12 research outputs found

    Research on the behavior of certain oilseed rape varieties in Gătaia area

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    The study monitored the behavior of some rapeseed varieties in terms of oilseed rape yield and for their introduction in the culture. The study was conducted over a period of three years 2008-2010, in the Gătaia area of Timis county. For testing five varieties of oilseed rape (Alaska, Attila, Triangle, Digger, Milena) were selected .The soil of the experimental field was a vertic-preluvosol, medium clay loam/loam clay on medium fine clays. In the first year of experimentation (2008), the smallest oilseed rape yields have been recorded due to important deviations in this area. Under these conditions the oilseed rape yield ranged between 569 kg/ha and 732 kg/ha. The oilseed rape yield level of the second year of study (2009) ranged between 984 kg/ha and 1142 kg/ha, slightly higher than the previous year. In 2008 the highest oilseed rape yield of 732 kg/ha was obtained from variety Milena, followed by Alaska with a yield of 640 kg/ha, while the lowest oil-seed rape yield (569 kg/ha) was obtained from the variety Digger. In 2009 the highest oilseed rape yield (1149 kg/ha) was obtained from the variety Triangle, and the lowest oil-seed rape crop (984 kg / ha) was obtained from variety Alaska. Research results show that by the introduction of the most suitable varieties in the culture, respecting the fertilizer recovering capacity of the varieties at the determination of the fertilization conditions and respecting the zonal optimum planting period, rape is a crop with real opportunities for expansion in the reference areas

    Ecologic and biologic agricultural systems

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    Ecologic agriculture has a large contribution to long lasting economic development and plays an important role in improving the environment conditions, preserving the soil, improving water quality, biodiversification and nature protection. Ecologic agriculture may move forward in rural economy and may make it viable by extending economic activities with great added value and by generating working places in rural areas. The aim of this paper is to present biological and ecological farming systems in Europe, and Romania. The objectives of this study were presenting ecological agriculture and biological systems and their evolution, the benefits and drawbacks to extensive and intensive agriculture. We also briefly present a new agricultural and permacultural system - an approach to agriculture in terms of harmony with nature

    The agricultural system of the Armenis township, Caras Severin County

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    The purpose of this paperwork is to present a common agriculture in Armeniș with the land, crop structure and companies in the agriculture of the village, soil types and subtypes of the Armeniș township area, environmental factors that influence these traits, the study of important processes and soils of the area. The objectives of this study were to present the agricultural system and the improvement of the city and its possibilities. In the context of a perpetue changing agriculture we must always watch the opportunities that appear all the times. EU founds and programs are at ours hand, we just need a good implement of this agricultural programs in field, because otherwise we will loose the money who are so needed in this part of country. As research materials and methods were field observations, discussions with farmers and agricultural engineers from Armeniș township. The results obtained were identified agro-zootechnical systems with opportunities for improvement

    Ecologic and biologic agricultural systems

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    Ecologic agriculture has a large contribution to long lasting economic development and plays an important role in improving the environment conditions, preserving the soil, improving water quality, biodiversification and nature protection. Ecologic agriculture may move forward in rural economy and may make it viable by extending economic activities with great added value and by generating working places in rural areas. The aim of this paper is to present biological and ecological farming systems in Europe, and Romania. The objectives of this study were presenting ecological agriculture and biological systems and their evolution, the benefits and drawbacks to extensive and intensive agriculture. We also briefly present a new agricultural and permacultural system - an approach to agriculture in terms of harmony with nature

    The agricultural system of the Armenis township, Caras Severin County

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    The purpose of this paperwork is to present a common agriculture in Armeniș with the land, crop structure and companies in the agriculture of the village, soil types and subtypes of the Armeniș township area, environmental factors that influence these traits, the study of important processes and soils of the area. The objectives of this study were to present the agricultural system and the improvement of the city and its possibilities. In the context of a perpetue changing agriculture we must always watch the opportunities that appear all the times. EU founds and programs are at ours hand, we just need a good implement of this agricultural programs in field, because otherwise we will loose the money who are so needed in this part of country. As research materials and methods were field observations, discussions with farmers and agricultural engineers from Armeniș township. The results obtained were identified agro-zootechnical systems with opportunities for improvement

    Sesquilinear uniform vector integral

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    A New Integrated System for Assistance in Communicating with and Telemonitoring Severely Disabled Patients

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    In this paper, we present a new complex electronic system for facilitating communication with severely disabled patients and telemonitoring their physiological parameters. The proposed assistive system includes three subsystems (Patient, Server, and Caretaker) connected to each other via the Internet. The two-way communication function is based on keywords technology using a WEB application implemented at the server level, and the application is accessed remotely from the patient’s laptop/tablet PC. The patient’s needs can be detected by using different switch-type sensors that are adapted to the patient’s physical condition or by using eye-tracking interfaces. The telemonitoring function is based on a wearable wireless sensor network, organized around the Internet of Things concept, and the sensors acquire different physiological parameters of the patients according to their needs. The mobile Caretaker device is represented by a Smartphone, which uses an Android application for communicating with patients and performing real-time monitoring of their physiological parameters. The prototype of the proposed assistive system was tested in “Dr. C.I. Parhon” Clinical Hospital of Iaşi, Romania, on hospitalized patients from the Clinic of Geriatrics and Gerontology. The system contributes to an increase in the level of care and treatment for disabled patients, and this ultimately lowers costs in the healthcare system

    Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). A synthesis of the 2014–2020 campaigns

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    The Vârghiș Gorges karst system (Perșani Mountains, Eastern Carpathians) constituted a point of interest for speleologists, paleontologists and archaeologists since the second half of the 19th century. Their efforts succeeded in highlighting the notable archaeological potential of the area, although the actual research results were not always thoroughly reported. Since 2014, our team reunited specialists from 10 different institutions and various fields of research and initiated archaeological excavations, coupled with achaeozoological, sedimentological and chronometric investigations, in several caves within the Vârghiș Gorges. As the paper below will show, although the results obtained so far are definitively informative, further investigation are clearly needed, in order to accurately clarify aspects pertaining to the intricate cultural and chronological framework.Sistemul carstic din Cheile Vârghișului (Munții Perșani, Carpații Orientali) a reprezentat un punct de interes pentru speologi, paleontologi și arheologi încă din a doua jumătate a secolului XIX. Demersurile acestora au evidențiat remarcabilul potențial arheologic al zonei, chiar dacă rezultatele investigațiilor propriu-zise nu au fost întotdeauna prezentate exhaustiv. Începând cu anul 2014, am alcătuit o echipă de specialiști din zece instituții de cercetare și variate domenii de specialitate și am inițiat săpături arheologice, însoțite de cercetări arheozoologice, sedimentologice și cronometrice, în câteva peșteri din Cheile Vârghișului. Așa cum reiese din observațiile prezentate, deși rezultatele obținute până în prezent oferă informații noi, cercetări viitoare sunt necesare pentru o mai bună înțelegere a complexității cadrului cronologic și cultural.Cosac Marian, Murătoreanu George, Veres Daniel, Niţă Loredana, Schmidt Cristoph, Hambach Ulrich, Radu Alexandru, Cuculici Roxana, Buzea Dan Lucian, Ștefan Dan, Mărgărit Monica, Vasile Ştefan, Dumitraşcu Valentin, Roşu Mariana, Petculescu Alexandru, Sava Tiberiu, Georgescu Valentin, Șerbănescu Gabriel, Geambașu Ionel. Recent archaeological researches in the Vârghiș Gorges karst area (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). A synthesis of the 2014–2020 campaigns. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), H-S 2021. pp. 325-350