219 research outputs found

    Cluster Monte Carlo Simulations of the Nematic--Isotropic Transition

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    We report the results of simulations of the Lebwohl-Lasher model of the nematic-isotropic transition using a new cluster Monte Carlo algorithm. The algorithm is a modification of the Wolff algorithm for spin systems, and greatly reduces critical slowing down. We calculate the free energy in the neighborhood of the transition for systems up to linear size 70. We find a double well structure with a barrier that grows with increasing system size, obeying finite size scaling for systems of size greater than 35. We thus obtain an estimate of the value of the transition temperature in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 4 figure

    Probing a non-biaxial behavior of infinitely thin hard platelets

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    We give a criterion to test a non-biaxial behavior of infinitely thin hard platelets of D2hD_{2h} symmetry based upon the components of three order parameter tensors. We investigated the nematic behavior of monodisperse infinitely thin rectangular hard platelet systems by using the criterion. Starting with a square platelet system, and we compared it with rectangular platelet systems of various aspect ratios. For each system, we performed equilibration runs by using isobaric Monte Carlo simulations. Each system did not show a biaxial nematic behavior but a uniaxial nematic one, despite of the shape anisotropy of those platelets. The relationship between effective diameters by simulations and theoretical effective diameters of the above systems was also determined.Comment: Submitted to JPS

    Naive B cell output in HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected children.

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    In this study, we aimed to quantify KREC (kappa-deleting recombination excision circle) levels and naive B cell output in healthy HIV-uninfected children, compared with HIV-infected South African children, before and after starting ART (antiretroviral therapy). Samples were acquired from a Child Wellness Clinic (n = 288 HIV-uninfected South African children, 2 weeks-12 years) and the Children with HIV Early Antiretroviral Therapy (CHER) trial (n = 153 HIV-infected South African children, 7 weeks-8 years). Naive B cell output was estimated using a mathematical model combining KREC levels to reflect B cell emigration into the circulation, flow cytometry measures of naive unswitched B cells to quantify total body naive B cells, and their rates of proliferation using the intracellular marker Ki67. Naive B cell output increases from birth to 1 year, followed by a decline and plateau into late childhood. HIV-infected children on or off ART had higher naive B cell outputs than their uninfected counterparts (p = .01 and p = .04). This is the first study to present reference ranges for measurements of KRECs and naive B cell output in healthy and HIV-infected children. Comparison between HIV-uninfected healthy children and HIV-infected children suggests that HIV may increase naive B cell output. Further work is required to fully understand the mechanisms involved and clinical value of measuring naive B cell output in children

    Twist, tilt, and orientational order at the nematic to twist-bend nematic phase transition of 1¿, 9¿-bis(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yl) nonane: A dielectric, H 2 NMR, and calorimetric study

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    The nature of the nematic-nematic phase transition in the liquid crystal dimer 1¿, 9¿-bis(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yl) nonane (CB9CB) has been investigated using techniques of calorimetry, dynamic dielectric response measurements, and H2 NMR spectroscopy. The experimental results for CB9CB show that, like the shorter homologue CB7CB, the studied material exhibits a normal nematic phase, which on cooling undergoes a transition to the twist-bend nematic phase (NTB), a uniaxial nematic phase, promoted by the average bent molecular shape, in which the director tilts and precesses describing a conical helix. Modulated differential scanning calorimetry has been used to analyze the nature of the NTB-N phase transition, which is found to be weakly first order, but close to tricritical. Additionally broadband dielectric spectroscopy and H2 magnetic resonance studies have revealed information on the structural characteristics of the recently discovered twist-bend nematic phase. Analysis of the dynamic dielectric response in both nematic phases has provided an estimate of the conical angle of the heliconical structure for the NTB phase. Capacitance measurements of the electric-field realignment of the director in initially planar aligned cells have yielded values for the splay and bend elastic constants in the high temperature nematic phase. The bend elastic constant is small and decreases with decreasing temperature as the twist-bend phase is approached. This behavior is expected theoretically and has been observed in materials that form the twist-bend nematic phase. H2 NMR measurements characterize the chiral helical twist identified in the twist-bend nematic phase and also allow the determination of the temperature dependence of the conical angle and the orientational order parameter with respect to the director

    Miscibility studies of two twist-bend nematic liquid crystal dimers with different average molecular curvatures. A comparison between experimental data and predictions of a Landau mean-field theory for the NTB-N phase transition

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    We report a calorimetric study of a series of mixtures of two twist-bend liquid crystal dimers, the 1'',7''-bis(4-cyanobiphenyl)-4'-yl heptane (CB7CB) and 1''-(2',4-difluorobiphenyl-4'-yloxy)-9''-(4-cyanobiphenyl-4'-yloxy) nonane (FFO9OCB), the molecules of which have different effective molecular curvatures. High-resolution heat capacity measurements in the vicinity of the NTB-N phase transition for a selected number of binary mixtures clearly indicate a first order NTB-N phase transition for all the investigated mixtures, the strength of which decreases when the nematic range increases. Published theories predict a second order NTB-N phase transition, but we have developed a self-consistent mean field Landau model using two key order parameters: A symmetric and traceless tensor for the orientational order and a short-range vector field which is orthogonal to the helix axis and rotates around of the heliconical structure with an extremely short periodicity. The theory, in its simplified form, depends on two effective elastic constants and explains satisfactorily our heat capacity measurements and also predicts a first-order NTB-N phase transition. In addition, as a complementary source of experimental measurements, the splay (K1) and bend (K3) elastic constants in the conventional nematic phase for the pure compounds and some selected mixtures have been determined.Postprint (author's final draft

    Phase-ordering dynamics of the Gay-Berne nematic liquid crystal

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    Phase-ordering dynamics in nematic liquid crystals has been the subject of much active investigation in recent years in theory, experiments and simulations. With a rapid quench from the isotropic to nematic phase a large number of topological defects are formed and dominate the subsequent equilibration process. We present here the results of a molecular dynamics simulation of the Gay-Berne model of liquid crystals after such a quench in a system with 65536 molecules. Twist disclination lines as well as type-1 lines and monopoles were observed. Evidence of dynamical scaling was found in the behavior of the spatial correlation function and the density of disclination lines. However, the behavior of the structure factor provides a more sensitive measure of scaling, and we observed a crossover from a defect dominated regime at small values of the wavevector to a thermal fluctuation dominated regime at large wavevector.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figures, animations available at http://www.physics.brown.edu/Users/faculty/pelcovits/lc/coarsening.htm

    Molecular simulation of chevrons in confined smectic liquid crystals

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    Chevron structures adopted by confined smectic liquid crystals are investigated via molecular dynamics simulations of the Gay-Berne model. The chevrons are formed by quenching nematic films confined between aligning planar substrates whose easy axes have opposing azimuthal components. When the substrates are perfectly smooth, the chevron formed migrates rapidly towards one of the confining walls to yield a tilted layer structure. However, when substrate roughness is included, by introducing a small-amplitude modulation to the particle- substrate interaction well-depth, a symmetric chevron is formed which remains stable over sufficiently long runtimes for detailed structural information, such as the relevant order parameters and director orien- tation, to be determined. For both smooth and rough boundaries, the smectic order parameter remains non-zero across the entire chevron, implying that layer identity is maintained across the chevron tip. Also, when the surface-stabilised chevron does eventually revert to a tilted layer structure, it does so via surface slippage, such that layer integrity is maintained throughout the chevron to tilted layer relaxation process. </p

    Ghosts of other stories: a synthesis of hauntology, crime and space

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    Criminology has long sought to illuminate the lived experience of those at the margins. More recently, there has been a turn toward the spatial in the discipline. This paper sets out an analytical framework that synthesizes spatial theory with hauntology. We demonstrate how a given space's violent histories can become embedded in the texts that constitute it and the language that describes it. The art installation ‘Die Familie Schneider’ is used as an example of how the incorporation of social trauma can lead to the formation of a spatial “crypt”. Cracking open this “crypt” allows us to draw out Derrida's notion of the specter within the context of a “haunted” city space