369 research outputs found

    Harmony of transitions in assessing interpersonal motivations in transcripts analysis can discriminate between Adult Attachment Interview secure and disorganized individuals

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    SUMMARY. Aim. Assessing Interpersonal Motivations in Transcripts (AIMIT) is a validated coding system to assess the activation of interpersonal motivational systems (IMS) in the transcripts of psychotherapy sessions. The Transition Index (TI) is an AIMIT measure that reflects the levels of organisation, synchronisation and harmony amongst two or more IMS when they are rapidly shifting or simultaneously in the clinical dialogue. It is supposed to be a measure of integration and coherence of the patient’s state of mind within the psychotherapeutic sessions. It has also been hypothesized that low TI could be a marker for disorganization of attachment of the patient leading to difficulties in the therapeutic relationships and ruptures in the therapeutic alliance. In order to assess this hypothesis we tested its capability to discriminate between Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) organized and disorganized individuals. Methods. Two groups of 15 transcriptions of AAI matched for age and sex, one classified as free-autonomous and one as disorganized, were analysed by the AIMIT method. Results. Compared to organized individuals, disorganized patients at AAI reported lower TI scores (3.7±0.63 vs 3.0±0.53; F=2.98, p=0.005). Furthermore, TI showed a good discriminant capability (Wilks’ Lambda=0.77, p=0.004). Discussion and Conclusion. This result seems to confirm the usefulness and reliability of AIMIT analysis in evaluating the interpersonal difficulties which often characterize the therapeutic relationship with disorganized attachment patient

    Overview on Reproductive Endocrine Aspects in Buffalo

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    Buffalo is an important worldwide species in terms of milk and meat production as well as draft. The majorconstraints to full exploitation of the productive potential of buffalo are its inherent low reproductive efficiency due todelayed puberty, higher age at first calving, long post partum anoestrus period, long intercalving period, silent heatcoupled with poor expression of oestrus, seasonality in breeding and low conception rate. Reproductive cycles in buffaloare regulated by endocrine-neuroendocrine interactions between hypothalamic, gonadotropic, gonadal and otherhormones. To improve the buffalo reproductive efficiency, the investigation on endocrine aspects is useful to gain abetter knowledge of buffalo reproduction. This review is focused on the information available on various basic hormones(Melatonin, Progesterone (P4), Estradiol 17B (E2), Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH)) and onnew hormones (Inhibin, Glycoproteins associated with pregnancy (PAGs), Leptin) related to reproductive function

    Feedlot rearing versus pasture grazing enhances plasma leptin and insulin-like growth factor-1 concentrations but does not anticipate puberty in dairy buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) heifers

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    Plasma Leptin (LEP) and Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), related to growth and puberty onset, were assayed in growing buffalo heifers from 8 up to 21 months of age, reared in feedlot (FR, n=13; initial body weight 132 ± 11 Kg) or grazing at pasture (PG, n = 13; 137 ± 12 Kg). Mean age at puberty was not different between the two groups (599.5 and 610.5 days, in FR and PG, respectively). At puberty, FR heifers showed higher BCS, and higher average daily weight gain (DWG) than PG ones (0.87 vs. 0.62 Kg/day), and were heavier (462 vs. 375 Kg). Negative correlation between DWG and age at puberty was significant for PG group. Plasma Inhibin-A increased in both groups one month before puberty. Plasma LEP and IGF-1 sharply increased 2 months before puberty (about 18 months old) in FR heifers only, which showed higher concentrations of both hormones than PG heifers. Plasma LEP levels correlated positively with body weight and IGF-1. Despite hormone levels were affected by rearing systems, being lower in heifers grazing at pasture, these latter experienced adequate growth and reproductive maturation. In fact, grazing heifers reached puberty at the same age of the feedlot reared ones, with shorter puberty–conception interval (51.3 vs. 67.2 days, for PG and FR groups, respectively) and no difference in conception rates (83.3 and 84.6%, for PG and FR groups respectively). The higher BW and DWG of FR heifers were due to body fat deposition, which did not anticipate the puberty onset

    Sprawl dynamics in rural-urban territories highly suited for wine production. Mapping urban growth and changing territorial shapes in North-East Italy

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    In Italy, large-scale changes in the structure of land use can be observed. These are caused primarily by socio-economic pressures, generally determining the conversion of agricultural land into artificial surfaces. Our aim was to investigate if and how sprawl dynamics influence viticultural landscapes (that is, if they result in scattered, intermediate, or compact urban developments). We focused on selected territories in North-East Italy, where vine-growing provides almost uninterrupted land cover, as case study areas. Using GIS-based techniques, we documented the processes of land use, analyzing the resulting changes of urban-rural forms and in territorial shapes. Results at the Provincial level showed decreasing dispersed artificial surfaces and increasing clustered urban developments. This trend is also detected in areas under vine, but in general is more modest. Our research indicates that typical agricultural productions can determine resistance to the alienation of land, maintaining a sufficient consistency for areas to develop in a more varied and articulated (for example touristic) manner

    Subjective and Electroencephalographic Sleep Parameters in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Sleep problems have commonly manifested in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with a complex and multifactorial interaction between clinical and etiological components. These disorders are associated with functional impairment, and provoke significant physical and mental affliction. The purpose of this study is to update the existing literature about objective and subjective sleep parameters in children and adolescents with ASD, extrapolating information from polysomnography or sleep electroencephalography, and sleep related questionnaires. Methods: We have conducted a systematic review of case-control studies on this topic, performing a web-based search on PubMed, Scopus and the Web of Science databases according to the Preferred Reporting items for Systematic Review and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Results: Data collected from 20 survey result reports showed that children and adolescents with ASD experienced a higher rate of sleep abnormalities than in typically developing children. The macrostructural sleep parameters that were consistent with subjective parent reported measures unveil a greater percentage of nighttime signs of insomnia. Sleep microstructure patterns, in addition, pointed towards the bidirectional relationship between brain dysfunctions and sleep problems in children with ASD. Conclusions: Today’s literature acknowledges that objective and subjective sleep difficulties are more often recognized in individuals with ASD, so clinicians should assess sleep quality in the ASD clinical population, taking into consideration the potential implications on treatment strategies. It would be worthwhile in future studies to examine how factors, such as age, cognitive level or ASD severity could be related to ASD sleep abnormalities. Future research should directly assess whether sleep alterations could represent a specific marker for atypical brain development in ASD

    Markers of neurodevelopmental impairments in early-onset psychosis

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    Background: The aim of this study was to assess the association between the clinical and neurobiological markers of neurodevelopmental impairments and early-onset schizophrenia spectrum psychosis. Methods: A sample of 36 patients with early-onset schizophrenia spectrum psychosis was compared to a control sample of 36 patients with migraine. We assessed early childhood neurodevelopmental milestones using a modified version of the General Developmental Scale, general intellectual ability using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised or Leiter International Performance Scale–Revised for patients with speech and language abnormalities, and neurological soft signs with specific regard to subtle motor impairment. Results: Subjects with early-onset psychosis had a higher rate of impaired social development (P=0.001), learning difficulties (P=0.04), enuresis (P=0.0008), a lower intelligence quotient (P,0.001), and subtle motor impairments (P=0.005) than control subjects. Conclusion: We suggest that neurodevelopment in early-onset psychosis is characterized by a global impairment of functional and adaptive skills that manifests from early childhood, rather than a delay or limitation in language and motor development. The current evidence is based on a small sample and should be investigated in larger samples in future research. Keywords: early-onset psychosis, early-onset schizophrenia, neurodevelopment, social cognition, intellectual disabilitie

    Very early onset and greater vulnerability in schizophrenia: A clinical and neuroimaging study

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    Although schizophrenia has been diagnosed in children, this group of disorders has received too little attention in the clinical and research literature. Preliminary data suggest that early onset schizophrenia (EOS) and very early onset schizophrenia (VEOS) tend to have a worse outcome than adult onset schizophrenia, and seem to be related to a greater familial vulnerability, due to genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors. Recently, advanced neuroimaging techniques have revealed structural and functional brain abnormalities in some cerebral areas. This paper reports on a case diagnosed as VEOS, with premorbid year-long psychopathological history. The patient showed atypical proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy findings, and normal brain and spine computer tomography and brain magnetic resonance images
