27 research outputs found


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    The main objective of this work is to share and explain how teaching outside the classroom has been gradually implemented in the fish and fishery contents on the curricular units of Sanitary Inspection of the Master’s in Veterinary Medicine at the Universidade de Évora (Portugal). The implemented strategy comprises the collaboration of veterinary services with fish industry stakeholders for demonstration and training purposes. Considering the fish and fishery contents, the teaching/learning process of an official veterinarian daily routine embraces several steps. These steps include the demonstration, execution and improvement of veterinary interventions and decisions. The daily routine includes veterinary actions in several working fields namely in local aquaculture, frozen fish processing companies, companies for shellfish purification and dispatch, and daily routine in fishing docks. The interventions and decisions in this last field comprise several steps including inspection of fishing vessels, fishing dock’s tackle and gear, workers accoutrements and sanitary inspection of fish. Thus, regarding field work, the first step of the learning-teaching process outside the classroom of the curricular unit of Sanitary Inspection is the student’s displacement at different fish processing companies, plants and fishing docks. The displacements of students allow not only the observation of the worker itself, the headman, and the employer, but also the opportunity to learn about sanitary inspection methodologies and decisions. Furthermore, the contact with workers, headman and employer as well, contributes to improve student’s communications skills. The collaboration of veterinary services and local fish companies and fish plants allows these students’ presence in environment risk-free areas and realistic hands-on experiences, resulting in increased interest by the students in these areas. To conclude, involvement of students in the work field of different project activities and companies, allows student’s introduction to the real work field, and it has and important impact for their future knowledge

    Ex vivo experimental model for percutaneous vertebroplasty: microCT utility

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    The aim of this study was to develop an ex vivo experimental animal model for percutaneous vertebroplasty, for further application in vivo to test novel bone injectable cements

    Distribution and expression of leptin in major salivary glands of a hyperleptinemia animal model

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    Saliva production is mainly regulated by the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic); however studies indicate a possible hormonal influence on the control of salivary secretion. This study aims to assess if the induction of increased levels of circulating leptin influence the immunohistochemical expression of leptin at the level of major salivary glands in Wistar rats. It was found that the expression, in qualitative terms, of leptin has been positive, being more evident in submandibular and sublingual glands, either in the acini or ducts. However, through this technique, no obvious differences between groups could be observed. The results suggest that circulating leptin levels may not affect the expression of this hormone in the major salivary glands

    Comparative proteomic analysis of saliva from dogs with and without obesity-related metabolic dysfuntion

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    Dogs develop only some of the components of the human metabolic syndrome (MetS). Thus, in order to study possible MetS-related alterations in dogs, human MetS criteria were adapted to define canine MetS or so-called obesity-related metabolic dysfunction (ORMD). The main objective of this study was to identify changes in the salivary proteome of obese dogs with ORMD in comparison with obese dogs without ORMD which may constitute potential salivary biomarkers for assessing ORMD. In a first phase, 12 adult obese dogs with ORMD (N=6) and without ORMD (N=6) were included in the study. Subsequently, and with the aim of validating and strengthening the results, additional 12 obese dogs (6 with and 6 without ORMD) were tested in an independent experiment following the same protocol. Saliva samples were subjected to a quantitative proteomics analysis and the levels of nine salivary proteins were found to be significantly different between groups, among them those which had greatest fold-change were proteins involved in glycolysis and oxidative stress. In conclusion, despite metabolic syndrome to include different combinations of diseases, the observation of differences in salivary proteome suggests a potential of this fluid to understand the pathophysiology of the disease. Significance: This is the first study evaluating proteomes of saliva in dogs, as a non invasive sample, in order to increase knowledge about the metabolic/physiopathological changes related to obesity-related metabolic dysfunction (ORMD) together with the identification of potential biomarkers for its diagnosis. As approximately 20% of dogs with naturally occurring obesity were described to suffer ORMD associated with insulin resistance and hypoadiponectinemia, the fact that indicate possible links between ORMD and associated diseases


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    This review focus on the bone physiology and mechanotransduction elements and mechanisms. Bone biology and architecture is deeply related to the mechanical environment. Orthopaedic implants cause profound changes in the biomechanics and electrophysiology of the skeleton. In the context of biomedical engineering, a deep reflexion on bone physiology and electromechanics is needed. Strategic development of new biomaterials and devices that respect and promote continuity with bone structure could have a major impact on patient’s well being

    Development of a sheep vertebroplasty model for bioceramic materials assessment

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    Development of a sheep vertebroplasty model for bioceramic materials assessment Sheep has been widely used as an animal orthopaedic model. Although several studies report anatomic and biomechanical similarities as well as distinctions of ovine lumbar vertebrae when compared to human’s, only a few studies describe its actual use as a vertebroplasty model. Due to distinct anatomic features, sheep lumbar vertebrae pose a challenge when developing a minimally invasive procedure for vertebroplasty material testing, under conditions meant to be the most similar to clinical procedure. The present work describes the development of an appropriate surgical percutaneous vertebroplasty model in the lumbar spine of sheep, applicable in vivo, that minimizes the risk of post-surgical complications. This model was mechanically evaluated ex-vivo regarding its safety, and used to evaluate the injectability and radiopacity of two new bioceramic materials when compared to a commercial bioceramic bone substitute (Cerament™ SpineSupport). Microtomography techniques helped in the development of the model and results assessment. Under fluoroscopic guidance, a defect was created through a bilateral modified parapedicular access in the cranial hemivertebrae of 30 sheep lumbar vertebrae (L4, L5 and L6). The manually drilled defect had an average volume of 1209 ±226 mm3 and allowed the novel materials injection through a standardized injection cannula placed in one of the entrance points. Adequate defect filling was observed with all tested materials. No mechanical failure was observed under loads higher than the physiological

    Obesidade Humana e Canina: Factores de Risco

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    A prevalência da obesidade humana triplicou em muitos países da União Europeia desde os anos 80, permanecendo o seu aumento a um ritmo alarmante [1]. Nos cães de companhia observou-se, igualmente, um aumento da sua prevalência [1]. Apesar destas evidências, a situação em Portugal não está caracterizada em animais de companhia, e a relação entre as obesidades canina e humana não é conhecida para a população portuguesa. Este trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar a prevalência de obesidade humana e canina, em Portugal, procurando identi car possíveis relações entre estas e factores de risco em comum. Este trabalho foi incluído num estudo multicêntrico Europeu [2] e baseou-se na aplicação de um questionário a tutores acima dos 18 anos com, pelo menos, um cão [2]. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que homens acima dos 55 anos, e sem prática de atividade física regular, têm maior probabilidade de desenvolver obesidade. Nos cães, a taxa de prevalência de obesidade aumenta nos castrados, sem prática regular de exercício, com ou sem dono, com administração de dieta diária sem considerar as recomenda ções comerciais. Também se observou associação positiva entre a obesidade do cão e este adoecer facilmente. Os factores de risco observados, no nosso modelo nal, semelhantes quer para os tutores quer para os seus cães, já foram anteriormente identi cados por diversos autores com resultados idênticos [3,4,5]. Os resultados obtidos permitem e sugerem que este problema deva ser analisado numa perspectiva do conceito de Uma Só Saúde (One Health)

    European dog owner perceptions of obesity and factors associated with human and canine obesity

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    Abstract Obesity is a common nutrition-related disorder leading to reduced life expectancy in both humans and dogs. With the aim of identifying new prevention and control options, the study objectives were (1) to investigate dog-owner perceptions about obesity in terms of themselves and their dogs, and (2) to identify factors associated with obesity and possible social, environmental and economic drivers for its development in dog owners and their pets. A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was performed across multiple countries. The questionnaire focused on human and canine obesity, associated factors and potential drivers, and was distributed online and in the form of hard copies among dog owners in 11 European countries. In total, 3,185 responses from ten countries were included in multivariable analyses. Between 19.1% and 48.8% of the dog owners reported to be overweight/obese. Owner-reported overweight/obesity in dogs ranged from 6.0% to 31.3% based on body condition score charts, and 31.8% to 69.4% based on body fat index charts. Common factors associated with obesity in owners and their dogs were age, gender and owners’ attitudes to diet and physical activity. Dog owners who did not consider obesity to be a disease were more likely to have obese dogs

    The use of salivary proteome for understanding dog obesity

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    RESUMO: A obesidade tomou-se um dos maiores tópicos da saúde humana e animal. Dada a relação comprovada entre a obesidade canina e humana, esta deve ser abordada no âmbito do conceito "Uma Só Saúde". Na literatura, a prevalência da obesidade canina apresenta diferenças entre países não existindo informação para Portugal. A obesidade canina e humana estão associadas a diversas condições. A composição da saliva é afectada pela obesidade e doenças associadas. Em cães, o proteoma salivar está pouco explorado como meio de diagnóstico. O principal objectivo desta tese foi estudar alterações no proteoma salivar associadas à obesidade canina, no sentido de melhorar a compreensão da sua patofisiologia e/ou identificar potenciais biomarcadores. Inicialmente estudou-se a prevalência da obesidade canina em Portugal, obtendo-se valores elevados. Para resolver dificuldades metodológicas relativas à análise da saliva de cão foi necessário optimizar protocolos. A precipitação proteica utilizando ácido tricloroacético (20%; w/v) foi o método de concentração que permitiu perfis proteicos altamente correlacionados com os das amostras originais. A raça e a estimulação com ácido foram factores que influenciaram o proteoma salivar. Finalmente foram observadas alterações na composição proteica da saliva: 1) na disfunção metabólica associada à obesidade (ORMD); 2) em alterações metabólicas induzidas pela perda de peso. A comparação do proteoma salivar revelou existirem diferenças significativas em cães com e sem ORMD, em proteínas relacionadas com estados inflamatórios e protrombóticos. Relativamente ao estudo da perda de peso induzida experimentalmente, observaram-se alterações nas proteínas salivares, as quais foram correlacionadas com a percentagem da perda de peso. Algumas destas proteínas estão associadas ao sistema imunitário, inflamação, stress oxidativo e metabolismo da glucose. Foi verificada correlação entre algumas proteínas salivares e os níveis séricos de triglicerídeos e colesterol. Esta tese reforça a relevância do proteoma salivar no estudo da obesidade canina e o seu potencial uso na saúde veterinária; ABSTRACT: Obesity became one of the most important health issues of humans and pets. Some studies report a relationship between owner and dog obesity, so this condition should be considered within the concept of "One Health". The literature found about this issue show differences among countries in dog obesity prevalence and no reports were found for Portugal. As in humans, dog obesity has been linked to several related conditions. Saliva composition is affected by obesity and these related diseases. However, dog salivary proteome as a diagnosis fluid has been quite unexplored. The main goal of this thesis was to study obesity-related changes in dogs' salivary proteome, aiming at improving understanding of the obesity pathophysiology and/or to identify potential biomarkers. Initially, dog obesity prevalence, in Portugal, was studied, evidencing high rates. Secondly, to solve methodological difficulties in dog saliva analysis, the optimization of protocols was needed. Protein precipitation using 20% (w/v) tichloroacetic acid was the concentration method able to achieve protein profiles highly correlated with the ones from original samples. Moreover, it was observed that dog salivary proteome is influenced by breed and acid stimulation. The two final studies evidenced changes in saliva protein composition in: 1) obesity-related metabolic dysfunction (ORMD); 2) metabolic changes induced by weight loss. Comparison of salivary proteomes of dogs with and without ORMD revealed that proteins related with inflammation and prothrombotic state differ significantly between groups. Concerning experimentally-induced weight loss, changes in salivary proteins were observed, which were correlated with the percentage of weight loss. Several of these proteins are related with immune system/inflammation, oxidative stress and glucose metabolism. The correlation of some salivary proteins with serum triglycerides and cholesterol levels were observed. This thesis reinforces the relevance of salivary proteome in obesity study and the potential use of saliva in veterinary health