2,016 research outputs found
Development and validation of methods for the trace determination of phthalates in sludge and vegetables
A routine method which is simple, quick and precise has been set up and validated for phthalate analysis in environmental samples (tomato plants and sewage sludges). Six phthalates have been studied simultaneously: dimethylphthalate, diethylphthalate, dibutylphthalate, butylbenzylphthalate, di(ethyl)hexylphthalate and dioctylphthalate. Optimization of sample, solvent extraction uses a Soxtec apparatus and extract purification with an SPE cartridge allows between 90 to 110 % recovery of phthalates. Precise, sensitive and selective identification and quantifying of analytes is by GC-MS in SIM mode. This protocol allows analytes with concentrations as low as 10”g/kg Dry Matter (DM) to be determined from small (1 to 2 g DM) samples.
This analytical method has been applied to the phthalate transfer study for agricultural recycling of sludges, where phthalate bioavailability has been studied in aquiculture using two types of experiments. Tomatoes have been grown in containers where the trace organics have been directly introduced as pure substances, and in a second experiment under the same growth conditions, sewage sludge has replaced the pure substances. Transfer of these trace organics has been followed into the various parts of the tomato plant and in general only the DEHP is worthy of note although its percentage transfer remains very low even in an experiment designed to maximize this
La rĂ©habilitation de lâhĂŽpital psychiatrique : Une question dâaudace et de synergie
Cet article expose, en utilisant un mode d'analyse psycho-dynamique, certaines similitudes entre les facteurs qui entravent le processus de réinsertion sociale du " patient " et les forces socio-politiques qui s'opposent à la " réhabilitation " de l'institution sociale représentée par l'hÎpital psychiatrique. En support à cette analogie, le texte esquisse les transformations réalisées depuis quelques années au Centre hospitalier psychiatrique Sainte-ThérÚse de Shawinigan et suggÚre que, pour faire de telles transformations, le développement de services de réadaptation peut servir de catalyseur. Il propose également une analyse perceptuelle des réactions humaines, politiques et sociales suscitées par la métamorphose du rÎle traditionnel attribué à l'institution psychiatrique.Using a mode of psychodynamic analysis, this article exposes some similarities between the factors that hinder the social reintegration of the "patient" and the social and political forces opposing the "rehabilitation" of the social institution represented by the psychiatric hospital. In support to this analogy, the article outlines the transformations realized over the last few years at the Centre hospitalier psychiatrique Sainte-ThérÚse of Shawinigan and suggests that, in order to make such changes, the development of rehabilitation services can serve as a catalyst. The authors also propose a perceptual analysis of human, political and social reactions created by the metamorphosis of the traditional role attributed to the psychiatric hospital
Mieux valoriser les réseaux d'épidémiosurveillance lors de l'élaboration du Bulletin de Santé du Végétal
Pest and disease monitoring has been strengthened in France since 2009, following the introduction of the National Ecophtyto plan. It is based on monitoring a network of cultivated plots. Several diseases and pests are monitored on these plots following harmonized protocols. Observations are used to develop plant health bulletins, but these data are underused, their current use is largely restricted to descriptive statistics due to lack of time and appropriate tools.The main objective of this PhD research is to develop an operational statistical approach to analyse epidemiological dynamics based on this pests and diseases system of monitoring.An approach has been developed on Septoria leaf blotch in wheat in Champagne-Ardenne. It is based on a generalised linear mixed model taking into account random site-year effects and a risk rating fixed effects. Three risk ratings (high, medium, low) are defined by a simple classification rule defined by the Champagne-Ardenne extension service based on sowing date and varietal resistance. This model can be easily adjusted to field monitoring of pests and diseases in this region, and it can be updated weekly, as new data become available. The model estimates the dynamics of Septoria incidence at a regional scale taking into account field risk ratings. These dynamics can be presented in graphical form and can be easily integrated in weekly reports for the plant health bulletins. The statistical model was evaluated with field observations between 2009 and 2014. Its practical use was tested in collaboration with the Champagne- Ardenne extension services in 2015.The approach developed for Septoria leaf blotch was generalised and applied to other regions and other diseases and pests. The statistical model was modified for use in several other French regions. Variants have also been proposed to analyse observations of downy mildew on grapevine in the Midi- PyrĂ©nĂ©es region, or observations of Yellow Sigatoka on banana and counts of weevils on sweet potato in Guadeloupe. These variants differ by the type of random effects and fixed effects included in the model. The best performing model was selected using several criteria: Akaike information criterion, Root mean square error, and residuals analysis. In each case study, each model was compared to its Bayesian version, developed using uninformative prior distributions. Results show that classical and Bayesian approaches generate very similar results, but it also shows the advantage of Bayesian statistics in analyzing the uncertainty associated with site-specific predictions.The third part of this PhD research shows how these models could also be used to optimise the size of the network of monitored fields. Currently, fields monitored for pests and diseases in Champagne- Ardenne are observed at least weekly and these observations involve significant costs. Predictions of our statistical models allow for stratification field sampling and make it possible to reduce its size over the growing season.Finally, the last part of this thesis addresses the implementation of this statistical approach to agricultural extension services in charge of developing the plant health bulletins. This analysis was based on discussions with national and regional partners such as agricultural technical institutes, the Chamber of Agriculture, and the French agricultural services department, which took place early on in the project, and was completed by a survey of the people involved in producing the plant health bulletins.La Surveillance Biologique du Territoire (SBT) sâest renforcĂ©e en France depuis 2009, Ă la suite du Plan Ăcophyto. Elle repose sur le suivi dâun rĂ©seau de parcelles cultivĂ©es. Plusieurs maladies et ravageurs sont observĂ©s sur ces parcelles selon des protocoles harmonisĂ©s. Les observations sont utilisĂ©es pour Ă©laborer le Bulletin de SantĂ© du VĂ©gĂ©tal (BSV), mais la valorisation actuelle de ces donnĂ©es reste limitĂ©e et repose essentiellement sur des analyses descriptives faute de temps et d'outils adaptĂ©s.Le principal objectif de ces travaux de thĂšse est de dĂ©velopper une dĂ©marche statistique opĂ©rationnelle pour analyser des dynamiques Ă©pidĂ©miologiques Ă partir des observations de terrain collectĂ©es dans le cadre de la SBT.La dĂ©marche a Ă©tĂ© mise au point sur un cas dâĂ©tude concernant la septoriose du blĂ© en Champagne-Ardenne. Elle est basĂ©e sur un modĂšle linĂ©aire mixte gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© prenant en compte un effet site-annĂ©e alĂ©atoire et un effet niveau de risque fixe. Trois niveaux de risque (fort, moyen ou faible) sont dĂ©finis en appliquant une rĂšgle de dĂ©cision dĂ©finie par les experts de la rĂ©gion tenant compte de la date de semis et de la rĂ©sistance variĂ©tale. Ce modĂšle peut ĂȘtre facilement ajustĂ© aux observations collectĂ©es dans le rĂ©seau de parcelles suivies dans cette rĂ©gion, et peut ĂȘtre mis Ă jour semaine aprĂšs semaine, Ă chaque fois que de nouvelles donnĂ©es sont disponibles. Le modĂšle permet dâestimer la dynamique de lâincidence de la septoriose du blĂ© Ă lâĂ©chelle rĂ©gionale en tenant compte du niveau de risque des parcelles. Ces dynamiques peuvent ĂȘtre prĂ©sentĂ©es sous forme de graphiques et ĂȘtre facilement intĂ©grĂ©es dans les rapports hebdomadaires utilisĂ©s lors de lâĂ©laboration du BSV. Le modĂšle statistique a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© sur des observations collectĂ©es entre 2009 et 2014. Son utilisation pratique a Ă©tĂ© testĂ©e en collaboration avec la chambre dâagriculture de Champagne-Ardenne en 2015.La dĂ©marche mise au point sur la septoriose a Ă©tĂ© gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e et appliquĂ©e Ă dâautres rĂ©gions et dâautres maladies ou ravageurs. Le modĂšle statistique a Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ© pour pouvoir ĂȘtre appliquĂ© Ă plusieurs rĂ©gions françaises. Des variantes ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©es pour pouvoir analyser des observations du mildiou de la vigne en rĂ©gion Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es, des observations de cercosporiose jaune du bananier et des comptages de charançon sur patate douce en Guadeloupe. Ces variantes diffĂšrent selon le type dâeffets alĂ©atoires et dâeffets fixes introduits dans le modĂšle. La sĂ©lection du modĂšle le plus adaptĂ© Ă la situation considĂ©rĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en utilisant plusieurs critĂšres : Akaike information criterion, Root mean square error, analyse des rĂ©sidus. Dans chacune des situations considĂ©rĂ©es, chaque modĂšle a Ă©tĂ© comparĂ© Ă sa version bayĂ©sienne, dĂ©veloppĂ©e en utilisant des distributions a priori peu informatives. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les versions classiques et bayĂ©siennes donnent des rĂ©sultats trĂšs proches, mais montrent Ă©galement l'intĂ©rĂȘt du BayĂ©sien pour analyser l'incertitude des prĂ©dictions.Dans la troisiĂšme partie, nous avons montrĂ© comment ces modĂšles pouvaient Ă©galement ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s pour optimiser la taille de lâĂ©chantillon du rĂ©seau de parcelles de SBT. Actuellement, les parcelles du rĂ©seau dâĂ©pidĂ©miosurveillance en Champagne-Ardenne sont observĂ©es environ une fois par semaine et ces observations engendrent des coĂ»ts importants. Les prĂ©dictions de nos modĂšles statistiques permettent de stratifier lâĂ©chantillon de parcelles et de rĂ©duire sa taille en cours de saison.Finalement, dans la derniĂšre partie de cette thĂšse, je discute la mise en Ćuvre opĂ©rationnelle de cette dĂ©marche statistique auprĂšs des acteurs chargĂ©s de lâĂ©laboration du BSV. Cette discussion repose sur les Ă©changes avec les partenaires au niveau national et rĂ©gional (Instituts Techniques Agricoles, Chambre d'agriculture, services de lâĂ©tat) qui ont eu lieu dĂšs le dĂ©but du projet, mais aussi sur une enquĂȘte rĂ©alisĂ©e auprĂšs des acteurs du BSV
Lâaccompagnement parental dans lâapprentissage en lecture des Ă©lĂšves canadiens
Parmi lâensemble des facteurs ayant une influence sur le niveau dâapprentissage des Ă©lĂšves, le statut socio-Ă©conomique familial est celui qui retient souvent lâattention des milieux scientifiques et politiques. Par ailleurs, bon nombre de recherches soulignent que les caractĂ©ristiques familiales ont un impact moindre sur les rĂ©sultats scolaires que les variables du processus familial. Plus spĂ©cifiquement, le soutien affectif des parents semble ĂȘtre la dimension la plus probante en matiĂšre de facteur de protection dans le contexte de la rĂ©ussite scolaire. Nous nous avons voulu savoir : (1) Quelle est la relation entre chacun des modes dâaccompagnement parental Ă©valuĂ© par le Programme international de lâOCDE pour le suivi des aquis des Ă©lĂšves (Pisa 2000) et le rendement en lecture de lâensemble des Ă©lĂšves canadiens? (2) La relation entre chacun de ces modes dâaccompagnement parental et la rĂ©ussite acadĂ©mique est-elle plus importante que celle du niveau socioĂ©conomique familial et dans quelle mesure ces relations sont-elles liĂ©es? La communication culturelle semble ĂȘtre le mode dâaccompagnement parental le plus important. En outre, lâeffet de la communication culturelle et de la communication sociale semblent ĂȘtre en partie expliquĂ© par le niveau socioĂ©conomique familial mĂȘme si lâeffet du mode dâaccompagnement parental est relativement indĂ©pendant de celui-ci.Among the factors that influence studentsâ level of learning, the familyâs socio-economic status often receives attention from scientists and politicians. Many studies suggest that family characteristics have less of an impact on success in school than family process variables. More specifically, the emotional support of parents seems to be the most conclusive dimension with regard to protection factors for success at school. We wanted to find out: (1) what is the relationship between each of the methods of parental guidance assessed by the OECDâs Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2000) and the reading performance of Canadian children; (2) whether the relationship between each of these methods of parental guidance and academic success is more important than the familyâs socio-economic level and to what extent these relationships are connected. Cultural communication seems to be the most important method of parental support. Furthermore, the effect of cultural communication and social communication seems to be in part explained by the socio-economic level of the family, even if the effect of the method of parental guidance is relatively independent of this sort of communication
A qualitative study of a psychiatric emergency
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens
RĂ©fĂ©rentiels de compĂ©tences professionnelles de directions dâĂ©tablissement dâenseignement et technologies numĂ©riques : une analyse documentaire, structurale et sĂ©mantique
Lâimpact du dĂ©veloppement des technologies numĂ©riques sur lâĂ©ducation fait lâobjet de recherches soutenues (Huang et al., 2020), mais ce sujet nâest pas systĂ©matiquement pris en compte dans les documents dâorientations gouvernementales destinĂ©s au personnel de direction dâĂ©tablissement dâenseignement (DĂ). Afin de comprendre ce qui peut expliquer lâabsence dâune rĂ©fĂ©rence aux technologies numĂ©riques dans des rĂ©fĂ©rentiels de compĂ©tences des DĂ, il importe de sâattarder aux exigences liĂ©es Ă cette fonction. Dans le cadre dâun projet de recherche sâinscrivant dans un parcours doctoral, lâanalyse documentaire de 24 rĂ©fĂ©rentiels de compĂ©tences a permis dâidentifier les endroits oĂč nous trouvons des rĂ©fĂ©rences aux technologies numĂ©riques. Ăgalement, lâanalyse structurale et sĂ©mantique des Ă©noncĂ©s liĂ©s aux compĂ©tences et repĂ©rĂ©s dans ces rĂ©fĂ©rentiels a permis dâidentifier les habiletĂ©s et les connaissances associĂ©es aux technologies numĂ©riques.Lâimpact du dĂ©veloppement des technologies numĂ©riques sur lâĂ©ducation fait lâobjet de recherches soutenues (Huang et al., 2020), mais ce sujet nâest pas systĂ©matiquement pris en compte dans les documents dâorientations gouvernementales destinĂ©s au personnel de direction dâĂ©tablissement dâenseignement (DĂ). Afin de comprendre ce qui peut expliquer lâabsence dâune rĂ©fĂ©rence aux technologies numĂ©riques dans des rĂ©fĂ©rentiels de compĂ©tences des DĂ, il importe de sâattarder aux exigences liĂ©es Ă cette fonction. Dans le cadre dâun projet de recherche sâinscrivant dans un parcours doctoral, lâanalyse documentaire de 24 rĂ©fĂ©rentiels de compĂ©tences a permis dâidentifier les endroits oĂč nous trouvons des rĂ©fĂ©rences aux technologies numĂ©riques. Ăgalement, lâanalyse structurale et sĂ©mantique des Ă©noncĂ©s liĂ©s aux compĂ©tences et repĂ©rĂ©s dans ces rĂ©fĂ©rentiels a permis dâidentifier les habiletĂ©s et les connaissances associĂ©es aux technologies numĂ©riques
Quantification of the pile-up effect for improving inverse mechanical analysis by means of nanoindentation
This paper deals with the identification of elastic-plastic material properties by means of nanoindentation. A dimensional analysis leads to the identification of a specific parameter based on the estimation of the pile-up effect. This parameter may be used in an inverse analysis. Theoretical aspects and experimental issues are discussed
Alignment of Cells and Extracellular Matrix Within Tissue- Engineered Substitutes
Most of the cells in our body are in direct contact with extracellular matrix (ECM) compoâ
nents which constitute a complex network of nano-scale proteins and glycosaminoglycans.
Those cells constantly remodel the ECM by different processes. They build it by secreting difâ
ferent proteins such as collagen, proteoglycans, laminins or degrade it by producing factors
such as matrix metalloproteinase (MMP). Cells interact with the ECM via specific receptors,
the integrins [1]. They also organize this matrix, guided by different stimuli, to generate patâ
terns, essential for tissue and organ functions. Reciprocally, cells are guided by the ECM, they
modify their morphology and phenotype depending on the protein types and organization
via bidirectional integrin signaling [2-4]. In the growing field of tissue engineering [5], control
of these aspects are of the utmost importance to create constructs that closely mimic native tisâ
sues. To do so, we must take into account the composition of the scaffold (synthetic, natural,
biodegradable or not), its organization and the dimension of the structure.
The particular alignment patterns of ECM and cells observed in tissues and organs such as
the corneal stroma, vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs), tendons, bones and skeletal musâ
cles are crucial for organ function. SMCs express contraction proteins such as alpha-smoothmuscle
(SM)-actin, desmin and myosin [6] that are essential for cell contraction [6]. To result
in vessel contraction, the cells and ECM need to be organized in such a way that most cells
are elongated in the same axis. For tubular vascular constructs, it is suitable that SMCs align
in the circumferential direction, as they do in vivo [7, 8]. Another striking example of alignâ
ment is skeletal muscle cells that form long polynuclear cells, all elongated in the same axis.
Each cell generates a weak and short contraction pulse but collectively, it results in a strong,
long and sustained contraction of the muscle and, in term, a displacement of the member. In the corneal stroma, the particular arrangement of the corneal fibroblasts (keratocytes) and
ECM is essential to keep the transparency of this tissue [9-13]. Tendons also present a pecuâ
liar matrix alignment relative to the muscle axis. It gives a substantial resistance and excepâ
tional mechanical properties to the tissue in that axis [14, 15]. Intervertebral discs [16],
cartilage [17], dental enamel [18], and basement membrane of epithelium are other examples
of tissues/organs that present peculiar cell and matrix organization. By reproducing and
controlling those alignment patterns within tissue-engineered substitutes, a more physiologâ
ical representation of human tissues could be achieved.
Taking into account the importance of cell microenvironment on the functionality of tissue engineered
organ substitutes, one can assume the importance of being able to customise the
3D structure of the biomaterial or scaffold supporting cell growth. To do so, some methods
have been developed and most of them rely on topographic or contact guidance. This is the
phenomenon by which cells elongate and migrate in the same axis as the ECM. Topographic
guidance was so termed by Curtis and Clark [19] to include cell shape, orientation and
movement in the concept of contact guidance described by Harrison [20] and implemented
by Weiss [21, 22]. Therefore, if one can achieve ECM alignment, cells will follow the same
pattern. Inversely, if cells are aligned on a patterned culture plate, the end result would be
aligned ECM deposition [23].
The specific property of tissues or materials that present a variation in their mechanical and
structural properties in different axis is called anisotropy. This property can be evaluated eiâ
ther by birefringence measurements [24, 25], mechanical testing in different axis [26], immuâ
nological staining of collagen or actin filaments [23] or direct visualisation of collagen fibrils
using their self-fluorescence around 488 nm [27, 28].
Several techniques have been recently developed to mimic the specific alignment of cells
within tissues to produce more physiologically relevant constructs. In this chapter, we will
describe five different techniques, collagen gel compaction, electromagnetic field, electroâ
spinning of nanofibers, mechanical stimulation and microstructured culture plates
Evaluation clinique, caractérisation mécanique et modélisation pour l'évolution de la conception d'un implant rachidien dynamique
L'objectif principal de tout dispositif médical implantable est d'améliorer l'état de santé du patient en lui assurant un risque minimum. Dans ce but, l'étude de l'implant rachidien B Dyn comporte plusieurs volets : - la réalisation d'un suivi clinique, - l analyse et la proposition de solutions techniques (actions correctives), - la création d'un outil numérique pour des évolutions ultérieures (actions préventives).L étude bibliographique initiale permet d'appréhender l'anatomie fonctionnelle du rachis lombaire, de comprendre les états pathologiques et leurs conséquences et enfin de faire un inventaire des techniques chirurgicales associées (résection osseuse, implantation de dispositifs...).Le suivi clinique d'une population de trente patients souligne ensuite les apports (somatiques et fonctionnels) du B Dyn dans sa conception premiÚre. Pour quelques cas, l'analyse des clichés radiographiques en position de flexion montre une détérioration naissante de l'anneau liée, probablement, à une surcharge accidentelle de l'implant. Ce constat impose une évolution de la conception de l'implant.Une analyse de la conception initiale et la caractérisation mécanique en traction, permettent de cibler les actions correctives à appliquer dans le cadre de cette évolution. La démarche mise en place s'appuie sur l'évaluation expérimentale pour sélectionner des solutions techniques satisfaisant aux critÚres fonctionnels ; elle conduit à une évolution du choix de matériau de l'anneau.Pour la réalisation d'évolutions ultérieures, un modÚle éléments finis est créé. L approche numérique se substitue ainsi à l approche expérimentale contraignante et coûteuse. La caractérisation préalable des élastomÚres est nécessaire à l'obtention de données matériaux pour élaborer ce modÚle. Les résultats des premiÚres simulations d'un essai de traction sont comparés aux données expérimentales dans la perspective de la validation du modÚle.A ce stade, l'étude du B Dyn propose une premiÚre solution d'évolution de l'implant et un outil numérique pour l'analyse future de solutions techniques.The main focus of any implantable medical device is to improve the health of the patient by providing minimum risk. For this purpose, the study of the B Dyn spinal implant comprises several constituents: - The carrying out of a clinical follow up, - The analysis and choice of technical solutions (corrective actions) - The creation of a digital tool for further development (preventive actions).The initial bibliographical study enables to comprehend the functional anatomy of the lumbar spine, to understand the pathological states and their consequences and finally to list the associated surgical techniques (osseous resection, implantation of devices ).The clinical follow-up of a population of thirty patients then underlines the contributions (somatic and functional) of the B Dyn in its first design. For a few cases, the analysis of radiographs in flexion shows an incipient deterioration in the ring probably related to an accidental overloading of the implant. This observation requires an evolution in the design of the implant.An analysis of the initial design and the mechanical characterization in traction, allow targeting the corrective actions to be applied in the context of this evolution. The developed approach is based on the experimental evaluation in order to select technical solutions that would satisfy the functional criteria; this leads to an evolution of the choice of the ring material.To conduct subsequent developments, a finite element model is created. Thus the digital approach replaces the restrictive and expensive experimental approach. The preliminary characterization of elastomers is necessary to obtain materials data to work out this model. The results of the first simulations of a tensile test are compared to experimental data in the perspective of the model validation.At this stage, the B Dyn study provides a first solution of implant evolution and a numerical tool for the future analysis of technical solutions.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF
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