114 research outputs found

    A new resonance-based design approach to reduce motor torque requirements in automated machinery

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    In the last decades, compliant mechanisms have been widely studied but their application has not been widespread due to their susceptibility to fatigue and the lack of systematic design methodologies. In this paper, the authors propose a new approach to be used in the automated machinery mechanism design (the mechanisms are usually subjected to predominant inertial loads) that exploits the capability of the compliant joints to store and release elastic energy in order to reduce the motor torque requirements. Thanks to the carbon-fiber reinforced 3D printing technologies, the compliant joint stiffness can be properly designed to obtain, for the considered mechanism, a resonant condition during its nominal functioning. Moreover, topology optimization can be successfully employed to reduce the mechanism component inertia (keeping the same overall mechanism stiffness) and thus, further diminish the torque requirements. In order to assess the quality of the proposed approach, a pusher mechanism used in a real automated machine has been considered. A prototype has been manufactured to evaluate the effect of the compliant joint introduction and the topology optimization on the motor torque reduction. To validate the results, an experimental campaign has been conducted. Comparison between the standard design approach and the new one emphasizes the superior contribution of compliant joint introduction on the motor torque reduction: a 97% and 96% reduction on the RMS and peak motor torque, respectively, is achieved resorting to the new design approach. Although a high repeatability is achieved, a slight deviation of the trajectory with respect to the ideal one is however registered

    Towards a clinical trial ontology using a concern-oriented approach

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    Not yet availablePer ridurre i costi e migliorare la qualita\u27 della ricerca nei trial clinici (CT) e\u27 necessario un approccio piu\u27 sistematico all\u27automazione dei CT per rinforzare l\u27interoperabilita\u27 a vari livelli del processo di ricerca. Per questo scopo e\u27 stato sviluppato un modello concettuale di CT. Alla base di ogni approccio di modellizzazione ci sono criteri di partizione che ci permettono di dominare la complessita\u27 dell\u27universo da modellare. In questo rapporto noi introduciamo un metodo originale di analisi basato sui concern degli stakeholder per partizionare il domino concettuale dei CT in sotto-domini orientati agli stakeholder. Le rappresentazioni mentali degli stakeholder relative a ciascun concern sono identificati come cluster di concetti collegati ad altri concetti. Noi consideriamo ciascun cluster come una base razionale per il relativo concern. I concetti trovati nelle basi razionali popolano l\u27universo del discorso specifico per ogni stakeholder e compongono il vocabolario degli stakeholder. Alcuni concetti sono condivisi con altri stakeholder, mentre altri sono specifici di uno stakehoder; alcuni concetti sono specifici dei CT, mentre altri sono concetti medici o generali. In questo modo un\u27ontologia orientata ai concern per i CT puo\u27 essere creata. Il metodo e\u27 illustrato utilizzando i criteri di selezione dei soggetti, una componente di un progetto di CT, ma puo\u27 essere usato per ogni altra componente del protocollo del CT. La tassonomia del vocabolario dei concetti dei CT e la rete delle relative basi razionali ci fornisce una struttura possibile per lo sviluppo del software specialmente se si adotta una soluzione basata su architetture orientate ai servizi

    Possible Implication of Local Immune Response in Darier's Disease: An Immunohistochemical Characterization of Lesional Inflammatory Infiltrate

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    Cell-mediated immunity is considered to be normal in Darier's Disease (DD), an inherited skin disorder complicated by skin infections. To date, there are no investigations on the local inflammatory infiltrate in DD skin lesions. In this immunohistochemical study we characterized and quantified it, making comparisons with two other inflammatory skin disorders, that is, pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and lichen ruber planus (LRP), and with the normal skin (NSk). We found a significant (P < .05) decrease of CD1a+ Langerhans cells (LCs) in DD, compared to PV, LRP, and NSk, and of CD123+ plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs), compared to PV and LRP. We hypothesize that the genetic damage of keratinocytes might result in a loss of some subsets of dendritic cells and, consequently, in an impaired local immune response, which might worsen the infections that inevitably occur in this disease

    Model-Based Identification of Alternative Bidding Zones: Applications of Clustering Algorithms with Topology Constraints

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    The definition of bidding zones is a relevant question for electricity markets. The bidding zones can be identified starting from information on the nodal prices and network topology, considering the operational conditions that may lead to congestion of the transmission lines. A well-designed bidding zone configuration is a key milestone for an efficient market design and a secure power system operation, being the basis for capacity allocation and congestion management processes, as acknowledged in the relevant European regulation. Alternative bidding zone configurations can be identified in a process assisted by the application of clustering methods, which use a predefined set of features, objectives and constraints to determine the partitioning of the network nodes into groups. These groups are then analysed and validated to become candidate bidding zones. The content of the manuscript can be summarized as follows: (1) A novel probabilistic multi-scenario methodology was adopted. The approach needs the analysis of features that are computed considering a set of scenarios defined from solutions in normal operation and in planned maintenance cases. The weights of the scenarios are indicated by TSOs on the basis of the expected frequency of occurrence; (2) The relevant features considered are the Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) and the Power Transfer Distribution Factors (PTDFs); (3) An innovative computation procedure based on clustering algorithms was developed to group nodes of the transmission electrical network into bidding zones considering topological constraints. Several settings and clustering algorithms were tested in order to evaluate the robustness of the identified solution

    Metronomic Oral Vinorelbine: An Alternative Schedule in Elderly and Patients PS2 With Local/Advanced and Metastatic NSCLC Not Oncogene-addicted

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    The MILES and ELVIS studies showed that vinorelbine is one of the best options for elderly patients with advanced non-small-cell-lung cancer (NSCLC). Oral vinorelbine at standard schedule (60-80 mg/m2/weekly) has good activity in terms of response rates and progression-free survival. In recent years, a metronomic schedule of oral vinorelbine (40-50 mg/m2 three times a week, continuously) has been studied in phase II trials, especially in unfit and elderly patients. In the MOVE trial metronomic oral vinorelbine had a clinical benefit [partial response (PR)+stable disease (SD) >12 weeks] in 58.1% of patients with mild toxicity. On this basis, in 2017 we started a phase II study with metronomic oral vinorelbine in elderly (over 70 years) or unfit [Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score (ECOG-PS) of 2] patients with locally/advanced and metastatic NSCLC. Primary aims were clinical benefit (PR+SD ≥6 months) and toxicity; secondary aims were progression-free survival and overall survival

    Site response analyses for complex geological and morphological conditions: relevant case-histories from 3rd level seismic microzonation in Central Italy

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    The paper presents the results of 5 case studies on complex site e ects selected within the project for the level 3 seismic microzonation of several municipalities of Central Italy dam- aged by the 2016 seismic sequence. The case studies are characterized by di erent geo- logical and morphological con gurations: Monte San Martino is located along a hill slope, Montedinove and Arquata del Tronto villages are located at ridge top whereas Capitignano and Norcia lie in correspondence of sediment- lled valleys. Peculiarities of the sites are constituted by the presence of weathered/jointed rock mass, fault zone, shear wave veloc- ity inversion, complex surface and buried morphologies. These factors make the de ni- tion of the subsoil model and the evaluation of the local response particularly complex and di cult to ascertain. For each site, after the discussion of the subsoil model, the results of site response numerical analyses are presented in terms of ampli cation factors and acceleration response spectra in selected points. The physical phenomena governing the site response have also been investigated at each site by comparing 1D and 2D numerical analyses. Implications are deduced for seismic microzonation studies in similar geological and morphological conditions.Published5741–57775T. Sismologia, geofisica e geologia per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journa

    Minimally-invasive treatments for benign thyroid nodules: a Delphi-based consensus statement from the Italian minimally-invasive treatments of the thyroid (MITT) group

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    Benign thyroid nodules are a common clinical occurrence and usually do not require treatment unless symptomatic. During the last years, ultrasound-guided minimally invasive treatments (MIT) gained an increasing role in the management of nodules causing local symptoms. In February 2018, the Italian MIT Thyroid Group was founded to create a permanent cooperation between Italian and international physicians dedicated to clinical research and assistance on MIT for thyroid nodules. The group drafted this list of statements based on literature review and consensus opinion of interdisciplinary experts to facilitate the diffusion and the appropriate use of MIT of thyroid nodules in clinical practice. (#1) Predominantly cystic/cystic symptomatic nodules should first undergo US-guided aspiration; ethanol injection should be performed if relapsing (level of evidence [LoE]: ethanol is superior to simple aspiration = 2); (#2) In symptomatic cystic nodules, thermal ablation is an option when symptoms persist after ethanol ablation (LoE = 4); (#3) Double cytological benignity confirmation is needed before thermal ablation (LoE = 2); (#4) Single cytological sample is adequate in ultrasound low risk (EU-TIRADS 643) and in autonomously functioning nodules (LoE = 2); (#5) Thermal ablation may be proposed as first-line treatment for solid, symptomatic, nonfunctioning, benign nodules (LoE = 2); (#6) Thermal ablation may be used for dominant lesions in nonfunctioning multinodular goiter in patients refusing/not eligible for surgery (LoE = 5); (#7) Clinical and ultrasound follow-up is appropriate after thermal ablation (LoE = 2); (#8) Nodule re-treatment can be considered when symptoms relapse or partially resolve (LoE = 2); (#9) In case of nodule regrowth, a new cytological assessment is suggested before second ablation (LoE = 5); (#10) Thermal ablation is an option for autonomously functioning nodules in patients refusing/not eligible for radioiodine or surgery (LoE = 2); (#11) Small autonomously functioning nodules can be treated with thermal ablation when thyroid tissue sparing is a priority and 6580% nodule volume ablation is expected (LoE = 3)

    Complex Loci in Human and Mouse Genomes

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    Mammalian genomes harbor a larger than expected number of complex loci, in which multiple genes are coupled by shared transcribed regions in antisense orientation and/or by bidirectional core promoters. To determine the incidence, functional significance, and evolutionary context of mammalian complex loci, we identified and characterized 5,248 cis–antisense pairs, 1,638 bidirectional promoters, and 1,153 chains of multiple cis–antisense and/or bidirectionally promoted pairs from 36,606 mouse transcriptional units (TUs), along with 6,141 cis–antisense pairs, 2,113 bidirectional promoters, and 1,480 chains from 42,887 human TUs. In both human and mouse, 25% of TUs resided in cis–antisense pairs, only 17% of which were conserved between the two organisms, indicating frequent species specificity of antisense gene arrangements. A sampling approach indicated that over 40% of all TUs might actually be in cis–antisense pairs, and that only a minority of these arrangements are likely to be conserved between human and mouse. Bidirectional promoters were characterized by variable transcriptional start sites and an identifiable midpoint at which overall sequence composition changed strand and the direction of transcriptional initiation switched. In microarray data covering a wide range of mouse tissues, genes in cis–antisense and bidirectionally promoted arrangement showed a higher probability of being coordinately expressed than random pairs of genes. In a case study on homeotic loci, we observed extensive transcription of nonconserved sequences on the noncoding strand, implying that the presence rather than the sequence of these transcripts is of functional importance. Complex loci are ubiquitous, host numerous nonconserved gene structures and lineage-specific exonification events, and may have a cis-regulatory impact on the member genes