1,331 research outputs found

    Spin motive forces and current fluctuations due to Brownian motion of domain walls

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    We compute the power spectrum of the noise in the current due to spin motive forces by a fluctuating domain wall. We find that the power spectrum of the noise in the current is colored, and depends on the Gilbert damping, the spin transfer torque parameter β\beta, and the domain-wall pinning potential and magnetic anisotropy. We also determine the average current induced by the thermally-assisted motion of a domain wall that is driven by an external magnetic field. Our results suggest that measuring the power spectrum of the noise in the current in the presence of a domain wall may provide a new method for characterizing the current-to-domain-wall coupling in the system.Comment: Submitted to "Special issue: Caloritronics" in Solid State Communication

    Spin-transfer mechanism for magnon-drag thermopower

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    We point out a relation between the dissipative spin-transfer-torque parameter β\beta and the contribution of magnon drag to the thermoelectric power in conducting ferromagnets. Using this result we estimate β\beta in iron at low temperatures, where magnon drag is believed to be the dominant contribution to the thermopower. Our results may be used to determine β\beta from magnon-drag-thermopower experiments, or, conversely, to infer the strength of magnon drag via experiments on spin transfer

    Current-driven and field-driven domain walls at nonzero temperature

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    We present a model for the dynamics of current- and field-driven domain-wall lines at nonzero temperature. We compute thermally-averaged drift velocities from the Fokker-Planck equation that describes the nonzero-temperature dynamics of the domain wall. As special limits of this general description, we describe rigid domain walls as well as vortex domain walls. In these limits, we determine also depinning times of the domain wall from an extrinsic pinning potential. We compare our theory with previous theoretical and experimental work

    Spin motive forces due to magnetic vortices and domain walls

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    We study spin motive forces, i.e, spin-dependent forces, and voltages induced by time-dependent magnetization textures, for moving magnetic vortices and domain walls. First, we consider the voltage generated by a one-dimensional field-driven domain wall. Next, we perform detailed calculations on field-driven vortex domain walls. We find that the results for the voltage as a function of magnetic field differ between the one-dimensional and vortex domain wall. For the experimentally relevant case of a vortex domain wall, the dependence of voltage on field around Walker breakdown depends qualitatively on the ratio of the so-called β\beta-parameter to the Gilbert damping constant, and thus provides a way to determine this ratio experimentally. We also consider vortices on a magnetic disk in the presence of an AC magnetic field. In this case, the phase difference between field and voltage on the edge is determined by the β\beta parameter, providing another experimental method to determine this quantity.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    Exploring how biobanks communicate the possibility of commercial access and its associated benefits and risks in participant documents

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    Background Biobanks and biomedical research data repositories collect their samples and associated data from volunteer participants. Their aims are to facilitate biomedical research and improve health, and they are framed in terms of contributing to the public good. Biobank resources may be accessible to researchers with commercial motivations, for example, researchers in pharmaceutical companies who may utilise the data to develop new clinical therapeutics and pharmaceutical drugs. Studies exploring citizen perceptions of public/private interactions associated with large health data repositories/biobanks indicate that there are sensitivities around public/private and/or non-profit/profit relationships and international sample and data sharing. Less work has explored how biobanks communicate their public/private partnerships to the public or to their potential research participants. Methods We explored how a biobank’s aims, benefits and risks, and private/public relationships have been framed in public facing recruitment documents (consent forms and participant information sheets). Results Biobank documents often communicate their commercial access arrangements but not the detail about what these interactions would entail, and how risks and benefits would be distributed to the public. Conclusion We argue that this leads to a polarised discourse between public and private entities and/or activities, and fails to attend to the blurred lines between them. This results in a lack of attention to more important issues such as how risks and benefits in general are distributed to the public. We call for a nuanced approach that can contribute to the much-needed dialogue in this space

    Current-induced spin torques in III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors

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    We formulate a theory of current-induced spin torques in inhomogeneous III-V ferromagnetic semiconductors. The carrier spin-3/2 and large spin-orbit interaction, leading to spin non-conservation, introduce significant conceptual differences from spin torques in ferromagnetic metals. We determine the spin density in an electric field in the weak momentum scattering regime, demonstrating that the torque on the magnetization is intimately related to spin precession under the action of both the spin-orbit interaction and the exchange field characteristic of ferromagnetism. The spin polarization excited by the electric field is smaller than in ferromagnetic metals and, due to lack of angular momentum conservation, cannot be expressed in a simple closed vectorial form. Remarkably, scalar and spin-dependent scattering do not affect the result. We use our results to estimate the velocity of current-driven domain walls.Comment: 10 page

    Exploring how biobanks communicate the possibility of commercial access and its associated benefits and risks in participant documents

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    BACKGROUND: Biobanks and biomedical research data repositories collect their samples and associated data from volunteer participants. Their aims are to facilitate biomedical research and improve health, and they are framed in terms of contributing to the public good. Biobank resources may be accessible to researchers with commercial motivations, for example, researchers in pharmaceutical companies who may utilise the data to develop new clinical therapeutics and pharmaceutical drugs. Studies exploring citizen perceptions of public/private interactions associated with large health data repositories/biobanks indicate that there are sensitivities around public/private and/or non-profit/profit relationships and international sample and data sharing. Less work has explored how biobanks communicate their public/private partnerships to the public or to their potential research participants. METHODS: We explored how a biobank's aims, benefits and risks, and private/public relationships have been framed in public facing recruitment documents (consent forms and participant information sheets). RESULTS: Biobank documents often communicate their commercial access arrangements but not the detail about what these interactions would entail, and how risks and benefits would be distributed to the public. CONCLUSION: We argue that this leads to a polarised discourse between public and private entities and/or activities, and fails to attend to the blurred lines between them. This results in a lack of attention to more important issues such as how risks and benefits in general are distributed to the public. We call for a nuanced approach that can contribute to the much-needed dialogue in this space

    A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing two Cognitive-Behavioral Programs for Adolescent Girls with Subclinical Depression: A School-Based Program (Op Volle Kracht) and a Computerized Program (SPARX)

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    Limited research has indicated the effectiveness of the school-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) prevention program ‘Op Volle Kracht (OVK)’ and the computerized CBT program ‘SPARX’ in decreasing depressive symptoms. Therefore, a randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness of OVK and SPARX was conducted among Dutch female adolescents (n = 208, mean age = 13.35) with elevated depressive symptoms. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four conditions: OVK only (n = 50), SPARX only (n = 51), OVK and SPARX combined (n = 56) and a monitoring control condition (n = 51). Participants in the first three conditions received OVK lessons and/or the SPARX game. Depressive symptoms were assessed before interventions started, weekly during the interventions, and immediately after the interventions ended, with follow-up assessments at 3, 6 and 12 months. Intention to treat results showed that depressive symptoms decreased in all conditions (F(12, 1853.03) = 14.62, p < .001), with no difference in depressive symptoms between conditions. Thus, all conditions, including the monitoring control condition, were equally effective in reducing depressive symptoms. Possible explanations for the decrease of depressive symptoms in all conditions are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided. Dutch Trial Register: NTR3737

    Geoquímica y sistemática isotópica de rocas metamórficas del Paleozoico inferior. Noroeste de Argentina y Norte de Chile (21°-27° S)

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    Más del 95% de los afloramientos del basamento metamórfico del Paleozoico inferior en el Noroeste de A rgentina y Norte de Chile están compuestos por rocas félsicas. Los contenidos de elementos mayores, trazas y las composiciones isotópicas de Pb, Rb-Sr y Sm-Nd son típicos de las rocas que conforman la corteza superior. Las edades modelos Sm-Nd de las rocas estudiadas son de ca 1.8 Ga. Estas rocas han sido afectadas por un evento principal de metamorfismo del Paleozoico temprano (ca. 500 Ma). Se considera que el reciclado de la corteza, con un importante evento de metamorfismo durante el Paleozoico temprano, es el proceso dominante en la generación de muchos de los magmas con composiciones graníticas originados desde el Paleozoico temprano hasta el Reciente. Las espesas secuencias sedimentarias ordovícicas son derivadas también de esa misma corteza en común. Los xenolitos félsicos de la corteza inferior extraídos por el magmatismo perteneciente al sistema del Rift Salta, son muy similares composicionalmente al basamento del Paleozoico inferior. Se estima que la composición de la corteza desde la parte superior hasta la inferior sería principalmente félsica. Las rocas máficas tienen muy poco volumen y forman principalmente diques. Sus edades modelos Sm-Nd revelan dos grupos, uno con edades de ca 1.8 Ga y otro con edades de ca £ 1.0 Ga No ha sido posible realizar una interpretación ajustada del ambiente geodinámico en donde se ha desarrollado este magmatismo básico.Felsic rocks comprise more than 95% of the outcropping Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement. Their major and trace element contents and Pb, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope compositions are typical for upper crustal rocks. Sm-Nd model ages are ca 1.8 Ga. The principal ages of high-grade metamorphism is Early Paleozoic (ca 500 Ma). Recycling of this crust is the dominating process in the formation of granitoid magmatic rocks from Early Paleozoic to Recent. Ordovician sediments are also derivates of this crust. Felsic lower crustal xenoliths from the Salta Rift system are compositionally very similar compared to the early Paleozoic basement. The crustal composition from top to the bottom seems mainly felsic. Early Paleozoic mafic rocks are of minor volume and form mainly dikes. Their Sm-Nd model ages reveal two groups; one with ages of ca 1.8 Ga another with ages of £ 1.0 Ga. A meaningful interpretation of their geodynamic setting is not possible

    Fluctuations of current-driven domain walls in the non-adiabatic regime

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    We outline a general framework to determine the effect of non-equilibrium fluctuations on driven collective coordinates, and apply it to a current-driven domain wall in a nanocontact. In this case the collective coordinates are the domain-wall position and its chirality, that give rise to momentum transfer and spin transfer, respectively. We determine the current-induced fluctuations corresponding to these processes and show that at small frequencies they can be incorporated by two separate effective temperatures. As an application, the average time to depin the domain wall is calculated and found to be lowered by current-induced fluctuations. It is shown that current-induced fluctuations play an important role for narrow domain walls, especially at low temperatures.Comment: More computations, explanations, and results include