90 research outputs found


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    The European market is rapidly enlarging towards the Eastern part of the continent. This phenomenon is stimulating the enterprises localized in the North-Eastern part of Italy to innovate their productivity processes and their products in order to preserve their competitiveness in the national and international context.In order to measure the innovation attitude of a sample of firms localized in Friuli Venezia Giulia (an Italian region at the border with Slovenia and Austria) a conjoint analysis experiment has been performed. Conjoint Analysis (CA) is a research methodology employed originally in the marketing field in order to study the customers’ preferences for goods and services. Lately it has been successfully used in transport economics, in ecological economics and in health economics, but it has never been applied to innovation problems before. The objective of this paper, then, is twofold: on the one hand it wants to verify the effectiveness of the CA methodology in testing the firms’ attitude towards innovation processes, and on the other hand it aims at measuring the innovation propensity of the sampled enterprises. During the performed CA experiment the following innovation factors have been analysed: labour force reorganization, research and development activity implementation, typology of research and development to be performed, typology of machinery to be used. On the bases of the responses obtained during the interviews it has been possible to estimate the firms’ intervention priorities over the next 5 years. Moreover it has been possible to verify the usefulness of the CA methodology in describing and predicting the sample attitude toward innovation. The paper is organized as follows: after a brief description of the productivity context characterizing the FVG region, there will be a detailed description of the CA methodology and of the questionnaire used for the research project, the final results will then be commented and some conclusions on the validity on the application of the CA methodology will be drawn.innovation preferences, conjoint analysis, stated preferences

    Le funzioni della cittĂ  metropolitana

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    La mobilit\ue0 universitaria: esperienze internazionali e italiane a confronto

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    Le universit\ue0 generano un duplice effetto sul contesto urbano in cui sono inserite. Da un lato contribuiscono al prestigio e all\u2019attrattivit\ue0 della citt\ue0, dall\u2019altro generano flussi di traffico che congestionano la rete di trasporto e contribuiscono a deteriorare l\u2019ambiente urbano. Dal confronto tra alcune esperienze significative di gestione della mobilit\ue0 universitaria, in Italia ed all\u2019estero, esaminate in questo lavoro si evince che: \uf0b7 sia in Italia sia all\u2019estero, tanto per i dipendenti quanto per gli studenti, l\u2019automobile privata \ue8 mediamente il mezzo pi\uf9 diffuso per raggiungere l\u2019universit\ue0, sebbene esistano ampie differenze nella ripartizione modale tra universit\ue0 e tra diverse sedi di uno stesso ateneo; \uf0b7 la variabilit\ue0 nella ripartizione modale \ue8 l\u2019effetto congiunto di una molteplicit\ue0 di fattori e di politiche di cui non \ue8 facile identificare l\u2019importanza relativa, ciononostante, la nostra impressione \ue8 che la localizzazione della sede universitaria giochi un ruolo d\u2019importanza preminente; \uf0b7 l\u2019analisi della destinazione d\u2019uso delle aree e degli edifici di propriet\ue0 delle universit\ue0 ha mostrato come le universit\ue0 italiane dispongano di un numero inferiore: a) di aree per il parcheggio della autovetture, soprattutto quando le sedi sono collocate nei centri storici; b) di depositi coperti, videosorvegliati ed attrezzati per le biciclette, e c) di piste ciclabili che si inseriscano con continuit\ue0 nel tessuto urbano fino a raggiungere i nodi centrali delle reti di trasporto; \uf0b7 all\u2019estero ed in particolare negli Stati Uniti la tariffazione delle aree di parcheggio \ue8 altamente differenziata e premiante per chi utilizza prevalentemente il mezzo pubblico, o per chi utilizza il mezzo privato nella forma del carsharing o carpooling, in Italia, invece, i parcheggi di propriet\ue0 delle universit\ue0 sono quasi sempre gratuiti ed ad uso esclusivo del corpo docente o del personale tecnico amministrativo; \uf0b7 la sussidiazione del trasporto pubblico non \ue8 una pratica molto diffusa in Italia e riguarda prevalentemente i dipendenti delle universit\ue0, si tratta, invece, di uno strumento molto utilizzato all\u2019estero, non solo negli Stati Uniti, ma anche in Germania; \uf0b7 il carsharing, il bikesharing ed il carpooling sono diffusi ed attivamente sostenuti dalle universit\ue0 estere prese in esame, mentre in Italia sono ancora sono ancora ad un livello si sviluppo iniziale. Infine si sottolinea come il ruolo del Mobility Manager necessiti di essere rafforzato nelle universit\ue0 italiane

    I fattori socio-economici che influenzano la scelta del carsharing

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    In Italia si registra una crescente domanda ed offerta di servizi di carsharing. Le cittĂ  interessate sono soprattutto di grandi dimensioni, fra cui spicca per consistenza tanto della domanda quanto dei servizi offerti la citta di Milano. L’obiettivo del presente contributo Ăš capire se c’ù una domanda potenziale di carsharing anche in una regione non densamente abitata e caratterizzata da cittĂ  di medio piccole dimensioni come il Friuli Venezia Giulia ed analizzare quali sono le determinanti socio-economiche di tale domanda. Un’indagine condotta nel 2014 su un campione di 1276 individui ha permesso di stimare una domanda potenziale variabile dal 6% al 28% del campione intervistato, con valori che variano in funzione dell’indicatore utilizzato per studiare la propensione all’uso del carsharing ed al tipo di mobilitĂ  che verrebbe soddisfatta con questo tipo di modalitĂ  di trasporto. Le determinanti socio-economiche piĂč importanti sono risultate il grado di conoscenza del servizio di carsharing e la sensibilitĂ  per le problematiche ambientali, l’etĂ  e lo status degli intervistati, la composizione del nucleo familiare e la dipendenza della mobilitĂ  familiare dall’auto privata, la frequenza degli spostamenti sistematici e non, la distanza percorsa, la dimensione della cittĂ .In Italy there is a growing demand and supply of carsharing services, especially in large cities, among which the city of Milan stands out for the size of the demand and the services offered. The aim of this paper is to understand whether there is a potential demand for car sharing in a region not densely inhabited and characterized by medium-small city such as Friuli Venezia Giulia and to analyze what are the socio-economic determinants of that demand. A survey conducted in 2014 on a sample of 1,276 individuals allowed to estimate a potential demand varying from 6% to 28% of the sample, with values that change according to the indicator of the propensity to use the carsharing service and the type of mobility that would be satisfied with this kind of transport mode. The most important socio-economic determinants were: knowledge of the carsharing service, sensitivity to environmental issues, age and status of the respondents, household composition, dependence of the family mobility pattern from private car, frequency of systematic and not-systematic trips, distance traveled, and size of the city

    Environmental impact of business-to-consumer e-commerce: Does it matter to consumers?

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    The rapid development of business-to-consumer e-commerce has sparked interest in the environmental impact of the last-mile logistics of goods purchased online. The distribution stage, with orders from many different manufacturers in far-flung locations and the need for the fastest possible parcel delivery, has become complicated, expensive and environmentally damaging. The aim of this paper is to investigate consumers' willingness to pay for reducing or offsetting the emissions generated by their online purchases and the acceptability of alternative collection methods in order to reduce the environmental impact caused. We surveyed 1204 Italians using a discrete choice experiment and analysed the data using multinomial logit (MNL) and mixed multinomial logit (MMNL) models. The results show that providing information on the amount of pollution reduction/offset and the type of project implemented significantly increased consumers' willingness to pay to reduce the environmental impact of last-mile logistics. Our sample was willing to pay up to €0.88 to fully offset the environmental impact caused by the delivery received and an additional amount of €0.17 if the funds raised would be used for reforestation projects. We also found that consumers' socio-demographic characteristics and online shopping habits influenced both the willingness to pay and the acceptability of choosing more sustainable logistic settings regarding delivery time and location. Eco-conscious customers were more likely to accept longer delivery times and non-home delivery points. The minimum discount required to accept these delivery options ranged from €0.20 to €0.80. Our findings are new to the literature and are relevant not only to businesses seeking to integrate sustainability and efficiency into delivery services but also to policy makers seeking to mitigate the environmental impacts of e-commerce and freight

    La mobilitĂ  universitaria: esperienze internazionali e italiane a confronto

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    Le universitĂ  generano un duplice effetto sul contesto urbano in cui sono inserite. Da un lato contribuiscono al prestigio e all’attrattivitĂ  della cittĂ , dall’altro generano flussi di traffico che congestionano la rete di trasporto e contribuiscono a deteriorare l’ambiente urbano. Dal confronto tra alcune esperienze significative di gestione della mobilitĂ  universitaria, in Italia ed all’estero, esaminate in questo lavoro si evince che: sia in Italia sia all’estero, tanto per i dipendenti quanto per gli studenti, l’automobile privata Ăš mediamente il mezzo piĂč diffuso per raggiungere l’universitĂ , sebbene esistano ampie differenze nella ripartizione modale tra universitĂ  e tra diverse sedi di uno stesso ateneo; la variabilitĂ  nella ripartizione modale Ăš l’effetto congiunto di una molteplicitĂ  di fattori e di politiche di cui non Ăš facile identificare l’importanza relativa, ciononostante, la nostra impressione Ăš che la localizzazione della sede universitaria giochi un ruolo d’importanza preminente; l’analisi della destinazione d’uso delle aree e degli edifici di proprietĂ  delle universitĂ  ha mostrato come le universitĂ  italiane dispongano di un numero inferiore: a) di aree per il parcheggio della autovetture, soprattutto quando le sedi sono collocate nei centri storici; b) di depositi coperti, videosorvegliati ed attrezzati per le biciclette, e c) di piste ciclabili che si inseriscano con continuitĂ  nel tessuto urbano fino a raggiungere i nodi centrali delle reti di trasporto; all’estero ed in particolare negli Stati Uniti la tariffazione delle aree di parcheggio Ăš altamente differenziata e premiante per chi utilizza prevalentemente il mezzo pubblico, o per chi utilizza il mezzo privato nella forma del carsharing o carpooling, in Italia, invece, i parcheggi di proprietĂ  delle universitĂ  sono quasi sempre gratuiti ed ad uso esclusivo del corpo docente o del personale tecnico amministrativo; la sussidiazione del trasporto pubblico non Ăš una pratica molto diffusa in Italia e riguarda prevalentemente i dipendenti delle universitĂ , si tratta, invece, di uno strumento molto utilizzato all’estero, non solo negli Stati Uniti, ma anche in Germania; il carsharing, il bikesharing ed il carpooling sono diffusi ed attivamente sostenuti dalle universitĂ  estere prese in esame, mentre in Italia sono ancora sono ancora ad un livello si sviluppo iniziale. Infine si sottolinea come il ruolo del Mobility Manager necessiti di essere rafforzato nelle universitĂ  italiane

    Residential choices and interaction in three-member households: a choice experiment.

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    Microeconomics studies group behaviour by using the representative member model. However, there is growing evidence that there can be significant differences between choices made by single individuals and those made by the same individuals when choosing collectively. This study investigates the differences between individual and joint decisionmaking in the context of residential location choice. It is widely recognized that household location choices involve several members of a household with heterogeneous preferences and influence power. Nonetheless little is known about group decision-making processes in practice. In particular, there is only scant evidence on how preferences differ among family members and to what extent individual preferences can be aggregated to achieve an approximation of joint choices. The study evaluates whether there is heterogeneity in single members’ preferences. Furthermore, relative power is inferred by measuring similarity between ex ante single preferences and ex post joint choice outcomes. We also quantify the implicit bias generated by relying on the representative member approach. These issues are tested by employing a two-stage conjoint choice experiment administered to a sample of 53 Italian families. This work proposes a novel extension of the commonly used dyadic interaction approach to consider the role of adolescents in household decision-making.Unitary household, stated choice experiments, residential location, agent interaction and relative influence, discrete choice models, MNL, MMNL.

    The choice between road transport and rolling motorway: a case study

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    The paper reports on a research project aimed at estimating the potential demand for a rolling motorway service connecting Trieste (Italy) and Chop (Ukraine). More specifically, the study has explored which factors play a role in the choice between the current prevailing mode of transport, that is road transport by trucks, and a rolling motorway service. Based on the estimates derived from a discrete choice model obtained on the basis of stated choice data collected from truck drivers and from transport companies, it is found that the monetary cost, the travel time and the day of the week play an important role. The scenario analysis allows us to conclude that under the current prices and regulations a rolling motorway service operating on a weekday would have no potential demand, whereas some potential demand would have a service operating during the weekend. Substantial demand for a rolling motorway service appears only if the monetary road cost (fuel cost or highway toll) increases considerably. A heavy-vehicle road tax equivalent to the one used for crossing the Alps in Switzerland and Austria would alter the balance in favor of the rolling motorway.Rail transport, modal choice, road transport, rolling motorway.

    Do We Care about Built Cultural Heritage? The Empirical Evidence Based on the Veneto House Market

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    Italian historical buildings require urgent and costly maintenance and restoration works, but neither the local, nor the national public administrators can afford these expenditures. Nevertheless the built cultural heritage represent a unique resource of the territory, as it embodies the local social, historical, and cultural values, generates positive externalities (Musgrave, 1959), and stimulates economic activities mainly related to tourism. Is it possible to quantify how much we care about historical buildings and to measure this value in monetary terms? The aim of this paper is to answer to this question via the hedonimetric approach. Specifically, we try to verify if the proximity to historical villas, districts, palaces, squares, fortresses, religious buildings and archeological site systematically influence the house market equilibrium price in the Veneto region (Italy). The paper is organized as follows: in section two a brief review of the literature is reported, in section three the database used for the hedonimetric estimates is described, in section four the econometric models and the results we had obtained are illustrated, and in section five some final comments are drawn.Cultural Heritage Externalities, Hedonic Housing Price Method
