18 research outputs found

    Angular displacement around the Y axis of the tibia MIMU (solid line) and its moving standard deviation of 10-sample window (dotted line).

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    The three instants of time identified for SLS phase segmentation (SLSstart, EPe, SLSend) are also depicted as vertical black lines.</p

    Results of the two parameters estimated during the CMJ (mean ± standard deviation).

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    Results of the two parameters estimated during the CMJ (mean ± standard deviation).</p

    List of the MIMU-based parameters estimated for the Single Leg Squat test (SLS) and the Crossover Hop Test (CHT).

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    List of the MIMU-based parameters estimated for the Single Leg Squat test (SLS) and the Crossover Hop Test (CHT).</p

    Results of the parameters estimated during the CHT (mean ± standard deviation).

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    Results of the parameters estimated during the CHT (mean ± standard deviation).</p

    Analysis of the vertical force.

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    Black square indicates the end of the unweighted phase whereas the red one the start of the time flight. As an example, the figure only reports the analysis of one of the two force platforms.</p

    Results of the parameters estimated during the SLS (mean ± standard deviation).

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    Results of the parameters estimated during the SLS (mean ± standard deviation).</p

    Fig 4 -

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    CHT phase segmentation: a) Top panel: Foot-based MIMU angular velocity magnitude (blue) and its derivative (orange) used to identify the take-off instant (TO, indicated with a red dashed line); b) Bottom panel: Foot-based MIMU vertical acceleration (blue) and derivative of the acceleration magnitude (orange) used to identify the landing instant (LA, indicated with a red dashed line). The 100 ms time window considered for the estimation of parameters related to the knee joint stability is also indicated (trisk indicated as a green vertical line).</p

    MIMU placement: ad hoc straps and tape were used to fix MIMUs on the foot and tibia.

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    MIMU placement: ad hoc straps and tape were used to fix MIMUs on the foot and tibia.</p

    LINE-1 methylation status in prostate cancer and non-neoplastic tissue adjacent to tumor in association with mortality

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    <p>Aberrant DNA methylation seems to be associated with prostate cancer behavior. We investigated LINE-1 methylation in prostate cancer and non-neoplastic tissue adjacent to tumor (NTAT) in association with mortality from prostate cancer. We selected 157 prostate cancer patients with available NTAT from 2 cohorts of patients diagnosed between 1982–1988 and 1993–1996, followed up until 2010. An association between LINE-1 hypomethylation and prostate cancer mortality in tumor was suggested [hazard ratio per 5% decrease in LINE-1 methylation levels: 1.40, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.95–2.01]. After stratification of the patients for Gleason score, the association was present only for those with a Gleason score of at least 8. Among these, low (<75%) vs. high (>80%) LINE-1 methylation was associated with a hazard ratio of 4.68 (95% CI: 1.03–21.34). LINE-1 methylation in the NTAT was not associated with prostate cancer mortality. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that tumor tissue global hypomethylation may be a late event in prostate cancerogenesis and is associated with tumor progression.</p