed ingredients is scarce, therefore the study conducted in the laboratory of the Department “General Animal Husbandry” of the State Agrarian University of Moldova, was aimed at determining the chemical composition and nutrient content of various feeds and fodder species commonly used in the diets of dairy cow sraised in the University farm. Fodder samples, proceeding from different agricultural and ecological zones of the Republic of Moldova, were analyzed for their content of total moisture, dry matter, crude protein, fat, fiber, ash and NFE quantity and the data were compared with those available in the specialized literature. The comparative analysis showed differences in the content of a number of nutrients and large fluctuations were observed in terms of the level of oat nutrition units, energetic nutrition units and metabolizable energy contentin comparison with the data contained in normative references and used in the calculation of the nutritional value of feed and diets

    Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort

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    It remains unclear whether causal, rather than merely correlational, relationships in molecular networks can be inferred in complex biological settings. Here we describe the HPN-DREAM network inference challenge, which focused on learning causal influences in signaling networks. We used phosphoprotein data from cancer cell lines as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model. Using the phosphoprotein data, we scored more than 2,000 networks submitted by challenge participants. The networks spanned 32 biological contexts and were scored in terms of causal validity with respect to unseen interventional data. A number of approaches were effective, and incorporating known biology was generally advantageous. Additional sub-challenges considered time-course prediction and visualization. Our results suggest that learning causal relationships may be feasible in complex settings such as disease states. Furthermore, our scoring approach provides a practical way to empirically assess inferred molecular networks in a causal sense

    Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort

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    It remains unclear whether causal, rather than merely correlational, relationships in molecular networks can be inferred in complex biological settings. Here we describe the HPN-DREAM network inference challenge, which focused on learning causal influences in signaling networks. We used phosphoprotein data from cancer cell lines as well as in silico data from a nonlinear dynamical model. Using the phosphoprotein data, we scored more than 2,000 networks submitted by challenge participants. The networks spanned 32 biological contexts and were scored in terms of causal validity with respect to unseen interventional data. A number of approaches were effective, and incorporating known biology was generally advantageous. Additional sub-challenges considered time-course prediction and visualization. Our results suggest that learning causal relationships may be feasible in complex settings such as disease states. Furthermore, our scoring approach provides a practical way to empirically assess inferred molecular networks in a causal sense